Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1974, p. 14

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vfrnmm wnmtrm HELP WANTED COST DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR Awmnoshlanlatheccn Departingtwo null to mom moonsAlida Sully Ind variance Ballad Irina om mum Personnel Departmmt MOYKR VlCO UNITED HOLLAND LANDING ONT to HELP WANTED Wewuicuitlk IS BEST it MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAtNOTlCEsiICASHRAIESl Mnmoi Iraniansm mms tu iii lIdtItionIIiorJdetrvord minimal In hiarstirimrtnnr verso rem tpce romt une urn gig Vllnllll Vicar NH mm ocuuctt rs on your mm In tun nInd lo man no WW III haw CHIN not In um Billing Machine Operator IDtdlatolndurinmting pnroiLmrewodlhllonIlnnmh md reportI WM have some expatriate on bookkeeping welterer no Philip SALARY OPEN My vntiog lo Chrysler Canada Outboard Ltd 91 DRUM and II mm 18 In zxAsnxrn WANT roII nrsr Rrsunrs rnous mint iii COMING EVENT I25 Llou llllnlv mum Mud mt mm Iont mum room mm or nun tm an IUVIIVIWI mm now In to WI man Rn Dorrie OIiIrlo Audition HR 150 Wilmx FULLTIME POSITIONS mushie SHOE DEPT SALES PERSON mui be user and willina to team NIGHT CLEANER must he dtperxlabk ms willing IDAwrit evmlngs THEE POSITIONS nil WWII sharing day m1 hour work 157 ermtoyee discount in W10 10 HELP WANTED PERSONNEL omcr 509 Hayfield Street North BARRIE Ontario SIMPSONSVSEARS LTD hill 10 HELP WANTED runLIcwoRxs DEPARTMENT cormsDybenolltI Includ invited MII ml In mm IAIVHWII ms to um mat an KW we Mom Momto um taut mu mm In no mmL Mil ulltolum vnm MD mm mm tar and 1mm assn MI suit on ITTIMI mum not It Dream xi Ell lmlu Um om IHKWDVMMW in Ill MM RI II oum locum ow mm ot Dlwl um Nongott nl 33W HMS NElwmvdv Ihalt Dinos Km Xln artmen IIIIM ll wotNu Wll NW WWU Elll INN will Iowa on wanton mm to Imma Am HM lMlUYl MI xIIIIIt mmu on WM wmv Anew wrm mums too mind Mil EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL rtnu Wuww 04min WOVEN WI Mound ram mil Im AI omrlwvlow movme InnDu mm now In Domini mmI Nuns mm mm MII CAIFIK MI no new tmov uva wk him In rm Mu Mm Imataiti mtmmd um um by mIrItn ena in tumor Millle at 0rd HI In Num NTMW Ind WI TENDERS AIIIIIIr at Inns of Um We Ind Tim sum II shun hut Mo mler TENDERS WANTED For new slanted not root by TI Illtrl ltl Wit DO Mf NM NHIMOI Kihllld mm WWI cum Ilio mun Id wootruud gt Mr skill om swans mm unit on building approximately 25by as trot orItIIa dirr trial Telephone 1418448 1053 or RD RBOX 188 WESTON ONTARIO ho mom In tImilv 1mm mom Mannav norm Inc who ll tho Mtth rm um so mm sruo mu mm mt mm and Imqu no mu man mm II as Al In Nlmll In anI MIMI my mm tactmI M14 l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Thursday evening March 14 IA my It not Etln moms mowers hlUltlIlLS FLOWERS CARD 0F THANKS Artumu we MM mum to Iov mm MIMI no human tor Inn Mn onlno mun urnmust us In tum m4 It HIM um In or Ltwmm by mr 1mm and hr mm Dt I35 IV Mm 4M Aim 0M lsmlv MM VIIHI won an mm lms IuI Ind mm um two on mm mm rammum lVlSION ornament nd Qunrriescontrol Anton uNOTICE OFAPPIICATION Wodnssdoypmg ARMY CLUBf 79 Durham St gyvn Special GImn FLORISTS In HARRIS FLOWERS wDunlop St WWI Aontsstonsoc BINGQ WEDNESOAYSAI Pitt SATURDAYS AI rm doom Ward GommIIIlty Hull Gill Ind Bond Silo Oriilll 71 Bin 5L 7135373 71 EIlerld St 1mm BARRE UNll SOCIETY Invites wrryono Io OPENAROUSE PRINCESS MARGARET in new town um ot or hltlm mm mot Ivmiw rmu Toronto SUNDAY Ami sITII mo 10 mo rat WMWIIMIMM rowerruthenium can Mti wt AND AIR frORcE Share thn Weillh lTI CANADIAR CANCER HOSPITAL AND LODGE man We rent Sand and Enrol Unit RR mow gm notiro that mIurom mul open esuhitm or onerous on thon dmrihod lotions hsll Lot common Ind rut mu not It mm township at on may or 51mm Amaliaanswering Tholantlmstndnmomloi not 1mm tau mm my 1114 lion him be perRon vltIrIportIoI plnri AllllhiL mundnywonuiliatmiitnnhl mtyhollindwilhm lesTltY 0F NAWRAIAJREMUR Avril 26 ml VERNON MiloInt Proddmt DATED this nth on it Inna mt rm rowhsrtlr grotto TENDERS TOR GARBAGECOILECTION mam mined admit he melvod up to noon MIMI mt tor yen rotxxl mom collection In dvrlmotod Iron at Motown whitltde ldodlnl with Pmrtlsthul My Tcndnrilorui upetlod Wmveutanmu lnlvtmIilnn at Mount mu mmhorol 02 IRA iutlons may he ohtIhwd It tho Wt Dulce W11 Imrect or Inn louder nA mount mung It Rsumn am fountain ol 0m Ell lb 030 STATION Muir hm Meditate at pm Ihar or lihYillIS RESTAURANK It 515 BAYPIELD ST BAR illE DITIECHN ACROSS till road lrnm ihn SAYVEITE MALL 8an ol nll rutauront equip mrIIt lnrlutlinn Inrro darn try er lam grill and stove com hinnton rrrtaurnIIt dtthwashtr tomplrtn with IIrIItI largo bskc III table with chest nl drrw Intro ttloor upright rctrlgorn tar stainlessrtcrl nholvu dou ble toaster noun kilchtII hutch table with shelves italnm Itrol Ialnd who with relllilcm tloII llkonaw quantity at to jcouNIERAND Hummus VKlTyCHEN SALES II 1m tor the position or BODY RHAIR In the Public CanIdII tnrteat rowing gilmbmmkm IIurIIIt hot openiotu Iorllud xgmnu onto to work Illcr school and Il revolt liocnu with wtokntdu Training uniforms and food providtd Exccllm opportunities to drvrbp working skilll Apply to hlIrIagrr TOP IIIIIuIv UNIREAIIAIIIE WHEN GERM IIIIIsiunln WHILE on ex in mining and lIIIt Applicant should Elis lull lrIlt tornth to pmonal tht Dry zluostton and unsrlcnce Botnry schedule and lull cm ployto benclllr In rutct TAlIIllLYN Plinth hillt MrDbNAths RESTAURANT Blyilsld St North Barrie runuc wotuts DEPARTMENT TP OARRIE Ontario CITY ADMINISTRATOR P0 BOX till CITY HALL thlirn Ippllcnllnns nrn Invltrd by tho undersigned up to March 15 mi tor the position of MECHANIC In the Public Wnrkl Drpnrirnmt lcntlons mtutrcd are Went Dopti chnulirurn license and rtment at Labor Ciw motor vclticln re lr lie with txpitntn diesel nod hydrnuiia Applicants should Irlvo III III lorrnrtlon ns Impersonal hiri nry Education and exporims Salary whrdull and lull em ployu lutwtltlln cited TAhIllLYN PJERIL hillA CITY ADMINISTRATOR PO BOX 400 CITY HALL MRRIE Ontario lil STATION OPERATOR required ImIIrI rowmnprom pmmcn Sltllt work much tlonn on hapittied up at INNISEIL POLICE DiiiAltT EIENT WROUD WNITY Bull ditrdl Icth ill13 ll YEARleND SALEB OIIOR to hospitals Ind llhllYI vdlllIiill Prom Lino inchle aoonvaR Roor ooIt uNDs humor srAI commits CLEAN Elisa INDUSTRIAL Luntu CANTSI ll sxprrlrncbn IN TIME FIELD name hadron ll Airmail llJi chIIo Ilnto NAME Within repiiil wnlldcnllol nil CONSOLIDATED lwIIu Al AND VARNISII CAN ailINITLTDJMI DcCaMlllo 5L Montreal Nor II In thither Ou nodl 09 F4 IIIOO my manly lih ill tor Ivt Ill hIlllllltl vlud modHI IMl Dad Mrllioim uIIItomm or mum tom Dmlv II mills Mmmmlnlim Tmoin cotton no Drivelln Restaurant IIII vollle npcn tor lULLTllIE srAtr IAlinllhllEJndhlUDlINT CAR lIOSTESS KITCHEN or COUNTER Tull troiIIkIg prowm Excellent worn llnllorms wppllrd Flexible hours Ind Ihllts Ivnllohlo runtrc woRIts DmIrrIIDNr Ill um for tho porttlonn COMMUNICATION CLEIIKS lornutlnn as to personal player lIcnulIII in client CITY ADMINISTRATOR l0 llOX tot CITY HALL uin llnlll tattm HAIIVIIIIII to mount turn IM mm It Mnrul III III MUMMIDIM hum mu lltli Try us Youll like us Tr erltn nopilmtlons IIro tIIvliId try the WICIMBW up to hinrdt llIeIo posilloru will receive itit tiiiti II Itn lnnn wltool dutch during all hours to pro vhln continuous about service and will be located at Opera Ilnnl Centre to thdaln Oriya Amllcnntr should give tutlmllrr Dry cdumtim and exptrlcncr halnry Idwduio and till cm TAlillLYN REM lilllA PM tin MI mm m7 PM Tm 51 IWMMIM VIVM no Vlcnrl my mo Omnlln Mm 71ml nvlitl in pillows mu hit and chairs roller urns cotton machine thI pans dIsIm Kinntm Iilvnrworo Iser unlnlm Merl pin canon rrlrlrrrslcd Mw stolnlrn Ilrcl tramream rnblncl now milk Ihnk mMHM like now Int can upright pop motIrina Its lean rtrrl utllty cabinet window awnings Ind Inme our rr mutter mtnurhnt nipplch too numr to list Terms rash Norrsrrve at tho Wnrrs imo hns expired JERRY UOUGllLlN nnd GEORGE PIPIIER ntactlmtorrl 160 BROWNS ANTIQUE AUCTION in tho Village Duntmon Oom Inunlly tin ND mum IoIAlI oi Grillingwood Itiumlny avenlns March II II 7oo pm Vlowtnn from prn llMlTIAL Litfll Orsnborry cmct opnvlicrnt roI bowl mnmollod dilNilhltrrE Inlwrry crane milll ho wt him In oi Dblrtt oo him and out china lio woml bedroom nn wntdttl Incl ilulru pinto worn brass mm and Iron IIIurn wooden wort trimitlvu onrthon orro nrotimy muzzle loan mo val all Imaging and tabla lam pt hunting Iltlmty ronm owl Itturrr WRII tel IDM htc rtmltlvo tinnitqu lnclutuna ImIIll rhorry mum rupixwrd Ind olhm dry IlIIk largo and small tshlrr at Mon mrittr htnnkrt hot nntl others attain bullet elm rte No rotmxhxtlom or mom on munl Remember our Inllquo Itoro is open duuninwn Mark tlalrJ Iicntrd scaling and cod booth IVAN BROWN Autoimm TELL MORE SELL MORE Whnn ou IIInro your Arilclu lo III III IhII lInrrlA Fr nmlncr Imp Ihrlo poIIlI Ir mind Ilhll whnt Run II Ilrnnd IInrnn Accomrioa Ind Ittnrhmnnlt Sprcltltntlonl Cnndltlcn UpIIolItnry FInistt Aro Cnlor Ilokn tt nsrlsr Iur thn groter to buy Remcmhtr ltII Arlirlrt tnr Snln tinistnrntlon II III In tssu ltd Proolon lInIItri IInu units iii CONDITION ER SCOTCH BRAND lost It OLE$306 your HOKE oRIII WIIIII THEY um jcoio tIIPSUI 10 ARRID ln rs rxmAIIItt Faring tunIIIIIIIIIII hr rIIIIIIIIAIIc ASSN mil rotirttto wood Itilillti lOllIiSOlIS BABY POWDER ms LIGHT BULBS Iooo noun mm north or 40 It or III wrn an Till ocrrurnwrtttctvr voustarnrrmgss lNIillt onItI AIIRRIIAIIIIRIRS SIMCOEDItuos 1232429 1282823 gain Blake SI OIIGH

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