Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1974, p. 10

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niIIIIiIzwm rim mitt mi tttdy criticizes ChildiWelfref norm or not mmtlwahl cbtid anrntm opouloe VIMWWIJMD In tho the nrgrtooltprvvidumIm Iiodolrvvmmr Thoomdybyaiorionaom uim rm IbItplyorttteateimaayortbo prIdtooodOnilrtaonoaB aeodeSocietiu umitnuinoadwmthn DESIGN No 483 Groundfioor isoosq Upporiioor 872 Gwqu Tho Irdiltnct bII dened In on home with too rooliino broken only me over tho doubto may and brrou way It MI heap oltvinl oo in upper floor with roar dam ondonio the bath room Ind two outs Dulp mm It more Itniilo Ihan may appear It tint tInco For tho Inuit ietntly needing only two bedroom Ind tor the rgo iamtly heroin tour lbiI ptIn donervu nitration Tho livindent to unusuah ly iKuWIiII otooe hearth Ind two bookaou complimenting tho iirrolooo The dining room he wtdo otus doc to the turn The raw iuWWroorniIm not with llrll clout IM dir oet mm to another room which no be cute Io trom the ball Nola in tercItiol dttiIlou the bathroom with Iocond VIoitY which be ohut oti ram the main bathroom The kitchen muon opproritrutol 16 with moon in tin Iii dio tor room It torrIce Ind boso moet Ii portion recount hat but built into tho exterior mil bettdo tho rcIr door with breezwa Ied terrIco cover ed outdoor ilvine an be on loyed In motor VIriciy oi woliheri UpetIirI Ito two bedroom with two wa cinsoto tub Ft 523 in Tbl Butldinl Mitt Ibl BIrria Enrolled Barrio Out ADDRLSS with wiodow and there il more thIi enough Iioroiro IpIce throughout ll dciirod derm er window could even be Iddtd to tootrt the ecntro one room into Inwlon room or don Tho Moment in unuounily well ntIriood lt hII laundry tIc llltieI irult room with IheitrI hobby ill with work bench rccmtlan room to icot wide with reiruhmont term and nurby room lor kttdieottte ii the lot to ten thn as icci wide tho brrmwny coqu he imIoIiod and tho more chrd to tho houu without pa in the Iermrem in the It rht tIi Pi ior Dotini tilttin out It Rotting Henson Past Reminder NDHDEGG AliI tCPt ih roitIIIr houcei and alien doitod mine mm til thI town Itillitd tn the blob toothtltI Ire ghostly romlnd orI oi the past Ilory oI tho cont Ind Iteorri In tho peak oi the mining inwnt tile than were 5500 midrnto and no homer About Ltoo workmen were on the payroll oi itiozonu Col Iierittl Lid bntoie it not down oporoiinnI in ms Todoy Nnrdon lI homo or pnmno Ind tho In Ioiontlry rctldertto oi pith vinciol prison camp ttui lied Decr cool company to undying Itripmlnliiy oporr ulion It might mioio tho town to IhIdo ol ltI romon tic PIIL Druzelu Oolttcrtee delivered in ilrnt cool Ihlpmrnt in mi the hogirininr oi tho boom pe riod tor Norden The pioneer town lind ltt own rule In tcm with Iocltl lite divided bctwren innitneth Induha mtnm rmoit Women trom tho monarc mcnt group Ioldom moclniod with tho minm wives The elito oucu cd the tint threo town that with ropoIepantlne thim lrtim tho common tolti IIOUIEI REMAIN Ftvo lIrpo houm which wrro once tho roiidnncctoi Icoinr mInIllemont otlll lit on Whittil known locally II Nab litll lhry hevo oeItItoIrcnieI IIIti trcneh winduwt end were until recently regularly elennod The plant wu IIItnn over during tho iirtt World MI by tho outstation nl enemy property because the nationnt mood er Impicioul oi torn mInborii Conndlani Iurti no hint Nordrri mine iounder not monitor littor tho won the mine cnutpment tor mInuIncturio mouldrd blooirI oi roIiututt lty mo it no tho lIrrrIi briquettlog operation to Can Ittn producing Lido to daily DiIIIlor twice much the town in expioiion ripped ihruulh the mine limit in lNlkiliin at mlnort in into In de Itroyod operetlonr but tho mine reopened iuiiowinz tlbmlllion rcbuildiny prov grnm thot illizd it moritt llodom technology gratin Iiiy overtook Nomi IM the Mod tor tho iowrl happened In Illcul Elltiitll repllcet eoeltiurntnir Itoam locomeu Iivoif Whon the minis cloud in toil ienr limo rrIldeiitI fittltfti to other AibcrtI min in tnwni Ind the old town eniltII mining yIInt Mic lencrd ott Ind guuided hy wllohrtwn ilithli ioutori lhI town wu ioryollrn un til looJ what iiooooo iIcoL itt oi wine old milling btiiltl4 inpt turned it into into ImumInrurtty priIon uind II he tor iorettry prulecte itrw hnmiei moIIJyIn habitat by prtIon ItIii Ind provinclni rovrrnmrnt oin pioyetr It nrown outside the old town iinti nriiun rump Ind rcIiiicntI Iro rIrrtulty wntihin plIriI tor tho Itrlp mlnin ortuotlon ilxporntion mm tho boon llmltliltl toot worm In tho llitit tor two your to pnn would be tho primIry murttcl In earlier point in MI hiiloiy new mlnlnn omi opmrnt would hove born warmly untrained lint Iomo rutdcntr enjoying tho rurIl uiot Ire concorncd lelut oiitotl oi mlnlnr toniuittnn iirm to con uclinl environment Itudten nu may hold the icy to rcorniltlccd opcrItionI with Iilltliiiliiiln oi briqurttlopt nhnthcr tool will once min ruio Nordru itltonktprmdeoimiorhomeouptolith no it tor ooootorry Ind optlt levri 1w Io it tor no Ind twortorryr Eodorrd oleue find um Book includes larger homo IM motion homrl Enctoiod pirate ilnd him MW ItiItlabto to In lopgo book oi dupict Ind multiplI home drIlIno Endowd plum itod tooth Piano check Ipproprinto boxch Ind rniuanoo payable to The Butt Ermine moth ln iilpiornnu bl Ibollstud It any bad Id muted they tarot In Iodion oi the rrport dentin with ism loudly tbooommitteoooidnrm mallow or the tint Ict tit tIcII Id dillonol not end on Itrppltod by return innit Two new booIrI omo Dentin tor CuoIdlanI Iro Ivnllnhte It thin nowIpIpor ottico tor 00 uch or by mail Ico coupon bolowii Boot prmoto designs tor homuvttp to two In it tor tIoroy Ind Ipiit im mo Iq It tor ooo Ind orio hill and storey Book includu lIrgrr homer Ind vI vIcotion hoinri Alto ivallobio It In to page book at duplrit and multiple items detimr It to rent ntorio rosldooto odd per cent Satoi TIx no Iii purchiucii Copyright mt Itironin stir FIRST BID TO iiiLiNG HOME ity nootm WHITMAN CRACK IN CEILING How an wI Umd itruil motto only hirilno In our return Thii to II pictrod nil in liotlhcd with Itlppto riled It it too hid in mind tho INVII ll fwd mm tar ihtowouldboteoilzItob titzritu tl mo rttwle texture tit Io Iitt the in liliine rrodt youll prdialh nd that WWIIIJM rm till the crack prruy oitrdlvely aspenlolly it yourImItterrirnolmzthe IIIstir grin over trio stink triiirit IJUilAHtJ IMO It comm irimi tioytd It km in saith Cindim lard mom whore tM Irmth ilxm werl hran MIA ml thin Tm r0 bani Im to Vitamin Im Ratqu ntili torkm It or All that on our wwwm them mv an mural wrong In turn om Im W1 unit in In The at my in tmso ootdd Iii malt Milf franktilt rumlI lilto mo limo my rturuhio tmluix liley lirAsbeo Your trirod yui Ind mil timt lnvr irrxh Kiwi at more to go on 10 IWM MMOVJ limitIN titi Elsi Iodi West Germany mm lliuwi dry to whom Irpimniritm In the capitol rilitl ol Donn end Font llIrltn the otiltIII tint German Irvin Igoncy Mm rolt erttd Tho agreement nort oi oit tirintonyo oiiorto to orhlrio troitteo tor normal It iotionr with Moscow erlilW ond lrnxue llld with the rivnl linst tirrmnn Imminent hnd been Itnitcii ovrr the Berlin in nnd tomuilo iurICcdii IIOIIE Ella Soro out my train many lm in to preserve coomot Ihould be mode oi abate when rootian Irri itro with on to ridiu than with Mo II tho r9 utmost to out tired not on mm to roquiro iulttimo Iort Iran that tho premix tint tnotberI II in tho homoll no honor ltd it laid the trio prloctpk providing this type oi Urdu mcrit Ihoutti Ilo apply to Itvu oi tulemploydito men iho Itbpooo report mmw Iionodbythomlobtrydm mi it Xgr Itll Carttmry IN rpintlui head ol the Ward Iii lento ditto Nov IS the day otter his blrthdoy tbo dlnh Inmumed lloodoyi Dr ltIrrtonyI ycIrI II tho limit Artbblihn Di Contorbtry Iowa boon morhoi by attrpohui romtrioru on rinl In it ral tutu out tort or nitr chumh unity intiudlog In bio turn me monitor with Pope Paul to ltomo Irchtdihop ll tho chit Wirttuzl toxic at the world wtde Angiiun ommuolon which invqu it itme in cluding Ito Anglioan CIIuIIII Canon in vorioun courirlo Ind In nbout Ii million mom btrl The branch in the Uoiitd Stth in tho EpiIcoool church itmw iifmiii to Communist mintriu hi hi trnvets thrptrihmtt the worll to promote closer IinitI emoiu Gtrirtllnr At home he we the iirit AMIINII to prroch Ln the itIiLl Cnthulic rihctlrot nt Writ mioiiicr in loot Ind two yeIrI tater preached in the Greek or tlrmx mlhdrIl in Iondort do not rxprot to Ice iull buth that oiy lmnhedyto 09 mod ro are more rIdiroi wont to Rainsevis Ydrs Were Outspoken It minlIIryI mow oibiilty to mummy it woo not duchu in In re spannihiltty to tho cIro Ind rulutenInoI gainI wads to the mirth WI hm tentnod tor ox aw ammo mic ol homo airtn their wartiobipy with all tho rmtthu uohonnl Iod mottoul limo tint Inch mom eotIiI Ir Iatd the riorrnuoo oi tho mtodoo in Ind ethor it mum should be mnorui by tho minim The mounting migrated tht the rruudato or the Ioctotiu bo dtondod perm llnkio than with privatoiytinmeod Molly IemcI Irondor tht oporoto in most Iiublo Ontario commo uittoIi oomrninioo to purroo otooor links bum bl dumb and the Roman Outinlla do or pnct to we motionable orange roletlicnihlp on that Ito out not In rivnln but min SPOKE GUT AI omitting Dr itaotteoy contained the AmericIo bomb in at North Vietnam Ni ported nucleol dammit oiIiiIvord reform oi two on hormonallyr dim Ibu tlon Ind punlttonertt lie importd ilrItaluI turbo on Immigration oi KmyIn him in ma Ind condemned Incl re Iiirnption oi Inn applies to South Mricboy wantdd ro ximc Dr ituotoyo rortrnation VIII ammcrd In Insz to Quren Elizaboib trmporai hood oi Ilium Engiuld will ho his meteor on it motor on sort IuIImimrlty lowrrunnnt Iur titer to ptmr Dr titumsoy moodoi lord Fittitr pnmnte In June ital nitcr having been Arriixhop oi York tor iivo ycIro AI bishop dDurtinmlnlmhoioottm in tho coronation at Queen unity in my time Dr iimmy IIIIl Ihortly oltlr rolling tip IDNDON lai rilllrlr otiii Itruggllrig with tdlirry iI bor problgmt his mint tho dimtly oi an birirrui roii do poriti in tentury Tho no iirmi rout hoard liken tho iiriti in tine om lmltxiamu to all discounts motto In tho lirtthh Irvtor oi the North Sea Exploratory drIiIiIir In tho Sciby Iru oi Voiluhlro hnI Ir rental remm matte oi ilucm more thin in mil mdomiIiInruldiho board tithing optrotiom are averted to Itart bciuru tho and ot tho Etude Willum imet mgtrtm In donut tltwulmihianw rm gory Iian to the Im wouhl be worhrd how my men would he trotted Ind whether mriro lino ono nitcon iiiinii nimx oorreuiiit mid TERRIFIED BY TAXES SEE US port of otrugqiinq th0 import hIndio you at vorv tow cor PHONE nCoai Discovery Centurys Biggest it youre hovlno nightmoiot ovor tho proo wako up to the knowledge thlt vou un ronytn AlioiNTilliiill UR iNCOME TAX SERVICE tliloo thru Fri no to omt III Im to puI 116D GMNI ITIIEEI PAM Elizabeth the tint oudt cere mony to botciovliod bo necessary to pimd him to Iv drltlrd lo dttormino ttto liotiniiaiot of tho maglogum one our mm trill low to lind out tho oIIct roolonlcrl taunt lhI room in Mid to VIIy in tbtchoooo irom III to II toot Lut onr Inothor irtI dil Murry wot tmdo In nitrit Ihlre tn Indium totiimiod to oo It lent million two wall it two rittlu imnDIvimlIt ooiltory ono oi ttrllolnI ncwrii pill and out in tram tho city oi Covrotry Di tho mat board said it will tIItoIt knit two rum to its not mitt to tho now turn it then iI expected minim will Milk result Ilmiilr tovtbon It anmitl nhidi producer one million too your adrim Who Al kitten WIrldlet Irish but at if onoi cl lit Itd Mrs bro livlit up to his name 3100tiiir pompioto with hhndsomo cabinet Singcr ilnxiStitdi mutton sewing the new knits Intl etrctch nhrltn Imoothnr mirr better Exclusive luthitutlon iloiiiiin mils liohliin fumbling forever Builtin liuttoniioiernu ntincitmnttt matted PLUS cttolco oi two clcgont versatile cnbirinio Dont waitAcrnowu Tho GEM SWIIII it ltitiSiliilii iottthlo min tluhlno toinpleio Mitt utiylnr cut 5174 iiiiiiiii thuiitln within Iiitlth plus ttIItrhl ii iii Ind blind tut iiiiii Monro II on piiuIr tut Aiiilttio NW5 Cont timhcit in in on Ioronly Itrlit wondittiilhi iiDNE RGNNii lih IIxiormo Ipoln vourIIx return for ll 28279l Id JIr tutor it Emitting lnrlit xih ttnttn loo rotyotur IS liuh Siillmsttiiitl Ittnd Ibtovl drip dry 45 Printed tono Novtitili Muhlm Wuhihio is llnentlho Sullin Murine WIiiIblI oigilm Michl 422 3ii $222 222 Nair Choice $74 tiil POWERFULGAVINGSI GINGERBILVIROLIDI CanlliorVIcuumcioInIr rmdul inosuu Mum tinlrl Blowntor ruins tic Vintthlnr cordtort out just the town you lituChlllhzsimi NINMH POWIRMIIW UpilptiIcuunt cioonor TiiDiIAcllallVthltlni truth iliirt dirt in mint Ind IiiIillIlIWIhit tort Duii irtt mo toiltuition moi Nitfsl irpotthlIhIIlmthinginp on my rot $1 for Ill tiiinlrr ncidi lot twin ihlilil tIito tho rottitittrnco Ask about Trodoln Allowances cnIoirrrnMo IvniLIaLn eurowoto MILWMHUthIhu woiidto oow LASIIIEEII FASHIONMIT Ill1i Mirhlito 1th but Ititttzd midi om hhhbili door In piiou Ind rim you III the Slit utilities iutsln Irr innit Asitti urttl tuiIttn Vinitth SI irwnio cElltitEl Inn riirtcnirnto triioimiiroisiiiIIcompwothnIdrud tociirsn THE GEOIRGIANMALL PIllilillict PLACE TO cross Mott 5dth it Ika The fabulous TOUCH Il SEW FLEXlSTITCHf System on sLTRE inf I0 marinaziiwrrtittir wII Evert Io Woddlu the pot Both OniIrio baton to odmit tth sewing wivosiss All ht enly 19 Mi Willi puiod with Sin or littuiu int IIIiii iiiyhiud bit Ititrhit omits tttwrl hm otniin Ind oil it todIyI Itiitrh tibtlrt not to lulu yinttttthtitil Fashion FabricsatSpeclaisoleaThon Prices Mild tritium mill ruthid intod Knllt Rgtiiiillihtzbtmtotrn ll Irintd ti hm thiiioil Ityionc on wtiiitioSottttitolnit SEWERSSPECIALS 1l30FFi literate octssnno Strutde Sulliin Stir in oprtIle $995 inn is GINO WING 500K It rontptrtt iota lot senior militia $395 loss VI IYIKRHTI EIWIM AiliN An Impoiiod IctorttMtygtsmrngtftintt 81095toan is Jim N0 ilAEK Holmium notion In ohindy Mittt 1I all nuilno Soto epoelot libeiot tindoin nliowIncoo onyourueod sowing maehlno Irritivrn ilEiiEttS

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