PEOPLE AND triers Buffet supper and business meeting liollowing open day golf activities buttet supper day teettvttiu tar when of wummmmmnem llurtrl Hillier who rhdred Ilia haste started the moon of with In emb wn merited lty hole loam drive an the Ilitth mm Guru out an in ttth Betty Ctyne low you 01 Wigwam Whhmm hv by In llirhhu alter any debuts airtime Null wtm Mind lltllll dent Lm Ind Me My Vine Ml Miriam meeun followed IntIttu prise Ie Norsh Dyer huge Man held llltrlli lent Jude Icahn Ies WItler Jllh III MM Icahn Blemhe ltemvsii late slewrt Donn Frlnchdto Me ll Mu Pet leltrnll Penny Glam 11m Joyce Met Inn ml Betty Bataan ctomi ta the plat mm Rm In any Kennedyr kettle Beta and There were nuty two pm wum Mm Iaetoaherrlghtum Meet drle on lolly Pt Iiid Dunne Blsnohi Penny strwsrt Mast hand alters Debbie mm stalwart Tips on getting along after youre married In the IN ulhhve MI GIrtIt Ind can it you hm warmth on year ma Ir it somehow you got into link It youre titrt with one another at ll out at your system It you cui dur hu it dry Nam an rue tor Stritistics show mart qe rate up tttt rt em tn lthtl rutw mm ltttl at lhllllltt tllpllPI in mt mm xw rnrnl llmr rmtmt mvrtm tithllv in tw ly my tlll tttilltellrtt lhr pm my ttt thr MW at itth ttAtl Wm til Mr were tr plmw In it It tlim um In tum laltttnl Ill llld ll llltl Inn ttt am up WedumtIIy ll Tlvtttrrln SPECIA DlNNER FOR ONE REC St 9T Vim lIIl rum mm awe intY ate it Ll TH SI45 Nil SHOPPING PlAlA Welltrtaton 5t Welt 7310848 mr Graech when captain In tumm Pam limo secrete in mm Mt Mil GIlliaa wu tinned by In VI intent Ind present ed itth mutt all tn Ingre mid liatir llltmd with lunch Ml served by In Master Mrs hidden Mrs Room and Mn Marni ltEZAlt mur went ta hemmidraewttmauuida Net Mannheim all In In abut um thI mat setlet III themmtleaellusastt It the chit Nantes nullp punts Irmlten nd rulers Irv an item It Benet renders ol thb up has kt tI Imtytu Ink Im Mu In Mrde te be IrIItlr ImmIted war hemlhe by hm or hmbeeh Mu mold mltry Pines tutun the lmle mttttnl Item the bottom at his inter mums Ind Enwttm It tarem Id uh he short hemllne Plh In The at house than Homily In the learn Menu new item Ihd sets It Itimiltt he ante up with Imr II tar ti lint mth The nine can he Ilale denatured the mm at 1m with MM the diam ll Met ml XML hII ILI amsxtu lm on still might Dlhtnetu hm been In tr Ins thIt maid hm been eutly settled OE Herrllhurg Pe llnltllix grads become state Wlwn that can ally Inl lIt tth mklowrm an ttvlr IIIWAY CHURCH Anne St It 500 Hwy Bums Nlll rttir mt Hlvl Appensd ln JD DUMVIH mIun MIrIt II 165 Pool Klt 17 gslvmtred met II llIllT tt wt WV Ill ttt III 45 round d9 mind If 48 round l3 it 18 Well lu ttmttut ttt wuoty puttq it twttt tittl tti SLSSO gum we Iumtehle tum SJ 69$ tr totqtt meantime 11 One Annie Fatwmt Gatpel Gtwps hum leramel Na Irma luva ntIqerI Penthouse Abov Grcund Fnt trltMrIHLC hawlnurkl llllmimhllltl POLLYS POINTEBS I1 POLL LIAM DEAR POLL Var m1 side It EIII anmlp mautunzlthetnistyhmunl wild Add it rlrl let to ow Wm Inltde the nth did not hlve to rthme wasnt worry It avertlawiru ma Ithe mi It Ipillhiuiithelloatarni ltI ml the small llIt amen the II pod tor ham 1th nth rude it taut tar was lllll dour matter we lint lhll mttocu time the The time clienla brush that iiichine ll the tint hr the mm with my hubrndI than my lItMI hush electric ver land new is too taxes In HtMN OPEN DIIYS with Ill your Garden Needs THIS SMIUIS CNIMKALS EVERGREEN FEITILIIER Free Use at Sptsldor with purchase at leltur Ltth itLe hm lllh ltl list PItnl must ml PrimMk not ni5 till It lI wait at an 74 NSTANT SHADE IDEN CENTRE RR BAllttlE 72600ll ntaqm MMI Vll ll PM it It qllvhltlwil its lt St 475 tt rum enmity tu Hg MAVERICK POOLS PO Box I70 ooltstawn 4589229 7260l5l