TIE EPIEAD Ll 04m 11 World Hoary limitim mumm ill molt mm N1 the Cumin Clminhkl lintL hy Lem hm mi in rim nu on ll payoff Payoff in the ofcial name bi 1M spun hockey semi lth amt than mmplmii oi ll tall and matter Mr sea mr an AME in year minimum trace lit arm at the sud moth to in tmty in the an dty at tpmi rm Mt grim and hi minim by not Baum tn Miriam he it In of guns but this 3min bu hm In equally immi mm an mm talks Ilae new man with NC to II the spring iwrliei Illmun to minors plum mi lNym Farm in $032 more mu from in than doe the MM For one thing hm ti Minn enticinth ll iii in kl hum tan ii asked in my man tor at what dining pin mm 719m rim that ha ll Items tim nitintue it in would he the in The oi pav rm en in My htttrr thin re utav Mk2 During the Mills unlistin mbtnmtxdmnnm iri nnti cmriu nzer tnint at this um Formal tired tn rrrie it rm liziiir in uncut as lane in ii rum and at it mi in it La Ima Giulvd by milk pt mm by it tenmi TN figure 25 is timrlril by twat because it lakes no it in WK though turn hvrim diliy of Mikey anti11 plum spread In tun the an In In more mm 109 PM lam mm are known by such an umlilihallJml in is Ind limits FENCE at lllll Hamill ft ll It vlnrm Irrin tr max nap in wt of mm minted from allnight har ha in session dun mind 141 In from writing ha tun of Whey in that tiny and ihtr many in get inin their but oh far the payoffs the fickeilitih should NI ti hint that the team he wit Wimmin imild be Wt txnt chasm ths payoff mmn hm eFlag if hegrodaidhyulwd imexperueeudtnvlno WMlsmiudvttn Wllli mmmimnhty pm my more halty Alter omit satin even it you no illiL his in should am he limb hit that lie tins tiadiey nibble limit at 0311 he year nth the Pltimii Juliet my and MM Nit aliens him My tract of in and no tom hintaww tint emhoviey Warm and to NE and 51 his him is Mix amp Then the pron uin It whore In Place tiner sown Mitts No that Buitaio hit cm at him ird from the ynlli Play Pinixieiph in was the Rnwx hittwy art it in dileirnntt He Will time in Sil in My poll irnni yumn Indriiarxlthuckt hm pr horny iriiitnn in if mfm airmen nail that am hizrr ht Mm hirktv in at twntniasw inn we lb lublt bro him Bi GEL 90 M0 iv Phirttt City itmlllf llii Brhidnm tin iii mt new in isimn him Eliminated UH Cinrenm league Indium tmlntin which painted it gt tfonnt hockey lunch in My to in the tip in tilJl nut inn titanium wit the limit on do 10an of limit Mimi in hl chant lhiromiyhenoyzt in in lie fanwhot im war in hurt and Ntitll ii letllil mutant hut in tin inielt anew mu iit writ hm and htnnt of the rtvnl mi himn it illnlil aafPhithtrint in mm me best win mm rm rm it hm nt tHr gnmt MTli inn vim MleSWlllugme hmmmnmnrurbmwui initnn its mm School iii Steelsum hick Khu ma year than unmet innit alYuk Unlimiti nit them itmn In nun inwllmu ll reyhta open mm at With in mm unis mu tbs is endy Mr Kan ltd ill enough support to mute teams Mn we rum need in soon wn and writes heatd TM league going and lit receiv ed only and from hill in LM city The inure apenuiig hr 015 mi time in BM in huts it in ioymrmtd rho tnn show liiDl at age mitigli Mr Km mm out inn tnrnw imwi pimi ltarv Irukeep his titleer to rim football rllnu for it plum Wtirn 1mm Martin the Md at the in int ii date Mr ll Itll ii ily be tlim the in Mm iii be niiyed wry Wain iii Elitng hegn it htnntcai if no initniits mih inn Wntt him Thviel at tininn in iit iiv he min Jill in see the league um and the OlYmpic olficial lmMEifAli an inner uniet oi the Gimme hiidtittd til Jt rrim meeting may utter nag Im irst official inter ing firm aititlrt ihltt it Montreal OI nntcr urn rn Uanl the tilPttlli mparenitv min vrtinrir with the ttwiv minn timing in lctlsmmtitu tbnlfutt in tht Marinn wt trntu ii IVE il trnsirueinu within that new tiiiiriiiw Mine rho Cnitminn Hit in tit hum Itnlttlti to ln the lm Wt rm registration WW ilwlr ihdua um retains the alt in football mitith Am contact WINE mm winning icnni schnhl tonight in looking innm to Mr Kan Hid tiitnl twibnll Is Inlrly pull in the city and the lulu ll ltimiil fine or ill ptaytn Mr Kim added that the Mr 11th does my have mtm inn ice similar to 1mm and ntiu rim tint luv the player in strict tinminii similar to new trouble word tinnrnuai rerun tuna Tuerdny itr vialmt between punts and workers Mia Mme tin Wile mum Mtlnkd lillldftdll in turn cor tliiUiL mu my tnm mu Windingtnn tn lKLllliitlt shutout nont lititKpKHEl Fnr monhv Kill nniii nntl other Olymptr alltctah twin than Qollttl hi strikes thin llitH Ittil up in hing lilttiiiiuii new Wit million Uliililt Nahum nmi tire atti tntn ilnr tri iinn ntntm in in Winter innni tam liiflf WAHEHOUSI runm it Th1 first lame will in It June with tbs lMIll Miln iiiiig during ih turning Attheondnlthemwnutm phy will he printh in th Rriziriintion forms were cir rnlntnt in the nuhth ind at schools in Barrie The thrill will AM be available It ill iRUH Im GWILLIMIUEY nitv loo tuna inner ltllliblt in front of 51m Baytieht Mall iiiya may night in dfiltin Lacrosse action continues It Eastviw can limit but East Gwillirnbirry 21in hum play and in pews pinyt Harrie Minor anriuw Anni Milling iii the hum na Stu niton notice wee mi hin WI Curt urn diiisihn turns were in an tton iwdiy night ll Hannah taut withmhury MI in items arena hum Ende innit Muted the Willi tour ruin my mum Ht mam EastmlllthZl in antiim iionre got N0 gusts 3min Burris ttvemeod Door bambod Winn with Sim Miili tuning mntest to open the Plenian nr were senmi by tum Kain ny Mcttrcxar scorvd fur tinnit SPORTS llOUNDUP ltntltt mm Mthr invade JIM Imi Kiiimii but lama la tannin in hintm playt thinner Hanoi In hlntnm Burns Kinn men hut lurk in Bortum Will Wm stand ID in ind Kimmen Singles were scode hy Jainism Mtllt huh mmn Terry szh lid GM Taylor For in Bertrun lichen 915 im scored one goal and KEHH ttest ant hm goats Aeros goalie is chosen most valuable in playoffs Players needed imf Curling age ltl th titv rmwiw Nu Vim xrhnnl inrmmi pliiw mi in Mutt MM Riiucti says has too and for is sit mil draw The chestnut unit KM Protines Pmp by at last Saturday Nvmag mil 44 25 Foolish Plume mum at the HM llhote the Prelhlu AMI Darby runnenin is rated it and Dilbrilu third hiirdiill lliwls and owned Pruitt McMahon oi Vznminei at to Then mine mun Miner Derby the No tsher in the Derby The other Protine will include Midi Prim Art Inll Bald Cllpa ttti iril Mtith in the phi Mitt Guest and Jul in Tho iibll Hero Km tahnrinn Mum Small cur Ieel belt radicals mm inmuu Wm aimi irn in iimt mutt 17M invynl hu ltrn to 10ml only un Mi may Imam book in momv in omiuim inn imiiil it 195 minim wt mm mu it UNIROYAI CENTRES RADFORD Si BAKRIE 710 SW