in on VI The underdogs get the copy WONDALE NV Wt Inhabit his rluh lump mwumamymmummuu Hardin has Wuuulhrthldmn whtlrly that it when mbdlrlle nIl title at Mas mtncle worn Ind thu Item Pntvln The lob ll not yet canplend be no the Islanders tn the trntl tn the SInley Cup Ind it mtght nothethtlyenr Nonutterhnw Ithn Ituct ml the dortdtnl semilimit game adult the delehdutx chnmpton Philrdelphln Flyers Patton ol mum has Mn one at the mm the ltlnnder mmnhntk and the man uho IpnIrheIds the launder pom play one at the tartan in the Islander shown in their best alum 3th IgIlnIt dI 11y tn little mam ll you mad Innut your all Ourh Fred sum at the rh en wn ntw NIROYAI not their chances am they 15 In his chase and tomth un Ink nlnn step tn it my mud le no Int Yn go urn moral ow the amzt 0t steel IMIROYAI CENTRES HO BMDIORD Sly BARR outshot NEW York mm VPI 23 Ire even in treats gored It an3 mph thtI The IslInder power at the min play pmttxrd guts the rst Flst or only two plus one Ihorthlndnd lid PlllltlllSE lllll 311i it he ii in if ii it itii ill Parent We never tlmrlhl thIt Ily Intu unin tnthetmn yer morn ol having wen nnecuttve plrynll arm on weed me it it Band on lIlInden me but Inatyir he III the gm MVI Ind whatnot player the NHL EM gamut lm at Mr Indtudtnn plan returned mmputad Ind hen unwed In etghtAgIme ptIynll lwlttd against mean 11ml winntng street and mind UN sir 33 33 wins player award mmlm Shun said Illa thunder mu Wm mnllmmndnymlnltthe nun yen to deadlock the auntrt mm mm my In Inrtl MoodIy tor hung Werenothorn that Ily WI mm outh player hm everybody is drItlruI the NItMIl Hockey law Ind tn wort matter who it in But the more thin pun tn m1 ride They endud Phlldebll beaten string It 21 Inner shown ttpt in llartoretire BUFFAmVCPtThmnln mmmmtnm Tamhmi New rm mm mm the tut wok nl my me Mr nu hm rum inan My computer an at excellence tor ticlien Parent the mortar sud ed the mud hr lam martin that any other to st Khmer the Flynn hm player at am other position Pmnt uh apiece Koala Mens Club Finest belittle in mm 78M alter 1100 Toronto 858 Egltntnn Ate won the law pru reason the low ate4 27 smart 203 the nut shutmt lntl the moat vtannna tt Untmynt has It to ttt nlmull two at Inn Ner poem boot Hit WM Wth it Innllt unmovnt belr dluls lhut rum Inked me an pm this he llfl new we but and team loint titrated to nick He he he II dated or mum Mn ll NllNlIil Hake anus his tell me the warm dtrn tnrmms Imam mun1 artIII mm nu lithiumput tineturnbuc unwa wm wrathHue mm mm mm Mamash Numbnesan HummingId thmmmm Muwmmdwlwwummm lNW mlrwmwummwwwm Multanum 5Lm autumnmun ummdhllmkh WWW mum mum thunk Immuntmntnu mud mm munmhb JdIIIdlmnll hmtn walnutnorm um ll another teutI Thuwmmv MMlmMymm Mlmwmmtummnwmmjm Mme wbmoaunutnumnummmmh WMmmmmyxmmmommmmlmntmmmmtmmmm DWI mint mmnm ft mannatn muunumm hamInto gunmanm WWW slan ers may open way lihmlom IhMV std ll mm he Illll kaMilerImIdeaIr lm ml Indy born Dudley the rt the Nation hue Pl touted the new In our me lot ol mm mm The Islanders bet the rst tth you their mllml with PhilMot Hm but have exhaled the by Ilnllnl thI last three mm The main and netam nmc LI let Phtlndrlphu thntlht ta all In the Sunk tun in Wiley Signal Inxw rm Ruthie Mm drain the rem sewn hIs been out at mum and Apt 27 when he innred BASEBALL game at the thm Mllllllllll new mind Manned CInI Tlaims of price reductions can be misleading lltlillt ttttthtntxtumt tttmyttttLttrtuttytnrt tnnpgtrt priLt1ttttl tllttl toutr gutting tor that print and wall tt llhtl lltttytntlt ltltrtnt tllltl Dodge lltnt pm you Lt lot lot lttll dollar Mt the not lttycntxl lllwltl ttlllllttt txltrmctttttctl tiltlllllttlltll lttl tzttttttlt mtttltntxtltnltlttytt litttltllltlttl ttytntttttmttlttttxpitttltvtt in helping make llttttutttlt Ltlltllll mil lhtlrr tort tomlh mm ytytttln tttllllltttl tfttl liw solid axons to trust us oitlt your rotnpatt tttr dollar Slant sit tenant nit Hunt of Room lllllt rt newt you Inltttronit Ignition uttnt tllllNIF tintqr hurts CHRYSLER Aht It it in are gt for Dudley to make final in Thumb night when the in term mm who no tun my mt am plays tarmac dunnx he summer mernbu ol the annual In one team harnva trim ta Gnltnht In year in he also plant on mum larrrw rhamplnmhtp trams ll anndn ts Id Altlt rimmm Swords Inert mu Mn the tmerlrin llmkrt league rmmm mu lt Rynainl tins mlttl the Chrysler Warranty the rst years on us Plymouth Valiant Dodge Dart 3E III ln the Superbowl pllvd It the thm MI tn rum in Jan Waurhni Joe Nun nth muted hr nnly perm with tn ave thI HI chart to Meet the ram who hid it out on mu In her Vlmalh mrnllnd virttn Mn Pew bdltwd ht Man an lam Vumth converted the strotn by mm ptmm of Wu ll mm gm rte Am lwtmll Leanne tr lint man one the Mttartll Milli tum tut wntt really do Tr JeLr hulll up the betore the and Johnny lntty drrtht them tn their mrtdtNlt le tn the town qvmx