Winn Ind lndm hon pmvlnm ml togle Iy lot mullry hoe II Emvlew wooller nliIBIrrk msnu mm Alma1n Gall LOCAL AND GENERAL KIIANTG KIEI Harri Klwanl Club Illl spaIll meelmx Mun Il lhe Holldm um ll l5 pm Membrrl Illl he hllnlllx NH lo help whmlr lnzlv nlvlS Week nmllln LLB Bank Upllmlil Club he Illldmvlh demo at nllhen lo Il 11 RN zllnnIr mullu Manda ll ll Lakr new Dan Room Il pm V3 TO IOITDEN mmovnlnll llonom EASTVTEW Rodnnll huh m1 In Iomlls Quebec no Ilugt Ml ll MW mm anhulu 3me the Iv cum mm mm lo the calls of My Marcellus Mosl Ill be hIld Il the To all Ind mlllhlcs decllon 0mm Ind llnllnrlIl report EXHIBITION IMUTMLL An eIlnhllloa hIIkelhoJI um Minn moon ul lhI Toron Argonlul FoolbIlI mm ml llKIl Ill um Chaim lo nlxlll I1 pm helm on nollar unh mm Ioml lo llw Hum VIIYWCA mumn lllnll ONTARIO IIIKINTL DAY Th GIllIrasllI Troll Aw mend mm In Vlllnl Bmlu unlll Slmdlv purl ol than mun Th hllvh mienu were Quebec Elly ml Elnullllle Imn lprll 12 Emma er Phow CITY NEWS lmn mllplllrl sllldm mm km HI All EXAMINER HID ML ms IN lmm PIl Sealer Mn Illnm Ind lemme Tillva Il the maul TeI In be med Georgian Cullen ml 50 HI HIM Barrie Nnrlh Hume on Curl Band will he llllhl hanll my In open MCITI Il Norll Th lOIKFTT Ichalnl pl or pm IllhmldullIIndImh WhomTIMIan lht Imam who Illm llu 390ml mmrl Iomll doll hull um nun 61ml Il Eutvlu Ind ormluu helm hlll by on mm In ham to nm lull eoorllinlllnz lth rmvemInlI Imm mmmulm bill wllhll MImllll vnlLQ The so all our Idull Ind lu nml Ix hem lame lo lu Illllllo In lllllsdllzl Kuh Prothero plans to oppose Downer TlYTlEMTUl lrllll Pru hm human llll Slmrm Member of he Bun than mm mm mm mm her or lnmmm Ill be llsll In Wm M67 In mm hlkes 5me The uln me mm club Invllm lhe puhllr mm mm WW Ink The null Inlamlnllml Iboul be nlNd me In II In duh hum In Emlleld Mill ml mu mm mm Ilml ll CW Mullsm um um Home or WW new PIul Imnll In All mm mm In mph lnlormnlnn lrmll llIr 0mm hllnut er lleIllh In he lull mm or mums IIIIlla ll Immh Innull lour ol urqu Irlm Ind MUSICAL IOTPDlIRl TIMI ml he Wallnl Pol wun Ml Gentl Ian nllrue Theme Il pm The Ellllll Bm thnr or llnlll lllllIl llnlleslnn Ind Unk ll rm human wlll pu lnrm uml ldmhilm ls one dol lhr mm rnllliwcll lllm lMllllI Iln Gram Ill he MAll llolllnlellllry on hm the Mn lnmn me Im Bond ul Eduulllm nu Inmullml he llll anpme Illl lennmnm lllP nIlll lm er Tor Inlxru llmm um my nlrml RM Donner II In nuw IllTlIll member umnl lll onrumour hIIlnx rennwn ad hp mlnm lln the IBM hmna Wlllrltlnl Mr Pm mm nl lhe Gnnlm BIy Area Tuberculous Ind lupu lory Duuu moclIllnn MI Tn ammmu loI ll schedle SIlunlIy lmm ll Am pm The lle Iv tored hy lhe Burl lll lluh MM WIII lulurlo Rohlll llonws lull vl KrmpenlIll my all dl 15 pm It BIrrlI Cen unhealan melomll spammed Iv me Klwulls Clul lllIm ls lean nhoul mm mm prmlllnl ol lhe lalu II Yolk Vmcoo Pmmlw Imlm Indium Inn Hcpwrlvlrlll OI hu MI rmullo UlIITIm Slmlm IAN OBITUAllY Ernesl Roy Marsellus Illive in community affairs lodge lulmn mom my It llv ml Mm ll ll Cenhal Uniled plans lo honor UCW presidents WEATHER FORCOUNSEEUNG Big Brothers wont fee to meet budget demon lama Ilrl Mnd Bu Br kl ll Min to WI an lb uly or sum an Idlu cos meet me ulIlImI mu Bruce Blvd widen mel will ll llIce maniac mi not re dlylm lhe Mam of To Ia lemon mmm ln ll clly The mum mmmllln ml denIn mm mle lion dum balm dmmnna Ml Brock lold lha mmmve In charm lmld he nr museum boy who when race It llmzlv mull El Idol only 12 The buy ml 81 Emlllm Ire lllwlued Md am llama run under the runs llfllull Em Bmlllrr hn I973 onl pt II no lr Burk um HILI nI lb millet TI mlvud hum Lb lml Appeal Tum lh lll ermq cthI Wu nun Itll end wllh mm hudu mlfh pm ul um 33 In old up not HAN be mail Ith Tnmwn IM Peel lnunty IN label II nrumm lee lur mu when In mm In Purllvlew Intro bowling has smasslul slun Scum mm mu Pm mu nnlrr ntlll um bllwllng Inurnuml Kllnp we Lemz held Mr Ilnl Isms Mulununn TIlP wen lturm lrvnll IUV mill pl lIkall In wrun HM lull hlli lllv Ilmlr Iru hr INlleul Inn nn Wm Wm nm Illnm mm The lNIllllnllIll Tulnbull wlm ll Ell IIxnz her Ill mime SENIORS CONCERT Ill Illlu Sunny skies tonlinued cool expected in men on weekend Marketing boards provide benefits In gllllsllllg In wltl llll KJI Hall lmIIm WW In lv lu mm IIII Ina Illmu Iner mm Barr lIlll MW It mm mm mu Tlrll huh In mung ml llme Mr rm ME no nlu Ill In llllnl In lT lrlllll Il Tr ml lr Ilnw ml Irwll TnlIll lvl ml llll nu III he Mm lu nv Ill Ir mus Wu mm Inn lll luhllmmenl lHr BImI mu much mi Id 3mm hy Iu mad lhal ill hnp l4 lo mIIrlm by III In Irr beam III on In our mm II Weleleth ll loh Il an be my mm Imam III ll hm Im lnIlIn Ml am sad muco IN re hppmxlmltly rm IIIIII llmwvln mlh new In lIM later ll HP wueml ml per how for mild 1b um hmm for II he lnrludnj II lam llnlmmll lo InnIL ll llrnlk ml the thug Ir hm nwllmm rmmlw hzrlm lM my 40 an boy ml Ilmllm munle IIn mun HI he old ll hr mm nl nu ynr In lrl hln um II he mellni wmm mun Imnl lullll Ill llv Ilnlle In Inn mlrhes hu mth In lpmle th hr nul rm Wm lanlnI he nun now he ImlI lth ADDLJANCE NE umu lo III MIIII ul mm Ipnluncu llll EWlllxI HAHMI DEFENDAIlE SERWLE PROMPH 72656 the grass and eliminates the clipolngs Bolens Mulching Mower run may ma no my llvnl lnl ny llmm ll vAl IIN MAWIL TOJH um Im lellh IlIl