Writ Ember Ilium VI VIIIII ldlbr Innvim EMMMW flitin III II II M4 More than needed for CI ZIyeIroId Midland nun IIIinnied his at into our pedestrians in Port ll Nmoll last August liyearold girl was killed almost outright Ihree girls were intured The man reeponsthle uIs drunk breath mi showed 210 milligram ot Il eohal per 100 nullilitres of blood The law sets the legal limit of 11W intake for driver It 80 millingmI The ear In speeding Independent witnesses estimated the vehicle to be travelling It between 40 and 50 mph in 30 mph zone Time lad were admitted by hiI de Ienee counsel in Ontario Supreme tourt It Barrie Friday The minimum tall turn of three month we impoeed The metqum it two year Those who know the Iyeietn mine In trunIte netm only twothlrvl at his sentem muting he hehaven hitnIelI In the an minutely two months He vritl then me years pmbItioo Iheiernulipolalehewlmidrtnht oohol not enter my plIoe where Ilooholic hmnger In mid nor will he drive tor out you There are two paramount considen ttonI for judge pulsing Ientence The tint concern protection of the publIt wristslap deterrent mmmhtuiondthegmlty MMmonthIiolltrortmllechthe WWBIIIII ontliewrilt mtneIIIniuioe ordIugemuI dnmpmmndphededm not to minim deI but yielded guilty to the Include chIrge oi dmgem driving The wml dIugIrouI lndicltet pouthillty oi Mitziy Iii thli on there nooiujury one ewII death in At one quanta leaner plea It would to me tM one might min one outrun in dart clothing tit how an it be IIid thIt hitting tout per miIriotnegtigmetothe into being mmiul no ligm tadanie Juetice II VI uked In Ienteoung the judge emphatited the lemma of the ottence 1t mu be Mouglri home to society In whole that driving while Impaired it not some thing to he shrugged oii hut rather it has ruched point where tor the Iaiety vi 111 memhen of moty dnvmg while impaired rim he regriled II the coun termt of tiling gun judge right tn one rennet There are loaded guns on the high way but it Will ulte more thIn met Ilap to turn the bullet into blinks train the hurtng the Judge the Crown Ioceptenre of OTHER EDHDRS VEMB CONSULT INCOME TAX IXPIIT We Start Every individual ml on payroll where III out other deductione Ive taken in each pIy parted ugh mnwlt In ex accountant Eth vent They are Imam the tow who III keep abreast ol It in law changes both in your Ivor 7i VV Vn mi ii tl ml Sltlt itt wt in mmtluymdhuumn tum tigwn ti med WI wwiv Says change necessary to himMimi to in minis pr AK tan um me tilt mitt the IINNV Ml We It the net Iiiwln mi itnunitn tam Uht innit mr rrre WMmi rr It the some Immg wnge earners in many cam ovapayment 15 in tact nude through the previous wort year It to in II III Iri Ilhl Brown Portugal cannot give Macao away it JOHN II DION lordn AltIIrI Aulvet Thomm Ne llMte van ego the rum InemeI the lnrrn right thin resin at pmuIiI tw met prim minim MIrreln Ielano tian ellrnorlng In enrt to PorugIlI Itill Ire lmiiIi empire tei the hg Phlm tiri ran Ierriinrei hIte their IMO this regard tilt manv Wilmflie Itart my my dam on getting rebates It this time Farraim the little lerde tIIIndI ind none at iheee come back With BIT interest although it Mount lory when the Ilioe on the other tax It witntittwhnit lN vti illuittllii wily with in tin ITIAK mate Hl llili ittlil Ww itit yt it in auto pact cut deficit Hit ND iti CANADA Pod hind Ia pmmgtmhw View Innni wen at in In iunhu ii in Anti It in iut Iii it puns tlit II in it im in Mmei tin in normit ivvv gtnv Wit til HIM In Inon ntimi tinnii by in amp it until Milt Mint in thI miwt inn In tI KmIr NM the ninth In II Illrv IN KM wni In woutd seem under rather than ever vim ItH Mm tiuti pendenre it the were it Re ttirrt the Lin AIiIn mimieI oi PortugIl lh Comirturtin Chim Inrt IndooeIiI mi huliinvlin 5h tin at it tutti ttw It Hi lthrt ex win my iuti tin niit the ill on in ii ei nv in with It in ling it il mt tw ltgmi iron storms itI III at mimetic Ind pililiv eIl purity cant give Iwa DII Crmmuniei CBIIICI oer hIpI the man plinllniul MIrx ll metv in the world todavi dont went It Who else would itI hm lo the Britteh um the hay dont They hm um um lull with tiInI KM But there in unit in thI Cnrnrntlnlll Chineu Iriully not renting the return at port whlrh vm Chinese territory iiiv til the mliII til the Dimpeui explorer Ind lrIdIrI In further undo ol vIIueI Ind IluiMHi Item under Pnrtugiieu military Inventor II mnin It MdIni it in mine ni hit unmentnt in unimitt Inn mmip uiin rvlnriv ll nn IM lantetrd tile II in IN the mnn mill but one liii lot million Ilre Mathewmm Ihor tlilhwnvn ttn Never too early for tax It niitm not it wit ti mi one nimv itn tuit et intuit it savings my in WE WANT YOUR OPINlUN in nn nii tu nonith tlullr mm Inn nuni HIIHIIIIVI In hi need it Wain siia hit Ind million other ex to deter from Will into thiI IiiuIthn Ieven yam no In tell to drum the hemp ltI mil mun Ind Egg eggi ii areerne mehI mm will IIIU me nullIII tmrmm out turn in Derri Gniduitv min him It GALIMIIII AM 81 time in thr II mum at it tit ur nves got more th th back in ntV iltnm Vproilewonel livui De plow under homo idvviir MV minglmmdumm um unny mom mmm mm Pu at April went dIyI Ilter the into the driveway IN in My Mg Item onth Street menu pmm wu veil clur ot Inuw to It ml hummhwd mm In NI WMme width at inn my with Mm mu therein In unnIeeIury mm note tI unmet not minim it WWW WV tlon Int erI it the mw my mm MN Ily IrIvIllId Some nl ux on thI WW the home government whirh mm Mr dbte tor thi mtIIi hm mum mm to In it but mvwm my my nun my mt mevm him km my Mm mm ButviertldltIndIlIwu well WWII bunch ot huh am on thI bor until luv moment Igo when THOMAS Start derVoI Itrnnnpure PeopleI lie pubic oI ChinI beau the old Ind very corrupt min in It Itu lo him Pnum mum puqu nn thed mt Lite ten ut ti ninn ini IS Robert leon nnnihet iltnl Wtirh we iinni Ivtiruerfntl tlttltt amwnne mHa wwhw en at VV WW in mourn mm Wm there Inlli mmn In VV VV it it IV no WV it Ill ntn piety vii gt