Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1975, p. 1

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lnen rt nt North Bey tattle ltbd lode tn nnlhrle Iupnttte mm ell The trlel cl Rent New Me tnurt el Illrrle Mrtm ll mlfflhud wtth he hen learn Hllller at the Net 23 murder el Gretenhuret tent tttlrer Borden Ilelrh tmn Artnnm John Murphy rrrnrenltlted on lhe phvetul lrtenrt NMDMIM urth the teltmoer nl lnrerrelc Icleerte tum Alllrertt 10Hth ol the ht Htllt 5mm Centre to Town ltt teetlltetl he tunnel nunwrnrrt rnutrettone at human hlntrt ulhet holonlln tn return llre only lndlumwtl blood to when tltllhl rrnrr nn ht putte here then one emrtfh blond the lolhlnl Tor Inan rt tel toutth II IIer no the blood type til at lltruen ttutte entl helr wu IltrM on the IteHIID ol new mu ITMIIIIIH Imettti troMlllllllIllrarl of the trown urtrtm Phlle En IMIL Mrlune Counsel and Mr Towem the new Item at blood all the Mill lront nmnnr ml at the run tmttelr nth no lllllme tnlrmntr ltetdey ltt tnted Mtlartrt hit to the trout veneerlet III The lllel onlan Blue collers votlng yet OTTAWA tlt Wtrh thorn to yell cent at the In led eter lulu roller Mullen hm oun votlnr by Itwmnt mouth to lever ul lentltlte tunllett eetllement lhhltr mm hltleme epohurnn um todey ltut the uulr en In on ram tml Dflvllll thet holed pru ttoe ply releeeel III not er melee ll wmtne er hence Indie III leer the moment all he relented hy FREEZE ON PARKING FEES Wielddealer lm lhll heve hat to extent to art wttlu mmy the turret Munlndlnlthellt UMWWH el no le Ite ll of Ice outta the Insertion RESIGNATION DEMAND WEE tic et mlne dilltcult leek Me hilly whlu eutherltlee teeh empathy on th vloleton tb nmlntr PMnt Olly Wattle flu novel et tweenl Dtmm Snr eu nldtltlt future meeting leer Minuet voted to corn mm nounMellon The bid tor mul wee eh ted by htdmmr Vei 3mm Juice EARN Itou Archer end Ed Mme We mtnrrunrt the tire tnct plett tntlutled publc er to open space It Sener Council supports trade open space for density ed momentum lrorn the my development lth vIIII he the city wen Illlllly ll Im well ewe lend to Sum Hollow tetrne loudy whlrlt eleo rte Lett tle ttelrhu Dmlnpment Let In llumm density tor property touted tn the northweet section of Dletrict SIX hmmded by 0th dlte tted extension end Sandy Hollow emu trout 52 unlu per em on no topmxtmuly tee emu eI lend the Ne emtwm mm Itt heltl the ltttnmxe Ime nmrrr to ter mt Ceenctl unenlrmrttlr euppo tummlttee Geumtl hummd the mm The denxtty tntreuee to rtrrrhmhmchmet tt Null eboul lTl tn the nth II whrch en hultlll low It Alderman Perri replies Allt IHtltl let people ntnt Ihe memento ul BAIth All one to oxide whether ttd 5m lertr mum It therrmnrt at tho rlt detrloptttrrtt cummlte ht Imtrltrlu sen lrt ltrt anh hlonrtat tr lltl not tutti the eltrt rumman lntlt hul rlt ttttrlrlrt Jr rumour rrlllnhliml tttrtnun or tn rrt new lrv rnrnt mm or he imp tt Former Oro chief has arbitrator tutu stertot ttrt trot ehttu tonne on tttmt rm nth pullrltstl rtlt unrtrrtw tn rpettltl JtIII IIIltI llltev The ttrttttrrt up the rnmmr tr rrttt Aid Itrrl retrl rm twrt pttllrt rn ltnrrrr 7w Mu Into whim rrrt rrrl trot rwrrt rtllt re otr plonntrrt he l1 rt rants titttrtrrhlt trr mm cil iht tt nz Irwt rvqlt Ill till nt tel to not wt Itrl no IL ln nttr Lt has ltt Illly itN ttl ltl ultrth llllhtt tr mn lltn tr new lltr rm elm Mm twin hr Nut tr trrtrl he mum mtl turret mode to the mmetttn tnrrrr or htttmm rnnt ltttttlete mm ertttt tr rt tr lr rrrmt nnnr tsp tlnMe lle rt rt rm runnrrt mt mm Illlln who In dillltnftl morn turnout rh trunltttt We nnrnt luttl urtttltttlt tn to rrnr 1n Wynhr Him rnnt omen rrt rr rn nrrrtny hrrrrrtntn ht an tltrl to ruin rtttlltttl to turn trrrtturl mt tv III tlttet or ttrrh the tt Erll tt rm tllltel rnt tnnrtnn new tr wltllt hm no ttr llete unt lwt tt Mtrlrl err tlt no the to tote to theme Iltlllt er In the ten nun rt LW tn one tt wen rnt trot ltteltelrlt rnrrtnm the turn htrtt no to llyhl Int ltIIIrtttl kl Itltltl tl tun url rho nl tr rerunrtl In IIllIe lllltt at It rtvnllul trn th tltt no uue thorn hunt or tony Teachers decide to well see Merl term or tlrrtetrue on molt Iltlm tn tehr not yew when Inll rtrtttwtrr ll tranun me Imp he the ll ten ethonr when M1 rated rel rule tn the nut mum them In uh urer arertrhn Itlrttle tum two molten AW we he Ield hnettter dillan er to the with to deed mun mu tn the my lot Inwer tlenelty on per of her ml to the mull dIetrtrl rkt xtr months about the More tlII Pnrt thin the revert Wm tt Dent Method In vtebllt ownsunto unntr the when nl the developtrt ltt rhotlellmt lle thtti tr re rt URE FOR IRRHOSIS PROBED BY SCIENTISTS tltttmtr rt tt ellltpte nn llrlpultr wwht Ilvll hunt trrr um run mm nth IlpItrn yr trlrttlldl nl It erltnn nmmh HumIla thnlIrlct th lrttlanIIttm urn ll vllen urleltIIlI rm rm tlthue UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT New development projects probed ttlltleltt tntnnwt lllr ltvIJUt rut tr tny ttrttrtll rum rt mm tr llre tttth tr tit on or Itrlht tttltt temnnnr tr rltthptrtlbtt lltlut worn tltltvltl rthttwt tormentr elttlt rm lettetrl Itt Illou whom mnmnw no rm mm we tlthttlt mt tnu trot lrrtm an It we tttrrn tt who Al out the luulelwt mm teaeerl rohnt nee trut mu tulnotnr murmur Aurm Ilut mm thlttl huntt tr Invertr lulln turn let rmrr urmrr hr rmnht patent to rrql rt thm auth when ltu turnou mum th Alt or tr lnullnny turn lltltt rtule rhltrtrhn nr the turtle Elntt tn ell rt errrneru ptttlnte mutt he trutth taunthtt den 1an ml etet ltvuptrtelllrlh urn Mtttuntllltllel ehen qnurunmt rotuter later her telwt ttte Iqteterrhn rtlht ll ten were rhrnnmrn we net It MINI tn the lllllllltm he me II ml my Internetr teaem to hm lettte It eelr manual the everell run It meaty that me we betely DISTRICT GETS TABI Hollow the mllectnr north south road Winch divrdee the dbtnr end in perlnllln phal rru in development Md Ed Thompson and lot upper to table the mutton nurse at the term ol nhutnl the restdetttrnl development lle urn we the llblut mo tron rho tlty cennut vhntrttx hut not mottol the tree tl staged proleetlne lttnlt problem tn the future pe Il tlent than let lend thet All rrwlm to the theta tl he tell one Arte ttl trnt snnc Noler tnn trm tnn Wt dlre It rttrmrttn tl lrltr wmmtmf rrln mt mo rt mentorrt trot mt Inlet Mr mum blrtttt tv rh rotor tl or to mr wart wt we met rr norm official plea he AH Its en Mk metml by the city to mutate the new that at needmet youth eld mm eeItl the attic lel plan ellrm not two men llnt end marl He said land in tn the rut uue then developer tlll tutu belittle house The mmrnrtln hu norm waded the Intel at new It is ttrtrnly sun on he and control mm neloeltned tn the at the dtllrld ll or Inclement at the trlt It the dlmm ht mnlmlltne the MW not he met Vlth em metres en um he omelet plea to cute th end le method by th entr Hunteth Board we The MIMI said he Meet In the plan or III not any to the ten hill Dml The teem then we ecm wtll he developed nth pwttletron e1 ham to loom other term at the tireernent to the open span lend wltte Ls tttte Hetehtt Development Include thet teed l3 than to some end relented upon tumult at the tlrsr nltn or tuhdlvleeon the lutahettudlotpemendn Hutton puma ted the elty thl mnt eny unmet uttered lot urvltltl the lure Perri CllATION IN my WWI he er the that enee II iv dwment ttrlude LI IM tertlon rural or hate Street ee thenut eeetlel Art at Dr dune lyrrve IN VIA lr wee netted out that pro mrttml rrt timeluptnlnt tilltll mule ht mrnpleted ll uh mu urher then lb lot tn we years tuneled let or per rnl woolHon north tn the Ill Nunhrtttm ILI lr in on hv the thmrllet ltrted exten ttrt llxeM rtm hauls Bol trt rtr trrl Ml street te twvtttutmrhl honornon amt worn urttuull ml th ttm end etylel trrttrtt or turn rrtoratnitntne them runnect the th ne om tr my lute rr outer the rr at hummer rt hunt to nht Mai rt ro tn rttntrttt It to he Me llnel lt lllkult It newt thre neuron hentree who hmwe tn the lutnre tenet they come IA All Iow men men et lhe mwny lor other reeu end rt lle humble Id like the rm deleted Ald Fem netd the atlldp er ll beetrer mouthed lblt IIIII turn Around end It the lend lot tr 1m rt trul then eat the Iertttrrtt te tltl MIWMCIII WM lo men but wet nut to one run he no rte motto lnr ltttA mm In rr unpran rr this tune not her mum ttr tvtlrtd hr wt to re Lott her urn llre tlltttrt ll betrllltln tum pm tr mm at ewe at the at New tr mmtnt rnt wt nnrrlrl he rm on at rtglutet ttte ntnrrmtn lw who rt to gt mm Wm rhn trout not or wllrvl MI rum re rhoh ml at rte rv tthttttltll Inward no to he rttet tttlrtt rt rm the nurture mm mm our rtml mm mt we rr rli Wlh rtt trrttt Ilt NI nl lite llllpl rr tent tn MW tetttu It tt UM rm tl lM trIIl It lllt Me or Attvhrtl WI rtt rent mt Int urn new we tv mm at term ulrt tr Arson suspected tn ntvoe um Ilrrttelellterhlol out twat mm mm ltttutttlwt Nttumml the III at it ht or the rho no htttllu treat Tu on hm one must hr Ilmr Ru New tom all not tnettree hr tr untmr upturn tn ptlltlltllt tmr an tel mm mt the lqllletloe lnet tt rm rt who try gjtfyeljt mm rn momr mm their lthel emhnntv an utter whyr mentor lhllmllhlt the Intlttrtt mm rnnnwt Ilrt hum Ill Wmlwunh Ill IIltl the Wit It mornr tmput emul etlt mt wllh the bend on wh the pmtm lle nld mumIntel use meat earthen In the hit it rm to eeeme tn rm rh he hm Motown ha mm ILamwk utd Ir rIMent mm to twl mm tr ruran nt nut in out an mm kn ontorum Iurtu MI meter to the Much mural the not won three err he nthl tee the In rulrrrul mu ellbetween hlrt Ruhrotter Metturret uld puhtlc eerhe utmrtuttee new term hot it Malenalolme NWNMM MIC IN DD III mhredywhunnr Meehdq lune purpose in the ntenntnl 0W JVIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIllllIIIIa IIIIm yf

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