the metric examiner Elie Tï¬arrie Examiner Authorized as Iccnnd um nun Post ouieo Department on may Sundsy no statutory Holman swim aunneu ycul car brake unnecessarily wx herein Ira Iiso meme Published by Canadian Newspaper bin is Boyfiold semi cam PAGE FOUR Using Brakés SATURDAY DECEMBER On CarLees In Good Drive Judgment You waste money every time you apply The Ontario Safety League would like all drivers to realize that they are liter ally burning money when car is being braked Extra gasoline will be needed to pick up speed again and no one needs to he reminded that gas costs money It is not small item The cost of gas used in accelerating after stop or check is substantidl For instance it has been computed that acceleration from stops take one gallon in every three used by trucks Every driver needs to have good brakes and to use them at times But neariy every driver would operate his car better if he used his brakes less Officers of the Civil Service Associay tlon of Ontario have lustifled com plaint over misleading publicity on Christmas holidays for the civil serv ants Executive Secretary Harold Bowen of Mlnesing says the public is being giv en the false impression that the public servants had been granted seven and half days for Christms This is not true The civil servants work one fiveday week basis Whether it was Christmas or any other time of the year they would not be working on Sat urdays and Sundays Christmas Day falls on Friday this year and the employees are being given holiday on December 24 One way to cut down braking is to use better judgment Look well ahead and try to arrive at the intersection on the green if the light is red as you approach roll the last 50 feet at few miles an hour giving the light chance to change while you are still in motion and able to make smooth quick pick up in sec ond gear for too many people drive at speed right up to red light brake to sudden stop and then have to start again in low gear few seconds later Another way to reduce unnecessary braking is to keep bigger gap ahead of you in traffic so that you do not have to hit the brake every lame the car ahead slows down momentarily Keeping proper distance from other traffic helps to save gas dollars it may also help to save your life Holidays This will permit hundreds of outofbown civil servants to go home for Christmas Day At New Years they will be given time off from midday December 31 This plan gives civil servants the op portunity to spend the holiday with their families It is also to be noted that hill hospital and police staffs will be on duty on both Christmas Day and New Years Day All of the essential services must be maintained as they are outside of the government servite The holiday schedule involves only an additional one and one half days al though even that is pleasant windfall in the way of Christmas holidays Opinions olOlher Newspapers NIGHT GOWN REVIVAL Hamilton Speclator The news from Vienna Austria that feminine members of the Tuesday Coffee Club are spon soring nightgown revival for men drove us to the dictionary in search of the word nightie Perhaps we should say alleged word because we couldnt ï¬nd it in either of two Yet nlghtio was an affectionate diminutive for retiring apparel when we and the world were young Dad wore garment technically known as nightshirt with vertical slits in the lower hem for greater manoeuvrabiiity In fact the entire family wore them when ladies were in them they were called nightgowns The demoralizing aftereffects of World War propelled many men and few women inlo py jamas different ones of course and nightgowns orvnighlies fell inlo masculine disuse on this continent Anyway we wish the ladies of Vienna all suc cess in their masculine nightshirt revival drive They may force the dictionary editors to recog nize that the term nighlie has happy sentimental associations for many people living today an sleeping tonight in nighiics PEOPLE WANKl WAWA Sudhury Star few years ago the Ottawa government quietly inserted the name Jamestown as substitution for Waive in the postal guidesThe change was for the purpose of recognizing Sir James DECEMBER 19 1939 An item from the StarPhoenix of Saskatoon with heading Former Rector Major Rev Roy Melvlll of St Georges Allandale Soon Goes Overseas More than 100 of his parish loncrs and prominent citizens paid tribute to his ministry in Saskatoon when they mel in the Blue Room ofihc Elite to honor him and Mrs Melville He was to go overseas with the Sas kainou Light Infantry but Mrs Melville wuuld remain in that Western city Expressions of good will were heard from Mayor Carl Niderost and from other representatives of the local church from the Bishop of Saskatoon diocese Ministerial Association of the Officer Commanding the and Canadian Legion Lions Club Will Operate Juvenile Hockey Team and told that Tommy Thompson will de velop local talent and coach localentry in Juli The team will likely be grouped with Midland Peneianguishene and Coliingwood The executive in charge of the Barrie team includes When you see fat women in atight dress waddling by are you too seized with the wild wish that you had an over sized paddle and the nerve to use it WALLS Publisher nna aonsm minim wanna Blnlnen Manager NEVILLE Bonncm manna mm nonem slhuaa scanning Manager aoua noznzn Circulation mangle Subscription me duly or Offices izsbniversiiy Ave Toronto 540 cmém Street tresl llZSLWGBI Gdflflll SHEEN Vancouver lumbar In its Canidlan Daily New or Pub unber Annotation Can dun P1127 Vlad on Audltflnrenu of circuiatfm Canadian rm unfuslvuly ontltl use for re ublicallon emu new mo in spasm ited to if or The Ant tcd Prel or euten and air thorloeal new panama thcreln Au rightoi or republication of macro divsmun Editorial hamsin and Millia 12yan wntmrsruwutmi News oiFonner Years the guard without warning Dr Wrivrosti Dunn steel magnate whose industrial operations in the Son district were internationally famous The people of Wewa have consistently rdused to accept the change At the time it became known there was lively controversy with the pros and cons being fairly well distributed in the interven ing years the issue has boiled to the surface per iodically and then subsided Last round in the fight to retain the name of Wswn was plebisciie few days ago in which supporters oi the old historical name soundly defeated the Jamestown proponents By an ov erwhelming majority the people voted to retain Wawa The next step would appear in be to make re presentations to the Ottawa government to have Jamestown expungedfrohipostelgilides of any other official documents from government sourc mhe voice of the people has been heard in the NOT HEALTHY SPREAD Christian Science Monitor 0n nearly threefourths of the automobiles rin anced by representative group of smaller US companies the payments are being mread over period of more than an years more cars are being bought on small down payments and in many cases the down payment is made with borrowed money This is not very healthy credit situation if spread over the household appliance and olhcr fields it could become source of ï¬nancial weakness in adverse times Warren Wilgar as Honorary President Charles Lowe aschairman of the Boys and Girls Committee of the Lions Club Vice Pres Ine son as secretarytreasurer andWiiliarn Garner manager Tommy Thompson coach of the Bar rie Colts Junior team consented locoacb the Lions and the kids will probably practise in conJimctinn with the Colts at times While on guard duly at the Simcoe County Gaol Clarence Tat Bailey 150 Dunlap Street was attacked by prisoner and struck the attendant with the handle of broom injuring him about the head Five men were needed to place the recalcitrant prisoner under control It was stated authoratively that the prisoner sud denly developed psrsuoic frenzy and attacked Gramas sistant gaol physician made on examination of Mr Baileys injuries as well as the prisoner who went amok He may be committed to an in stitution although scheduled to appear in Mid land Court Paragriapliimllly SpeakingL It is often difï¬cult and frequently possibleto avoid becoming an audience at The oldest onewaystreet is the one that dead ends at the River Styx because everybody lives in house is more or less less The principal reason the worlds in the dirt its in is that its governments are run by politicians person isnt responsible for having been born into poor family but to more or less extent its marries into one Todaysswpient observation Nome thod of rain aking has ever failed in the Iongrun 14 Another sign of the uncertain time certainieadingmogazine had discon inued publishingcontinued stories his fault it he eople arent frightened enough of the Hbom saysa nuclear scientist Were frightened withinan inch of our lives Shall we makelte halfinch Revised Nobody should throw stones that THE wrtxs maws France GiVes Sharp Rebuke For US Remarks By DAVID ROWNTREE QUICK LODK AT THE WEEK The Alaan alliance tried to heal breach with FranceMaximum interest on government guaranteed home mortgages in Canada went up to pcrï¬ent Eisenhower travelled frumlndla f0 lflll Greece Tunlzla and France DISSENSION IN PARIS France sharply rebuked the United States Monday for ex cessive and dramatic remarks by Gen Nathan Twining The Norh Atlantic Treaty Organiz tion gt particularly France arent doing their full are for Western defence he dispute overshadowed the annual NATO meeling in Paris mesday Thursday President do Gaulle does not agree that all membercountry military forces should be under one joint command When the sessions adjourned the squab ble wes unresolved There was agreement on proposal by Secretary of State Christian Herler to work to ward closer ca ordination of political military economic and scientific policies The council approved Can adas suggestion put forward by External Affairs Minkter Howard Green that NATOs political and military brains should be mobilized to study disarmament cosrunn Montonnes 01 more immediate concern to Canadians and their pocket In filmed CBC television interview Thursday he said that if the US had taken the action Canada did in suggest ing United Nations Emer gency Force for the area ihe position in the Middle East to day would be very much better than unfortunately it is NEW HOME Refugee families in Europe with lubercular cases find it despairineg difficult to be ac cepted as immigrants This week Canada became the firstcverseas enmity to ac cept tubercuiar refugees from European camps without spon sors The first group of famil books was the announcement Thursday that the maximum interest rate on housing mort gages was increased to 634 from six per cent The move is designed to at tract more funds for home building from chartered banks and insurance companies which recently have found other in vestments more profitable National Housing Act mort gages of $12000 for 25 years now require monthly repay ments of principal and interest of $8221Prevlously Payments on that amount were $7673 SLOWDDWN URGED Canada may be trying to do too much too fast James Coyne governor of the Bank of Canada said Monday that Ca nadians should borrow less from othercountries and either save more to pay for the coun irys development or not af tempt so much He told investment dealers in Toronto that the outlook is for continued shortage of credit aodvbigh interest rates EISENEOWERS WEEK President Eisenhower left in dla Monday for Tehran capital of iron and Athens In speech to the Greek Parlia ment he said his message could be summed up in three IPeace in freedo From Greece he took asea passage to Tunisia where he joined with President Habit Bourguiba in expressing grave concern that the Algerian re bellion was continuing ics with 19 tuberculosis suffer ers among them reached Tor onto from Rome Wednesday in two airplanes Another group is expected Christmas Eve While the sick are cared for in Ontario ho tais the others will begin quest for jobs nnda new DOUKBOBDR ANDS in 1930 British Columbia bought 13000 acres of land in the southeasterapart of the province which had been fore closed by mortgage companies The government acted to pre vent evictions of Doukhobcr farmers whlcbwould have added to an old conflict The Doukhubors have stayed on unwilling to buy the land back or pay rent for it Mr Justice Lord ap pointed in 1954 to try to solve the dispute recommended in report published Thursday that the Doukhobors should be made to pay rent or face eviction if they dont agree to buy at the governments offer of 60 per cent of assessed value The report is bound to be an popularwitb the Doukhobors There was no immediate indi cation of the governments re action IN BRIEF John Lewis who formed the Congress of lhdustrial 0r ganizatlons in guest US un ion drive in the 193 an nounced Tuesday he will re sign shortly as president of the United Mine Workers after 40 Years in the post Commonwealth prime minis iers will meet in London May for week or 10 days of ini formal exchanges of views defective oil heater was blamed for ï¬re in St Johns Nfld Wednesday that took seven livesincludlng thoseoi four children less than nine years old Eisenhower was in Paris at the end of the week to plan strategy with President dc Gaulle Prime Minister Mac millan and ChancellorAden auer for summit conference with Premierlithrushcbev WELL CAUGHT In Braintree gl Claude Grimwood was fined £5 Archbishop Makarios elected to heme first president of Cyprus when the island be comes an independent republic Feb 19 The United Nations ended its 1959 General Assembly Sunday Canada helped promote final compromise splitting is Securi ity Council seat between Pei and and Turkey for year each Roar Touhy had 23rdays of freedom Released from prison after serving nearly 25 years of kidnapping sentence the Chicago prohibitionera gang ster was shot down late Wed nesday by unknown assailaan The week In Ontario John Robertskdz Pro gressive Conservative member of the legislature forLondcn for illegally selling transfer foxes One of the traps caught the village policeman EDEN 0N SUEZ Sir Anthony den defended the 1956 Su asidn whichhe launched as Briidlnr prime minister North was sworn in Thursday an Ontario education minister He succeeded Hon William Dunlap 7e who resigned after eight years because of ill health Mr Dunlap willstay in the cabinetfor time as minis ter without portfolio Mr Roberts lawyer has been minister without portfolio cc 1058 The Massey Foundation will build 51000000$l500000 graduate students residence which will also house anew graduate college at the Univer sity of Toronto Announcement war made Thursday by Rt Hon Vincent Massey formrr governorgen eral and chairman of the Mas sey Foundation Highways MialsterYaremko Thursday announced an in crease in licence fees for about third of Ontarios motor ve hicle owners in move to boost revenues from that source by 32200300 year in 1960 Affected are owners of some small and compuCt care who will pay 515 instead of $10 Owners of station wagons and commercial vehicles with maximum gross weight of 2v tons will pay $10 boost of other increases covered trail ers less than one ton motor cycles notnwned by municipal mes and fourcyiinder rsrs made before 1933 Mild weather gave Great Lake shipping brief latesea son spurt Tuesday despite the closing of the WellandCanel between Lakes Ontario and Erie and the Canadian locks at Soult Ste Marie The United States canal at Seult Ste Marie stayed open past the Dec 12 deadline to en able ure and grain carriers to lock through into Lake Huron They were expected to close sometime next week 1959 White ChriStmas Vi Not Happypone chances of recoverinl the crop are remote Most this will be ruined resold and not even good for West of Winnipez small centre report cub shortach and fewer buyers than oonnal In Alberta where early new hit hardest through the centre of the province In agriculture offi clal said large Inna Abouid weather the winter well He said small farms hove had to sell livestock for lack of feed and face cheeriess winter FORTUNAIE AREAS Many Alberta ccmmuniiia re port reduced sales but there are no areas of hardship In southern Alberta and Sau kaichewsn where storms were lighten communities report few curbs on farm spending Municipal secretaries in the three provinces report many for mcrs requuiing form for fed eralprovincial aid Method of payments varies with each provlnce but lhe hid wiiibetaanacreloassoomaxi mum Payments are not likely to begin until after Christians Far mers who harvestedmore than 50 per cent of their crop will not qualify for federal aid and will have to rely on provincial schemes if the ground is firm enough in the spring to support heavy combines grain in heavy stubble may be harvested if the ground is soft or the grain is lying flat it is lost EDMONTON white Christmas is pranlséd for most oftberuroiWestbutitwontbe happy one for many formers The snow came too early Millions of bushel of grain are frozen under snow which killed iézrvcsi operatiws in early Octo Cash is short Merchants In some areas are tightening credit No one is reported desperate but come fenners Particularly those with small operations face an austere holiday The Meadow Lake district in northwest Saskatchewan sullen most CRITICAL CONDITIONi Paul Seam agriculture repre sentative said much of the area is in critical condition Partners are going to ï¬nd it hard to scare up sufï¬cient operating expenses for out spring he said Average figures for the area show 90 per cent of flex still on the ground with so per cent of the out crop and 40 per cent of wheat and barley Agricuiiure MinisterNelle of Saskatchewan said he ï¬gured 10000 farmers would get relief payments from the province while another 10000 will get fed eralprovincial aid CROP MOSTLY RUINED in Manitoba more than 30000 000 bushels of grain are on the ground and Craik of the agriculture department said sure Chinese Ban Export Of Papers BOMBAY CWReports from several Asian capitals suggest that Red China has imposed blanket ban on the export of many mainland Chinese newspa pers Consequently black market prices are being quoted for what ever banned newspapers find their way outside the Bamboo Curtain Prices range from 75 cents each for national newspapers to as much as $5 for single copies of the services organ Liberation Army Dally Indian travellers arriving from Hong Kong say there is brisk smuggling trade in Communist newspapers One visitor said There are people prepared to exchange an automatic watch for just one copyiol prominent Red journdl MOSTLY movmcws For some time pastPekiiig has discouraged the export of news papers described as not do sified These are mostly provin cial newspapers which occasiom ally contain information about discontent and disturbances Observers say Peking is taking special care to see that copies of newspapers published in Tibet Sinkiang and inner Mongolia are not exported These demand high blackltmarkel prices it is not clear whether the ban will be extended to cover monthly magazines also but newsagents The iWOrld Lost if These Notcibles by ansmrn Canadien Press Sail Wrier US state secretary tried for seven years to shape the Wests foreign policy to is own unbend ing principles died during 1959 of the cancer he had battled for more than threeyeals Although his inflexible unfor giving palicy toward the Com munist bloc had come under fire tram many Western countries both friend and critic paid horri ageifovbis uiet courageous struggle against the painful dis ease President Eisenhower had fears in his eyes as he announced the death of his longtime 71year old friend May 24 The United States lost another elder statesmanwhen George Marshall 78 originator of the European recovery plan thstbcre his name died Oct 16 The movie world lost severe outstandingistars Kay Kendall 33 year old comedian wife fBex Harrison died of leukemia Sept Ed mund Gwenn 33yearold charac ter actor died fliesame day Paul Douglas 52 actorhusband of Hollywood star Jan Sterling died Sept 11 Wayne Morris 45 collapsed and died from heart attack while visiting an airdraft carrier Sept 14 FLYNN AMONG THEM Errol swashbuckling hero of romanticfilms died at of heart attack Oct14 in Vancouver Only one week ear lier Mario Lanza billed as the second Caruso died in Rome aged all Nictor Michigan 72 son of an English clergyman who turned from an army career to prod pecting and farming in Northern Ontario and prizefigblingin Brit ish Columbia before becoming an actorydied Nov Ethel Barrymore an actress John Foster Dulles who as 0155 of hu 79 years died June iii The last of famous family tr she outlived her brothers John and Lionel The master of the big epic Cecil BdeMilledled Jan 21 He was 77 Roland Lou Costello 53 member of the top comic team of Abbott and Costello for more than 20 years died March 20 almost brake SOUTH AFRICA LOST PM in the realm of art sculptor Sir Jacob Epsiein75 whose con traversiai works led to many vio lent protests and even neiarriots died in London Aug 19 Maxwell Anderson 70yearold playwright died Feb 28 Archi feet Frank Lloyd Wright ea whose revolutionary made him hero or heel of critic died April after surgery South Africa lost former prime minister and governor general Daniel Malian 04 prime minister from 1048 to1954 Who formulated SuuliiAfricas segre gatinnist policy of apartheid died Fe ErnestJnnseu 78 who iv served asnative affairs in later in South Al govern ment and been appoi ted gover norgeneral in 1951 died Nov as Another Commonwealth coun tryCeylonlust its prime my ister when Solomon Bandara naike 60 was shot fatally Sept 25 The slaying mushroaméd irito political crisis that led to the resignation of cabinet ministers and seriously threatened the gov ernment Mike Hawthorn 29 who ill 195a brought the world autoracing championship to Britain and then retired died in the wreckage of his car Jenzz when itgoveru turned on highway lJean Belira Fred leading in several Asian capi relWrt supplies of certain magazines have become restricted while some magazines fail to arrive New China semi monthly publication which gives com prehensive digest of the lied press has gone off the new sfands inseverni capitals PAPERS TELL TOO MUCH According to observers Peking nbvrousiy lecls foreigners learn too much from Chinese newspa pers about the goingson in the country At the same time Red China has stepped up the supply of tam types of propaganda papers and magazines Tolaltract buyers Chinese pub lications are offering many in ducements popular one in in dia IS the offer of free 1960 calendars Indians particularly womenlove calendars and most homes have walls decorated with colorful calendars Some of the Chinese and has sian pictorial magazines are well printed They cost only about third the price charged by Indian and Western journals leading news agency in Bombay says he sells 500 month against 400 Indian publications racing driver died Aug when his racing car went out of con trol in the Grand Prix of Berlin race Jerry unset 26yearold sock car champion of the 115 died May 17 of burns suffered when his racer piled up two weeks earlier NglhED EOXEES DEAD sporting world also lost two noted boxersMax Beer and Tony Canzoneri Baer 50 play boy heavyweight champion for year in the 305 died of heart attack Nov 21 Cenzonerl 5i whoheld the featherweight ht weight and junior welterweight titles was found dead in bls mid gwa Manhattan hotel room Dec our nansnv GONE Death took the baseball greats George Hooks Wilise 73 who pitched 1einninglno hit game for New nrk Giants against Philadelphia in 1908 Na Lajme 03yearold onetime star second email with Phila delphia and Cleveland and tcher Ed Walsh 71 who wan to games for Chicago WhiteSox in 1908 WI Hoppe 71 rated the greatest billiards player of all time and winner of 51 world bil l7ardschampionships died Feb during the year Edgar Guest 77yearold ipaeiof the people whose poems appeared in 300 daily newspapers Aug Federico Cardinal Tededchi as arch pnest of the basilica of St Peter Nov Flect Admiral William Bull Halsey 76 commander of the 3rd Float in the Paciï¬c during the Second World War Aug 15 Field Marshal Lord IronSIde 79 Britains imperial Chief of the Generalstaff at the start of the Second World War Sept 28 and the Sultan of Johara 05 who ruled the southern Ma layastate from 1895 in 1955 May There were these other deaths BIBLE mum Comfnrt ye conduit ye my $01112 laid yourGod Iniab Our greatest need is the com fort God can give Those whb know the comfor should share It with others