NIKE zrus TAKES on The 115 Amyin releasing this photo stated that this Was an earlier test model ofxthe Niko nnllmlssile missile weapon of this type hnd been fired successfully at the White Sands missile on Deo 16 Resigndtion Raises Hope Motor orkérs Join CLU OTTAWA Cmqiohnl Lewls Impending resignation as boss hf the United Mine Wor era of America raises the pass lllty of the independent UMW joining the Canadian Labor congress Four years agoLcwisnbrupuy steered his union out of the Canadian Congress of Labor one of the predecessors of the exist ing congress hiahyCanndian Mineworkers loificials régreited this ion po qestion possible hookuph tween theCanadlan sections of gt Is union and the 11000001nemlt be congress KENNEDY KEYl iAN Much ivould depend on the at titude ofjllipm Kennedy will automat succeed Lewis lhe 72 yenr old Kennedy is UMWyice resident Congress officers are believed to be receptive to bringing in the Mineworkerszthough some juris ctional problems would be in volved The rUMW it was ex ected would have to make the first overtures Olficers or the BMW in the faritimcsfand the West en iaged strictly in coal mimn to reported here to favor icopgress it not ow the Canadian the unws catch all District 50 would look on the idea Whilc it never has been an nounced why the UMW suddenly grew hostile to the CCL 1955 information developing nee then has been to the effect that Washington headquarters of the UMW under Lewis came to the conclusion that District 50 was not getting enough protection from that congress mie Pnui Sauve and his cabinet eagues to Prime Minister Diefenhakers proposal for on al ternative system of grants to universities him cri Quebec will rlea today the reactionof Pre Contents of the letter lift Sn sent Tuesday night to Mr enbaker likely will be read the Legislative Assembly meets at pm are three possible courses for Quebecacceptance flat rejection or setting out counterproposal that wonld over come nhjcctionsof strong auto mobile elements in the province Most observers say the govern ment is likely the federal prdlt ditional one per cent 10 instead of nine per cent of corporation profits to raise money sh they can pay grants directly to the universities Then likely will make some observations on thosayortions of Pickwinnipeg corneas551 for Modern City Hall city hall or stone office glass walled With wavy roof or Wi cg Wednes aljury of Sn niankstein Russell and Assneiatest Winnipeg won $20 ooorqz the inning design Faced with TYndnll stone quar ried in lllanitoba the litstdrey ofï¬ce building would feature un usually narrow windows tore duce the glorefrom the prairie 5111 The twosiorey councllgcham bers reinforced concrete not supported by series of shaped concrete pillarson each side Would look from the air like row of giant concrete pipes laid side by side The tech nical term for the re is tinuous barrel vaul The triangular site proposed for the new building was giv to the city by the province in 1956 and approved by voters in 1957 referendumOther sites have been gested since the referendum If the building doesnot go up within threeycars the architec tural tirmstiil wdl receive an additional 515000 MANY THANKS in Those So posal to let provinces lax an ad Learn Today Sauve Reaction Dielenbakerfs Grants Plan Mr Dieienbnker al which have stirred up unfavor able commentrthe requirement for the provinces to use the fed eral formula of allocating grants and the or al engagement provinces would have to make that the money raised by the additional tax must go touniver sities Autonomists say the Canadian constihrtion brooks nointeferenoe by the federal government in matters of education Author Prexy Lands Prizes MONTREAL CP Gordon Green president hf the Canadian Authors Associatlon said Wed nesdny be we dcllxhtcdto hear that cash prizes at $1000 each are to be given to winner ot the GovernorGenerala Award fa literature no cash annlsr be made by the Carido Council We lore delighted to hear of 000 prizes said Mr Green ntll new have had the pitiful sight of winner not having the train are to come our dinner to receive his award Mr Green said he does not think the granting of the cash prizes menu the Canada Coun will take over from the Gov arnnrï¬encrolr Awards hoard mqum cmmourn fir in this city history rcpt three downtown burlneu holid lou Wednesday nigh destroying WWWrM In Wilt In causing dentgo estimated at up to 81mm Jinn than no firemen from eight mmlnunltles fought the fierce blue for six hour and stopped it spreading othcr building in Kin Stl block abort dirtnee tromcity hall Streetlevel atoms occupied by Lohlaw Gmtems Metropoli tan Store and werrtwcnl do thronged the ï¬re leapt 150 feet into the rparlu as big on baseball bunt from the him Police finallyclealed the en tire block of spectators stores on the opposite side of the street wereeloscd trolley buses my rf weeps ii i£erd omeor Progressive Conéervnq live Association itwu the moo time in 25 years that the hulldinzhad been damned by fire $121000 fire moot the building on Good ra dnanwlm ali firemen Min Alice Kleinhnecht L01 Christmqs The Praves Very Brilliant Afldip COPPERMINE NWT tCP Christmas in Northern Canada is bright spot in the gloom of long winterhlghis Trapper and hunters are heath ing into settlements thn week to take partin celebrations which and after New Yearl Day in for northern points such as Coppermine 1000 miles north of Edmonton gifts were ordered last May and delivered during the summer by the barges and boats that ply the Mackenzie and other rivers More southern communle Yellowknife Dawson Fort Smith bnve stores with Christmas merchandise lndlnnr nnd Eskimos drift in to trade furs for gifts was THE WIDOW liUNT moor NEW YORK CHRenter news agency nesdny de iivered to its Norl American clients the following dispatch concerning Canadian estate that bears no similarity to any recorded in recent years TEL AVIV Israel Dec 18 mutantRelatives in israel are pressing claim to re ported legacy of many mllllons of dollars leit by Canadian widow identified only Atmt Funny The family of alreadyka porous Moshe Dankner ofNa tnnya lsrnel reportedrecew ing letter from Canadian lawyer looking for bendiclarles under the will of the widow of rich Canadian businessman All weknow is that our Aunt Fanny has died in Canada recentlynnd leftan estate of many mil llo Danlmerp onner of adiamondpolishlng factory told reporter member of the family is leaving for Canada soon to press the claim fRegln counter wonderful gift or looking and efficien VACUUM om Good too with swivel top for maximum cover age from one position flpieee accessory int Toe tonal switch Disposable paper has auction Multiplwfilterlnl high gt 955 Down 10 P9weriul1 vRegularlyZZBd December Special each Mouihly Low coo cm Beam run sin nrnis The December darkness in be ing brightened by colored lights and glinting tinsel The sound of carols andvhymnr can the bite of the bitter wind Christmas trees were out this year under govunrnznt licence for the first time in history in the Northwest Territorial Some were sent to Arctic Ocean com munities Coppermine 1mm yatuk Spence Baywhere trees dont grow in Yellowknife the big ally of the NWT electricity roadie lions were lifted this week to al low Ioutdoor decorations to be llghted nonhuman Bnrr WAflMr RECEPTION OHICAGO APlcaroon Pirie Scott and dampeoy depart ment store has installed infra red lamps to warm up passershy who stop tolook at window mer chandiselho lamps heatany object struck by their rays but not the lumundlng can one is 13mm nonre ADAMS Mass AP ramnod Pamela Darcie was reported resting comfortably in hospital today after she swal lowed aspirin tablets She climbed on the bathroom link to reach the aspirios Tuesday eve ning during the brief absence of her mother Doctors pumpedout tilechilddrtomadr and said she is out of danger PREMATURE BABY DIES MIDDLETOWN NY AP An infant girl who weighed only one pound 14 ounces at birth Deb died Wednesday inhos pital here The tiny child born prematurely during the Ioventh An ideal gift tor the handyman and just look at the special low priced Features includ Full 25 amp motor Precisiomcut helical gem meromower greater Ughtwelght only lbs drillinghrqna In Fort Smith odmlnlrtrahvo centre of the territories northern affairs employee ring carols on the ooroersralslns money for the needy Funds for the offlco party also have gone to this cause The RCAF in flying turkey and trimmings to tbe far northern points of Isanchsen Mould Bay Alert Thule In the schools Santa Claus la presiding at Christina partlea The parents of Cree Chipewyan Slnvcy Hare Dogrlh or Eskimo children often get as much hick allls of old StNiek on do the month oi pregnancy was the daughter of Mr and Mn Now man Novct of Peekslll MY They have no other children MAKER TAKES 1115K NEW YORK AP 13th cehtury book costing record breaking $102000 ha bï¬n deliv ered to its hew ownerby ordi ï¬lm1113 Book dealer Krnus bought th illuminated manuscript of thehpocahï¬a at London auction two week ago it arrived Wednesday The price was the highest for book since Morgan bought one so years ago for $158000 RUSSIAN DIRECTOR DIES LONDON Reuters Sergei Vosillev an outstanding Soviet film director and former winner of the Best Direction prize at the Cannes FilmFestlvul has died It the age of 59Tasa news agency reported Wednesday night Vasi llev won fame in the Soviet film world as corllrector offlhapeyev in 1934 Ihochulch mission will hold urvloa along the same pattern or those outside Most missions plan party and dinner for those who can DOOM RACE Doggled racesare becominxn northern traditionon Christmas Day in the Arctic coart commu nion The ancient Eskimo and in dlon drum dances will be per formed both at Christina and New Yeara Hundreds Join the dance at Aklnvlk Though moat white man are well off in the North some lna dlans nod Eskimos arent Fur prices are good locally but trapplnz results have been poor says Don Whitede of Spence Bw NiW Féw Bakl mos can splurge but none are likely to ho hungry lirisChrisb mu Heavyapending lbraflected in communitls with liquor stores Part of the heavy demand is the result of treatylndlanl bolus al lowed tobuy liquor this year for the first time MGMHMWVIM bflfluï¬ï¬loominngwom ma wobble no thrilling mam arg botMil mry Climatth pants of offices above moved into marge Cusfomen were also door from the Motropolltnn nor which occupied thepthar be the ground floor thou lnthe next doorZell ltorokept shop he as the only aim of fire thatbiulding weroofou wisp of rmolre rlhey cleaned out when smoke thickened witlifnan hour however and flames from tho Joann Building ate through the flicking wollmld swept into the rc nhe Zéllervliulldlorll owned by Minot Milly 37 Norman Schneider ormcr Liberal member of Parliament Waterloo North BANK rnnmrnrm 0n the west side of th Jamar building the flames jumped acrpsa the roof of hullthz fon merlyoccupled by the Toronto Dcmiruon bank and another cupied by Jack Fraser Mon Wear The blaze also threatnnod an KW Woolworth store nut door to Ignore gt The fronts of nearby buildings were based down andfireman said mild weather and lack of high wind saved the area from greater damage Many tenants ot the business offices lost decades of redordr Some locked therh fnthelr vault at the first alarm but the safe guard proved useless eluded were dentists lawyerscontru tors architecls and realton Ofï¬ces in the JonzenBuildlnc included the Motor Licenco Bub eauwrith its stock oflsalrplntoa and licences it also housed tho Kitchener Music Society Hall and severalrunion officer epitome Ann wagon scuacoogwi estaterun our 39 com mobuh 233 oev new