houses and buildings at th mam dam site Fired Rockets In Canada Wantonmousse researchboardtodaydisclosedin year and review that four rocketeogineawere firedtoan altitude of more than 60 miles fnan Fort Churchill Han early lnSeptember The board declined to give any explanation for the threemouth delay In the announcement Purpose of thnflringa was to tntanewtypeofaoildfueido vsloped by scientists of the Cana dian armament research and dc velopment establishment at val osrtlarQue The fuel successqu llitcd two test vehicle into the upper at moaphora Sept No similar engines were tested the following week Griner Or ASPECTS or WORK AT msrmcn Boson Top left to right meat as uDRB colitrlhution to the intelliglele assessments measuring device developed at DCRL and now in the latter design stages will provavalu able in the establishments prolectivc clothing develop mont program and promises to serve as useful facility in variety of civilian re search areas This giant foot diameter radar antenna at the Prince AlbertRador Laboratory is employed to in vestlgate the aurora borealis development of ballistic missile defiance The largest of CARDEs hypervélocity launchers is under test at the Valoartier establishment prior to its longterm employment from permanent site as missile model launcher Bot tom left to right DRML scilt entism in one of the stations decompression chambers where high altitudes can be simulated catry out speech CARDE scientists successitu tested an improved solid pro pellant in test vehicles called Black Brant fired at Fort Churchill in September Shown here is Black Brant on the launcher and shortly after firing The development and construction of small plat formlike craft called lbx fitted with falls that can be adjusted readily after each sen run played an important xolo thleyear in NERs hydro foil research program Deton ation of TNT charges of vary ing sizes provide fundamen tal research data on shock and blast wave at SE8 An slyais of the information oh tallied from explosions like the detonation of this l000tÂ¥ pound charge will permit the scientists to suggest design featines leading to improved military and civilian shelters National Defence Photo Sdsk iver Prcjegtj Kev To Irrigation SASKATOONiCP Work is next lo years should see the start of irrigation in dry cropkilling lands of central Saskatchewan Farmland of tho Palllser lrl angle now is the site of construc tion begun in 1559 on the bald banks of the muddy South Sas katchewan River The river ribbon of water through belt of dry pent up by giant earth dam in miles south og Saskatoon Warm 500000 scans The dam will contain lake 110 milesiong The water will irrigate 5003100 acres of sur rounding land though the full ire ligation potential wont be real ized for at least25 years secondary dam to be built 055 the QuApPelie Valley 12 miles southeast of themain site brings into focus the immenle of the 5102300000 project This dam is being built mainly to keep thetrapped water from flowing down the valley to Win nipeg 450 miles east and posing flood threat gt The first year of construon has seen an estimated on per cent of earth moving contracts completed for $9000000 More than $4000000 in machin ery was uSed to push away the soft topsoilvon which the main dam willbobuiit and replace it with more substantial founda The riveryexcept for narrow channel has been diked and backfilledgto form foundation ih ï¬rm at of the project is heitigv feli jlin surrounding com munities such as Outlook Elbow Lorehur and Dunhlane Business hastak des in 1055 There is plenty expansion Applications to establish new businesses on the access roads gcarrying workers and machinery into thearea are being turned down The gavernments cderal provin alandimun are promoting slow growth rather than quick boom Already new comp my has blossomed comprise 38 our rational Primarily an irrigation project the dam will provide power and recreation facilities also The controlled flow of water through $345000000 hydro plant and its turbines will resultin 375000000 kilowatt hours an anally of power BOATING PARADISE The 500 miia shoreline of the lake will be boating and camp ing paradise for Saskatchewan idsidents two thirdsof whom will only be two hopi drive fromthe dams In 1960 this looyeacold vision will move step closer to reality with the construction of five di version tunnels each 10 feet in diameter and large enoughto carry fullsized train Alberta irrigation expenditures have tailed off from $30000000 program in the mid19503 to $900 000 in 1959 About 40000 went for drain age and general work on the St Mary Milk Rivers development near Lethbrldge and another $310000 was spent also for clean ing up on the Bow River de velopment neorEnchant In Albertas eastern irrigation district 21 syphona structure to carry water across depression was rep for $150000 across Antelope Creek Unitarian Service committee Campaigns Far Oversea Projects mews CPiThe Unitarian Service Committee which brings relief and rehabilitation anCan adas porno to the stricken chil dren of the world needs $45000 Dr Lotta Bitschrnanova its tireless director said Wednes day Ivcant sleep until every last cent is in the bank The campaign to support 62 projects in 11 overseas countries requires $45000 before the Christ mas Day deadline to reach its $250000 objective APPEARED OFTEN Since Sept redhaired Dr Hitschmanova has made 155 speeches in 50 cities and towns She averaged three or four hours sleep day She appeared on every televiv sion tation in Canada but one andvrewers often phoned after gards asking for more inform have the most appealing and urgent topic think and people want to learn more about it she said in an interview The campaign this year is the biggest in the committees 14 can mm gains 3644 Tofft snort rep um eud tall sarcomas consonant years and she said Frankly Im worried Fortyfive thousand dollars lot of money if measured in terms of childrens hunger and childrens suffering would not know where to out any of those 62 proteins The trend of USC work was to rehabilitation and voca ti ii iii training This cost much more needed greater experience and took much longer than relief work It was relatively easy to feed 125000 children with barley gruel former newspaper woman in Czechoslovakia she was refu gee herself for two years during the Second World War before reaching Canada Within three years she had foundedtha USC WellKnown Sportsman Dies MONTREAL GP Adolphe Louis Caron well known busi nessrnan and aportman died Thursday He was 00 Atthetlmaofhladeathhe was chairman of the board Sheraton Limited Canadian sub sldiaryvnf the Sheraton Corpora Lion of America He was preal dent or Caron Brothers incor porated and founder and first president of Beauharnois Light Heat and PowerCompanyu Hewas interested in thede velopment of athletics among Frenchspeaking youths and was honorary president of the Na tional Lacrosse Union He was also first president of the National Athletic Association Mr Caron was president ofthe Royal Automobile Club of Can ada in 101710 and pioneered many legal and practical im provements for motorists native of Port Hope Ont he received part of his educa tion at Port Arthur Collegiate Institute If you havent mailed your Christmas cards and presents yet chances arcthey wont ar rlva in time Postal officials at Ottawa had set Thursday asthe deadline to ensure arrival before Christians Fromtoday on youll have to trust to luck but post offices everywhere are working over time to handle the heavy flow of Officials in most major cities MILE RANGE The vehicles were 24 feet long 17 inches in diameter and de veloped 20000 pounds of thrust for periods of about 20 seconds They reached speeds of 3000 miles an hour and fell into Hud son Bay about 135 miles east of the launching site The board said future test ve hides may carry instruments to investigate the upper shrine phase The rocket firings are ooolt nected with the boards research into the feasibility of building canolamissile ayatem Tho rocket enginessimply tuhefilled with propellant were named Black Brant after small migratory goosd which breeds in the Canadian Arctic ran seam marinas rumor nscminzn is 1359 Government Still Faces Decision Replace IF100 Or Not OTTAWA iCP Whe1i the blow torches were put to the aux penonlc Arrow in 1050 Canada wmt out of the bigweapon busi ness and It appeared she might also withdraw from the manned Interceptor field The decision to scrap the Aru row program after enormous ox mdituru of some WARM vacuum in Canadas de fence position At years end nobody was sure how this vacuum should be filled Youth Acquitted Assault Charge TORONTO CF Fred Gar land is as acquitted Thursday of charge of assaulting no liceman after he and witness teatlfied they thought two police officers ri old clothes were kidnappers Garland and companion Mavis Chu and David Wing both 10 said constables Anatole Womlak and Donald Banks showed their badges but the trio considered them phonoy because one officer was wearing car coat and the other striped Windbreaker Garland said he struck Coo stable Banks on the temple after being stopped for questioning Allan zlppoo University of Tor onto student said that when he saw the commotion be though someone was trying to kidnap the girl and called police OneHundred US Service Men Give Party For LOWER POST 80 CP Within lodge of broken bark the tender babe was found ragged roba of rabbit skin enwrapped his beauty round An angels choir sang the old Huron carol here this week as 106 Indian children had Christ mas nary courtest of 100 United States service men hun drm of miles away said the publiciappears to have listened to post office pious for early mailing and has °l helped Mailing in all cities was pected to reach peak next few days With the deadline for women delivery past post of if Are concentrating on Canadian and local deliveries Toronto post offlcespokes man offers this suggestion to persons wishing to send air mail and delivery ietterg Dont fibunlin the street iilbll gt Talrethem to the post office Street mail boxes were often jammed to capacity and with the large volume of mail coming in air mail andspecial delivery let ters could be delayed in sorting wnnrpï¬amans said the pub licwascooperatlng by doing proper wrapping job on presents as well as mailingearly Montreal was handling up to 3500000pieces of mail day compared with its normal avar sgeofdzmo The average for Toronto was about 7802000 envelopescom pared tothe normal 2575005 lgust office staffs have doub my AN isxewnunn warn en PaoNn re 32m Ior The Iate Shopper Jims in In Just Phone Kelcey PA 83844 Anytime arrr CARDS on nan chains 00110 email =iomiisiironiilIuiifs MnN EfiiIardy left preeminent Mr PatBiggs Provincial secretary turn Division ioim manor rioOommand Canadian Legion one ortho lied to conclusion Serviceme overseas dog with the overseas or ship India Children The children from the Tahltan Carca Selkirk White River and Kincales tribes are attending residential school at this British Columbia Yukon border village 010 miles north of Princo George For some the presents pro vided by American servicemen at the radar base at Baldy Hughes 30 miles west of Prince George will be the only ones they will receive FAR FROM HOME Far from home they had their party early when Santa Claus stranger to many of them or rived in United States Air Force Dakota to deliver nearly ton of gifts It was 20 below zero Santa Claushad gift from the Americans for each boy or girl Prince George Lions Club provided 500 pounds of candy The panstarted before the plane arrived with Rev Ivan Le vaque RomanCatbolic mission ary who operates the school leadingcarols youngster named George was typical of the attitude of the children Santa calledhls name but he was too shy to go on the stage Not until Father Lovaque called him did George move and not until he was assured he could keep his presents did he smile When the user at Baldy Hughes heard that the children could not return home for Christ mas they declded to adopt them AND Euwu oowbether it mold be filled at all The re id advance of the spade age aft defence depart ments all over the world groping forsolutions to problems which themselves were for from clear HUIUIDAL WAR Only one thing became more clear an East West hydrogen war would accomplish only mu fuel suicide Many Canadians be gan saying this country should leave the defence field altogether and put 1k money into something useful But the government signified its continuing strong support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organ ization by deciding to re equip the RCAF air division in Europe with the supersonic Starfigilter strike reconnsies piano Which will carry nuclear weep one it also announcad that Ameri can nuclear warheads will be stored in Canada for defensive use latha Bomarc antiaircraft missile Preliminary work started on the twoBomarc bases near North Bay Out and blunt Laurler Que The government still faces formal decision on whether to re place tha aging CFloo jet in service with the nine RCAF fighter squadrons in Canada with another manned interceptor BOMARC FAVORED But the consensus is that the CF100 squadrons will be grads uaiiy dismantled and anti alr craft defence leftto tho Bomarc The bomber is being superseded by the intercontinental rocket The Defence Research Board devoted most of its energies to research into defence against the long range rocket but any such defence if feasible at all is years away yet Scientific opin ion here is that only an anned aatciiltc patrolling space will pro Vlde any effective defence against tha intercontinental ballistic mis slle The last destroyer of Mshlp program begun in 1950 was com missioned in 1959 and construc tion started on six new destroy ers The government probably will decide nextvspring whether to put into production family of new vehicles for the army Only the navy hnds mlssila the air to air Sidewinder The RCAF is not to get the Bomarc until 1301 51 the eaflllilestuand tlhl army or en ng artillery and chilltank rnlssllu All in all 1059 was year of major defence decisions in Can ada But it left in its wake even more major decisions still to Manypeopll oavuuemlogetapod me not They toss manna in In doll and linden throughout the day Allof which may be due to mummy toxic condition which callsfortheuuof DoddaKidngyiifls nossr nnsnvé themostaticallyoontmlled probe controls cooking time the roast accurately Aid Canadians Going To Britain LONDON CF The govenr meat announced Thursday that persons coming to Britain from Canada will qualify more quickly for family allowances unemploy ment benefits and retirement pensions after Jan Families from Canada will be gin drawing fnmlly allome immediately if they become Brit ish residents Persons over 70 claiming re tirement pensions will be able to count cacti wetJr of residence in Canada as national insurance contribution paid in Britain The new arrangements will an able persons coming from Can ads to Britain to qualify for Brit ish benefits as quickly as Brlb ans golngto Canada qualify for corresponding Canadian benefBL Set Buildings Back Ten Feet KITCHENS CF Mayor Joseph Melnzinger said Thun day night he will ask city ooun oil to pass bylaw to have new buildings set back at least 10 feet from the existing sidewalk line after Wednesdays $1500000 fire in downtown Kitchener aha bfinalisestloyded two large co gs an supermar ket About 35 business premises were wiped out and 150 store and office employees are out of work Gilli from El PlUM pggdHEATiNG 84 DliNLOP 51 1251 WW PA 83770 wr mm wan umaaddsfronslhehiood lfthay doudnnandiowinihustsyinlho system disarrth rut tired cellar and harhrhlallan an you don ran well nightif haventthsf who of has in the dubioususe oar use no an depend on mac Venom The seal All New 1960 ATORRANGEI5 They Have soiManyWyondoriul Features into suroivmnc overcomes AND MINUTE MINDERz The minute minder times various household dut ies up to 64 minutes conch liner dunrsca ELEMEuTsi of chromaiox mlorotuba meats up in jiffy EASY CLEANING surface elementnirip pans and chrome rings are re movable for washing and cleaning KELVINATOR RANGES PRIDE FROM As nuisances unknown 19 Allf with trade av ottheKopeah We have gone ranches roughouiz the are serving in 22422 24 ESSA iron