Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1959, p. 3

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PAGE minor one no Publishedlpy cannons Ltd is anyone direct outer1o comm SisCalled Illwin Beiween Said Fantcistic NonsenSéi In his address at the Audit Bureau of circulations annual meeting in Chicago Grattan OLeary associate editor of the Ottawa Journal called the talk of illwill between Canada and the Unlted states fantastic nonsensethe wild irn aginlngs and talk of irresponsible so caued punditspeople intoxicated by the exuberance of their own verbosity Speaking on Canada and the United states and the meaning of relations be tween these two countries Mr OLeary said that none of the Canadian Prime Ministers he has known had better knowledge of Americans or greater de sire to get on with them than Mr John Diefenbaker He assured ABC members that there is no wave of antiAmericanisrn in Canada any more than there is plot afoot in the United states to make Can ada its satellite There are the people who tell us that Canadas part must be to either contra dict American Manifest Destiny or to thwart British Imperialismpeople who assure us that our role is in one day ex plaining to Americans why Englishmen behave as Englishmen and in the next day explaining to Englishnien why Am ericans behave as Americans Can you imagine me he sold trying to explain to Mr Casey Stengel why Eng lishmen play cricket or to explain to the Carlton Club in London what one of your baseball immortals meant when he said first nice guys finish last Opinions of Other Newspapers INVINCIBLE INDEFATIGABLE BRITONS New York HeraldTribune Let it not be said that with empire giving away to commanweath the British people have lost whatever it was that made Britain great Witness that in the spaco of only two weeks invincible indefatigable Britons have set worlds records for Continuous bridge playing by four Cambridge undergraduates who played nonslop for 72 hours 45 minutes completing sis hands Handshaking 9001 palmin 10 hours 10 min utesv Military marching 11 minutes Piano playing KIM hours nonstop by Hear old machinist Some especially teensgers might find these foals less impressive than that of the Pennsyl Vania coal miner who few years ago ate 77 hamburgers at single sitting along withfeight dozen rails 22 glassesof milk and six coins It was an American woman who last year set marathon talking record with 94 hours 32 min miles in 36 hours 27 nice and seconds ofconlinuous chatter And it was an Austrian who while back spent year in glass bottle and New Zealand sausage linker who in 1955 perched for three weeks in tree wiui half dozen eggs strapped to his chest Fin ally when they failed to hatch he conceded that hens do it better Butclearly after the achievements of the last two weeks the world must now look to Britain for leadership in such challenges to mans caplt acity So onward and upward God save the willcome along to do it and in record time too pheromone b1939 The SemiCentennial of the Epworth League founding was celebrated in Elizabeth Street Me thodist Church wifhover 400 members of the yes of the United Church into which the original was merged attending Rev Dr GA Little Tomato delivered an inspiring address on The Christian Life He pointed out that there were 90000 members in the United Young Peoples Union Given sellgovernment freedom and re sponsibility in directing their own societies it was found fhatihe moreresponsibi1ity they were given the more seriousthey were Miss Jessie Bryson arranged special musical program for the Golden Jubilee Service with choirof the YPS who gave Singing Songf Lloyd Armstrong sang solo and two sacred selections were ren dared by brass numeric from Barrie Band composed of Jos ClarkWm Gribble Orval Fleetham and flier Wells Another outstanding service was on the following Monday evening Paragraphically Speaking We want toneexist in peacewlth the Russians but they had better not smash arooket into our Ilia est Moon It lsoften theorist that person 110 is trying to put up good iron is doing it to hide the wall his backs to the liftier Examiner nanometer saw on mt an em ion woeiuy 95 yea single corpse By mu in Canada $600 yam $350 strum moo thre munim Ave Toronto eio Cathean engifilnnunr 1126 ruin Streetrvuwouva nuns for sonicmenu only New an ushcrl mutation The nCnmdlan rmlllsnu to Anna Bureau or chromatin aimermvnmiunwo auto my use lucwubuuuonlof all new thaan In or ted PEI or rum to 3135an 31 the nu tannin Au flm heretofore News of Former Years with the oldest re leading off on it As menus we can talk it one another frankly There are problems betwun our two countriesalways have been always will beproblebasof trade problems or international waterways problems of in vestment But always infithe past we have contrived to resolvesuch mat ters to resolva them with frankness with manllness with the spirit of free men and good neighbors As for us 10rCanadlans7for the vast majority or uswe trust you we know you we understand you and we shall forever be with you in defense of the senetltles of freedom In Canadas capital the city from which come there is an old canal which winds through the town Weeping wil lows grow beslde it andarch over itand not one Canadian inten thousand knows why it was built or when Well it was built more than cen tury ago asth of plan to defend my country against years The very fact that this old canal today is but mus eum piece its origin unknown or unre membered tells the blessed thing which came and endured between our two coun tries lhe united States standing at the Cockcrow and the Morning star has rea ched pinnacleof power with anawe some accountability to history In that decisive role in all that it must call for in wisdom andpatlent courage Can adians will be your allies your good neighbors your friends Queen And there is marble to be rolledan Leeds to Bristol wegare sure some hardy Briton SUBURBAN DWELLERS DISCOVERY Montreal Gazette When person from suburbia comesglo town for day be is scarcely likely to be impressed that he has movedlfor that day in to planuers paradise lie is more likely to come home to his suburb with refreshing sense of relief No doubt those who live in suburbia would all prefer to have rand houses built in estates with picturewindows looking upon lakes or moun tains and with curving motor road from the gates to the main entrance But such things do not come to many anywhere What the suburban dweller has found is place of his own where the air is less poisoned with exhaust oke and sootwhere there is bit of grass garden where springtime and autumn mean something where slimmer is not one long wail about the humidity and where in winter the snow strange to say is white There the suburban dweller eldoying many advantages and carrying out many responsib ities has put down his roots as property owner ilis roots are strongly attached to the place where they grow Whatever the critic may like to say his roots nourish him and he has no daire to be up rooted Perha and not least it is only after living in subur in that many people have learned what it is really like to be citizen And for the country as well as for the person it is wonder fully worthwhile discovery when original members were praeot eight in ninnber Early days were recalled at pleasant re union of thereeves deputy reeves some former councillors and the members of lhe present In nisfil councilleae They met at banquet ar ranged by Township Clerk Align former reeve with entering by the Eastern tar in their ball About 25 were praent including all of the living reeves except Lilli of Calgary in the chair for 15056 it wasalso the 901i birthday of lnnisfil Township ML Allan welcomed the guests and stated that his purpose was to cement the bondsol friendshimamong those who have ser ved the public During his remarks he read some extracts fromen old minute book of council dat Cd cannon or race nadians Look so orrowdmonr Political ldeets Good For Tourism him no more to walk to the Con sarvaiive meeting In the Chateau With Mixed Feelings moon monnrsoN Canadian mil Staff Writer wasnmcrou CPlCanbdas relations with the United States often strained by economic dif ferences showed noticeable im provement during 1959 Queen Elizabeth added warm touch with hrlefbut spectacular Chl cugo visit during her momentous Cnlnadlan tour uma ways it was year of achlavlgment as the two neigh burs striiggled to erase the con tinuimz growth of border irrita tions But many problems ra malned unsettled and Canadians locked to 1960 with mixed feel fngs of confidence and apprehen SlOII The new year likely will see the two countries getting down to serious negotiations and perhaps even start on the harnessing of the mighty columbia River for great newfiow of poweth beam fit the west coast border area Canada would liker benefit also by the US plan to open world negotiations next fall to re duce US tariffs by total of 20 per cent over fouryear period at the rate five per cent year gt The flow of surplus Canadian natural gas to the US is likely to increase with import red tape cleared away Toi some extent this mightoffset the gradual de cline of Canadian uranium ship meals to the US following the American decision to chop Cana dlan uranium contracts after 1862 but 1960 also is presidential election year The Canadian fear is that legis Iaiors maybe more concerned with votecapmrhg moves than meeting appeals of foreign friends This could lead to pre clectlon emphasis on nationalism and mrotecflonlam with perhaps increased pressure for tightening of import curbs Decisions to limit the quantities of goods which could be shlpped info the would offset fhead vnniages offerilf cuts The 115 has given wide publicity to its deficit in lntematlonai trade in goods and servicBSn but less known to the American public is that Canada also has its huge trade particularly in trade with the 118 it is clearly in Canadas in terests to wid her markets in the USBut us govemhient and Congress is under constant pressure by industry Early in the new year Congress will be siudylng reports to decide whether to recommend boost in present import curbs on lead and zinc California oil interests araclamoring to redhce or elim inale Canadas hardwon exemplt tion from Us oil import curbs Another battle is likely to shape up in Congress on Chicagos pro posal to divert more Great Lakes water for sewage Elsenhower in the his Cannda need for more orders particular defence orders was emphaslzed at November meet ing of Canadian and Us cabinet ministers at President Eisen howersCnmp David retreat couracrs cum on The U5 agreed to do what it can to increase the flow to Can nda it also agreed also under obvious Canadian insistence to consult more with the smaller North Atlantic powers on world negotiations especially between East and West new committee of Canadian and us legislators began operalt lions in 1059 in increasing at tempts to resolve issues between the two neighbors The widening network of cross border commiflEBS swelled the flow of cabinet and other officials between Washington and Ottawa This flow was highlighted bythe mining of Queen Eliziibeih with one open ing of the st Lawrence Seaway in June As Canadns Queen Elizabeth observed that the seawey is magnificent monument to the enduring friendship of our two nations Later the Queen stopped off at Chicago to receive roaring wel come by some 2000000 spectaJ tors Those who accompanied her said it was the greatest welcome she ever received outside Brit Em gt Bison Crdnes Find Haven 111 17000 SquareMile Park aymvr wasch Canadian Press Correspondent FORT SMITH NWT CH The grazing bison stand motion less like mnimds in the waist high grass of meadowin Wood Buffalo National Parklhesound of their mundiing breaks the early autumn stillness flight of sandhill cranes breaks into the blue from log back to 1m and referring to taverns and their marshtheir feeding disturbed by rontroLlIe then asked presentReeve Orville Todd to take the chair Many speakers then contributed wealth of recollections dating back presentative Jamieson certain coupleseen ldssing in spark ed car the other night in secluded spot must have been equipped with snorkel rMenare 95 pergcen le 16 the way the world is beingrna aged says woman columnist Maybe so Any nwaywaznen are 98 per cent responsible fo the way mop are being managed Awoman applied for divorce because her husband an amateur poet insisted onreading his poems toftheir gues one divorce should begranted lieman isaadlst In Spring tree more lovely than poem can be Bill in the Fall an outfit lfbelbug =she It is nominating explorers who found in the Amazon Ba trible of di who had be on of tfoucn rwionw civilizedwon epasl 14years were considerate enough not to fill th inin Economlsts are predicting rosyfu tureybut it is doubted that people will ever become prosperous enou buy the movement of Chipewyan frapper laying snares The buffalo are alertv no great bull snorts sniffs then eads his harem info stab black spruce NORTHERN wmnEizNEss The 173005quaramile park is riverlined lakedotted wilder ness of forest marshplalnand Says Apartheid Curbs Sll Reds mrmwa or South Afr can information adviser inrot tawe Wyuand Van Eyssen flamers wanderingspifitm said Thursday that apartheid gregalionis firmguaranteeV South Africa will not go Commu nistu He also told Kiwan Ci luncheon that publicity ma cianswho manipulate news like so many mirrors bave succeeded in dazzlingyour eyes with one single facetof the liviogSouih African diamond the racial question HAMILTON CP Tw two Eskimo adults curedo berclilosis at Mountains torium leave today for th homes in the north They wilibe accompanied by 10 children niost of them form patients cl Forrmosl of tho ayeralwereborn ahthe muskeg that dips from northeast ern Alberta into the Northwest Territories First frosts have silvered its spruce jaclfipine and tamarsck but the meadow grass is still Iushandlhe vwaiers icefree The buffalo their mating sea son ended can still be found in isolated groups of bull and harem but gradually these groups are drifting toward one another to re form the three great herds found in the park Most of the 20 species of birds in Wood Buffalo are migrate The whooping crane and the can already are flying south Millions of ducks and geese have gathered at the immense marshy delta of the Peace and Athabasca Riversin the south the park to prepare for their gration WINTER RESIDENTS Volllel birdsthe grouse ptar migan ravenwill fay for the loag winter Most of thewie mammals also stay the winter ith caribou mie grating from the territorial bar rens to the park the Chipewy who disturbed the 4m mungyrs Fancy ram 52 cranes are setting their lines for ermine fox weasel rnuskA rat and beaver few of the 400 Treaty who trap the parkmake as $6000 season They wcre guar ishingri establishedvrn 1922 as buffalo sanctuary Wardens and patrolmen ofthe northern administration branch shape balsam poplar intonplyl wood and other woodfproducts Daily product is 75000 hoard if feet the year 000 buffalo divide into three her foundintho sweeteners Self Lake Athabasca been iueeli no in Plains and Buffalo Lake areas In summer they Wander in the northern areas of the park In winter they move on arrow straight buffalo trails to the tall grass north of the marshes This grass wont become snow covered and the shaggy 2000 pound beasts know this The park is bordered on the west and southwest by the 1500 foot Birch and Caribou moun tains and on the east by the Slave and Athabasca rivers and The Peace Athabasca delta keeps tb buffalo from moving ange mostly in theAL berta plateau poorly drained plain undermined by limestone and potted with shallow lakes strip of muskeg along lhe Al berta NWT border separata By PATRICK NICHOLSON mum The logisticawl political conventions are being dismissed here topic raised as inevitably as the hell by thekin vasionlmo Tories no week and less than onefifth of flat numberofGrlfsthlsweek What does it cost political party it hold an annual general meelfnzmueh as the Tories held or meeting of the national ad visory council nick as the Lib erals beldl Many of the Individual mem bers pay their own Expenses some are financed in port or In whole by theirlocal association or by senior organizaqu To Oshawer MP Mike Starr the cost could he nil For although his home is at Oshawa he do oach week in Ottawa an by as cabinet minister and it costs Laurler than to walk to the tie Pertinent of labor in the Con federation Building COST OF TRAVEL in contrast Bus Matthews MP for Nanuimo has to travel to Vancouver ad then take train $10340 return and rent sleeping accommodation even an upper berth costs $3050 re turn and pay for meals en route breakfasts lunches dinners each way Ho could save time by flying from Vic toria to Ottnwa 5321 return first class or $256 thirdciasal As an MP he could use rnii pas and hence only pay the cast of hh sleeping accommoda tion and meals en route But to anyone except an MP such pass Is not available The outofiowner then has to pay hotel room meals and tips averaging about $80 for three day meeting The cost of Angrlhe various hallsp ins loud speaklng equipmentgpriuting and duplica tin progralnme propaganda as all as good slice of entertaining are costs which are borne by the party organization itsclf These can be heavy For example in the ball QUEENS PARK speeches and mm of the Chateau Lauder Hotel the Tories used several hundred yards of hunting huge autographs four times life size and bigger of federal cub tuet ministers and provincial premiers of the True Blue Faith 13 coloured cresubn big ply wood sheefs representing Ihs country and fits administrative component parts andriso Canadian Ensign lavishly dis played and two Union Jack craftify camouflaged GOOD FOR TOURISM The annual meeting of the Conservative Party which was first held four years ago used in see about one round gross of Tories assembled This year the fibre soared io 2000 and change in the constitution has in creased the normal represents tion from the previous figure to around 1400 in addition of course anyone can attend who cares to pay 11 to Join the Can servaive Association and all are welcome even as freelance at tendons although as Mr No man Baker of New Westminisier discovered some are more wei come than others He is the party member In good standing but allegedly um employed who threw the vinegar into the whippedcrcum of the threeday gathering by asserting loudly and publicly that he shares with many Cnnadians an unhap piness about the presentsituahon of politicsln Canada that be ob liecls to the governments prescn policy of planned povery for Canadians and thafhe Iconslders lifr Diefcnbaker fduiletulde quote aso leader while visinnl is no more ana 1131 lucination Nobody has been nblerio fell me whetheer or 15 frank Tory or Grit fth lcolumalstr he was certainly piece of grit in an otherwise smoothly un eventful meeting Mr Baker will soon be forgotten butoiher re sults of that Conservative gath ering may long endureexcept perhaps this hlioratetsfcbems for $500000 asc cos or an inks with whisky Delegation Time ComesOnce More By DUN OEEARN TORONTOThis is delegation time From now until the start of the session representatives of many organizations will be sitting down with the government and going over their troubles The Ontario Federation of Agriculture and the Association of Mayors and Reeves are among those who already have been in Future groups will include Chambers of Commerce labor epresentalives and others The list grows every year And the Buffalo tart Nwn herd fromthe two Alberta herds MANY OUTSIDE PARK Seveial thousand bluran wander outside the park border Thirty of these were shot this yearin the Northwest Territories in the first buffalo hunt since 1896 Only in licences were is sued Grest herds of wood buffalo had been whittled to about 500 when buffalo hunting was out lawed 63 years ago By 1022 the resurgent wood had grown to 1500 In1922 about 6600 plains buf fan were shipped to thenewly establish ed park from Warm wright Alta They mingled freely with the larger darker wood va riety and now there are few pure woods left The problem of the park ad ministration is keeping the buf rfafo population below 20000the number that can feed adequately on the grasslands roundup and slaughtereach autumn at the Sweet Grassablt batoir culls the herd to certain extent The experiment with con ShreConinionWealth icoiiierence LONDON CPVTbe next coli er cc of Commonwealth prime here how egardedas aI certaiutobe held in Lorido the first half of May we learned today gt Nothing has been finally fi but indications are that the pre miers willopen their ninth posh or conference May or They would probably be in nnsultation about week The last prime ste ference was held here lune WalterNash Prime Min ter New Zealandisnid month ago onvleaving for home after lon don visit that he hoped to be to prime ministers he trolled huntingalso is underway nEarlyin may it looks as though the weeks of May fit the bill SUMMIT IN APRIL Britisli mi sters meanwhile are hopingthat the East summit conference will be fixed for thb second halfpf April They hearingr delegations now repre sents one of the very substanlial clicres oflthe cabinet FROST CREDIT is fhis wastef The observer would aay def initer not gt It is one very constructive way of bringinggovcrhment close to the people And it is an improvement which goes very much to the credit of PremierFrost For the most part the practice stemsfrom his tenure of office Before he took office it was most difficult to present 21 ca here directly Usually if some change were iwanfedit was approached through lobbying or using the services of somebody with an an Mr Frost changed this from the start He announced he would have unfopendoor pallayAnil it has never been difficult for legitimate group to get in to see him or the cabinet HAS WORKED The results of this po cy hav been most noticeable Backin the late 405 if talked looffice of anIorg iza tlon theyhad avuniversal pe The government was control ling lhem they would complain And they had no chance to dis cuss the conirols with it You dont hear this gripe much any more There are complaints certainly Themost conunonyne being that thingstheywant and which to them seem most reasonable are not being done But there Isnt that most des tructive complaint of allthat one is being ignored aprosmmv roo Incidentally there has been some development in the old contention of the writer that del egations should see represent aiivesof the opposition as well aSllIegovemmcnt well has asked various representative peoplet comebefore in Le becorh appar nt ihai are likely to take firm stand ou the matter as rime Minister plain thatheis no ppy ove President de Gaul sraistance ngwiih daughteran couldbecnme custom Which would further strengthen our twoparty dem

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