Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1959, p. 13

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no it EP on on humAt thr nuyii darn iiorpiinl Barrie admin Thun deyunee in ii nu Lenro loved wua oi chm1 it Bantu or II on street nuni end land drier ol mathn lavi1 or sinm sent in her in Ar we or it new Mn moorl unite nonuu nee IL 130 pm lniemilnt and no Inn cemetery In Mombriom mBln lmllnz 111ch our mute Robert urea in Nov 19 an vinegar who peace on Lam lut tnmienibrnnee uner remembered by thin Ben no heroine Ind sinnley uh Coming Events THE CHURCH OF THE NAMRENE is HOLDING SERVICE 1N ALLlSTON LIBRARY BASEMENT EVERY SUNDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL AT PM hi CHURCH SERVICE AT PM TURKEY SHOOT iron DRESSED TURKEYS AT ALLAN BROWNS DALSTON SAT DEC 12 PM Shotguns and Shells supplied MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING FRIDAYAIIDEC 11 Leisure Hull Rec Centre TOlTENHAM PM do AM Mull by Ebb Ahdenun Ind in Lone Fina BOYS BBW DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY cAeARLT mu coilPuis ONLY EC REST as couple For tablu reberv Tickets now on You We Hull PHONE ELMVALE 75m zuwmi Lessons Weeks Wins Flying Cup KENORA CPIA Kendra sili Icnt with skyhigh ambitions wdn national award for young pilots only six weeks after he started taking flying lessons But lhad been working around planes and hangers for years said 17Ayenrold Wallace Kingsley Warner winner of the Tudhnpe Trophy for young pilots Wally began his lessons at the Winnipeg Flying cadet scholarship in July and in the middle oi st went ihruughhis paces organ ex aminer min Ottawa The Iroth was donated to the Royal CanadianFlying Clubs As sociation in 1950 bythe late Maj Tudhope an oiticial of Can ada House in London It corn memorntes his son P0 William Tudhnpe killed during the Second World war BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified ad vertisnientsare inserted attire rate oi 4c per word per inser tion for one and two times so per word iorlliree tour or live times and Me per word or or more insectiolm 10 addi tional charge it notpaid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 80 IFPAID WITHIN 10 DAYS OR 38 IF CHARGED PER SERTION Coming Events fidper ord minimum charge $150 Birth and Death oiices and Cards of Thimks 50 for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per gwari extra in Memnliam No tices $150 it verse used per word extra ERRORS on CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded thrt en phone Insertion orderenro recent ed convenience to you the rd verilser Thzreiore the cinueined Advertlriut nept nest all hdvertkul to kindly eck their Advertisement immeuletaiy um um Inheriqu in order thlt my er rorr ol Omissions uiu be reported union7 umlb Elnu wintertime free out Insertion order We erh to not thlt rho arrrio Examiner responsible for mu one incop cectly printed insrrt on on my rdvcrtiuunuut end uln only to the extent or portth oi ed tuet Involve the lulrpriut motlwhlch do not iencn thh niuooi the Ad vertueineni ere nutrellalblu ior corrections hy mhko gum inter rud type uylu ier IOml dispiy clesridrnr my be ohtuinrd throu The Examiner ddvertlsinl oepu menu All WANT AD copy uhiiiild he in our little by mm the day heiore publication 0n Sntur day by noon Howrd Norrih Club on an air SINGLE iN All Real Estate Classification I7A Property For Sale Norman ShelsweII nul InAn um Dunlnp Sit on PA 89961 or 68742 KEMPENFELT DRIVE BRICK DUPLEX room upmulrni upnuiru room upurunent on mnin floor with lama Iii uii hclunl Italmu und ucreelu in picturuoue location Exce rut lncomn from any now to rInled hi price Ill °°° RPS ne ch el muoth Cell Nornun Suinu umnu iuipecuod $500 DOWN Two end three urdrnnu pudendum hath ieIiuro In em irru lam Iiy the kitchen your or en all hesisunx gn er muse Hind zoo Lhuy ere reel uyl Call non to Irrunxu inrpeciioru EXECUTIVE HOME Perurut very lurge uvinz room with lire inch reprite dining room wel planned kitchen plus our bedroom ehrd ller ed Inge puved drive end puny more tenure in will dullth you on ration hi Normn Sheb WeiII PA nodal iur lurihu do iui CLOSE TO ST MARYS SCHOOL neeuliiui hrlck bunglow luri one year oldowner moved loroiur nle Lem Innlly rtu kitchen Willi dlnlnl em uprciour uvlor room three good rile hedmoilu in ilnnhen mrution room gnuted on inner thln Iverll lot with Linda treu Cull now to hflanlI your impretion uppoini merit zvnmms CALL leeLonriiu PA emu Dian Shulswell Oro 29 PA due PA oml iiAu HENDERSON REALlOR HIGH 5mm COME SEE BOTHWELL CRESCENT On nice die curved Inl rter whnols Bedroom ranch brick home wlth nltlched llilge All rooms IIB Ilr Ind wall aimed Ahuiil $1000 own will hhndlc BD on Call lute serndmt LOVELY HOME anntown iocutlon six room home central in thin or rent Also one at $500 down thnm for this had archnu Phone Peru Peru EVENING CALL chII HendersonPA om Gene MoorePA P2360 Percy Ford4A ii7930 Rita ScandretIIPA 84865 iiclnbcr oi nuni end Dirtrm uuii Ontario Rel Eiret nurtu Ph PA 82678 flAdmmfiti HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR so BAYFLELD Si PA unis PicrunisoUD lmmlculhte inside lnfl Dut can rally located tn schools utnrei churches and bus cosy mom tutcliuiydecornted Owner trans enrd Reduced by 31101 or In rneiilhte Idle incurs lhll Dru arty wlth Khil 11th PA 599 EVENING CALL nL MARSHALL PA Mali hiotuz PA um him MARTIN smoun lone mom FORSTER PA deo 17Aiuti ORAHAM DIXON REAL ESTAIEBROKER PA e599 EXECUTIVE home years mo Leudscrpcd decorated ntthnhed arrre rec room lmmhciilnte lnride Ind out one home at stoma with terms it desired 91 DUNLOP ST EAsT EVENINGS PA 793 11 NormLu shciswe Dire PA6648I 40 MAPLE AVENUE Open rain 19 meldyr rod liiundhyl 100 HOMES FOR SALE EVENlNCs CALL SMITH CAMPBELLHen PAimr CHARLIE rimlien PA Man GERALD BRAMIIVHen PA Il7I712 RUSSELL CARSONnu PA Midi Jmnl QUINNlien PA when ROY LEGGOBes PA with FRANK NELLESlieh PA Member oIBIrrlI hndnmrlct Real Estate Board i7Aaiu MnLniJsE AVE the mod lull unirune chums Modernmlruuch hunnlow in Immaculate condi tion starrue and screenu Lot 70 iuuy unduepod Phone PA Mini PIAaw SL $3590 nAiutAnls Wonlry termh Nupler Street 560 wen gen till allla rec eld JotlfiTIiplex no on Income epirinreht houee cm Lot trhl 915w Iai out In harrelnr honenITA iiuom eel thntn mull Dunlap at am er 17 All Raul Estat magnification ROOtRs PHQNE PA 85568 maid Po our Main Duallaw nihin in plenum lovely mun no Icth inrpect or appointment um rnli price Au urrUeut DI Almost here with 310 minted 5mm huntlow Chiantihim II Genre 11 15 School only mile to mum of on down under VLA EVENINGS tins it noonPA um lionessqu use All in hohuunii netting ei tries on nod to ENREONNELL ANYTIMEI GNIFICENT LAKE VIEW SHANlY BAY ROAD non Iriininro IIIrhea pin acbnood bountiful viui lrun umied arrcud PA BUNGALOVI AND iI ACRES SUITABLE FOR VLA PURCHASE lhtludod ll all In tin maul New Iran or wornhop 30 Act now uirod out in ii ouriiiiod GAIL no rim to milli I=°°°er no OWL rosinPA nu comm one mutants were Dlsnuirr iimhsun quhn intmi OPEN HOUsE FOLLQW THE ARROWSTO CRESWICK COURT FRIDAY DEC OWN ER TRA POSSESSION JAN 1960 YOUR OPPORTUNITva iNSPECT MOD Will irs COLONIAL FURNITURE HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 Buyfield St PA 66453 Anytime l1ABlfl 1179 SATURDAY DEClzZ5 AND 79 PM YEARS OLD VNSFERRED FROM NORTH COLLEGIATE THE HEART OF OAKLEY PACRK ERN HOME COUTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Harrie ARTISTIC WINTERIZED COTTAGE with three bellmanl3 llvlnl room with lire luce kitchen end illcun m1 and rwopiece wuhroom overlooklnr Ihrfln trout pond ucreu Wou tread Ahuut ion yurdl iron Oro Perk INTERESTED lN REMODELLING iv rtorey ltuczo ironic on sheuiy my Hold Excaptlonll let weu more deiihgiew at Buy in Iheen rod in can unove male $2000 DOWN iroom Imoi prior cutme Insult led spiece hath tidy well kept hour with attached Inge one dunner here or lundvConcesnlt1n LICARSON um modem oll ceh Np ru is north drawyon Selectlmi several wall construct ed NBA homes varying ti mm 900 Inuite leet floor Ind up Low down payment urine in morit plymenls 1a thm rent Gill Mirthll PHONES oilicePA MissEvening PA Him CONSULT US ON Low down piyuiohthoudng plinl mchlnle oi Propenier Netiounl Homing Lung hueineu portunitior MPGl unuemunt NEW BUNGALows LOw DOWN PAYMENTS Pinunced by ion inrurrncc coni Intel chnrterrd Inn end Cen lionsre and housing Corpor on HENRY ELRICK and MICHIE REALTORS is own Er aAnnlr PHONE PA 85583 We iJAfl ACROSS rIII HI roomequtp hunt DOWN Ian ilAum udden PA H792 trunce surn rie nxrmlner DMYénosswonn Gruydcin REAL BTAII KOHL HHDKER in DUNLOP ETC EAST has WINGS CALL GRAYDON Kohl PA JAYNE ION PA 57111 riaan raNG PA N14 loAN eAN nPA osni VliAiflu frBOSE wL ESTATE deem is Tim samen BAKER CALL DAY 0R EVENING PA 82379 Member Barrio Ontlrlol CInhdlhIl had Nlthnll Hell Esta Bond LOTS Foil EAL 110 crorr ruin wheel hood 17 it MOVING Dont one in trnnrier 1m INSURANCE ind It you um um comm at my kind SEE STEVENSQNS PA asan DUNLOP ST NEW ammo nu iiIIin st ROOM House kitchenn Ehnh filflli IIIfl an flflfiillfliflll Hllllfifllll gllllfiflll flllllflli hAthu 11741 nlllnw nh nenrlnz completion mr buemenl on heatedPhone PA 56055 ilA9994 new oil urn ce with lepertn ru ll depotst hux no Ber llAohe nnlll luau II nznnl ilfififllé IIHEEQDBHE II ilAiti ANGUS GARDEN SUB DIVISION street smelled with cmnhedrllllg COULSON Mrs All Ruhl Estut Classifications 3Bedroom Homes LAHGEST BUILDERS 0F NEWéJldME YBuiItby 15 BMW LTD On Mdridn Crescent In VHigIiviéw Subdivision IlECll NORTH COLLEGIATE it certainly ls rimclaret Iverywhere end my dreamy kitdp an Philly iii enuulh to chitin They even let us pick nut all our glint and tile colours Tho lures element with window geiore It our winter we huvc In Iur up ouhjec rem work bench and reel luundry room where Mr Putt inithiied the tube Wlut reully limited ur my the ricelei than 313000 for th edroum home we nccdcd And roieci II In mm for they build even flIIded Italin window Ind lentil Ind lovely fiont llwn We very home or lt Ll cauillully finishfld llyou wens to sea It you yyiud mi In love with too HAROLD EORSTER REALTORr 93 BAYFIELD TRE CALLPAG yr ANYTIME mud otlour hrri dDietrmneIi Iinflfljd mono i573 IN SIMCOE COUNTY CROSLEY CONSTRU For Information Contact LEECH PA 82610 III we hld to DIV down WI 31435 Everythln extra moiit erpem l7A Property For Sale THE PREFERRED DESIGN FOR 59 With TiIed Bathroom Queen St Barrie ONLY $167000 DOW IAll detached homes ity park across the street no block from shopping Threc blocks from public school OFoiir blocks train high school ONE NBA MORTGAGE For information Contact ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION co LTD BARRIE PA 82327 iiAIMVJM QAKLEY PARK LSUBDIVISION lSfNew Homes Now Under Construction STORMS C7 SCREENS SUPPLIED LOTS SODDED AND GRADED CLOSE TO SHOPPING AND BEDROOMS WITH ORMITHOUT GARAGES BLOCK TO PUBLICVG HIGH SCHOOLS EXCLUSIVE TYPE HOMES CTION 174 BARRIEORILLIA DISTRICT NEw NO II HWY PROPERTIES $125066 Ghragu Living Qulrtefl soonhiri wny troutre iA reel buy uom Gerlernl Store Good House Crotne lt service Stnuupi garner Locuiiun $3000Il Large Restnurani mlcgrstllldn Residence null 500 irontdiiu 10 Car Garage Almost newranch lfllnxllow IW tronlllzuNuIr town $12000 New Cement Black Hidi Comer tlnchlinn 160 hllliny trauma Suitable for service station Werev house or netii outlet er hm mrny not to lhow lroni ATorantO toNarLb Bay Ely term on any ofthe nbuve propertier STO TTAGEN ZEs LTD REALTORS BARRIEZPA 85901 1qu STOUT AGENCIES annrnp Ind cold WI Lion PA 511 lien All Real Extent Classifications IlA Property For Sale unuoou elo with in arm or quick Lorrie Cur meleygloma 12h ue cmfir 33an AI113M IUNNmALl Am send my Eh Mumflmbwgu connect kitchen uremic iii lung mm relin ed tum Peon PA exiL iiAuw am TH si Vinoihtl stuuflizifgf 15 room uer ennui Ila El flu Gm lmgmgmlfl M31500 en In cannu PAuzu iiAnsilll I7BProperty for Sale Or Rent noun ran 2m or 5L Oukiey Pm Schoo your old bedroom Mnrun co SunMlnl Dunlap la Gum 111 Stan Phone PA 5995 MM l7CMobile Homes Bum ill or in re the inn line on oiqu RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOME SALES LTD Burton Ave Ne ll Highwny Phone PA emu Llull For Rent BEDROOM HOUSE Wllll OPTION BUYING Spoileuly cielu Centrally lacled llnlnrdiru ponelieu PHONE PA e290 OR PA 85306 TILMCI HEATED APARTMENT room end huih hit Ind stove ruppiiud Downtown locutiou Ad nit only Renthi Avuiieole ieuuury lit PHONE PA 33552 on PA ism AFTER PM llJaiDB neDnOoM unlumlhhed urt ment Ii Owrn at on R00 Houre nerrle Phone PA Musi iiihallo wgiiiliillvisiihn rungA Pry5 am re em it Ill st P7149 BRICK Bandeau ugltedéflzlumiiu iroln Barrie on 189 Apultment heated hih Phone PA 1118635 51qu Hollie on tliround gum room rmrn are Emile PA min luabBl Hhcfltnli Martin tr cc Pile Prams6291p illulna ONE inoolunp nnreineut Apert ment onea gsdmedPAAilnsfiing or one PA nnnnaolvi mmcnt pvnilhhle hit Selrusnh allied hunted hut Puuue stroud amt I7iaim sum nnAcuzn prick Home oedrouuls on umliizh Ednanag Allunriven encen en trict PA 54 11105190 SELF co AINEO runent In uremwood gammy isllsesnetnng SL perm one In hour BEDROOM end uupunie 33156 BOOM House in cooirnuwu hot and cold wutertndrelll1eule Rielchm run one lilsns NeWelllornhtD iiiwas der CONTAINED Argument roorns and hkuitn beang tprilvngle xc entrance pur nu CLEAN unfurnished room uri ment3 piece athlylaergc PAVliIaR hllV one all ivysane Ils tumour Bunlnlow vwllh ell lunvenienr 155 Duckwiirth st Coutu iiihim rwo zBnnnoonl Apartments one nigger duplgfii 02111 3sz up Celntral 5A 66056 iiiwen COMPLETELY Iurnlshed modern hemamphgme oilihheatgl sigm ru one illsusonhso HEATED modcrmy decorated XIEW id Tmlml loImfirlIpEc ax up PPY m7 ALLANDALE re lus nd hath llK Ind stove Iuties Phone iTJasso Pumsnxn ronmed apartment helted mi contained centrnny looted Avel bin Phone tiluni hunglow MODERN rnoln Vincent nell Panetanz an in iron on route on oxen on rut8991 2ronni dpixlliiefll zwl prime cntrmcc brick Ind Phone AVAILABLE lnxxa duple heeto sea ltt Pith re ce 3151 your new nohiiu Ivel Pram he run PA l7J Apts Houses All noel scion Cldmticctiodu I7J Apts Houses For Rent RENTAL DUNGALow line llglfllhbltm leir Immedhu pouchIonI mum unwound PHONE lIm lilac bea con to lhflnplnt Phone PA Iiimixth commune not 31 lchools end lane nooni upuriment ground Door 911le lntnnre Ictun window cur1e Avrlicui me Mint1y PA iiin90 TWO ROOMhtlled rim hi In one PA 7113 I7J59Ul nooii Baument Apartment uuie eutnnu an erudc I375 lmmnrulnlu condition Clan in uwniowll is per month Phunu Nu 1716580 hum upunuieut central room with modem kitchenette ri mrir unit huiincir couple ipm erred Avuiirhle immediately Wuiunxton 111012 rt CAR mum in ped two bedroom Allow ellrllogr winterized collage Iuiiy Ilip rd Apply Nurin nriekuw 99 Ildgrlh so or phone PA um iiiam noolnzn Inmnct riv hniii und untrllnre olellJ ell wnrm Two Inlnuiel to our end uhoppinl Apply 51 1mm St Apt i7iasu NEW iIlAIN Floor bedroom upmmeui irir Incl nevi heuicd lrulidry rennin locker norr Phone PA will or rupiy Isa nlrlro 5i iiiaiil noon uninrnuhcd upurtmeni xxxle deionied 5mm lldmr oil es un 68 includ Hydro und wuier Itduitr uni Phuhd PA Mini intsii noonr huicd eprriuzcni pllil hnthroam sell rddtnined In cell ul rerldeniiii district ucur rchool end church Available in PA um luas urx Aylcloun heated lcii conuinrd excell ent condlilnn roanu until hnI cony Picuuut convenient loov ilon Adulu PA 588 11155 LAnae dell contained bedroom upper duplex lopme entnncc Ind meter pert ond nchr new rectory Children welcomed Ab rtrlnero prcirrred PA no illail ALLANDALB inmiihed wlrm room with stove ML link chrome net studio couch end bed room suite Lhundry IecIuIiu VI uhi Adulu and Abllllnrfl PA in 181 anonM Muralde mmcnt Ilniuluirhed room up meut end unmrnlhbnd room epriruehl Heat end weier trialled An ly flflfibunlnp st must or PA 354 1718149 mumlsnnn bedroom aperi loeht with garre urlvnti onireutc one block Irorn Pou Oiiicc One or two children welcome Henson uule Phone PA Linn riter iiiIm MODERN Luau Ipurtmcnt un lurililhed roit cunuined hunted newly decorated icce buth privuie enirrucc Ave ehlc dinieiy Eut end PA Mans illaids UNPURNmHED Apartment in new buudin close to schnnll and Ihop pin tchcn living room bed room uud hub Imnle cuphourd Ind claret Ice Perkin Ireu Leuhdry Incl tied EA asoiz iiiam FARM to rent bedroom home nod hlln Electricity nnd wnicr Choice lend Close to hichwry hector impIuments Iinckr etc immroite anesslon This lerrn could rho purchased Apply 80x so hurrie Examiner 174991 FURNISHED Buonolol Apartment with nrii lire kitchen buthroom end inrge bednlttlng room immom lhmponsesslnn mitehle Ini Idults und reusedow grlrrd Also rin gic bedroom vrllehle Jan leru bedroom Iurniihed 1p incui centrally IoIrtedceli PA Miss evening 1714MB omsnmmn Tiaroom specious tinted epurtmcnt with onehed room Aiinewiy decorated and with dru cl stove end Mgr in quiet un sound prdolcd apnrtillcht block Ground floor striciLv resid entlei urer close to rchnulr two hloclu mm hnvinx centre huh every 55 hour ayhitr and dryer Phnnl PA 35753 to UPPnn pup nunminded filial I7Kprts Houses WafIted FAMILY with lchuol hge chlld ren require humIr Mlxlmnm rent ans excellent rel erencu Urgent Phone 14456611 utter pun Ir31 it Automeiive IALCarstorSEJIB QQNQMICAD CARS RAMBLER HILLMAN DEALER lumTRAnian slenAN 1m hiLLMAN senAN 957cm Li SEDAN mo ilAninLdnsinAN 1955 PLYlvioirrli SEDAN neurons COACll lass liiuniAN siIAN gt195 CHEVROLET nnlw caninemenu PA 66488 mine near schools

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