Echelonrod using Ml Gk Cominglunh THE CHURCH or NAZARENE uniniNo stavicm IN ALLisiON LIBRARY BASEMENT EVERY suNDAY SUNDAY scuoonArr PM cliuaca SERVICE AT PM Diet Rejects Russian Barbs OilAWA CmPrime Minis ter Diefenhaker Monday brushed aside Soviet rriticismet his ap proach to disarmaman Entering cabinet susion Mr Dielenbakei was asked by re porter to comment on Moscow radio bloudeust taking him to teSk or hinting in recent ad dress that the West should await Soviet concession on disarma ment Our View still smalls the prime minister said Third 0i Ore Fleet Is Still Operating CLEVELAND APlTlie Lake Carriérs Association reported Monday thnt 100 vessels more 666 than third otthc Great Lakes iron ore fleet still were operat ing At this time of your most ships normally would be moored for the winter With ore stockpiles depicted by the lieday steel strike many ships will continue to sail until breed to stop by winter Pittsburgh Steamship Division of US Steel Corporation opera tor of the largest fleet on the him said 53 of its 57ships still were in eomniiglou Oh this date last year only 16 Pittsburgh Vessels wem sailing ice is torming on some stretches of the lakes but only one port Asbiand WisU has been closed or the winter the coast guard reported INNS Home for Yule TORONTO CP All the 227 boys in the Ontario Training School at Bowmanvilie will be al lowed to go home for Christmas Reform Institutions Minister Vardrope said Monday He added he is confident they will return Voluntarily Mr Waidropa said in an in terview that year ago the 204 boys at the school were given one weekoif for Christmas All but we returned on time One straggler showed up week later The other wrote from Winnipeg to say he had obtained job there The Ofï¬cials per mitted him to remain and placed on probation BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and summed ad tices $150 1113 be rectiï¬ed for lePlly clam Vertisments are inserted at the rate of to per word per loser an times do per word for Ihree RTISEMENTIS 80 1F PAID 10 DAYS OR 38 1F CHARGED PER SINGLEIN SERMON per word charge laticesand Cards words alienï¬ wurds 5t per word extra InvMemoliam Nu versu used an per word extra ERRORS OR conRECriONs Adverttdero areremlnded that all phonc Insertion Orders are acceptr ed us convrnIcncc to you the od vcrthcr uncroro he Classiï¬ed out all cc Eek their ldvrrtllement immediate sricr ï¬rst insertion In ordn this beta s°2°i that damn Ill efollowhu inuriinn ordu awirh to no out that The assdc Exslnincr rcsponslhle ror only one Locoo rccily Prlnted inurtioil on my sdvcrhccrneoi snd thenonIyto any gr out Ire not on cy nuke inc micand no si in for ihr Th XE lly sin seditious LAIl WANT AD copy tn our oiiieeby this loss rcpomd baab lined RENRY ELDER and MICHJE CARSON PK636481 MAPLE VENUE Opea iron It Itruudus lndThurhyl loo HOMES FDRSALE DONALD Illum nonhbunxlinw with dnllbln lb Smliuwéï¬l mi PA evenllln PA ms ARENA AREA Niu bane tnntllnl Ipmmen afï¬rm haulinlriifrx lDOlVNSiiEW mtI hflck hiinuiownttnehed for uni sum coil inn QNcuu PAouii eventan PA oases $5500 Inrul brick house snd nrlgo ii EL Pauls no mu OI land Csll smiih Cnmggscu PA mi even in PA 37 AMELIA STREET Ru rind hcnr riccd to sell Cull oy uggo PA eveninfl PA mos 311700 Beautiful bedroom brick hnma with ï¬replace Ind Plan can Smiih Cum hell PA even ings PA in NBA HOMES rod room brickhamuOnma with lttlched garagess sod bedroom mm 7146 down Cali Cbsruc and PA 6am evening PA mm For lncoms hums Aprrimcni hiitidlnnprivata dwcliingr coil lcrry Quinn PA um evenlnn PA mes JUST OUTSIDE CITY Choice bungalow Willi nttoohcd flange or only 59500 Call Frank Nellgcs PA 66481 dvunings PA ESTATE SALE room homenew iorcud sir wlIh Oil lumlcc Bully duplconcd mi ml pricc so pa with tuml CslI Chsrlio Read WEI even ings PA on AGNES STREET LOW DOWN PAYMENT SIlJoos room brick bungalow Cnll Russou Canon PA dml evenings PA Midi MARY STREET room brickvery central 511500 nill price with terms Call Geniti agnolgary PA 66481 evenings PA $4800 FULL PRICE bedrooms nuiin room outn room Vcry Vt ow down psy merit with man ants or about 50 Coll Gen Mallory PA 481 evening PA elm EVENINGS CALL siilrii MinoanRs PA amo CHARLIE READlies PA 32317 GERALD MALLORDRcs PA mm RUSSELL CARSONRu PA solar JERRY QUINNRel PA adios nor LEGGORes PA amid PRANlr naming PA DesIo Iicnrhcr or Dnrrlc snd District Real Estate Board PIAom HENDERSON REALTOR HOLY MACKEREL SAPPHIRE Youil say when you soc this im rnaculate ocdrooln ranch hriek hungnow Living room dining room the right size kitchen Priced at sumo with roosonshlc down ayment Carries Inc vs monith rneluding tlxcs Cnl Rita Scand rett PA H555 ANGUS star mom home with con vfnicnccci vcry reasonhie with ï¬gwdown Phone Percy FordLPA FARMS FOR SALE honors and up Pdcgd iron 51000 and up Sonic or inrsc Isrrns my be exchanged on town Pnonc Percy Porn PA Property aIoao BUILDING LOTSI Couingwood so 72 164 over looking the hay $5Wtcm Euuding permit with Property PENETANG ST 50 125 well treed cinse to downtown $2500 terms EVENINOS CALL Did HendersonPA wees Gene MoorePA H360 Percy FindPA 817960 taScandrettPA 84855 idcmbur pr eonlo pnduistricisne Onwlo llcnl Estate Eond Ph PA 82678 X7A41ulhi CRAHAM DIXON REALESTATE BROKER PAjoSIm WAPMTH and attractiveness Ira Insuucd in well planned ranch home In builtin matures snd cricrlor planning mustlac seen so be up greclnted All requirements or bedroom Iomuy are here In sddi lion to ill convcnieni location to schools shopping etc 91DUNL PST EAST EVENINGS PA H793 gt IIAJILI NEW BUNGALOWS LOWDOWN AYIvIENTs Financed by leading inlmnca hour In chartered bank Era ldortlato HDNMFOOWE REALrogs WENsr aARRlE PHONEPA 85568 REALTORS ONEDUNLOP EAsr aARRlE ropenv FbrSgIg slums OR NOT CONNEL ANYTIME EVENiNGS GAIL liiis ILL MOOREPA In CAnoomsPAusaa no PomPA Sui DIA COWA mos b11me REAL NAT BDAILD AIM PVENHOUSE SEE llow LOVELY COLONIAL POSSESSION HAROLD FORSTER Realtor HAROLD FORSTERI REALTOR 9a EAVPiELD sr PA 641153 HESiTAiE AND MISS What could you otter thlt family 01 your that would give them more happin pleasure snd sec urlty than nine oi their own such this only room hon Iluw with 111 lile room brllh and chenrnil kitchen And piece IIIUI Heated with Diced lir nil mmlee norms and screens Ill landscaped Nothinx in via but move lnSrnlil down payment and the balance like rent Cl Karl MarshIL EVENING CALL KARI MAESHALL PA PEG Mona PA emu avn MARTIN STROUD iolu HAROLD Pensran PA 1141 Norman Shelsweli BEA ISTATE BROKER ii Dunlap Street East PA 89961 Or 68742 ZVENINGB CALL Joe Longtin PA mid mcrutt shclmeli 0m 299 Howard Narrir PA asia Nahum Shetswefl PA Meal ilAai Sig91T COLLIER ST PHONE PA 8590 OPEN ml PM 250 ACRE STOCK FARM No evervfiawklg strum one mile or irnntugc on too Highway 155 acres under cultivation hai nncc hushandpature chl good room brick home large ham ior bccr cattle This arm is ro1 cntiy in good state or cuiiiva Welt seeded andrfutilixed Located 12 miicr south or Bariin Truly bargain at sumo with 515000 down 0R would consider trade or mortgage or house idonihors the Barrie Ontario and Canadian Rcsi Esme Bnariv ion welsrnan PA doom Lcorlly PA 55488 Huny sodd PA Miles Iicrv GouldOra 2515 Doris NuttycombePA 57957 17A71TP COMFORTABLE Erick Home rooms Iurnacc garage largeriot rerms On Eenry Hlï¬li Phone PA PIASHE DAILY CROSSWOII ACROSS zoddtSwL Lcénedimo 35km pooh jest curse 148110ch 153mm 15de 16 Chinese mgr mile 17ncorpora non of Austria into Gemim ï¬iProPhete use 28 Groups at eight 301ainï¬ an EHDWDIVEI Eliflllflfl ll Ellllfllflll conn fllllflll Dz Pézï¬nie Zlii Dullannu IN THE HEART OF OAKLEY PARK FRI EVENING SAT AFTERNOON AND EVENING DECii 12 aEnROOMS FINISHED REC ROOM WiiiI EAR HUGEGARAGE FURNITURE COMPLEMENTS YOUR FUTURE MODERN BUNGALOW TWO YEARS OLD OWNER TRANSFERRED JAN I960 so BAYFIELD sr PIIONE PA 66453 ANYTIME IMlo ROSE REAL TATE chem 13 ilFPIN STREET alian CALL on on EVENING PA 82379 Member Barrie Ontario Clnldiln Ind National Real Eltltl Bond l7A7tr Oraldon KOHL REAL rsrAiE sham ill DDNLOP 51 use PA e425 WINGS CALL GRAYDDN some PA um JAYNE JONES PA I711 ROBERT mo PA mu IOAN LANGPA Hlu l1AI1U MOVING Dont iorgoi to musics you or DUNLOP sr iNSURANCE end you need extrn concur in Kind SEE STEVENSONS 172ln BRAND NEW Triplex Queen and St Vincent su area it bed rooms hot water heating mg stove washer dryer muy dccon ted storms and scrccnr bamboo drnpu Apply Stan Construction PA Nut int491 PA 35201 i7CMobile Homes Ecroro buying your new Menus Home or Travel irntiar on nun to sea the till has on display RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOME SALESyLTD Burton Ave NC 11 Highway Phone PA $9866 loonail l7J Ants Houses For Rent ROOM Apartment he ud clean 55 per month or Esso Rosd Phone PArrl7tli£ masca RDOM House on ground floor and room apartment in basement sublet PA akzsliu 1718691 WA HADHISPROPBZIY cmFISOATEnBY mmmimml AIDING IIIESOmnsi REBELUCN OhmsBurns THE W135 ANDJWIIIW 75M RENT mmsmv 17 Real Scion l7 4Apis Houses VI ForRent BRAND NEW bedroom Irtmcht tillrushed or up Slnve mr and laundry Nmpmcnt ï¬lled Int end on bus soute APPLY MR WiNTER NEISONSI PHONE PA osssv 1714 HOUSE spun wind on hcsird complete bathroom wild but and cold water siovc trig and songs Short wslk io vlihle rrlo miles an paved mm ma partHint employment to man or Woman Apply Par Inssic garminor iIJoahzmhenaso mumst heated Iglflmwti Phone PA adsn 1554 ROOM House MannPris Phone PA 35051 mam BEDROOM unrurnirhed Ort Inan Owen st 111 591 its srolunr Home tn Alluadllr bedrooms Oli heated gsrogc PA 81054 or PA m1 IIIam MODERN bedroom haacment npurtmont 310 Pound PA Milo 718588 BEDROOM It artmunt lvllilbln Jul Salt can lined heated hot and cold water Pooru Strand ism Ill85 BRDIlIIflM lions 1M Sanrnrd St Allliable immetlliltcly Agply it stewrt zoo Essl Road nlrie 17183438 Jim and kitchenette Lucio ine hint and Iriri Complete rur nlahgd Downstaln Adults hona PA 9405 17181418 ROOM House in cookatown hot and cold water to reliable tenants Reicronees re lured Phone curiord 565 New oroni Illes BEDROOM ncw modem heated house Available imme Iteiy Gsrogc Ncnr school and bus rout VPhOnu PA seam IIIemu AVAILADL area room upper duplex heated 90 cr month Wllll and hydro inc lided Bus service Parking tciliticr Phonc PA on 1714531 ROOM Ecusc uniurnlshed on highway on at Anrus Convenien ccs 355 monthly Apply Stlmley Anderson 304 anyaciu St Phone PAVMIWI Plyem ULTRA MODERN spacious and room upsmncnin private hnl eany Corner or Peel snd Rose Sis Avrilihlc immediately Phone PA was iIIssoo ROOMED Lower Duplex set contnlncd heated sscioni and modern Piss incc uccns Park area Phone Main ludids ROOM hcscgd unfurnished apart rncnt heat Hanna water included sou pct mofllh PA eoIAIi oil di GE modelll heated room npi Inuit on our route Laundry incomes Immediate occupancy Phone PA moan IIIales Two BEDROOM unfurnished Apartments $65 one 2bedroom basement inartinont unlurnishcd $70 Phone PA $7921 or PA 35051 1758583 ELF CONTALVED Piedmont ans and bath hea enmnce parking cxecllcn Iocn tinn PA 531 171412437 SELP CONTAINED one calcom lphmneut trig and ltnve heated Isundry Includes Central Phone PA min or apply 63 Pink St IIIMoo Ethan noun Gold tsp pro of ne gation 25Guiaos lowest 28 Genoa mu DZ mmcr Provo mx4gt 4gtrom zen zoltmu xx APARTNENT upstairs liva Nam bathroom kitchen and iIEIVy wiring bedrooms Onemue outs sldc of Bani $5 Per monthPhone HM Ill8488 CHOICE room dominant Cen tral Sell coninincd ollheated own entï¬nnc Reasonhie rent eludes heat undrwater 15 Pei tang Stbr PA M543 illdies in FT can TRAILER mily ni pcd two bedrooms Also 293mg winterized cottage fully nipped APPly Norin Dristow iciorin for one min 29 is 36Exhausted pooh amIlIIpollto 30Warpyan wmaor 81 Sultans dinary ti use magistrate muons Dinnin Inï¬lln IVAHII HIIHII EIIIHI in knd cold water to st or phnnevPA liar4 illaide Imolvi Apartment with hath not water space class to store ry low rent Available immediately Phone PA $1717 1718383 RDOMEDHouso in Angus hnï¬ basement Apply Gian cairn Pnons No ROOM Unfurnished Aparime Uniurninhcd Room Apnnmc nndl unmrnlsilcd room mm Heats and water mpplte Pl 258 Duniop st Em PArEWS or PA 85417 IIJeIas MODERN room apartment lin turanhcd scli conï¬nlned hearts newly dncnrated leee private an In IIIcar homeland room apartment ground floor centrally located rivato cnirsncu and bath rural or couple only $10 per month Ihoiudcs hydro snd heal Phone PA ham 1118385 LARGEISEII contained Zhedrooln upper duplex norms entrance Shin PM Jpnlmed PA 3341M 11714186 CENTRAL Ndw most modern bedroom Apflfllnenl large Iionr graykitchen asparoto from living ndl dining room trig and stove lIAlind llactiiitiel lnitorlservleas illexec rivuto private entxallce parking Ss 154d Offli 630 wlisarcssoemmv PWRNWR mm ITNASNOTBEDI SEENIN WE BRITISH ISLESVNAKEWBI l7J HOUSES PorReni In all iiéc nooiu conica lode ior on 565 monthAppiy Brldiqï¬iis AutomOiiyé lAfCgrs for Sale Viau MotOrs NEW AND USED ECONOMICAL CARS RAMBLER Hi LLMAN DEALER 1950 HILLMAN 1956 PLYMOUTH 1m CHEVROLET 1953 PONTIAC 1955 IIILLIIIAN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 OPEN TILL PM IAqu HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH dz STANDARD 1Jan All Silku Repairs to OJ and NAIL Towlnl Saute 75 RAW 51 PA 84165 lAuu HAROLD jHlLL LIMITED CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Ausim AND FARGO TRUCKS YOULL FIND THE GOOD ONES HERE HAROLD HILL LTD 180 BRADFORD ST PA om PA 35355 IAllmThl CASH FOR CLEAN USED CARS AND TRUCKS BUY SELL TRADE MIDTOWN USED CARS NIOST RELIABLE DEALER 39 BAYFIISLD STA PA 7351 HART GARAGE 1955 CHEVROLET Sedun turn signals 37000 miles Psi ml utter pun uc transmission radio healer ceuont condition Prlvntely owne PA Hoes utter pm ont condition 155i fnmtruck Airy be seen at Kc Whites service station John Ind Anne st Terms or trade Phonc PA IAaaea 1954 DODGE Maytsil Sedan goof cn Must sell But so Phone PA 84341 MdiIG Shall condition Itillmt nnui itadl cr twotone Oflcr over 43 USED TRADEle Extrl AIiiatr rodio vainly owned Good condmon Phone mosm 1951 va PONTIAC saduh Butbm aoda nose avrcx Special Sedan urccn Studebaker Champion sodsnwlih overdrive re liooio transportation minimums uonsi scion double springs ideal Automotive iACars for Sale Illl CEIVIOLII In and In to ram the cu ma ss Donn St Phone PA um lAosa1 altTrucks For Sale pour flunk losslumps Imrccondliioncd motor rev Clus moo paonoau iv 3Businen Services ammwns TUPHOLSTERING REPAIR SERvIcE ANTIQUE ANDMODERN auuiirul Ioniplu no gunman NW II EDWIN lam Ml cantIdem chain on Io mosesan PHONE PA 3758 BARBIE ls seasis lt3 Oscu bulkr new in onekwcrih an Al onshore so sImc INSULATION Did you know In rocirwooi is nroproon run your home my hm pcrmsncni ml with tho iiRflTLST rcduclion in mi Ir cuminman Isnml Wequ tho plowing mildd AI mast cvcrydno aynrcclltu Iho EST uLinntun flanked moi SCOiI MUIR in MINESING AIRnear INSULATION REP zIemu SHS ElectricMolors 10 Ron sL Barrio PHONE PA assoc Sllitt NELSON LNSULATION AND ROOFING C0 Pm Bltimata on Roaring insulation BARRIE PA £4575 can collect Oriliia EA 44609 SIW PLASTERING STUCCO QUICKBRICK STONE nnniu Terii ocrsnicod PHONE LEFROY 5011 C0 Sldan Liam sllilti NELSON lNSULATiON AND ROOFING CO ROCKWOOL IILOWER limo NcIoh too small Or too big Approved Csnoaian Gy sum pil csiopr Rooting inzul on Si rimc psylncnir arranged in down BARRIE CALI PA 84575 ORIIsLIA CALL COLLECT FA +4603 DAY OR NIGHT HZAWU FOBERT GAS AND APPLIANCES stoves Water hcnicrr inryers TELEPHONE PA 84732 In Penetanl Street Barrio swrP CHRISTMAS SERVlCES SPECIAL FILMS FOR CHILDREN MUSIC FOR PARTIES REASONABLE RATES PHONE PA 89411 ooseo Business gt Opportunities FOR LEASE Modern equipped Servicestation on main thoroughfare Ideal for Licensed Mechanic Very ReasOnable Terms BRADFORD VICTORIA srs CALL Mn wmu CANADIAN PEiRO FINA LTD PA Hone DEALERS FDR Fihel Glass Swim ming Pooh ml or on time in vcsuncni rs aired artlol Amine ing Box Earns Examiner 16695 DEALERSX Start NEDtho right waydont be satisï¬ed with mall income when you can earn more ti our complete line includ ing sets cosmetics household neccssiucs donnnissmn and bonus Get yourself all lined p10 thoso ssss write now or free catnioguo and details rhinich De anmcni TB laoo Deidrknier lilo serifa gs Pet Stock LUCKYS PET SHOP 215 BRADFORD ST LARGESTSELECPION oaarP iCAL FISH AND SUPPLIES NORTH or TORONTO Featuring Long 1mg Wiinea Csrca Growcl Justrita ilrtz Mountin eudsies Canaries Turtles etc complete Linno supplied lino Fish or the month Across 111 An drainingirth ltd 7552911115Lé ï¬e FlSHBOWL PET ROOM oi GOWAN ST PHONE PA Rosa rlDPiEAL DtSf TURTLE nunc limbs BUDGIIS HA Calm SUPPum ALI mxrz IDUNTAIN BY Wmfl AND wuss AmiRING ton Pris OIlotl Employment 7A HelpgWanted Male romeo MAN worried zo em or ovsr no Willing to In all Dance at dry cleaning Sicsay coy pinyinan Apply want munu IAuos 7BHelp WOnted Femole THE COTTAGE HOSPITAL PEMBROKE ONTP REQUIRES FLOOR SUPERVISOR ssiuy commonsursic with mad if Aiyiufl°isi no cy as word humor LADIu AND Glrl tor puttide tcle none nlel work Phdno PAI NI Ed norei 7W woliAN id do ironing Ind light housework once weekly Preten shiy Wednexdiy Phone PA Mm 738835 7DEmployment Wanted muciian with onion iiccoco de iircs tuna work PA Noel VHIVl YOUNG MAN with csr nu part umo work or delivery In evenlnr Phono PA was liner pm 15 DAY CARI liven children ram lo you old in ccnirslly iocg ted homo Flume PA 51573 IHIM WOULD CARE or children in my home CompDy or lllmyelrv old gomm hducanbl Phon alswlNOn Alterations tsnd ncpurs Shirt Cnliln rnd Com iurnrd ovcr Also Drlnnrlcsymndo or win one your can PA H167 MM For Sale ARE You lNiERESTED mBEITBR SHADE inquire about Bakelite Vinyl aim and VII Quoon Polyethylene mild CMJ FOBERTS GAS PENEIANO er KARIIll Im NEWSPAPER MATS 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrio comic JIdntl FILL GRAVEL TOPSOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excnvsung snd Grhdlnx Wltll Delivery Cnnnsdilmcsiono DENNIS MORAN ZDAnna Street north FA WW ouiu Newsprint SCRATCH PADS For Sale Cut To Any Sign PsaLPER La Orders AcceptedAL THE EARRIE ExAlIiINER BUSINESS omen elimv SNOW mas almost brand new Phone PA um Hood LARGE CimiSriiAs 1reel Phonn use ivy uea MRI rowan anle Camera rcg price slim Will sell reasonable PA dam oom PPACE much with carhurcror 51000 BTU good condition Ecsi oricr HE 95450 see NEW4 HOOVER congteiiaihn Vac uum Cleaner mo homo trini£ Phone PA jdsil HIW PP ELECTRIC Motor new also Electric amoder acachlck capacity Phone airs Siroud sasaa mroncc Cut any length Also chain sawing doac Phcnd PA 54571 Hm INSULATED dflrzalifln hot water Range Boiler complete with heat ing clement Price $25 Contact heating Department Coop H4435 MELEANS Royal Jelly lnhloty zoo mgnL xccommendcd by leading Ontario doctor Ask for McLunx at Tamhiyns Dru Store name Hioo sCOUr DNIEORII corn lete like new era BO nine sui size is to ISASS air white ï¬gure akatel narrow width size 82503530 PA dasii has PLANTATION OP 70110 Scotch Pines ioi Christmas trees trimmed Some ready in cut this year Write or see Ray ParentPerldnsflelcii osnmddï¬141347435133057 LARGE Pcssc Economy all cost how so hell Iircpos rumour in ex ceilelIt condition sen caretaker Mr broke at Compost United Church or call Coum PA 32465 Ia urawmcasrmdm Mcchinusp stenerctta chtltinl Machines glld ruled Ynirensonuepn sranco ea crms writer ClanPix 66535 elsolrinsu REFRIGERATOR 3v cu IL make an offer Semilorrnal size 13 15 Hr best dirhl Rifles and Pia Dis Fair uf Ider Mrncsfl li and solvents Bays Imor aiko like new Childs pedllvcar lady winter coat slku WAii In lex gt eclian condition 66117 Ho PHONE PA owl WOOD sliitnbis ior arcplaco or Eon AN EXAMINER WANPAD