orrliwsarroal OJ Published PAGE FOUB noun pressings use retrogrxammr Ianblewspapon epoyfiexo street Barrio Ontario Re 1111 Off Police Docket Keep Out Of The daily gnowcpapers life depends to large extent upon fair and as accurate as possible Presentation of local nation al and International news ltvhas duty to so assemble that news in armonner which will be as embrasive of all items or interest as space and time will permit in the normal day to day production of newspaper many decisions are re qulred of theyedltors On the one hand they are besieged by those who wish to publicize some cause commercial or 0th ervrlse in which they are intensely inter ested On theother therearethoso who strive almostgdesperately to keep legiti mate news out offprint In between the two are the normal considerations of as sessing news values and picture values so that the public may be kept informed One of the statues entertained by the public is that either through coercion demand threats or bribes certain mat ters can be kept out of print Most of these arise from our magistratss courts where thosuaccused of infractions of the law have been called upon to appear It is unfortunate if person gets snag ged in the meshes of the law for driving while intoxicated or while impaired by alcohol or some other reason But the Opinions ofpthcr New New ms nosrmi Manchester Guardian hospital where doctors can be called by re dio was opened at Swlndon on Saturday It is the first stage of the Princess Margaret General Hospital built at cost of £500000 The first 49 patients will move in this week When it is completed the hospital will have 625 beds It has no long corridors There are decorative pools and fo talus built into floors and through long run win we patients can look not at countryside The building has beenjd cut noise and to reduce maintenance costs Winrhor ath six in Alberta col dcd fl train plosrve car it is more than an ordinary accid apt to be cremated on the spot This occurred arller this monihwhen tank truck rammed into school bus at New Bruns wick New Jersey killing 10 There was similar mishap in June when truck carrying propane gas in Pennsylvania exploded killing 11 These anaerdinary hazards should require extraordinary precautions It is just not enough that these tracks obey ordinary traffic rules in some instances they might become involved in accidean through no faint of their own drivers One suggestion comes to mind Such trucks should be compelled to carry two drivers one in actual control of the vehicle and the other to be constant watch against any possibility of lsh Driving such atruck is too great onsl bility to heimposed on any one man so cent ible to fatigue or error lnflammable cargoes are hazard on the highways under the best of cir cumstances They are terrible menace unless all possible precautions are taken sunsmall rccniviour cacao Edmonton Journal in prehistoric times no doubt many prowl ing sabrme tiger was attracted by the snoring of its victims in lllguarded caves Down through the ages literature records that snoring has al ways been woe of mankind Many inventions and Brenda have appeared but snares have rum bledon really accomplished snore cooper Vform on his back side or stomach and his variety of sounds baffles description It makes no difference whether his head is atop or beneath pillow Aheadllne read Doctors Want snorers The reactionof many longsuffering listeners must have been ihey can have them but this it seems is not time for flippancy Theme British Medical Association is sponsoring an ex parimental program to see whether snoring ncanbecuredw fWe needsoma hundreds of reallybadsuorers eggs in her bed Ellie Eatrte Examiner Aulhonzeuusecnaoaunmu em Ollie Department mea ifnnuy narratingy Bolidm umq wuss cannoninane moons lidneer cue wanna Sadness Mingar NEVILLE METAManna Bum rarvsnnnuz Advertising Mama onuaomm Circulation Manager uhunpuon rate only by comer mi MIL Clnld aim this menial Aveloron on Georfla Street vucouvd ionic rial navelnu WozsmPArkuv The News publishes right to snow that thepoi lce andthe courts are alert to these dan gerous practices Just as they have right to know of the continuing war agoinstthe tbievery dope addiction viol ence and all the other errors of mannnd Reporters are required to turnln their reports or courtnews to their editors Editors are specifically charged with the tesponsibilityof seeing to it that allthe news thatls fit to print is used It is un fortunate thenccused has mother with bad heart condition or is concern ed over the stigma the use of his name in police news may have upon his child ten Two wrongs do not makes right and the newspaper would be in default of its or so duty if it failed to presentpoiice court news within the rules laid down by the CriminalCode of Canada One way to avoid unfavorable pub liclty is to so conduct yourself that your name does not appear upon the dookets of our courts Dont blame the for your woes Rather be thankful there is an alert press repo trial There are countries cused doesnt have the alert presslat his trial have fair trial either hunea ales sold bf the EMAB oflidal will admit being the BMA should be hurdlcwlth little co lmyuothepartolwives or in the program are assured rbe askedto take medicine or ery This assurance is important idelyabeld belief that snoring can short of major surgerysuch as onof the head is produced by the inspiratory and ex streams ofair throwing the relaxed and soft palate into vibration The BMA it might be able to stop it through simple arclses of the jaw and throat muscles before who are prep Dr Harvey publication is really CANADAVMVJST BE PRACTICAL MFiuancialeostt Whether there is any effechve defence against Hbomhs is questionable but if Canada is to build mass shelters in large cities as has been vaguely suggested the same holes in the ground should be designed to serve permanent peace timepurpose The idea of total or nearMalewacuatlon of population centres which has long been official civil defence policy inCanadals nota policy at all but merely billing lathe dark gt Defence ter Pearkes has lust ocknew ledgcd its futility or at least its practical defice leneies as plan to save large populations He now proposes that every bumebnlder build his own home shetlerkat cost of $200 to $1000 Outsiu deep shelters offer at least chance of escaping wholesale slaughter But reasonable peo ple balk at the thought of spending billions an underground refuges that might never be used Aside from that the normal mind cant take without despair the notion that human salvation is to be found irkgoing back to the cave But shelters might conceivably make sense if they provided as their main justification an ans wer tothe parking problem or even with turn nels the urban traffic problem In the London blitz of 194041 thecitys vast subway system turned our to be the favorite sanctuary of hun dreds of thousands Theiroccupatloa of station platforms thoughnbuth unplanned audillegal was accepted by authorities and undoubtedly saved many lives Atom disarmament now looks barely possible and thjaixdiea of mass shelters may vanish like had dr Meanw cvery study of the gum tion should begin th the assumption that the deep excavations will have normal rational peacaflme use FAST LEARNERS From llhe Chicago SuiTimes Iihe impression that children arent learn ing as fast as they used toll in error gen eration or so ago it took child 16 years to learn more than his parents lmew now almost mmyearkidhasr thispoiuL Paragraphically Spealring 1A Chicago woman sued for divorce with thisroomplaint Hekept puttlng macaroni in my bedPréss report She should have been thankful that her hus bandl wasnt half as cruel as he might have been He could have put poached person hastogbe nuts to some degree lnforder to live in this world and not feel outof place Kbrushchevds reported tobetaking regular injections of serum containing mostly novocaine Press report Hope ltwlll not move him to evlsenovo ways of raising caine Some girls ll to 11 are not only dating but aregoing steady says uneducatorr It seems as soon asthey tire of teddy bears they become interestecHn young wolves We letvlnternatlonal Cat ek Slip by this year without doing anyt ing about lt as purr Usual Editorial Note bunst ers seem to have morelives than cat whichis pity Pe pie are travelling more ever before Nomatter whereyou might go youd runinto people youknow so Bu might as well toy at no struction gt and bigotry CASE or THE UNSOLITED mmxmmm use MMAHJ ammonia Iron aliquots Immr Orillia Woman 40 Years Tory By comics moaonsou arrows on mu the in smufanatioowldefamimne ddieGieycdpvlctorycdebra fionlastweï¬wbentho Promw rive Conservsllve Amodalion of Canadaooovcnedbeoaforitlilrst postelectionmcetiog allot for four years have the vTorieI met for their annual meeting About one members need to offend this formal gebtogether But this year it seamedlike We Vthe People as nearly 2000 made the management of the Chateau hinder wish that they like Torontos Royal York Hole in Grey Cup week had cleared the lobbies of futclone before leg infested megfrigid hotel highlight unpre cedented invasion from all across Cquada was the banquet when fheGrossmet all the Brass Overflowiog the huge ballroom and two equally large dining rooms as well supporters heard four provincial premiers another was sickand cab inst ministers and the prime British Labour Party snubs Central Africa Commission By AVE CIA Canazilan Press Stall Writer The bionckton commlsslon of inquiry into Central Africas pol itical future suffered serious blow when Britains Labor party turned thumbs down on the Con servative governments approach to the colonial problem Labor decided last week that no socialist will sit on the advisory commission headed by Viscount Monckton ai former Conserirativs minister which is designed to pave the way for next falls constitutional conference on the Central African federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Many observers feel that La bor party actionwhich was not wholly unexpected will almost certainly result in boycott of the conunlsslon by politically mlnded Africans and that any useful purposeilt may once have had now is gone The government is faced with the difficultjdecisiou unbow the membership of the 25 member commission laiiobethmplcted six members were touhaye been privy colinciliorwthree fr the EVASIVE mammnvc one Poms or view nzllradford St Barrie Dec 1959 To the Editor fhc BarrieExaminer Sir The various points of view regarding Christianity seem to be evasiveand misleadng Gan Christianity really be crammed into curriculum or sampled on Sunday suspect that it is afterall way of life and not to be confused with nor restricted tuaay one religion Certainly the basic principles of Christianity can be foundlrl all religions It might bewellto give our children theopportun ity to see thue principles by covering the layers of vanity and dogmatic belief The final letter on thisaub iect Dec suggests rdore of what is now availableorgan ized collective hatreds Separate schools breed mislmderstandlng malnproblem lies hi the factthat even cornealay has meblghusinessz Each of us must be convinced offhe necessity to build bigger and bettoraltarsiso that our particu lar brand of true Christian relig ioncan be carried on and ex banded nThuseven th command to love bur goes unheeded unwanted and undeveloped because of contradictory teachin We canleamxmuch by study neigh log all religions Since the aim of alleducation is knowledge why limit the knowledge of roll ions liberal education in ty woul cludethe teaching of all rell ans too would be opposed to local ister teaching in the schools be cause only prejudi view of Christianilyflould be put forth There are two choices aside from this proposition re ion becomes the responsibility of tilellaients or religi be comes courseof study and all theologians of alifaiths take an active part in the course if we concede that many branches of mathematics or science make for full under tending of the subjects hy deny the importance of the many branches of Ir the full understanding danity derstanding of mathematics and government side and three from the opposltlon Among the 19 nonparliamen tary members are on Australian and Canadian Professor Creighton of Tomato Liberal newspapers described both of these appointinan as unexcite log The Observer says the Commonwealth representa tives are noticeable primarily for their lack of knowledge abou Afrleaf REFUSED DEMANDS Professor Creighton is an ac government such as that of velopment of federal system of tory of Confederation and the de lcouwledged authority on the his Canada Labors releclion came when Prime Minister Macmillan re fused in make any substantial concessions to meet socialistde mands on three main points In letter to theprimo minis ter Labor Leader Hugh Galtskell listed these points as That parliamentary members should not ber trlcted to privy councillors gt That thcgovernmentahnuld ILETTERSTO EDITOR when human Imderstandlng is at premium with chaos and destruction as an alternative it is high time our compassion was stirred and raised to higher level Knowledge plus love might be worth try Your editorial and the article on the Atkinson Study in the same issue Dec are suffi cient answer to the pressing need for understanding how ever articles that might give us some of that element seem to be dgnored by the general public This was evidenced by the uch publicized but little at tended meeting to nominate our civic leaders and hear the issues volved in ainmed search to ï¬nd God we barrios ourselves and our interest in practical everyday events tbatare eternlt al While we wait for the after and eternal bliss we sub ject our cldldren to the possibil ity of estarmination encompa imd It things urconcernraou we canrnaver be sure of is simply it cos of sweeping our respon as undar carpet It sholddrbeiworih try to con cernpurselves with the things at band ourselves our community as our leaders our nation our uni verse vwill fol low when we discover that we ourselves do care abouHheg present which is the future for our children We seem to be content with calling ourselves Christian or referring to ourselves as con secrated Christian or Christian country We seem tube under the impression that beinghorn into is Chris religion or Christi civdization entitles us to call yourselves followers of teaching Because of hadition we cling to thc notion that Christ is indeed watching uslpretendweore following His advice We even imagine our selv superior to sects who at least are followers of their pan iicular religious principles Perhaps we may some day evolve tuChristiani Perhaps the clergy will refr from in ventingmyth and magic to ac company the lnformation con mined in theDead Sea Scrolls Or will we reject this too like children who learn the truth about Shota Claus because of appointment Howmu more in to recognize that Christ was great man great science has enabled on wuss teacher gres philosopherï¬a ourknowle and manner that old but on greatyprophet aspire to Mr try to obtain the confidence of African opinion by the release or trial of detaineesin Nyasaloud particularly Dr Hastings Bands leader of the Nyosaland African Nationalist Congress party That the government would give clearsod unequivocal as surance that the commission would not be precluded from con sidering other forms of associa tion as an alternative to fedoras tion of the two Rhodesian and Nyosalaad Momlllan expressed dis appolnhnent about the Labor leaders stand Pope Says St Paul Would Be Reporter VATICAN CITY Reuters Popo John Sunday told corres poudenta accompanying Presi dent Eisenhower oo his tour Aif St Paul were allva now be prob ably would be anewspaperman That would give him the of Christ the wycamld Pontitf told the correspondents in Italian as they stood in scrub circle aroundhls throne The Pope told them that he al ways had enioyed good relations with the press because he was well aware of its functionia added Truth is the most important thing of all there is no more heartfelt wish could give you than that you faithfully serve the causal of truth and goodness VLiq Hydrogen said Shocessiul wasnmcrou AP The Pentagon disclosed Sunday that the first US roclret engine fueled with hquldbydrogen has been testefired successfully The huge engine is the XL 115 chosen to power the Centaur spaca vehicle atop modified Atlas mlssil It also will pnweir an upper stage of Saturn the booster that will beusedto place showpon satellites in orbit £00 miles above theeartbh or send monopound space probe to Venus or Mars Racial Trouble orrAwa cmnice troubles in the faraway union of South Africa have generated warm political issue in Canada At the parliamentary session opening next month the ICE party attack the government fop Canada abstention on the apartheid resolution on some weeks ago by the United Néï¬ons assembly The resolution expressed deep regret and conccrni that the Union government had not re considered its race policies as requested previously by the as sembly The vote wasicz with seven countries abstaining Italy one of tbe abstainers alongwith Belgium Canada Do minican Republic anlarid Lux embourg and The Netherlands later switched its vote to favor the resolution Voting against were France Portugal and the United kingdom man understanding and toys of IgEVERAL cuminle mankin ourscliles car Criticism of Canadas stand came from several sources in eluding our Leader Coldistained do operqu menial Gésstulaod rewarding mlnlster address them in man ethos of 3minute speechesa budgetwhlch many aversme POPULARITY POLL vivid contrast in popular up pea was the cheers greeting each guest at the top table which pméfurce had to Wlï¬d rogd one cnaswellos nn aims mense length ullhe Vancouvers Huw Green wasan casywioner in the deci be contest excluding the Chm PEls premier Waller Show in years the oldest but in office the sim youngest was near the top as speaker with Manitobas Gordon Churchill Torontos Dave Walker and Oshawas Mike Starr The latter was the only one who spoke few words in Ukrainian sur prising uurnber spoke partly in fluentFrench only one failed to speaksny English but he seem ingly knows only one English phrase Mr Speaker will take that question as nutlcealways uninspiring and hardly apt for this occlusion even from such on undistlngulshed minister Most Tory Senators and Mrs every aspirant and many loyal OUEENS PARK drdnfuu new constitution on generally markup business of the National the mm and the PCs 76 women Lona mm The ladies were very evident among the representatives of the thoiuauds who had tolled through It lens iron years during which gnaw Irefluxing cmdd almost ve arr fled in one char tered coach Typical of the Faithful and lo deligblcd to celebrate this long postponed success was great grandmuther who told me she has been an active Tory worker for so years Mrs Lily Page even showed me her aged member ship card in the Liberal Coo sarvativo Association of To rootc She is now honoured with the post of prwdent of the Ontario Womens Association She the proud winner of silver tray onceowarded the former party leader Georerm for the local association wblch achieved the largest propon donate gain in membership She took over the Orlllla you when it had just eight members She built it up to staggering aimpercent increase Then she helped her friend Mrs Caswell form and build similar as soclaflon in nearby Midland And thus she played key role in the Conservative capture after 22years oftheridingofEast coe Mrs Pages story is typlml of the unremitting effort which ul timoter brought her party to the highest summit ever known in Canadian politics Many irnmlgrants will know the phrase Earn within thi sound of How Hells which de scribes this remarkable and younggreatgrandmother as well as her father who now lives with her in Oriliia where her man ifold activities including four presidencles and running her own real estate business should qualify her for the nickname Mrs Orillia Press Raise by non onnanu TORONTO Toronto news papers havebeen raising fuss about liquor licences The metropolitan press has be come aware of the fact there are certain lawyers who spe cialize in the business of se curing ï¬nances And they are very excited about the fact CHAIRMAN HONEST Are these papers dozen years too late It is an open question as to whether there is any venallty involved in trafficking in liquor licences There is no logical doubt about the fact certain lawyers seem to know their way around the board betterihan others It is too much of an accepted factto head towards various law offch when seeking licence to question this But whether this merely rep resented knowhow cant bar answered Certainly there never has been any question of the personalhcm esty of the chairman of the board Judge Robb and there never has beenany possibility of paid influence entering here Most important point in any event is that the question of Lions Licences means of spreading the doctrines possible venolityls not the alg nificant weakness in the liquor administration The great weakness is in tho unreallty of the laws themselves For one thing with all the best intentions in the worldand nobody seriously weapons thesetbs present laws actually encourage drunkenness As an instance there is the matter of 650 closing of bev eraga roams This practicewas started dun ing wartime shortages Presum ably now it Is continued to ram tail drinking sprees Yet whatdoes it really doI it forces the man who is really on spree to leave the beverage room where he has been drink ing relatively mild beer to move over to lounge which doesnt have to close and where he probably will shift to hard liquor NEEDS REVIEW It really is no use talking about venallty or any other side issue of our liquor situation The whole question needs looking over When the present not was brought down in 15146 itwas rec ognized this review would be needed in few years has never been given It is about timeIit was Crégge well the partys House leader Hanan Argue and the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Colored People The puwerful Canadian Labor Congress while it did not offi cialiy comment on the UN vote has often denounced what it terms the inhumanairuciï¬es perpetrated by the South African govermnent in forcefully segre gahng the countrys white pop ulatiun from the blacks Prime Minister Dlefenbaker took note of the protests last week in an address here to the Womens National Conservative Association He saldo vote in favor of the esolulicn could not have been interpreted other wisc than asau unfriendly act of the towards another member Commonwealthv He soid the resolution was stiffer than the one Canada sup pbried at last yearsassembly The vote then was so in favor fivsagolnsl four obstaotiuns HAUABSTAINED The prime minister also noted that in the years before the overl throw of the Liberal government we PacodinnUN delegation ob Wcirm Political IssuepHere resolution which enjoys hrnad7 sponsorship among South Amerf icgn African and Asian coun tries diarl bill of rigth which he has been advocating for yearsin opposition and as prime minister wiil be introduced at the co lag Parliament It will be during tliisdebate CCFsources say that lheSocla ist party will attack what House leader Argue has called the Con servatives two faces Bisirirlloilcï¬fi All scripture is given io splmtlou of God and logpruflfw able for doctrine forréprocf for correction for instruction in righteousness That the manhl God may be perfect ibor ugth furnished uuto aligned or Timothy 816 17 If all the books in the world were burned and onlythe Bible were left ll contains all ithatli men would need to live sue