CountyMunicipal Politics Burst Into ActivityTodayy Municipal activity increases today out in the townships There are nominations tonight for Elm vale Village and Flo Township Voters from Sunnidale Tossoron tiofaod Essa Townshipsall to the polls win Sunnldale only th de reevcship is at stake will Dow ner and Glen Lcwi coo testing ttle seat with some vigor An unusual feature is that the oweverA lt be known he interested in the deputy reeves He stdl has his eye on nomination as Conservative candidate for the Ontario Legislature and hls or bit would expand considerably in County Council There will he one face for cer tain missing from County Coun cil next session It will be either WilliamPeacock or Mervyn Deo ney now respectivelyReeve and Deputy Reeve for Essa Denney is fdrlop honors and to day the voters will havetlle last word on who gets them lllllESllVlliilT13 CHATS ord Scour mum Paper Alton steel Aluminium Bk of Montreal Bk No scotia ell Telephone BA OD nlruuers Carp Dom Foundria Dom Stem Dom Tar and oil Famous Played Ford Clide Ge steel Wire Li PI er nu imperial on Ianaulll Tub in Accept Int Nickel suné Paving steel or Weaton Campbell or name Mines Ellconbrldga glam Yk olilnger lludsont Bay Kerr Addison McIntyre For gflilmlldln forthe school board from Ken it of is over his William Campbell me putyReovchoe Cocbnno to tho luringll the polls except Fortnerlllliston Redor Dies atone rum twenty you steroofellogaaflllsblgroom at the Barrie each Slt urday morning and under the direction of Mrs Harvie Contesting theDepp seat in Essa are mott and San council are Eugene genoeth oss 3° spirit even Pubiic School as will be elec McLaughfanWil and Maurice Miller orontio township has an on today for Iteeve and oil incumbent Dove McGoll ho took over the Reeveship in idterm from Burns Wales lights to retain his seat against an Lorce Seven men contest four council seats They are Stan ley Bailey Norman Flnyell Glenford Thompson Harold Swai field Alec Burns Douglas Bel lamy and Keith Elder Vespra township would have had an electiontoday But there are no chaIIEngers this year so the taxpayers get no chance either to give their men man dateor turn them out There will he renomination January for one vacant seat on School Section One Collingwood has an election for mayor council and public school board Incumbent Julian Ferguson andGordon Braniffcontest the mayoralty Running for the six council seats are Harry Bell high Robert Bush Archie Kennedy Roy Allen Lorne Hutchinson Mel McKeait George Hunt Alick McDonald HPorteolls JBonwick and Mc MML The yoters will select three Wilson JamesTrott John Rich ardson and James Durant Midland Electors Polling Today Midland electors go to the polls today Chief interest is centred on the battle for mayor There are three candidate present reeve Keller ex Mayor Charles Parker and in cumbent mayor Charles Steven son All are good candidates and the experts are being cagey about predicting the resilt There are battles for thede puty rceveship andaldermanic seats in three wards Three cane didates are seeking the tworposiv lions vacant on the Public itiesCommisslon Clinton Smith and William Wilcox contest the deputy reeves seat Running for alder man are John Eurke Percy Crawford Thomas Downer ward one Mrs Hector Adams Wil lianl 0n wudtwo Oliver aooeand James Mackie ward three The PUCIcandidates rare Les lie Barber Alex Macintosh and Oliver Smith Noel Stephensorl RD OPTOMEIRIST ran iman flown on razor armor syrups annals We try their hand at art Last Sat urday the theme was Christina and the interpretation was as varied as theages of the class Next Saturday there are plans to start on large scale mural as joint effort LEFT Mrs Harvla right gives helping hand toCathlc Pirrle 16 of Oro Station mariner Pholt tos Need High Product Secure cosy log the first herd of high pro The most certain of developing high herd is by replacing poor producers with well home raised heifers of greater productive capacity Stich heifers should be from the best cows in the herd they should he sired by pure bred bull which has been selected for abiliw to transmit high produc tion and they must he so raised that they will have large cap acity for converting feed into milk Even when well fed many cows are unable to de velop their full inherited capa city for milk production because they were stunted during growth by lack of iced or by nutritive deficiencies If growing dairy cattle are fed rations that are otherwise satis factory there will commonly be no deï¬ciency of any mineral ex cept common salt As soon as calves begin to eat concentrates salt should be provided where they can take what they wish Under certain conditions there may also be deficiency of phosphorus or of calcium GET AMPLE AMOUNT if calves are fed normal amount of whole or skimmilk they will receive an ample amount of both calcium and phosphorus Calves and heifers will get an abundance of cal cium when they are fed plenty of legume hay or mixed hay in legumes Even when they get only nonlegume rough age such as grass hay or grass pasture there will generally be no lack of calclllm unless the soil on Whichthe forage is grown is unusually low in cal clum There will he no lack of phos phorus after calves are weaned from milk if they are fed to lbs per head daily of acon centrate mixture containingJO to 20 per cent of such phosphor usrich protein supplements as wheat bran or oilcake When growing cattle are fed only cereal grains and hay with or without corn silage there may he serious lack of phos phorus if the soil on which the MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT 0n Decemberls Alliston arena willhe all ahumming forit is norHockeynig date was originally Dec3 but hasheenset back to Dec 15 The program starts with three Little league games between Al liston and RCAF Camp Borden The highlight will he the match between Allistoo fire brigade and televisionand radio staff from CKVRTV and CKBB Both May ity of the protein AlrENnON ro plans Toronto UP llav Godfrey Gray Warrede Anglican clefnmah who devoted most of hisyclericallile to parishes in Easement and Alllrton died in Toronto on and Born and educated in Brampton Mr Gray graduated from the University of Torontos Wycliffe College in 1911 He served at Workworlh for short period afterwards It Roman and Alliston until he retired so years ago His wife the former Eliza Frances Fleming died in155l He leaves son Lawson and daughter Mrs Smockum of Alliston two brothers Howard and George and two ilstcrs Mn Ethel Poyntz and Mrs Earl Wil llamson all of Brampton up oodrflJQiry Income is groom deficient mineral TESTS snow rr if your sollis known to be low in phosphorus and soil tests show that this kind is the case on many of the tarsus in Ontario it is wise to supply growing heif ers with simple mineral mlxlt lure of iodized salt vground limestone bone meal and co balt This mixture will supply all the minerals which may be lacking in thevfced Normally iodine and cobalt are not ja de ficiency problem but thesetrace minerals are deï¬cient in some soils and it is good plan to include them in the mineral mixture asa safety precaution Whenrnillr feeding is discon ttnued the quality of protein in the meal allowance is of lrnport ance until the calves are or months old Buttons for grow ing calves shouldvoontain some oilcalre to ensure at thequal brimm cient for maximum growtbland development As the calf grows older it can utilize more and more roughage until after 10 months of age the ration may even consist entirely of rough age if it is of excellent quality The pannch of or 4month old calf is only partially devel oped and therefore it is vitally imporatni that growing calves receive quality protein ration until it reaches at least 10 months oilage Probably about 20 per centvof all calves are afflicted from dis ease especially scours and pneumonia To reduce these losses and raise vigorous thrifty calves careful attention should be paid to the pens in which calves are born Cows should calve in well cleaned and dis infected maternityAstall To prevent the spread of dis case each call shouldhe kepti YOURSUPPO or Storey and Reeve Ross Wil items are down to play on Al liston team Les cooks ALBERMAN when AN chIVEi FORAN ACTIVE President of it local firm Tears Member or council mcluolhg years BUSINESSMAN3 Vnten who went tolho wunun Glhhhhfwtth to whichwn just votesshove that of an corner Bell Elwy er whose total voilawerc 76 Next came William auditor tln with vote of 011 Reginald Hobbs vote totaled ass 0n the school board the for mer tnlstees werereturped and added to the list was Gordon Todd who madehis first eo tranee intoppuhll This ad dltlon tothe Area One Board makes the membership for th next two years DonaldBea LOCAL All were lowlng Palos ck school to cast their votes unhxed in the mud which ruin lladies shoes and pulled off rubbers condition is not new at school it once when Tom was on the ballot be from neighbour to makenwalkfromthecnrsto the school with plenty of line crushed have me surplus Ivallhhlo so it need not be added toaext years tam GENERAL WEED OF ONE 1mm have to fill the shoes of With one Margaret Follls as deputy reevc for the town of Bradford Slmcoe County Coun cll ale assured of at least one lady onthc county council next year Populurioe Mogul will occupy the Bradford reeveshi in separate pen for the first several weeks or so The pen should be kept clean and well bedded and should be thorough ly disinfected before new call is placed in it The walls be tween the pens should prefer ably be solid so there can he not contact of the calves Rearing heifers after they are six months old is an easy task Perhaps for this very reason many are stunted for lack of proper feed and attention and fall to develop into profitable cows if adalryrnanraises lur plns cattle for sale he soon finds that buyers do not went under sized heifers or cows but look for wellgrown anlmals which give indications of large and profitable production The pro Der development of the boilers is therefore nnexceedlngly im portant part of thodairy busi ness nnocnbss ANNU AL The Barrie Branch of the Can adian Red Cross Society are holding their annual dinner meet ing at Community House this Wednesday evening The exebu tive is looking forwardto good turnout of wives husbands and workers Business is scheduled to start at 730 pm after the dinner Major Hersey is president of the society Eeorgo Davies and PIA Hm consrauorlotl om tar10 ELECT JAMES jw For Mayor Eight Yearamnnlclpol ox llerlence Motor business on Hwy 400 Barrie or them members the Chamber at Com merce which negotiated for and assistedlnra ma jor industry locating in Barrle lniols our family moved up from Pennsylvania to tan and settled in Storm Colin glrtsausmass lt3ivlep1go Iiin 037ea o0Q Art Evnns who has left mark of distinction at the coun ty level Mr Evlns as Mayor of the new town will not be representative on the County Council Members of the Brad ford Councll for 1960 are Bruce Glowirt Fred Cook Bud Gardin er and Johnny Vdovloak SEEKS ELECTION Rev Fred Hewitt welh known to Barrie and District incidents and now in Orillla is seeking election to the School Board there Drillia gou to the polls today 171 CARLING REEVE Ed Wilson who has Served on Port Carling Council fortha past four years has been acclaimed reevc of the village There is possibility of council elec tioo VOTE 0N BAND BYLAW Orillia voters are being asked to vote on bylaw which will increase Illegrhot to town bands to 3500 Interested parties are the Orillia Kiltie Band and the Oriilia Silver Band AT BIG BAY POINT The ParentsGroup is holding cucllre evening at the school on mesday December The evening starts at elghtoclock and lunch is provided SPIRITUAL EEALER SPEAKS Innisfll Anglican perish will hear Spiritual Healer Reverend Lockwood of St James Church Orlllta who will speak at St Peters Churchill Monday and again on Monday evening December 14 at St Pauls Church Inulsfll on Spirit ual Healing The services are open to all who feel they can be helped by the talks of this noted speaker on the healing of the body through faith fSay fli Ag of cash is always welcomeand when ya your money orders this year he sure to get them at yourneareat Royaldlankhranch Wilbur qufll Ban Money Ordarjonll gelat no extra coston envelope and milingï¬zuerin go Chï¬ifrmir colours gt with which oscizdgonr gift and personal greeting You can use leBank Money Orders to send gifts of sh to friends orrelativesin Canada the Great Britain nrThe WestIndies send tinny elsewhere in the sownm POLICE journa fY5 Campaign Ydlrector Russ Davcyre ports that the financtal cam palm mo budget in still nearly $9000 short of the 1900 objective rleoessary tomect nclt tlvltles proposed for thoyear Mr Davey states that the of fice will be happy to receive any further subscriptions donn tlons etc but that no more can vassers will be calling on citi zens The finance committee has tough job before it deciding which projects will beput on the shell for the condo year and how to allocath the money collected to the best advantage of all young members The boys camp development project will probably be held over for while added Mr Davey Financial campaign publicist Clifton Ward approached some of the Welleltnown citizens who are honorary members of the board for their opinion on the benefits of an active organi cation in Borfle They comment ed as inflows Chief of Barrie Police Ed Tschirhart stated The has proved vital factor in Yreducing juvenile de llnqucncy in Canadian cities and towns gt Barrio needs an active live ViviYWCA it is big enough to support such an institution Money spent in building and equipng real 31 centre is money invested in the future of the young people ofthe district Many people consider the advan ages has to offer to young and old sufficient reason to give both their time and money Aw ciï¬mn or businessmaklng do nation to the campaign is in vesting in the future ofBalria and in the future of young Can adians generally Bowmanercipal of MerryChristmagorith ROYAL BANK uy and Riyal Bank rid Barrio Central this to say TbcYMYWCA becomes so sentlnl Barrie grows from town to clty While students attending elementary and sec ondary schools are well looked after there will be an increas ing number of youngpeople who have left or graduated lrom school and are in need of the program As our city becomes larger there will be more of these in hetweeo young people who are not only recently out at school but also away from home For ellective work with these groups proper building is neces llty Mayorwmsrd Kinds states his opinion in the broad range of activltles the children youth indeed citizens of home are providedwltb pregnant re creation that establishes inter est in the healthy wayktowards all those activities thatare henn ficialto the body mind and spir it activities that helpour chil dren and youth to become better citizens of the future for our community Collegiate had TELRAD TELEVISIoN RADIO SERVlCE PA 87672 54 Sophia st nude lo try Im