20 Boy ScoutsAré HOnpred At Govt House Investiture OTTAWA CP Three scout masters from Hastings 0nt were among 20 boy scouts and masters honored at Govern ment House investiture Thurs day Receiving awards for heroic action from Governor General Vanier were Philip Day vn llam White and Robert Schriver The trio were cited for the res cue of four tourists from Mor ganstown Ohio whose bout had overturned on the Trent Canal near Campbellfard Aug 31 1950 Day and White each 22 re ceived the Silver Cross while Scriver received the Gift Cross for gallantry with moderaterisk The 20 men and boys stand proudly yet humbly beforeGov croonGcneral Vanier who pinned awards on their chests The whiteHaired governorgen eral performing one of his first official functions since taking of fice sat in high gt hacked red chair on dais as winners came forward one at time HIGHEST HONOR First were three young scouts to receive the Cornwall Scout badge highest award in scout ms cht were eight scoutmasters receiving the Silver Cross in cluding five from Springhill NS who were in the first rescue group to enter No Colliery in October 1958 after bump trap ped 174 miners underground Their awards were for sus tained bravery over period of days General Vanier in brief speech after the investiture said the occasion was happy one for recipians who felt the deep and comforting satisfactiooof Something Terrible Happened Boys Reason For Fleeing Home CALLANDER CP3 An 18 year old youth who vanished after car accident 15 months ago returned to his home in this North Bay district hamlet Thurs day and said he fled because he thought something terrible had happened Elwood Baker son of Mr and Mrs Frank Baker was one of the drivers in twocar collision Aug 730 1558 in which seven persons were injured All have since recovered After the acci dent several hundred searchers spent more than week hunting for him in the bush believing ho was wondering about stunned by shock The youth said he remembers seeing car coming towards him on the wrong sideoi the highway butcannut recall the actual col lislon He said he recalls finding him self in the bush the next day wet andhungry He walked into Suds bury 80 miles west and kept go ing west because thought something terrible had happened backthere Elwood began hitchhiking and got ride in house trailer to Wroxton Sask He found work on farm under his own name but said he could not bring himself to write home past month he wrote letter lnisllraméé arson home from YorktonSask and left by bus shortly after He said he listened to broadcasts and read newspapers on his trip west without finding any mention of the accident Canadians Work on SAGE Prdgram OTTAWA CPUA six man team hasarrived at System De velopmentCorpor n1 Santa Monica Calif to work on com putcr programs associated with Canadian portions of the SAGE electronic system RCAF head quarters said Thursday The team is expected to spend at leasttwn years thére The SAGE Semi Automatic Ground Environment system uses computers to collect air dc fence information and to work out interception courses for manned inlerceptors and anti aircraft missiles One unit will be in stalled near North Bay face danger for ones fellow has suffered spinal trouble from tive clothing crept through sear Gotbcrcole minister4 ccooomf Thursday Dinlag that 17year period the provinces old horseshoe Immd Lake Ontario betwcai Oshawa and st Catharina will grow to 4500000 bu told con maceof provincial and munici pal planning ofï¬cials To accompany the growth Mr Gathercole predicted Manyncw Ontario cities will spring from towns industry will increase bywtowpercen 1000000 more children will at land elementary and secondary schools and 10000 more the uni versitlest in additional 2100000 motor vehicles wilf travel 0n lario roads bringing registra tions to 3000000 No other arcs in the worldhns matched the population and in dustriaf expansion of tariol since 1945 be said suggests Addicts Get MetroChores TORONTO CF Frederick Gardiner who initiated committee to study drug addic tion Thursday suggested addicts be givenjobs with Metropolitan Toronto as step to thelrrec habilitntlon metro council told the metro welfare committee two convicted addicts have already been hired as temporary employees by metro and both are flrstclss employees He said addicts now get six months for first conviction and are sent toloronto Don Joli where withdrawal treatment ls given fie proposedlnstaod that the addicts be sent to the River dalc isolation ifospital rehabili tated during their sentence and then given temporary employ ment by metro following their release The welfare committee began bavin done their dut ditty discussion ofralSIpoge report with sacredehoracter because it involved sacrifice and suffering ft is very noble thing to mm drug lldim mom said the general crippled himself by wounds in the First World War Never be afraidbelt cause feor destroys and facing danger upliftsff The scouting movement is one of the things that gives hope for the future urn proud of you and have no hesitation in saying that Canadais proud of you as well TORONTO CETho curator of geology for the Royal Ontario lllfusegm told provtincialirlands FIRST RECRSIENT inves gallon commr ee nrs Patrol Leader Frederick John gzyefha 353 flaw Vance ofKemano acwnsthe $93 um 9v first to come forward He re pron par ceived the Cornwell Badge for Wélwlm Twelh WM great courage and fortitude dis Presldent of the Ejederahon of played when he suffered very se no mums10 Vere burns to his face and arms $39 mhémxgaï¬gï¬grï¬ï¬smg 22 exPIOdf single oppose restricted tirnbercutting The ext Cornwcllgt winner Hark lands but dead 3535 walked forward with apparent mlnmg deVQOPment cm difficulty but without crutches case 39ml emefgem Patrol Leader Andrew Mark He said park lands are living Stevens of Lloydminster Sask museums as lmrartant as na tional archives and art galleries Kelseypsecretary of the Quetico Foundation said provin cial parks are valuable to Cnnadian and United States tourists as places of recreation adding that this year 5121000 persons visited 52 provincial parks Both briefs were fully en dorsed by the Conserv ation Oouncii of Ontario Forbes McFarland or raining commissioner and chair man of the committee said on posing viewpoints werethat pro vincial parks provide little rev Engineer squVeS cnuefor the government and mining operations can be taxed Atomic Pile Heat Commitbee member John rains lAPA French atomic birth His citation road For his courage and industry in attaining the Queens Scout Award in spite of great physical suffering Scout Michael William Byng Hall 19 of Vancouver maderhis way slowly to the dais on crutches dragging his braced legs which have been crippled since he suffered polio in Ill fancy For his courage and en durance in spite of great physi cal sutfering read the Cornwellr cit on Mr Gardiner chairian of the prepared by Mr Gardinqu com city Needino EPied APiper cumEmu cm caste mal APtA scourge of rats evidently hundreds of tltou Vsands otvthern is plaguing the hamlet of Sansare in eastern Guatemala The people there are desperate Entire crops of rlcc beans and vegetables have disap peared The rats have beepJn Scrcosing steadily in number during the last three weeks Some of the inhabitants carol plain that ltls nexbto impos sible to sleep They comc at sunsct and disappear at dawn Mrs Car men de Zacnrias owner of one of the best stores in the little city explained find them comfortably asleep in the drawers of my deskgsoys Mayor Daniel Rios Hernandez The worst part is that all attempts to extermin ate them seem fruitless Traps are useless polson they ignore and who is worse all our cats are dead to the last one The fumigation killed all the lions and cockroaches the cats ate these last and died Eggs are luxury in this town that oncehada thriving poultry industry The rodents seem to knowlust when an egg ls to he laid FURJJNED GOODIES LONDON ReutersFirms selling boxes of candy trim med with minir in Londons fashionable West End re ported Thursday they can hardly cope with the Christ mas demand ONE LIFE GONE NEW YORK ABJust whisker more and Gloria would now be tenderiied cat Gloria is pet at Man hattan meat market One of Ontario Mining Association said some persons were in favor of strip development for paTks which would leave the interior open for mining and forest opera lions NEED RUNNING ROOM Mr Tovefl replied that major wildlife such as deer require large areas in which to rumand goodsized park lands provide bend water for vital fresh streams Mulleattic argued that ghost people dont use forests and they are often afire bagafdfï¬fe addedthat prospectors arerstop pod by law from working in park lands but claimholders must still pay taxes to the government EM Ecblinpresident othead of the Lakesvirun Limited said his company pays taxes on large acreage which legislation prohibits him from mining He said the company is taxed on claims in Quetico Park but is not able to workthem tbougb geolo gists report 100000000 tons of lowvgrade ore on the properties brief by the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors pre sentedby vicepresident Currie of Toronto recommended that larger parkrescryes be set aside in sumner resort areas to be developed and maintainedby Beattie executive director of the the municipality with assistance from the government tbcbulcbcn threw chunk of bed into the tender machine Wednesdaynnd Gloria went after it if were mum more employee sparcd Gloria from glory however wlthaqulckyankoftbselcc tic plus Gloria entch with only wounded pawbut it took police emergency squad two hours to dismantle the machine and get her out BBIDGE TO NOWHERE SUDEURY CmA rural townshlps rdusal to rcptaoo bridge that leads to nowhere was upheld Thursday by the Ontario Municipal Board at sitting here Officials of the united towult ships of Casimir Jennings and Appleby said the bridge now washed out spans creek which has no road on the other side and is used by only one farmer The farmer concerned Who pays $35 year in taxes has built th own private bridge but wanted the township to replace its bridgc SHOULD KNOW BETTER ossmmc NY APlV Contrbctor Francis Thurber was fined $10 Wednde night after pleading guilty to traffic charge of drlvlng through 15 mile an hour school zone at 25 miles an hnur Thurber is chairman of the Osslnlrig traffic safety committee memo QUIET nnvr KIRKLAND LAKE CF Councillor Ted Evans cx presscdfirm disapproval last week when it was charged that police were playing fav orites by not tagging illegally parked cars owned by Tech Township officials Thursday Councillor Evans was fined 54 for ovemlgbt parking Keep Miners ProSpeCtefs out Of gPdrk Towell Asks The brief also recommended sale of road allowance along the shores of lakes and navigable streams when they are not being used for road purposes gtGyrilYoung vicepresident of tho Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada and James Cumming Toronto min ing engineer recommended the altering of 1957 amendments to the mining act to permit surface right to accompany nKinlng rights run an EXAMINER WANT an snow on cam 10°F BINGO P11002265 093 mi Monday DEC arm $15000 memos loos um COLLIERST engineer clad in heavy proteo ing heat to the heart of an atomic pile to learn why it had stopped functioning He apparentlyqu fered no ill effects In reporting this Wednesday the French Atomic Energy Com lion hadpreviously been thought too dangerous to undertake WANT ransom Hanovch on our jrmor memes or Cullt the Ofï¬ce or norloo like Depart Toronto Arrive Tarripa One wager Class $3200 Return $18400 Family Plan Available on 15 North StaroTourist Service Onc waysmnr BARRIETRAVEL scallion 00 LTD roz DUNLOP sr wnsr non illtopic no Vio PointTreesa ONLY 41 Hou mnsainini airlines vrscoum lSl crass spitvrcn none Flight anneal1e ooNrAcr sf ss Service factual $12200 06dld Send For ne lptlve nicernan allow mt sun urn llKE NO OTHER attain no sonanno man muum rumor Farm LaborSlEtages worry Ontario Cropfirowers rumton CF Farm in borvsbomgu are worrying On tarloo canning flop powers fbcylppealed lo the fodcral saveramoral Thursdny to help solve the problem hypermltttng form labor into Canada during harvest periods it was 501132ch that labor could be brought in from Mexico for the barvula Howard secretary of the Ontario Vegetable Growers liarv hating Board said city men arent interested in working for short periods on the form when they can collect unemployment murance by staying in the city The canning crop growers oon ventlon passed aresolution re questing the government to bring farm laborers under provisions of the Uncmployrn insurance Act WOULD HAVE TO WORK This would help ease shortages because laborers might remain on the farm during periods of unemployment and work on dolly basis Unemployw men wouldnt beta position to re fuse work on farmwhen the need was great The convention attended by 200 delegates rcpresenting 12000 growers expressed full support to the principle of farm market hlig and marketing board legisla on The convention olsonppenled to the provincial and federal government for immediate test in of weed na pest contrd sprays used on tomato crop Board To Sell All Hogs Soon TORONTO CF The Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Board will take over the sale of all hour in the province Dec 14 itswar announced Thursday Hogs in Eastern Ontario now are marketedlrcc from control of the producer organiratioo but new directional orders will ex tend into the area Counties covered under the new orders will be Carlton Dundas Gicngarry Grenville Prescott Lnnark Leeds Renlrcw Russell Slotmoot Durham Frontenac Hastings Lennon and Addington Northumberland Prince Edward Peterborough and Victoria Three new terminals will be estnblished at Belleville Secleys Bay and Smiths Falls The marketing program regult lotions require nilhogs in con trolled areas to be transported and assembled ntthe boards Irv sembly yards and purchased at these poian Board secretary James Eoyn ton said there have been reports of bonuses being paid to prolt ducers andvdrovcrs to prevent move toward assembly yard sale in EasternOntario Ilsks Cater To Domestic Market Instead Of DumpingSurpluses TORONTO CF Canadians should cater to the domestic market rather than dispose of surpluses abroad at bargain prices Lewis of Calgary president of the National Dairy Council of Canada said Thurs He told the Ontario Creamery rnons Association that thenc noesth butter market was being lost at the rate of 1000000 pounds month with the slack being taken up by margarine Export of butter to the United Kingdom at prices lower than the domestic butter rate he said was antagonizing the domestic market by du pin butter abroad at the expense of Cann dian consumers Goodwillie chief of the merchandising section of the fed eral department of agricultures dairy division said he felt but tcr should be sold on some other standard than price think perhaps we shouldbo devoting our energiu toselling topquality product at top price he said He told the Ontario producers that United Kingdom buyers had expressed preference for Que bec butter AAlready as creameries in can adn had been blacklisted for pro ducing inferior butter and ho thought it likon thatvfive or six Ontario creameries would boad ded to the list this year HOCKEY rTONlGHT Qua4 PARRIE FLYERS VS 51 CATHARINss 815 pm Barrio Arena SDANcINe rvsov Fillunil surf mar lilill cornea 5r pm mmAYMuglo ny ran Eluthmaires Modern SATURDAYMush By Tom PattendenOrchestra oldJima find modem anmssmn soo nusrrcrls LOAF No Slacks or Jeans Permitted HMDUS PtdltllS ltlillllt