Is Deépl Smsamcron up Despite Fosident £isenhowers plea be ore the American people for an immediate settlement the critical laborwage steel dispute is as deeply dEadlocked as ever Minutes after the president warned on radio and television Thursday night just before set ting out on his peace and free dom tour of possible compuL sion if disputants did not achieve voluntary settlement union chief David McDonald made new proposal which federal la bot ofï¬cials described as oi ques tionable value McDonald suggested that the president reconvene his acttind ing board under Dr George vtl liam Taylor university pmiesA sor and ask the board to make recommendations to serveas iramcwork in which the 5000 member Steelworkers Union would agree to negotiate with management EXPLAINS rowans Federal mediation chad Joseph Finnegan said in an InterVIew that the factfinding body has no power under the law to make rec ommcndatlons Eisenhower did have the power to set up an in dependent hody to make such rec ommendations but had indicated he would not do so unless both sides asked for this service it Conrad Cooper the steel companios chief negotiator said that it the union had shown the DAVID MCDONALD Makes New Proposal same willingness and flexibility as industry to reach agreement through tive bargaining an agreement would have long since been reached Eisenhower in his limlnuta national radio and TV broadcast instructed Finnegan to do every thing he can to hold aroundthe clock negotiations RESPONSIBILITY NEEDED America needs settlcment now Eisenhower exclaimed If wGermany Will Share Arms BONN Reuters Britainand West Germany announced Thurs day an unprecedented plan to share and develop certain stra tegic armaments including guided missiles The plan was announced at the end of twodayrnceting be tween the British and West Ger man deionce ministers Harold Watkinson and Franz osef Strauss gt The two power will join forces to develop the new British Blue Water surfacetosurface missile The communique said they will recommend that NATOndopt the new missile for support oi armies in the field The two countries also will err operate to produce prototype tankand develop standard tank armaments and antitank weap ons the communique said our anlrrsa GUNS West German defence ministry sources said British 105 milli metre guns will be tilted to more than 1000 German tanks The gun already has been ordered by the 11de States The communique said the two countries also plan to cooperate on project for system of de fence against low flying air craft Strauss said there was com plcte agreement on the full in tegration oi air defence reference to NATO integrated air defence plans not bilateral AngloGerman integration Strauss also said they had agreed to cooperate in develop ing aircraft engines in particu lnr throughthe West German MAN company and Rolls Royce The ministers also had gen eral discussion of defence prolr lams and noted with satisfaction the close association between British and German armed forces KILLED BY CONCRETE HAMILTON CPDA Toronto construction Frank Primo25 was killed today when struck by concretelblock that fell 54 feet from atop an apart nent building under construe Ion Probe Idea health Is Aliected By Residues In WASHINGTON AP The Food and Drug Administration disclosed Thursday it plans to study possibilities that human health may be affected by resi dues in meat and poultry of female horroone used to fatten cattle and poultry The hormone is dielhylstilbesb rol commonly known as stilbest rol and widely used in medicine for about 15 years Commissioner George Lap rick said thelbnnnone is known to cause cancer of the breast in men it taken in large dosesHe said such cases are extremely rare He said scientific tests have shown minute quantitim ofystil bestiol residue in the skin and liver of chicken prepared=for the market No residues have been found in meat from cattle Meat Poultry Larrick said he still is eating meat and chicken and empha sized that the fact the study will he made is no causeior alarm to Canada regulations permit the use of stilbestrolin feed or hy injection for beef cattle but only under controlled conditions where the synthetic hormone is pre mixed at an established level withdrawal period must be permitted before the animal is slaughtered For poultry the growthstimu lant may only be used in pellet injection in the neck near the head and in location that guarantees that that part of the carcass will not be used for hu man food lt The amount of ch meats in Canadian markets isnot large at that they act respodsibly versity of Toronto school of dunu not rupoosibllity by reaching an agreementvokmtarfly in due minu their WW will see This was taken as an inference that EIsenbowe will seek oon gresslanal action to force asettle ment it no other solution is loud Guardsmen 18 ChargedWith Killing Woman LONDON AHMichael Dow dnll 18yearold Welsh Guards man arrested alter nationwide manhunt for Scamosc Mick was charged Thursday with the murder alga beautiiulbrunette Womanayear ago llls slawyer said there were sensational ta in the case Dowdall who has servedJas Buckingham Palace sentry was accused in locnlcourt oi mur dering Veronica Murray at who was found naked and battered to death in her London apartment last Dccember lhohunt tor Scarnose Mick bet ganaiter seriu of attacks on women reeentlyPolice said the man they wcrc lookingefor was dangerousw tDowdallwas arrested Nov2a at his barracks near London He was charged with housebreaklng and theft but no murder chatgo was mentioned until Thursday Drop TheiiCharge Forlesser Count VlNDSORCPA charge of car theft laidagainst Chatham man was withdrawn in magil trates court Thursdaywhen he pleaded guilty to lesser count at taking vehicle without the owners consent Patrick King 73 was re manded until Dec 10 for sen tence Apoiice report read in cpurtsaid King took truck be longing to the Airport Tire and Battery Service Limited in suburbanSandwicb East Town ship Oct 23 Last Soldiers To Dock Dec 71 OTTAWA tGP The last ma jor contingent of 900Canadian soldiers and dependents return inglfrom Europe will arrive at Halifax aboard the linerlvernia Princess Brownie Meeting Very Special Day Pala noan MeiW W81 day around Booking ham PalaCBGflv special that the the court has to use caution when heschedules the program Nath gucan be allowed to millet th the weekly mee ingot Princess Annes Brownie pack The nine yearold princess has been Brownie since last May learning to tleknotr set the tea table weal dishes and stay alive while walking in how trafï¬c The last exorcism involv5 venturing out into fairly busy streets Many motorists waved to abalt by pack leader never know they are stopped so that princess in Brownie dressch cross lfAnna not prin Pilot Escapes Crash CHATHAM NB CPt Ail FM Sabre jet ltorn the RCAF station hero crashed abouts mile westof the air base Thursday but the pilot F0 Robert Webber Timmlns escaped with minor injuries The crash occurredfln swampy bushland near Dwglasfleld at 112555 pmwblle the plane was ona routine training mission The jet burned nftcrcrashlng but Webber scrambled fro mtbe wreckage before it caught fire Less than ls minutes later he was receiving treatment at the station hospital He suffered rni not back injuries and an injured ankle helicopter bicked him up imrnediately alter the accl dent An RCAF spokesman said an investigation3 will be conducted into the cause of the crash it was known the jet had trouble taking off vorr ROBERTS Dec army headquarters said Thursday few more troops will con tinue to be flown home by tho RCAF The last flight is sched uled to arrive at Trenton 0nt Dec 20 lwothirdszof the 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade groups person nel returned horne thisfaliafter two years in Germany There placements will remain overseas three years Therotation of the 15000 sol diersand their de pende nts started early in September has been handled by seven round trips by ship and 31 return flights 14 by TransCanada Ah Lines and the remainder by the BCAF 10 STUDY MOH ROLE TORONTOJCF The Uni giene announced Wednesday it will make survey of the pro fessional work of Canadas 200 full time medical officers of from the Kellogg Founda health Using $10000 grant tion the school hopes to appraise netdtields ofactivity the role of the MOIl and suggest KEEP Bitan rnoqnnasrva VOTE ROBERTS 1X strain BusmssSMAN 102Ruh cTYc Busmsss University Grqduate Former Jeaoher Many years administrative period and presently VicePres Iident of the Juan Merchantl Associationof ontarlo paluo But public appearances the princm Wethpr Queen Must Move Again move again away the plus LiteratiAh mmqu meet with herpack 3° Hm How Church mm Now00 years old the settled on leckwlth Moors near here whmahewusflwlththeideaol leaving the roads totgood But Tuesday Cardltf city an thoritlu eager to clear the moors wrecked automobiles and other junk ordered her to leave small attract the mttd attention Soatthedlrectlm oltha Queen tbeBolyvlrlnity pack wu adopted by Buckingham jalaoe gt The with members allows the normal Brownie on mm with one possible concea EulaI15 to tbelrvyal practicetth para earning to little ahead of schedule It seems Miss Mary Milllcan the pack leader happened to mention that it waa World fugeo Year and many women Indglrls aroknltting warmr garmmtsvfor refugees But cant knltl exclaimed anemia or ESSA Your Vote and influence in ricpecilnliy solicited by MAURICE MILLER fortho so SohéolBoord are girls aroilearning now Bank Interesting Climbs To 518 MTAWAlCP The Bank Canada lnterestrata edged up wards Thnrsday to taper cent from 511 last we thtbe sale ot$lw0p0000 idsldaysovern meat treasury bills Borria Deserves The Best ELECT DORIAN PARKER YonrAldermnn Word sour amounts of ESSA ahd lnfluanea To Elect srEwAIeT galRlvlprrg as DEPUTY REEVE remain or forlest bd gratdully apprednted Al Bmmsns oi lasso 51min paddle opportunity ofservingr you for six years as eouacilloiandplkputy Reeve yoursupport toielectmia as Reeve for Im on Dec whineappreciated Cvprr oENJNzEY IIRLEVEYE in seemice iatrEssnC tourism For careful ï¬nancing and well organized raadprogram NOTE Er P556055 sezrved you councillor for the past two yearsE rospectfullysolieit ur uppor to the position as amayolgnomv Doorman last summonamyh MAY Miami in mmron mama so ovum rename or man Pruilént lacuna betweenflntarioand Scnlly of the SteelCtm Idle announced Wednesday PAST THREEYEARS Youa Vera ANo lNFtUENCE Is assescrruux soucrrso To llI Electorsloi Essa Township Your vor AND INrLuchs Is RESPECTFULLY soucnsorox MY REELECTIONTQ couNcu As gt Deputy Reeve ON MONDAY sternum POLLSOPEN mm to auto 530 pm sumoPAGE voTEEro REELECT Asvoun ALosaMAN FRED SMITH sounoctvn Government YOU vore arimwnasr SCHOOL ON Mom lieu 141959 1001am 700 11111 FOR INFORMATION OR CAR To THE POLLS PA 82669 PM PA 84 15 RELELECT WILLARD KINZIE MAYORIQSO PROVEN ABILITY KEEPBARRIE ON THE MARCH MAYOR wrumm szm The sermons or lNNlSllL TQWNSHIP 9mg throughhighet education costs and better services have risen alarmingly New methodsihave tohe loundto meetthesezcosbswhothes it be Industry More Tourist Businus or We neodrsomeyoungar than to shoulder the responsibility pledge my whole hearted cooperation and support to the betterment of lnnisfil Township as whole numny solicit You Vote For CQUNCILLOK one 1959 Van Bud RRldo 12 shroud Forlranspnrtatlonto tho Pol or same 1on4 strand éolloot internists or asst HAVE keensssnrso YOU roll THE GEOF oAVIs