ease sous Swanson Dec 1559 Shopping sigma Consider Childs With somany wonderful toys to choose from perhaps tooiittie thought is given to whether ayoungster willbe safe play ing with certain toy Parents think perhaps ofa toys color its durability and the delight it will give child Thought should be given the most im portant thing of oil In the toy safe one study done by the Ontario Safety League has brought out some interesting facts which shouldhelp parents in their shopping this year ilere is guide to safe toy shopping Avoid fireworks guns that shoot any missile darts chemistry sets unless you supervise their use sharp edged toys and toys with small detachable parts Always teach children how to use their toys Be sure to choose toys suitable to the age of the child never give toy that is too adult to young child In the age group under two toys should be too big toswallow light in weight washable have safe colors and rounded corners and edges Some sug gestions are Rattles cuddly animals floating toys balloons bolls takeapart toys cloth books blocks toys to bang and pushnndpuli toys From two to four toys should induce physical play train the eye and improve coordination some suggestions push andpull toys wagons wheelbarrows safer than ever before vision trieycles modelling clay hand puppets sets In the age group dergartcn age toys should develop im biackboards paint mayorayon is to six or run agination and initiative stimulate play with other children and in case of mo bile toys be sturdy and well balanced suggestions Play clothes simplecon struction sets cars trucks planes simple games doll houses small sports equip ment boats and sand toys Then from six to elghtti1ebegmning of the hobby age as well as the com petitive age toys which encourage indi vidual interests and those which induce group play are both good Suggestions Carpenter tools good skates play clothes kits for playing store bank filling station electric trains marked With either GSA or III seal books and easy model kits Over eight years of ugh toys should encourage the childs changing and de veloping interests Hobbies will have strong appeal suggestions Hobby equipmentphoto grophy coin and stamp collecting pup pet shows etc musical instruments gym and sports eoupiment science sets model kits weaving looms sewing sets table tennis and games All in all toys are bettermode and And there are many more safe toys than unsafe ones playgroundequipment use under super so choose with care Opinions of Otller Newspapers MPs or Balsam roomy ram Washington Post Charles Curran who waselccied to the Brit ish House of Commons last month has just been looking over the perquide of hisoffice He finds them bll on the stingy side Before considering his case recall what his counterpart in our House of Representatives sets 322500 salary up to $3000 of it tall exempt two round trips home year at 20 cents mile frce mailing privileges frank ing $1200 for stationery 3000 minutes of long distance phone calls 20000 words of free telegraph free officespace up to eight full time clerls pension that can reach $18000 year if he serves long enough Addsubsid izcd meals haircuts and other services had any junkeis be can wangle And yet properly we do not consider our congressmenoverpaid Curran gets £1750 year about $4900 But 1750 are earmarked for expenses and £18 are deducted from the members fund to which any MP5 who have served 10 years or more may apply for aid after retirement if they can prove need Ho gels £8 $2240 worth of writ ing paper and supply of stamped envelopes for writing to ministries and national agencies He has to hire slenogrépher from an agency for $147 an hour He has no office but uses the writing room or library to pen most of his letters longband to his constituents He has locker but its not big enough for his briefcase And he has place on the green leather covered benches DECEMBER 1939 the closing banquet of 1939 County Coun cilij Simcoe in the American Hotel Barrie Warden WalterE Downey who completed ssuccessful year as Chief Magistrate of the County was honored by his fellowmembers of council with the presentation of gold yvatcb Councillor Coombskizradford introduced the matter ioliowing opening remarks by flhairman VG Patterson oi Port McNicoll and councillor Edward button of Victoria Harbor made the preseniatlonValious speakers paid tribute to the good qualities of Warden Dow ney who replied suitably Other toasts were made in the visitors with hearty welcome from MsyorRobenson included Manager It Nettleton Bankof Toronto couniy bank ers spoke and introduced managers of sevv 91310191 branches who were present McCuaig KC MP proposed the toast to the County Council with replies by Councillors Mills Barrie Gramix ilay Councillor Cunningham Aliision and Thompson of Penolanguishene gt fmenciallygembmassed Imovie tress says Im flat busted No wori er shes rok mrwsus Publisher and General mixer wanes Ensinen mum gt ml to amen Managing mm eraenri snnrzn anverunnrmanuer was names clrnnnunn Manager uan nth also Siligis 33 59 mass to mo in Canada 40 Catlin an Vancouver on for aw at ii ntw in to and dual Advertan All Pub ton Knox Paramountsnaking oud benow by carrier son not in the House itself He has to use public telephone and there is little chance of any incoming call ever reaching him If he wants in send message to colleague he has to look the man up for there is no message 5y icm Some members do have secretaries but they have to hire them themselves or getiheir union orsome other organization to do it Altogether after expenses members salary is about $50 week and he pays heavy income taxes on that As result many members hant afford to eat in the House dining room Does this state of affairs bother the British Not at all After all they say just beings member of Parliament is privilege enough for any Englishman EXTRA JOBS FOR JUDGES Winnipeg Free Press it is the essence and primary safeguard of the judicial process that judges shall have no concern with anything outside the court and the law no involvement in political issues oo preconceived view of any case brought before them But all we rthe nation of recent years governments at all levels have been calling in judges to consider all sorts of public contro verslal and actually political questions simply because they are usually able men of high character and trusted byevery6ne is What disturbs Mr Fulton as italso disturbs many judges News oi former Years Fine services again marked anniversary Sun day at Essa Road Presbyterian Church Barrie Sunday Nov 1939 when speaker for the day was Rev Gosseiin of Victoria Har bor his eighth weicome visit in as many years exchanging with Rev NR Sindair Semces of Burton Avenue United Church were withdrawn for the day customary Friends efnd former members living at ance were prseeni also for the occasion Mr Gossellns morning address was on Listening gtin and in the evening carryingon the thought of apathy on our part and the need for the soldier spirit to carry music was under the direction of With Miss Baileyat tbeorgan male manna Their Talents Maintain Pres airmen Moms lumen Norms The ma monumentissuance any WW FAMOUS our Wosos Economies Major Topic For PresidentNehru Meet BOMBAY CF lndian oblt servers expect economic mailers to dominate the talks between PresidentElsenlloWer and Prime Minister Nehru when the US president visits lndla next month Political and foreign policy problems are expected to take back seat Indianv olficlnls hope Eisen hower will leave blew Delhi with more realistic understanding of the needs of underdeveloped countries Substantial assistance for lndias second fiveyear plan and for the third plan beginning two years hence is anticipated The reluctancc of the US Con gress to earmark larger funds for foreign assistance has caused some regret in New Delhi cirzdes This is partly attributed to lack of first hand appreciation of Asian problems and development Nehru is expected to hyio cun vinee Eisenhower that Indias plans are not ambitious but con slilute ihe barest minimum to ensure decent living for the mii lions V15 PUZZLING While Red Chinese aggression on Indias frontier probably will figure in the talks there is no lkclihood of possible 15 mil itary assistance tolndia to meet the Communist threat Nehru has emphasized at public meetings that India will defend her bor ders with our own inherent somewhat puzzled by what is de scribed by press as the studied restraint of the 115 in the border dispute There is no ilon that the us government is adopting deliberate policy of silence leading proWestern newspa perasked vls itthat Washington is trying to pay us back in the sme cuinl it should not be sur prising llle Unlled Slates is try ingto tell us look this is how neutrallsm hurtsi Some Indian newspapers have taken the Indian government to task for not making positive el forts to enlist Western sympathy in the border dispute Observers predict Eisenhowers welcome in New Delhi will rival ibat given the Soviet Premier Khrushchev in 1955 Officials of the capitals mu nicipal corporation estimate that about 1000000 persons more than 60 per cent of the citys pop ulalioawiil turn out iogrcct the President REPORT FROM us Scotland Enters Huiomotiyefi¢1d By Mm HOOD Special London England Correspondent for The laml Examiner GLASGOW SCOTLAND The Ciydeslde area Britains black esi unemployment spot at the present time will be given decided lift us the result of an unusual industrial agreement be tween iile unions and the Press thls agreement Scotland will make its entry into the important industrial field of automobile pro duction The new automobile industry to be established at Paisley will be lied in with the new Colville sheet steel mill which is under construction at Ravenscraig in Lanarksbire it will be probably two years before the huge Collt ville mill will be producing sheet streneiil and unity amuse ed Steel Company of Linwood steel to supply the new industry The Indian people have been near Paisley And ass resuitof In the intervening period are ex Knox quartetie with members Alfred shepherd Victor and Morton Knox and William Lani bert gave fine selections at both serviceSuWil ham Bell replaced Alfred Shepherd sinight Choir anthems were inspiring also Soloists were Miss Sinclair Mrs Calvert and More Quite few wives are incorrigible man shaved his wifes head tokeep her from running around with men but the next day she bought tqupee and went right back into circulation Something you might ponder were hit if you have time Ifcolunrbus hadnt dis overed America where do you all the clock clash The moonis the daughter the earth and it took the earth 500 years to givebilth to it says an astronomer This probably an alltiine recopd of time spentin ab is dram loan uneventful clou But this absence of aemalionai headlines doesnot medallist the representatives of the 82 nations gathered here buvcnot achieved progress in their continuing deavors to promote peace and to improve the lot of mankind Canadas delegation has not lollieved flleequal of the great feel of diplomacy which lion Paul Martin pulled off four years ago when he successfully spon sored the admission of ths is smaller countries to full marcher sblp of the United Nations But such an outstanding opporlunily does not presentikelf often and our representatives have main tained and even enhanced our position as leader of the middle powers by solid achievement in several less glamorous fields The old pros among the in ternational set of diplomaisbere expected this session of the Gen eral Assamny in be the African session But unofficial opinion expressed in ihe delegates lounge here cynically describes it as having largely proved to be the phony session diplomacy has been shifted from the United Na tions to other channels they com plain Substanilating this they point to the new trend towards personal diplomacy at the snow by heads of slate bypassing the old diplomatic channels and they point to the setting up of dis armament commissionif 10 na tions taking this paramount topic off the floor of the General As scmbly THE VOICE OF AFRICA Just as the Asian countries bav largely emerged inio polliicaljn dependence so in this session it was expected that the African countries would reveal themselves as solid bloc vociferoust seek ing to end colonialism and criminstion with the Russians opportuner supporting theiram bitions This happened to lesser degree than anticipated and Can company will bring in sheet steel from England at loss in order lomake animmedinle start on auiomobile production The agreementmade with the union provides that the workers will during that period accept the present Clydesidc wage rates which are lower than those which are paid in the booming automo bile faciories at Birmingham and Coventry in England The Um ionsare willing to accept that temporary arrangement to bring the new industry to Clydcsidc TO MAKE SWEDISH CAB The car which will be manu factured at plant will be the popular Swedish Volve coupe sports car The Volvo plant at Gotbenburgin Sweden is already working at cilpacity Willi the removal of re strictions on the import of au tomobiles and the coming ofllle Outer Seven free trade area the prospects for Britishproduced Valve are very bright The car will have the same 85 blip engine and fourspeed gear asis built into the Valve 1273 saloon car which was in troduced to the British market last year The Linwood factory which at the new Linwood ligje Ida played significantpm at the psychological moment The United Nltlons lslnbpen forum which the Business allt ways readyto seize as magnifi cent platform from which to spread their propaganda In knowledge of tberules the pm cedurs and the shortcuts at UN their careluliyvtrdined Ind pericuced diplomsls can run cir do round all other countlig lust as iftbo Winnipeg Blue Bombers were playing high school not ball team They are ever alert in use tbk platform to drive wedde between the West and Asia or be tween lbs West and Africa THWABT RUSSIAN AIMS Thus Canadas vote against France on the motion urging France to abandon her proposed Abomb lest id the Sahara served another purpose more important than lust pressing what Prime Minister chfenbakcr has called Canadians unanimous opinion that Aelcsis must stop Thus too our Dr Vivians strong support for economic as slslnnce to the undeveloped coun tries reinforced our conlcnlion that the Western powers are not solid proWest and ahliAsiun or antiAfrican bloc This will by Canada alsolllus iraled the fascinating crosscur rent experienced here one might expect to see lbc 25 Wesiern na tions the 20 LatinAmerican nu tions the 10 Asians the nlneAlri cans and the seven Communists always young in solid blocs like the parties in our Parliament But except among pie Com munists there is no such dra gooning lnslccd illere is con stant bidding for votes offering sawoffs and reciprocal favors In this field of opendebaie no party whips and sometimes Bib ciliaeg unpredictable volesa field so unlike our own Perlia meatCanadas politiclans such as Wally Nesbill Heath Macquar rie Dr Vivian and es pecially their leader Hon ilow ard Green are showing talents which maintain iile high rcpuia tion Canada has earned here present manufactures railway wagons hopes to begin produc Jtion of cars in April of next year The railway wagon industry will also continue The firm expects lo have an lnV ilial employment level of 7000 men in its automobile plant But by being tied inwiill the Raven scraigsiecl mill this will in turn set up an industrial chain reaction which willcreate thous ands more jobs in an area which hasa black unemployment cord gt There is also the expectation thai British car manufacturers now looking earnestly for sites to build new factories may decide to follow the lead of Pressed Steel and go to Scotland BIBLE THOUGHT For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Sully that whosoever believe on him shall not perishbut have everlasting life lobn me It is Gods purpose ihotevery body should bavellile and have it in everincreasing abundances vmlrspsrrmc THE urws fTwo EuropeanvEconomiC ii9011155 rRelaiionS Importance Grows By no small Canadian Press Staff Writer The arrival in London of Free mier Antonio Segni and Foreign Minister Giuseppe Fella of Italy completes Britains six week roundof talks with membersof the European Common Market The discussions which began with visit to Paris by Foreign mic commumiy SecretarySelwyn Lloyd in mid Dctuber andwere carried on dur iug Chancellor Adenauers visit In Britain were not deliberately begun as rollcall of the six members of the newborn econm They were designed rather as fedce mending operation to deal withrthe strains between Britain and her European allies that had grownup in the mo iracted negotiations towards summit meetin New meonraucn But with the summit tempor arily thrust into the background and new uncertainties posed by the formation of European Outer Seven under Err ains lead ership the function and relalion inlthe reeyeship contestat Wasaga Beach three months ago sits alone in the CountyCouncii chamber Be remain reeve untiltheend ofthe year and re resented the village in CountyCouncil for whole session of er he adbeenv virtually deprived of the mandate of the mm have authority in municipal govem mcnt Certainly Reeve Lawrason con tributed little Ito the deliberations of county counciliatthe last session and those Who advocate summer elections may well ponder his plight Emminer ship of the two groups have be come increasingly important Britains chief aimshave been in convinceihe six common mar let partners that the new flghttllem and gain assur outgrowths of the economic com munity donot get out of hand electorate can mania such position British SpokestnenconCede that line Outer Seven is second best substitute for the European free trade area they hnpedto estab lish as an adjunct to the com mail market and which laundered in disagreementasto the icrms of affillali They now seek to build br ebeiween the two groups as soon as the Outer Seven becomes going contem Meanwhile they are worried that the growing political arm of ibe common market may cut across organizations that already exist to promote unity in Western Europe EXPECT DELAYS Frances President de Gaullels known to be hostile to close ties withlhe NorthAllanlic Treaty Organization which he regards as infringing on hiscountrys sov ereignly and unduly susceptible to the influence of the Uni But Britain has wonairlend lier response from de Goalie by urging that he bring purely con tinental problems to the Western Europeanunion in which thesis common market powersFrance relations between Britain and ltalyyare troublelree Butever since the inception of ance wants to covopcraie with pfrusluroulrr 9331an ELECTION Headbowed Lawrason defeated ce that political Thetalks will nd Pclla like those wiib their common market palinersaim to do nnv more than improve the general stinosphere All peries are re signed to period patient and painstaking negotiations before European allgnments cease to at six and sevens