mum BOOK 1mm HIGHEST pm New York dealer Krona holds in London the copy ottoe 13th Moody lumlnalcd book Apocalypse for which he paid record $182 000 it was the highest price ever paid at auction at book was produced in St Alhaiu or manuscript The Apocalypse England about WAD With Kraus ll his wife LiSt WaysTd Halt1 Flow OiAds InMciil any one address postal anthurl OTIAWA CF The post of fics department says theres only one sure way for Canadian householders to stop the flow of advertising material into their mailboxes Any person who objects to re calving this material usually mixed in with regular mailcan refuse to accept delivery The householder can meet the pose man at the door and tellhim to take it hooky He will Although the postal authorities didnt say it one other course of action is available An objector can accept the ma terial place it in scaled en velope without return address and mail it back to the sender life longstanding postal rule that mail not hearing postage carries double indemnity to the addressee on delivery woman cosr areas CENTS The advertiscrrwho sent out this material locally at the post offices cl low house holder rate of cents for the first ounce wouldin the case of pamphlet weighing an ounce or lessget it back in sealed envelope witha postal charge of eight cents The advertiser could of course refuse to accept delivery ottbe collect material In that case would go to the deadletter of ice The post office will not agree to ban one class of mail from Predict Increase In Govt Spending OTTAWATCP The govern mentis threshing out its spend ing program for the 196061 is cal year starting next April Indications are that spending will rose slightly above the 1959 so record figure of $566000000 because of much higherpublic debt charges and higher welfare payments brought about by the population growth In addition there will be somenew programs which will cost money The treasury board commits teeof the cabinetis trying to pare costs ih departments where natural increases through popu lation growth do not occur it it WITH OTTAWA CPI Ernestr Bushnell has resigned as vi president of the CBC and plans to establish himself in Ottawaas management consultant t3 the private broadcasting industry His resignation effective Dec was announced Wednesday Mr Bushnell said his decision to hart absolutely nothing to do with his central role in las rinzsrinquiry by the Commons wroadc committee intr barges political interference with the publiclyowned corpnr on The ï¬llyou vicespresidei CBC for 26 years and was its run for ihr vicewiosident las nns was creat 1w Bio£yasting Act vi wssociceo with the Sabine rar can there is good prospect for balanced budget next year pro vidiog there are no tax redue tions The estimated deficit in the current fiscal Year is $393 0il0000 The spending estimates will he presented to parliament in lab January or early February It wont be untilApril before the government discloses how it pro th poses to raise the money to meet these mrpendihxres Informants said it is likely that the defence budget which now comprises 30 per cent of all ties said WednESday Thar lished were commenting on pulr reports that people could WASHINGTON AP The United States should neither rend birth controlldvicemhroad President Eisenhower said Wed neaiiay nor intafere With In country which trio that solution to its overpomdetion problem Eisenhower told his press cor cornea the uple question an eoonomiedssuc in some poorer nations and rialngpo litical issue herela none of the government business The president readfly let him self be drawn into thedebate over use of American foreign aid funds on birth control program debate which has agitated the Romon Catholic and Protestant clergy and put 1960 presidentia aspirants on something ates cannot imagine an more cmphatlcafly aubiectthet is not aproper politicalop govr cromental activity or inaction or responsibility he told ques tioner VANCOUVER CPLMost Rev Doke lioman Catholic Archbishop of Vencouvcr said Wednesday Dr Brock Chisholm is suggesting moral civil to solve physical one In statement Archbishop Duke commented on remarks by Dr Chishoim tanner director general of the World Health 0r ganlzation criticizing the Roman CethollcCburehe standon birth control Dr Chisholm sold Monday the Church should abandon its faith that God Tamed midi soaring Pop on an re move itsbanon artiï¬cial birth control Archbishop Duke said the Churchs solution to overpopula tion is to feed thebungrymnd added The whole ircevworld must pool its resources in global en terprise comparable tothe coles sal enterprise that wontheSec ond World War This gigantic foreign aidproo ject details not onlyshipinont of food but it requires the send ing of technicians and imple meats to teach the people in stop the flood of advertising be ing shifted into their mailboxes by writing their local postmast ers and saying they inst dont want it SORTINGXROBLEM Officials said euchbsysbemin aclty the size of Toronto for examine wauld create an lm possible surï¬ng problem Meanwhile postal authorities are trying to workout better system for stemming the adver tising tide possible solution is erate increase along with declaration of Imiform size orvweight or bothfor such material llcquit Jammy Bay on Morals Charge DETROIT AHSinger John nie Bay was acquitted on morals charge Wednesday and promptly fell ina dead faint Revived amid applause and cheers Ray told the allwoman Jury inrecorders court Its the nicest thingfcould hear may was accused of abcosting and soliciting here Nov 21 Pa trolman Eugene Caviston of the pohce vicesquad testified that Singer made an indecent pro posal to him onhldea downtown bar Caviston bad posedas sales man Ray who pleaded guilty and was ï¬ned $25 on similar charge federal spending will again be chopped caczsmns Bushnell Denies Quittinfg Linkediloeï¬olé In Inq 1adership Nouunnwwolcames of as top men inrthecorpora department over alleged olitical CBC ausnmsm rclsmn to wh has mind such continuing contri never received any orders dis and tenor of the touring Adanac in 195i denied Cavistons accu sation UIIY bution for more than century Revenue Minister Nowlan said the CBC owed much of its suc cess to the vice presidents nharter During the illness of luimet Mr usbneilheed the Inc through rompirying times They included the television pro ducers lengthy strike in Mont real and the temporary walkout lions and public affairs interferences LaterMr Bushnell went be ore thc committee to say hehen rectives or hints on how to run Mr Bushnell son ota farmer Ontarios Durhampouuty was Male Quartet for iivc ye be fore fo Canada firs radio advertisin tigech Toronto in er the Cnundion Commission in Errdc at was old boysits in jail cell at this quiet Lake Huron community un der sentence at death that never willbe carriedhut cleansays Justice Minister Ful ton that Steven Murray Truscott will not suffer the hanging pen alty imposed on him when he wasconvicted of murder in the rape and strangh gt uyearold girl playmate Only the hanging ate has been changedto Feb 16 instead of Dec to allow his lawyer time to prepare an appeal meat on capital punishment in on particularly involving young people cabinets sentence instinct QUOTES PM prompted Mr Fultons state ment He said Prime Diefenbaker has made it clear the cabinet death sentence if such comes necessary no intention of usurping the fun tipn of the courts which alone cide guilt or innocence it Will not announce decision on com mutation until th time has passed for an appeal which could god to new trial or an acquit vment by the prime minister Oct been hanged in Canada the cabinet had never allowed hongingwhen there was recommendation for mercy madewhe an DnterioZSu Court jury Sep 30 convi German Record awoaxs runner He sold be hereon quarrel with beaten of the Roman Catholic Church against artificial birth control and the subject has nothing do with government contact with other governments While the president spoke Protestant spokesman announced he he sees no ohleciion to the US providing birth control help if it is requested as part oilhc foreign aid program Dr Norris Wilson execu tive director of Church World Service said he would view it as diagram if an underdeveloped nation suchas lndla asked for birth control information and the Passinarvr msnnhowan Explosive Quentin Catholic Iilrchhisiuip Protests Cï¬ï¬CiSm OnSiand Oi Church those countries how to increase their production and to make use of modern implements for this purpose Bowie Stoolie Is Threatened NEW YORK ABSinger Don Anthonywho has told authorities about dis jockey payalaf said Wednesday his home has been at tacked rocktimowing ruffians yelling Stoollc weli get you He said he alsd hesreceived threatening telephone calls and has been subjected to derision from kids in bebop huts yelling rock roll isnt going todie youll dlefirstJ Police assigned detective to the premises toguard Anthony his wife and their igmontbsold son Anthony in said the rocle throwing obviously was the out growth ofrhis charge that disc jockeys bled him oiS5000 in pay ola payments forpiugging his records on the air ionMaker Says He Can Only Play Harmonica roaoum arranging member of Germanys hangings accordionunaldng Eobner ternin doesnt know how to playvtbe ins strument Dr Karl Hobner 67yearold grandson of thefounder of the musical inshinnent empirewas asked Wednesday to pose for photographers with big accord ing strapped around his neck guess Id betternot he said You see Loever learned how to play it He does how ever play the harmonica an otherinatrumeat for which the Hohner company is noted or Hohner is in Tomato to meet his companys distributors and discussplans tor aCanadian aécordion playing championship next yearnL pr Hohners world tour is sort ottamily visit because ln nearly every Westerncountry the Hohneriiealerships are run by menwbo come from the small Black Forest towa of Tossingen Germany or are descendants of old liohner employees Thetown is the liobner companytown Heading theHobnerdistIibu torsbip here is Claire Bough native of Guelph whose father cameto Canada from Tossingen at the beginning of the century Sure TruscOttp Will Not GDDEBICH CPA14ltyear lt has been made bundantly gvdeath ofa Yet the senta still stands The case has revived new com and this week cached th The British newspaper said the ilnre to commute the utrages every human vltwas this editorial that er commute the action be But he added the cabinet has Mr Fulton referred to Estate thot no one so young had ever andthal torial page of The Guardian inManchester Truscott boy in the death of Lynn Harper Truscolt and thegirl both lived on the RCAF station at Clinton where their parents were Sta tinned The girls body battered and nearly nude was found June in deserted woodlot near the sta tion hya 200vman search party After Twecotts arrest amove to have bim tried in juvenile court failed and be subsequently went before the Supreme Court where jury convicted him The 13day triaiwas open to the public butgwas held without prus radio or tele on city in accordance with section of the Criminaleode governing persons under its TRANSCRIPTION DELAY twomonth reprieve the sentence was dthree wdelis ago when lawyer John onnscou 01 Ch Dana Porter ot Ontari dicaté the youngest person banged in Canada in el velyl recent history Lives old Archibald McLean minister gallows two bro ers and fourth man in tidal for shooting Premier rm hi Such recommendation Wa prbvln clean prci cut9h unlcip ai v5 did not supply it cnon 5122 STAMFORD Conn AP How bigixopeddle The surmordbolrdol edu cagon glowing adopted po cy owning or corporal punishment in public schools if rensoneble and proper means have failed it ap pointed committeeto decide how it should be applied On Monday night the com mlitee repoer hack lt by the pri elpal or his representative with witness stendlngby board members raked ahz other question flow big should the paddle be Paddles said the members come in all lacs iask End EYeSOres On 0111 Highways SUDBURY CmAn end to thebuilding of eyesore dwellings along provincial highways was demanded Wednesday by the Northern Ontario Tourist Out fitters Association The beauty of Ontario mustbc protected said resolption passed at the associations an nual meeting The association asks the government to amend or enlarge present regulations so that any homes and buildings along highways will be con structed toenhance not spoil tho gt scenic beauty The association also urged that existing rates in provincial parks be increased to so doyfor campsite from 7Sccnls day or $4 week The present rate pub the parks in unfair competition witii commercial recreation spots and also is drain on the public coffers resolution said RAP ADVERTISING POLICY The department of travelnnd publicitycame under fire in con nection with park advertising lheassociatinn biggpor tion of governrnen advertising in the United States is being dlree ted at provincial parks and as these are primarily for Cnna dlans the money should be spent on area advertising in Ontario Another resolution was passed calling for the department of lahds and forests to employ more conservationofficers Delegates irom Gognmn pre seated resolution aimed at curbing activities of some plans operators acting as tourist out fitters without thcneceunry li cences They said operators have many locations in remote areas for hunting and fishing without the required land permit and often got other persons to get permit and used other peoples land and equipment without au thority The association asked that pro vlnclol outborliics invatignte DISCUSS WOLVES BEARS Then were also resolutions on wolves and bears One said Wolves are killing off deer Tnoose and beaver The depart mentnf lands and forests will be asked to institute predatory control system now in use in the western provinces lidny extension of the bear hunting season in the northwas urged by theJnmE Bay Frontier Tourist Association which said bears are increasing and are be coming nuisance The group said the sensonnow fromSept to June l5shonld be extended from June 15 to June on in areas north of the CM uansconti natal line snplmters could kill more bears The hssocietion also wants the bass fishing season opened June in in all parts of Ontario Them now are various opening dates with July the most common ban on commercial fishing proini ils Governors 5y TORONro iicr Appom own at six Tomato me to the board of governors of York Uni versity was announced Wednee day by Robert Winters chair man of the board Named were Air Marshal Curtis vicechatnnan of the board of fine of Canada Limited Allen Lambert cloc prcsi dent and general manager theTorpntoDominloo flank SenatorThomas dArcy Leonard director and retired prisldent ol Cmda Permanent irusl Com pany John Stewart or president of imperial Bank of Canada William Pearson Scott ioint chairman of Wood Candy and Company Limited and Walker president and general manager of General Motors of Canada Limited Mr Winters president of Rio Tinto Mining Company of Can ada and works minisch in the lumen Liberal government said the name of the universitys first president will be announced latenthls week The university plnns to open next September with geacrol arts course nets in Georgian Bay waters less than 72 feet deep was urged Gcorgion Bay delegates said base are being destroyed by shallow water netting They also asked that fishing for pike and pickerel he closed in the spawning season and recommended the closed pe riod be from April 15 to May is in eastern Georgian Boy and tributary waters The meeting also asked the province to ban the taking of sturgeon under so inehcsdong Because of increased lcefish ing the government will be asked to legalize tipups Those are rigs which may be Mt by fish ing hole and signal when fish strikes Under present law fish erman must remain at the hole holding the line chief complaint against the iceflshing rule as it now stands was that in some areas it is too cold for an angler to stand at an leehols for long CLASSES COME1 FIRST VICTORIA CF School trus tees here ruled that beauty con tests may not encroach on school time They rejected an applica tion that senior high school girls be approached abouta Mira Victoria contest 3m PLAce fNiginSPAPE maven DAY room wspoper is at No other medium ve tyre frieWs publ overand over again if any pNorHiueThkcsi orTHE RIN CANADIAN LIFE waysri hr at head to iï¬ so const tandcons Imoris infprmation tonic rend and shiny4 tent presehiing dnd entertainment uridlookat other media