of marzzxmn FBY Hr WAY by mary molfat Tire nuuumo son cannon An oath of allegiance taken atcity Halllast night shot Barrie housewlle officially into the electioncam paign ring In her nomination speech Thursday eveninngs Dorian Parker nominee in Ward Four indicated that the would advocate some basic municipal housekeep mg This mother of two is the only woman running for the 1957 election by 88 points Politics is basically complen field The advent upon the political scene of woman may obscure the real is sues for some voters Mrs Parker has said that in many organizations in which women take part they have earned the right of place in civic offairs She hersel has been active on the executive of the Ontario and Barrie and District softball leagues During the next two weeks or campaigning voters will hay thechanoe to ponder these points before go ing tot polls Dec 14 ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME consolidated force as iumped aboard the trading stamp band wagon Th force has set up an inrorma tlon bureau in Toronto to educate the public It has already replaced the word trading and its uninvorable connotations with themore acceptable word discount This promotion bureau armed with the aura of discount and reinforced by an easilyduped segment of the housewife population plans to promote these stamps as beneficial to merchant and customer Miss Byme Hope Sanders who has been appointed bureau consultant has named the main values as keep ing cost down improving merchantcustomer relation ship and keeping prices down The Canadian Association of Consumers which has bean Waging war ogainstthe stamps sing diiaferent tune The stamps are illegal Trading stamps increase pric es Trading stamp premiums are not free Trading stamps are nuisance Trading stampspare nonpro ductive and parasitical section in the criminal code directs that person dealin in trading stomps who of Lers to give or in any way dispose oftradlng stamps to person purchasing goods is guilty of punishable or fense The increase cost of the stamps boosts consumer prices and the wideLSpread circulation in marketing area often cuts oilfthe choice for the householder There have been various individual arguments against these stickers attempts to prove that they boost commodity price and are general nuisance to the shopper gt Bypassing these can still think of one ï¬nd question to consider when purchasing the weeks groceries Do you really need another superduper donutmaker or ninefoot walking doll gt WA Members WA in prayer liuch was served by Mrs Priest and Mrs Eeilby seat on the Barrie council Mrs Parker was detected in laminar sun Photo rips nonran mason TAKES oars 0N morn Mrs curler loronto formerly Barrie resident en tertained former Barrio friends at luncheon recently Among théguests were Miss Margaret Slnciair Miss Doherty Mrs Harold UflY Mrs Walk er Mrs Tomllnson The hos tess surprised her guests by al so inviting former Barrie resl dents Mrs Vigg Kitch ener Mrsn Jrllriu and Mrs Harold Guscott of Uninnville Mrs Dora Martin has an nounced the engagement oi her daughter Audrey Bernice Bar rio daughter of Mrs Dora Mar tin and the late Harold Martin to Donald Ross McMaster son of Mr and MrsR McMas ter Allandale mThe wedding ceremony will tuke place at Elmvale Jun2 1960 Mr and Mrs Brenne man Nelson Street has had as house guests at the weekend the latters brotherinlaw and sis terMr and Mrs Charles Cox Mr Cox has been with the Can adien Embassy in Le Hague Holland for the last three years Mr and Mrs 01 are making coast to eons trip across Can ada by air visiting friends and relatives before going to Prag ue Czechoslovakia where Mr Cox has been posted with the Canadian Embassy for two years Barrie NorthEast District Lo colAssociation to Guides and Brownies is holding too baV zaar and bake sale at St GilesV Hall Cook Street today Mrs Margueretto Rose Sault SOCIAL AND no in Ottawa PERSONAL Ste Marleppresldent oi the Re bekah Assembly of Ontario vis ited with Mr and Mrs Mur rny Mills DaltonStreei Wed nesday Mrs Mills is past pra ident ol Rebekah Assembly Thomas Waressey nearbotn Michigan was winner of quilt draw at the Womens Auxiliary to 102 Air Cadets bazaar re cently LEAVE so ausmam Word has been received by Barrio friends that Mr and Mrs les Scotty Taylor andson lmmy are on their way toMelbourne Australia to make thelrh home yThEY are travelling by bus mm Ottawa to Vancouver and sailing from there Mr Taylor resigned his commission in the Royal Can adian Navyand decided to re turn to civilian lilo as journallt ist again jScotty earns from écotland in 1952 directly to srrieito become news editor oiThe Examiner and few months later brought ers Tay lor here from their home city of Dundee Jimmy was an of Scetty was an of Barrie iicer in the local Sea Cadets and in 1955 decided to leave newspaper work liar public relations past in theNavy lie was on the Wsst Coastfor time but for the past year at Steve Jonescu sports editor at The Banieyiixaminer left for his be at Timmr today to the wine Auxiliary to the Kiwani Cinb meeting It in flaklac thnc ermine mirroring the liartie IndDistria Anoth tion lullourylod Riildren ox PWio moaibonbow the cwdllnxlr being below to attain mm or normal uvhu Mrs displayed Elect Oï¬iders Edgar WA WMS EDGAR The Womans As radiation and Womens Mission ary Sodew held it aamal meeting Nov 18 at the horns oi Mrs Hutchinsm Rev Bail acted osdtairman insure election of ofï¬cers Oiiioors president Mrs Ellis Hu let vioepresl dent Mrs Bldweil mo vice president Mn Everett sec arterytreasurer Mrs Lees assistant Mrs Everett organ ists Mrs McLeanJlrs Johnston flower committee Mrs Partridge Mrs Ever ett program committee Mrs farmdge Mrs HAY Mrs Johnston Mrs iii Mae Leod lundi consume Mrs Lauder Mrs Bldwell par sonage committee Mrs lily es Mrs Everett pm coo rcspondent Mrs MscLeod auditors Mrs Lauder Mrs Slessor Ollioerstor WMS are presi dent Mrs MocLeod vice president Mrs Slessor see retaryrtreasurer Mrs Hayes delegate Mrs Hui Rev Ball closedtho meet ing with prayer dainty lunch was served by Mrs Partridgoand Mrs Hutch mean Next meeting to be held at hgme of Mrs Partridge an accident lbe hollinger Mr and Mrs Earl Smith Barrie have announced the on gagernant of their daughter Judy Carolyn to William Gereld Mandley of Barrie The wad dua ceremonywlll take place at other over the week Mr Joneseuis in hospital serl Vs injuries following Elect Ofï¬cers MINESING The November meeting oi the Womans Assoc iation oi the United Church met in the Sunday School room with 12 members present Mrs Downey gave report of the dinner for the Womens Mis sionary Society Mr Robinson conducted the oiection of ofï¬cers for 196i Mrs Grant is the new president Mrs Muir aeqetery and Mrs Johnston treasurerx Mrs Downei took charge oi the missionarymeeting open ing with hymn and prayer Mrs Jackson read the scripture story of Wornan oi Samaria Mrs Muir told the story at Topaz little girl in Trinidad good story well told Mrs Priest gave the reportoi the WMS rally Mrs Downey read poem Mr Robinson led the Esther Williams ii INTERNATIONAL SW Presents the New blond new odd with the Esther Williams Ireof Fem liviiume pool Pools Hot retarded Children Awesome NOImail Living in ornaments and booked mu nudeby the young adults Mn Rankin We introduced sin hkinc and thanked byMzu tell who presented giftim behali of members Amotinnlwm made to donate no to the Barrie noose1a Anodliiod forï¬ciarded Child ren and $50 to the Kiwanis aroma cs tomato uledainiarmyamdlectureg mummlma WW inflioartsandscleocu all or Hun won new MOVIE CAMEERA ramcaimuu no cur LuCovvpor Studio Dnnlop st West at Mr on at man Universityblvo Trinity Anglican Church Dec Clubithlsimas fund oumr GRAND GIFT ANYTIME comm BLACK warm REG REG new Special also such 59 HURRY HURRY See Us Today For Your BLACK tr WHITE and corona PORTRAITS For Christmas Onlyzz Shopping Days Lei Till cinemas Watch OurAd For Preychrisimos Specials see us TODAY son Your CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY Photography 29 home ST masses INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL NEW nus assume noon POIISIIER waiti witii Rouleeniug Unit All Purpose Brushes and Felt lilting Pads Islam div old in Applies new Ivor ofoliï¬u wood tile lioduin Another new item In our ompleie line of sewing machines vacuum cleaners and floor are equipment wslNGER SEWINGCENTER ism aim su not sum sue mum mumI 28 Dunlap st Phone PA neesummmmmm Canadian Dancers Play Mexico City TORONTO CP Negotia tions are in progress are in weeksppearance of the Can disn National Exhibitions Cans dettes chorus line its major American show scheduled to play Mexico City in mid February Only theposting of an equity bondis holdingvup the appear ance of the Canadeites formed and has been applying Itlievsame principles togroup smc the comé pany tered the ï¬eld in 1927 Youcan slim the divided testlgo with Lifeof onadapOIr holdersare emittedto bisdmdeiids Thecemreny famous for its outstanding difdend racerd The drvrdendsthat hepaid the policyholdelami1960 Will further reduce i4x28 vineoration Poo straight slope v5 Gleaner ExdlusiveEsther wuuamslm iarioolskin Allflecessaryzli sienna