Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1959, p. 3

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DOUGLAS Morrow anal Boy THINGS rasr WEATHER pals Another storm moved northeastward along the east of United States into Southern 0a The snow ended oraingin Toronto andtbe breaking up in lira for eyCupgame Spectators er the game the id30 was str Ontario and in local hero northerly winds are eSkies war 1i cm on no Snow acrosleie northern sunday liluron Georgran Boy Cloudysnomlurrics toA will re day Cloudywith occasronal so squalls Sunday Little change In Cqmmencement Vi llfwadonotllyooarmhrdr Although 459 proceedings at hteahrthg and extra choir had in be placed near the back of the overqu audiwflumlrom monument Barrio Centre Commie stan edlta commencementtotals and the collegiate band mag into vita openlngrenditlon to the dualas momenta blgbliBM ed by the Gleeclubit was lint clue production The secondary school diplo maswerc among the first prizes to be handed over and commented Knox More and more Grade 12 is being set as minimum educa tlonal requirement it shows the employer student has with little artra certain aptitude which will make him good employee in all mammoth number prizes and awards were given out Outstanding among those vice prlnci Cochburas wordsmdlescriblng Ontarios 13 grade system was head boy and Valedictorian Douglas Mor gs also received the John Riccl Award in music the Mir ior Hersey leading Cili zen award student aid bu sary of $500 and the Canadian Legion Dominion Command scholarship But important though all this was to the school guest speak er Rev Gardiner Skelly minister of Collier Street Un ited Church laid the empha sis on growth at the mind in his colorful address he said While graduation can be onsidercd peak it should never be regarded as pin nacle Describing the difference be tween peak and pinnacle with deft and lively description of lzike he had once takenlin his rmtive Ireland County Wicklow in which he and his fellows had reached peak after peak only to find they were not really nearing the top hesaid Graduation is not the end of the road For none of on should it be corsidered you education in the full and proper sense of the word He went on to say the real business in sdrool was not gob ting an exam question answer ed but was matter of ing at the correct attitude in $059 is no sin be stated like the sin of shut mind He stressed the importance of the growth of the mind after the students had left school even it they did not go to cob logo Barrie Man Is Found Dead in His Garage Barrie man Earl Benton was found dead in his garage at 20 Low Street by his wife Fri day afternoon Mr Benton was Ontario Hydro safety officer for Georgian Bay Region He had two sons George 22 fourthyear medi cal student at University of To ronto and Robert 16 who last present at Barrie Central and temperature Winds northerly 15 todaywest 15Sanday Summary for sand Snowsqualls Helibulto tag this afternoon Mainly cloudy Sunday tile changela ternpen ature Winds northerly 15 today light Sunday SummaryJonSunn day Cloudy forecast Temperatures Lawtonigbt rngu Sunday Windsor StThornas Muskok Killoloe rEarltoa Tennesseees edW oomnumonar Cloudy snow end member of the collegiate band Mr Bentonwas actlyeinMa sonic circles and member of theSession of CollierStaeet lim ited Church The funeral willbe Monday at £130 pan to Barrie Union Ceme ierry Is llgain Mayor Oi Siayner STAWNEB Mayor Aubrey Perry has been acclaimed again as Stayner rnayor AtSfayaer council nomination meeting last nightllussel Som erville and Clarence Wood Were named to contest tbe reeveship All those nominated have until tonight to state wheth er they intend to stand or not llwenly councillors were nom inated out of whome willbe chosen School trustees were voted in by acciamationvaad they are Edith Phillips Mrs El mer Cola Carl Carrutlrers Stayner PllC wastalsoacclairn Blackburnme will be John in some anuirlol to en opportumty to expand and Males be pursuant Pm at us muatnlely dle more be flalabed other but to be fouflrt other honor to be my Pflndpal Bowman dralred the and oommated eprlminnen the magma especially the herd working conscientious 001195th Bond Bond chain man Griffin welcomed the 8116 to the school and thanked the staff for their co operation during the year The band played bloody Psyche and Emsbto set the ball rolling undfollowed this Curr Franck piece with the bomcy March at the Siamese Childrcn 1mm Richard Rodg 011 King and Piece of music called Spellbound from the pan of ling rah milder is fee bu toquoo Fisher who coadufied the hand through another top class per formance radical Joan lribblo left her trum pet in the brass section and doubled on piano for this one an eerie and effective plece of movie music The Glee Club rounded off with God Thou Faithful God Comc Sing This Round With Me and Amllo Laurie While the maximal took its arduous course the band and Glee Club gave out With Alma Mater and the band playcd Morton Goulds Sklers Wolll The prizean were Th3 Agricultural Home Pro ject winners Baden Griffin Best Vegetable Garden Nancy Mills Best Flower Garden Etlrellyne Rydersbowmanship Beef Calf Donald Amos Showmaruhip Ponies Michael ammo Construction Work barbecue Gary Maw insect Collection The Kiwanis erlor Fair Tro Ross Campbell TwBanlo Collegiate Band Honors Kiwanis Festival Award mm award in Open High School Class First award for Bands under 21 years of age $100 Canadian National Exhibition Class No First award Boddington Trophy $300 llhiele Memorial mnby SainthillLevine Challenge Tro phy for deportment and ap ance The John Bicci Award in Music to the member who has contributed most to the welfare oftire Band Douglas Morren Moira Great Trophy in Art Michael Barnett The Frank Dobson Memorral Trophy for Public Speaking Juniors Suzanne mGauthier Ju Keli William ore Tit Libijary Club Prize for proficiencyin Junior English Grade ox Mary Larkin Grade Patricia Scott TheWomens Cmadisn Club Prize for proficiency in Middle School English Anne Bax tcr $25 The Womens Auxiliary in the Kiwanis Club Awaldffor proficiency in Middle School Latin and French Carolyn Cameron $25 TheDr for Grade Th Third Carter Sailplan sbip CountyofSimcoe Da vid Humpbreys lllllMEllS MARKET Therewas good attendance this morning and plenty of farm and garden produce to meet the demand suggcsfionhox ask ing for helpful ideas as to budding up still more business wasgitselt an idea which should bring results Christians supplies were hep to the fore and gift suggestions had great showing of novelties in Christmas cards knitted and crocheted giftschlldrens knitA ted gloves collars ski caps hions table centrernoveltles Egg prices were from 350 doz £045c small to extra large Vegetables rwero plentiful and low priced Honey was again on sale Young chickens were 35crib and slewing fowl Brereton Prize kot rooting at 3240 Macaw crrv comm nsusansss VBVAHD Biology $1ulhe Leighton Clarke Memor Potatoes iwereaisdon sale hast Woodwind rung sroa Smith intermediate bamplon flle PboliiI Johnsoaxfrophy Mary Lou Bishop Junior ohm plan The Tauline nosing hubby lfarcnmrc Midget Chm The llutb Aeraan milky Cherylan Boys Senior Champion Hartley Grafton Trophy Al len Drury intermediate Guam plan The Barrie Examiner milky Bay Thompson Junior Champion George McCankey NW Donald Crown Juvenile Charm plan The Recreation Council Trophy Jiin Penny The Bill Trophy for the outstanding boyathlete Brian Wiles The JohnstonCarrathgrs Tro Dbo for the mostvaluable Player in Girls Senior Basket hau team Fsiythe Hughes The Canada Dry Trophy for curling Donald Gibbons The Boyle Trophy for rifle shooting competition in this district Eric Adams The Kenneth Morrison Trophy for the best Girls Platoon at Annual Cadet in spection Pat McFadden The Major Rodgers Trophy for the best Borys Platoon at Annual Cadet in spection Jim Quinlan The Tudhope Trophy win ners of the Intercollegiate Track Meet Allen Drury can tein The Harold White Trophy for head girl Jeanne McKenzie The Cockburn Trophy for head boy Douglas Matron The Major Hersey Award for Leading Citizen as adjudged by the staffDoug las Morren by reversion to Jeanne McKenzie $100 Dominion Provincial student Aid Bursaries $500 each Charles Bonnycaslle John Cal vert Robert Dobson David Humphreys John McDowell Douglas Morren Atkinson Foundation Burs my $400 each Charm Bonny castle John Calvert Rohert Dobson The Canadian Legion Domin in Command Scholarship Douglas Morren $400 The Barrie Collegiate Insti tute Centennialkoard David hreys $30 all Canadian Legion for proficiency in Uppcr School Chemistry Douglas Morreo by reversion to Ross Fitz $25 The Soroplimist Prize for General Proficiency in Special Commercialfilear Pauline Kunce$25 The Bus 255 and Professions at Womens Club Prize for General Prof encylin Senior Commercial Year Patriela Ambrusio $25 The Lions Club of Barrie Award Luana Young $101 The Canadian Legion Award in Grade XIII History David Humphrcys $2500 The Andrew Hay Prizes in Mathematics Upper School Charles Boanycastle byrever sion to Jeanne McKenzie $30 Middle School Nora Jensmi ial Award for Musical and Scholach Ability Mnrlrlltisber $100K Centennial Award Douglas Morren by reversion to Jeanne McKenzie $100 The Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Lions Club Prize for Obtaining the Highest Grade in Typewriting in each gof the Graduation Commercial Class es Carolyn Boyd X1141 $10 Pauline iuncl Special $10 PERFECT ATTENDANCE Three Years Janet Ayerst MangaretClark Ronald Colum bus Larry Emrick Carol Fer guson Brian FletcherChan lotto McKeowrn Michsel Nyko luk Konstan Rotb Earl Shan non ary Sinclair Barbara Wetterson Tour Yeara John Ferguson Ella Kelcey Donald Lainsun KelenRamuey Smith Anne Snooper Joyce Trefry Carol Quinn vat TheKiwanis Award to stu dent in second place or the Laklns Memorial woos rootstomai on sock McNamara Contractors of Oshawa are seen here begin ning the extensionto Barrie Dock formerly scheduled for building fouryear ago Work was to have gone on this fall but it was held up by the US steel strike The extension Ph¢1£15519n 31029 Gusts 13 PeOple Flames blowtorched through two frame buildings in Phelpslon today rcaderiag homcless 13 people in four housflrolds The unich is were Rene Chaput owner of store and lunch bar his wife Bever ley 36 tbrcechlldren Collet eight Gerald six and Jacques seven months two widows in their seventies Mrs Julio Lof tus and Mrs Kale Toner Joe McNeil 61 his daughter Cathy 23 her husband Bill Stone 33 and the Stones three children Alan five chgv Ann three and Bradley one year The fire started shortly after 100 ain today in Mr Cbaputs lunch bar Within minutes tha building was mass of llamas it was an inferno said Mrs Chaput today But for the grace of God we wouldnt have got out The blaze spread to the next house where Mr McNeil roused the family TOTAL LOSS The Chaput building is des troyed andLbc McNeil house is gutted and total loss Mr McNeil estimated hisloss at 3120011 Mr Chaput would not say but allowed $25000 alow figure The buildings were in sured Hero of the hour was Mr Mc Neils cousin Byrne ONeil age about 40 who arrived on the scene as the alarm wasrgivcn With Mr Chaput be helped drag the old ladies from their beds clad only in pyjamas dawna burning staircase both men sulfered slight burns Elmvale firemen under Chief Dick Columbus arrived shortly after the blaze began Unable to save the store they concen an trated on the McNeil house and put out the flames while the building still stood But it was Fred durations Banlé ohtarlo knocked gutted and will have to be down The firemeh prevented the blaze Spreadingto other houses in the hamlet Buildings nearby were scorched and win dows cracked Assisting was Wasago Beach Fire Department Firemen bad lohaul water in by truck STILL WORKING Today alter full nights work funrrcws were still wear ily out flames and ranlnng sure the fire war prop crly out Open House lit Workshop First Open House of the Ban ria and District Retarded Child reaa Association was held Fri day at Sheltered Warlabor no lop Street East during the ab lamina and evening Mrs Erllankln supervisor of woirksbop released the gucs an expaqu to many the importance of the work and the improvement shown by the trainees rainees proudly displ ed their work and dining the collylse ll of the day said some ofit yen potholders sold well and so did some unusual Christmas deer orations The rugs displayed may be on dared in bath wool or cotton andinvarious designs and col ors Alight lunch served by Mrs Elmer Mrs McVeigh and Mrs Copeland was enioyed by Give him the hes slwaysrwanted EXTENSION wlii bea continuanceo the wharf and will curve around to form small harbor amlncr Photo Cause of thofire lo myst Mr Chaput recalling todayetrllc desperate minutes when he first discovered the blaze said the fimonginnily covered few square feetofthc floorin the lunch bar There were no also trlc wires beneath it and the newlyinslalled heating system was above the seahiTIhe blaze Home fire bomb at it It srnotbered the flames then woosbtbey carnc up again could see it was hopeless yelled Get the kids out threw another firo bomb Wooshl The flames camebatk went upstairs to old ladies what did Mr Chaput had spent $1500 on an oil furnace this summer and had constructed on apart get the couldnt tell you meat in the building Said Joe McNeil just ab bed what could and gotgrout it was an awful fire He had been roused by the gemstone shortly after 180 alln one was in Barrie at time of tbsfirel The victims stayed withneigb bars during the nlght Today most of them are wearing bor rowfieccl egarments exit clothes they sun up btrfro the blaze mates vpavmc 140 Victoria st Binlo PA 68995 oalvswavsv PARKING Lor SPECIALISTS servers coamtéed nsrnuarns lint railroad hobbyists say are the most realistic made gt Locomofivm pdff real smoke and builtin electronic whistles All American Flier trains are periecLMf modelaaadjunhn arail track Sea out selectionot oornplete sets from $2695 iaclud as train track and transformer oaoosahow From Selection VGRAHAM FLEMlN

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