rrgo new gt BOSTONMPmewBmlu Highest his gt unl veteran torwlrd played in the National CF tthdsProvlimuelortheluzum mow avenuelong Facing varbbe decades With these can vol NOWJn plea offourt dillercnt lines of OTTAWA CF The Board to disc Jockeys 1mm record or my Bxummk WM of Broadcast Governors will meetimusic companies to plug rec yzgrlangtyï¬MmI poguzhï¬n lino ykwu Card Blanks 1959 with private broadcasters hem ords mm Fde wk EWPAgï¬gwa up pm lt Yourttswn personal Christmas niessageirnpdnted Board murmuran ndrew gcri 115 as summits mun onth stewan raidflnï¬idï¬ iunnglunc whoflso originals told in emee re ivereporters rilxe alurned beget no cornplalntr to the 330 over mo cancelled chequest to FINE CHINA bout thissituation in Canada the olllee of ct Attorney MANY OTHER was imunmuwmnk szflom wvmence to The Same Exammerr Suï¬ um me than had madepayollï¬to disc jockeys WSFÂ¥VICE gt gt disc Emirny 535mm wwwmggglgfhmrï¬g was was KRAMER commercial limitingDeparture or bribesor promotipx certain honed mu an cum MOTORS LIMITED PHONE BARRIE PA can he mm Wm b° tainer reported payments to disc llSV landlord 5t cm Jockeys it over thecounty Dr Stewart said thereis some doubt whether such situation would be covered by the EEG new regulations 4m 1N DETROIT DETROIT AP Detroit lost its lourth disc jockey in week with the firing Friday at Mickey Shorr radio station WXYZ Shorr 33 who was popular with teenagers said he was given the choice ol ruining or being fired Dis Jockey Tom Clay Dale Young and Don McLeod had leiti radlo station Unit and televi sion station WJBKTVearlier The turnover followed lnvestl nation into reports payments Fuss OverFilme Puzzles Board MONTREAL CP Ollici of the NationalFilm Board or deeply puzzled by the luss whi their ESminute documentary Montreals St Jean Baptiste paradeAiued Day in Junehas stirred up in some quarters Until Quebecmember ol the Canadian Travel Bureau voicedi some mild objections Wednesday tov the 516000 production the filmpremiered last January hadreceived nothing but praise and was getting lull prestige treatmentby the film boardi They are sticking to their guns ï¬nd the color documentary liinjied Julie 24 1958 will con tinue to be shown throughoutthe world under NFB auspica But the travel bureauhps witilirawn from circulation the ï¬ve prints it on showing in the United States NFB officials can see no groundsfor objeclion mucus answers1 First reports said members of the Quebec delegation toflto no min nprovincial tourist confer in Ottawn leltthe ï¬lm held thast John Baptiste society sponsors ol the parade up to ridicul filhdrge Mother InDeath 0i AZILDA Ont CP vyoung motlwr was chargeleriday with murder in eonnection with the stabbingdeaths of her two chii dreu in the family apartment Thuraday in this community seven iles northwest of Sud is gt Mp St Louis 21 who has been undo police guard in hospital with knife woundsin her cheat She is reported reeoVering on yl avr ronxn or thrown MIMI hlav PC suns $108388 $6888 EXTRA CHAIRSorIlyvï¬lm be so as $138837 be xooqx 72 thy$no on Iy xixo tabla PC 5qu rome haehehï¬ï¬f Large 15 tapered tuba Chroma ar bra EXThA CHAIRS oniy $1 écésune session can Police Thursday found David Louis 3an de of separate bedrooms in the hpartrnent Police were called nfter Louisstaggered into the apartment below hers and lapsedon thelritchen floor with knife woundan her chest Eathoryo fliechiid Edmond St Louis was war as at the time of the deatth Wit tunmc muucmnn mm sUIrs $12838 rr $118 88 PC SUI had ha gt all levelling Bronzn or hromoflnlsh ing out of the eggpurchasing field Oct bl it was suggoste grain tap with re stabilization Board said the price break started in Winnipeg and 30 far has been most marked in Manitoba and Baskatchewan CTheguvemmentltoimerly pur chased eggs wh the inarket jentidovm toa certain ieveil But the vemment scrapped the sys because of mountmg sui suits 39888 sun $19888 egg producers areeligible P12137101 iicieney JIBY ment on ra ted number 6t they get falls on loyear nyl cover htumaflnlxh awaited day night it tayji thy rchxao