CTwp mensatonthetailgataofthe station wagon Jiofli were dressed in lighbhunï¬ng clpthes Apair bf Labrador rehievem panted at theii Jest zThe setting was perfect backdropof scarlet sumaca stepped abmptljflahfllle edge of stand of oedms From the Is tha eaves sapped by ogt stood in kn ejdeap Wand goldenro albng one of the 16111 small 11 they want to heéd bnt dgnot fully nndéystand Neither of the men wam young Both dogs wedgreyarpï¬ndtheir muzzlesJBut the four had hmmsapmble hunhngpdmpanions fufmany years syjaller man had wanted try gpbeasantshoutipg 1m $1101 911 it twi the ar befere and had Thebirdabzerevylenï¬hlland insï¬