Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1959, p. 12

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harbor and Wu many crimes htfin tracking Hard to aid in TRINITY GUILD HAZAAR nAim wAnni WEDNESDAY NOT 25th 230 T0500 RM TRINITY PAlilsE I1AL 607174 KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS FOWL SUPPER IIVEDNESDAY NOV sea moon PM st JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM iiULcAsmn sit Proceeds to ald 01 YDIIlII work Admission duiil $150 cIudren Every welcome 73 Parties KQHL REAL ESTATE BREED IISJIUNLDP 51 EAST PA M252 EVENINGS CALL GMYDON KOEL PA 34m JAYNE JONES PA 64112 ROBERT KING PA 051 JOAN LANGPA H151 l7AM1fl gt am idsmi BROKER To mm STREET hAltrtIE ALL on on EVENING PA 82379 Member Bunlo ontario Canadinn Innll National Real Estate Panda ITAm NEW UNGALOWS LOW DOWN PAYMENTS Pionneed by ieeding Insurance eon chartered hooks and Con all heritage and Hatinan corpor on HENRY ELRICK and MICHIE REALTORS is owm SI BARR PHONE PA 85533 l7A55W HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 93 BAYFIELD 51 PA 66453 IEVENING CALL KARL MARSHALL PA 39917 PEG MORE PA 179 BUD MARTIN snow 10 HAROLD PoRslEri PA 54455 TIAmil HENDERSOIR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Condensed and classifled nil verfisementssaroiinsertedni the rate oi per vwardrper inser ian or oneand two tunes per word Jor Ihrge £qu or fivo times and 25 per word REALTOR ii men sliim fltlrrmimos CALI ck HendersonPA om Gena MoorePA 82360 acmi BrownIPA 33543 demise or ionno and intentand Ontario neurone Boards Ph PAsL2678 ITAimmflu for nrmbre insertions 10 dddihunaithargc ii not paid within IO dayo THE MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT 48 80a COSTFOR ANY CLASSIFIED PAmwmmi 10 DAYS on neon CHARGED PER 511 cnrzmsnarion Confingkfilvenls per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Nouccs an Cords oivfihankn sLW or up words over fluid 5c pal ward extra in Memorial No Iii vets used 3chelf ital In nmomminuwlflnv and wmhiutyJur any error in adv Innmun over the telephone znorqor error uni to In Go nséi New and ronmnunlnlows on mortgages immedicte possession Down payment Ill law an $1100 imam loe in Eng ErAtgolseunwu um fly ltea mateynroner ivAu An Reel Esrore Clussificalions OUTT COLLIERST PHONE PA 859oI oPiN PILL PdIL Members or the some Ontario and ledhn Rel matewa ian Weinoan PA MW CorbinjA was I1 Harry rodu PA am here nouidnee and Dam NuflycoinbePA L79 Ar733M cannonunis Brick Home room rurnaoe garage lam let an henry Term Phone PA Mist ITAawi REALTOR in COLLIER STREET BAimm PA 85934 no you WANT Convenience and chum Large modern kitchen in ndlurnl wood fin Ish good size bedrooms withwardrobe closet IIvIli room dininz main +pieco tile bath with vnnity iuu divided basement or iaundiy and rec room smash idll price with low down payment Owner nanniesred To Serpent thte new usting cau Rita scantlreith 5554 eveninls PA 855 gt2 dhousmonRENT room nus senndreti PA Engzifoveazmswgt Iowas lime Hum BPropeiiy fdr Sale or Rent noun rooms easily hented lII minutes irons urnlo on Canoes 10 one mile north on nigh wlY 917 AP liowull hit Stem imnu ITCMobiie Homes hoiore onylnrIyonr new eioniie Home or Travel trailer hlvlnn In sea the inil Line on disoly at RUSSELL ciIuRcH MOBILE HOME SALES LTD Burton Ave Ne 11 Highway Plume PA 35566 lacmu nu Nita can one nl our salesmenDay or overIIan IRITA SCANDRETI PA 84865 PERCY FORD PA mm isLIjsson REALTOR OFFICE PA 35934 Member Blrrle ontorio Canadian and Nlflonll Red Estate hands CONN nI7J tsu Hpuses ELL REALTORS For Re ONEDUNLOP EAST Brianne PHQNE PA 85568 ANYTIME ROOM HOUSE near Barrie Phone PA eonsI impTans Phone EVENINGS CAL gt Ims JILJL nounsPA 35m 1L FOSTER PA £5243 ROGERSPA 34592 LcoNNmFPA 75 mom HediIed Apartment PA M7 ill1143 MEMBERS BAKED DISTch REAL ESTATE BOARD 17A4m1 nooniuousn miies iron Burr rl Phone memo ivyWis noon Apartment seir contain harlot with Peel End In MOVING menu in downtownueoisifinegefiirag Inont corner to muster yImr ROGERS entrance Central Near sior Ker aonable PA 345le 271 NEWLY Decorated drum set con tained heated npaninent wlth stove end reig Availaoio bee Phone PA oasis 1117271 ROOMS hented rumtshed $55 monthly Adults PA Mm daytime ed ell ineuiiles nil heated Own aroa could be aired bunny INSURANCE on it you need extra any kind yd DUNLOP 51 ooveran III SEE STEVENSQNS PA 35201 3m 1721 oiilces or for small business Aplt ply 70 Maple PA 66157 Im72M BRAND NEWEriplex Queenend st Vincentsis area hed room not water heatln trig stemwasher dryer fully econ icd storms and screens bambnfl draped Apply Slon Construction 55254 l1A59r rrry Exomln Wont Ad PA 57396 evenings 1111175 ROOM unmmished Apnrtment Shari both children welcome ply 19 landlord 717 71 man no with bath Close to Universal factory on the Stir sideroad PA 58543 1717446 Av nun immediately room ap ent downtown Newly dee orated hill0 entrance piece both Phone PA $9793 Len78 ANGUS and team homes mod ern bathroom and kitchen Immedi ate possession Low rentals PA was or 311 56705 17 74 a+ ROOMS and bath heated un furnished eminent Sou untold ed Downst $55 manthlft Phone PA 68810 731476 ROOMEDUppeI Duplex heated Available Dem $90 per month Water and hydro lriliidcd an bus route Phone PA 84673 IllTHE uPPsz DUPLEX bedrooms eioa DIIILYIEHOSSWORD Adnossv osiianiso 23Herode Egg twinned was Les UJImgr Emanuel clear High 11 Diciuidvely P712511 12 331th tut Narrow 13 Tie Strip of 141mm Wood neer 155Sled 1173113 183515 ems 19Nonsende 21Arnericdn soldier 22512 26nmawny mGrehls Grepn 255mm 29Edteemer1 snowed month 3211 foil annexta vision 10SIimuJitte 16liniebug 20Farbehg Post oiiice ed minutes Kim IM7476751 PA 84m noonA ortanont olinolemee not old vaten on around or Apply342 hoyneid st Ear rie 1717443 300MB Lower nuplcx with hath fireplace modern oil heeted Avnllnhle Dec 15 $35 per month Phone PA H881 XIII1475 raiimodded 1y lion uniurnished nnartment vain Egggggngng Lovely ONE hedrnnminpartmont 3010910pé SSIDomegu eaten 3LTodaunt where and one heated hie irons dintely PA Mini PA I157 mIm NICE BRIGHTSwam room on Burton Ave with plenty ofhot Inlet Avatlnnie oaonaolo Irene PA um DEIJIIODM dnflflGm ollriheatetl housefAvnIla Garage iuli basement Nit1n sehool and bus lfillfififi lflflfilflflaifi HI HfiEFWIIE Hlllflflflllfll filflllgfllfllfl 36Snflim MIEICII compodiiion 45Gmeknilmd Enflchgds wiihagitlz IZGGHIIBII Seaport pawl LAesops tale Fozéim bedroom Ipmment Ayirtmiifiya gt WA PrOperiyEor Scile 17J Apis Houses iFohRént WW PA MT aiier sampni i7 11 noolilh both milcontained heated Ap ly on Maple Avo PA 016 AVISbio Dee l7l747 noon Rented Apirtnsentnea lullhie Private cutnnce AVII Ith DIE Close thus up Hons PA l7 17173 FURNISHED lpltllnenl Privlte an HM and mid water Int 73 sfis éfmili LnIIW ivy9475 HELP CONTAINED nnmrnlshed apartment heated laroo Iivto room bedrooms bathroom an klicheni block 1mm downtown PA WIS 1117214 MODERN come brrlmenLUn furnished elfennui ed and new decorated aleailzd laundr iaci Lies Near hiss stop AVIUI in Dec 15th PA H461 17479 mummum newly decorated three room up intent with both heated co orote entrance and thee mostaL Phunu PA 613561 Ill1+7 nionrzrtN self contained room nplflmcnt VVILh pitch hulh Ens end citth tendon Ind nus ser vice Phone PA 84535 or 19 Meirose 11 uplui admit cuss upp lnrze brllhl Iivirll room and kits then bedroom heated Gurnre uonal la mlnules woilr rain Quinn Phone PAIIAZIH rwo mnfiERODl apartments on ground none and tumlshed ono uninrolshed Immediate passnss EIOII central Also bachelor apart merit suitore roe business neon cell PA 6616 everrings 11 7+15 ONE moomm rbnscmcnt apart moni end one uncured apart meat lisouna 1momed aeu eon hlned apmnsenr newly decora ted centrally located Ono Ioed room house Swimsuit eienn all eonvenienees Centron ioeateo Ahstainers Rent reasoneoie Pilolm PA or PA intaw Wanted WANTE mini home bedrooms tool loeeilty Give oeriieuiars and price Apply Box 66 Porrie int omlner Int74 IACar for Stile HAROLD HILL LIMITED cumsifnlt PLYMOUTH Avérm AND gtFA LICK USED TRADEl YOULL FIND THE GOOD ONES IIERE HAROLD IIILL LTD 180 BRADFORD ST PA PA 36355 gt LAenmrhru lAlau ed in sun pnrnhu not writer hear moor IAeCars to so Poit CLEAN lisnn iAnsANii muclis BU SELLITRADE AT MIDTOWN USED CARS AMOSTREII BLE DEALER is BAYFIELD 51 PA onsi lbwHM hone AEHIM ill POWAC Imv inliul 34034 BCtrs Wanted CAII ml cl Ii datumno old Busihets Shrv IIDIAI CHRISTMAS GI LUCKYS PEII SHOP 115 migrant 5r cisr tort or mar icu nsu surmu NORTH or mnomi reai Lona we quInIa Gmal Joanie naru Mountain anona canzries Mu mi Caught in bi nip IL Ila cl in month PA eztss Beautiful hllck luluturn node ieniaic with pa era 54ch or Phone PA an 51 cmwms Ponier Inlllhlo io ood homes larvvlntu immlhl PFlY Box 51 hart1e Examiner owu Employment 7A Help Wanted Male WANTED You min to II VIII ur or IllhI deilvery work PA In viiLien For Quick Result Seovnie Bxamlur Ah ELECTRICAL REPAIRS INSTALLATIONS WE REPAIR EVERYTHINGELECTRICAL RADIOS iVr nnéouhiurm HOUSE WIRING AmbuAIic WAsms Arm omens matr Ants AT ONAnLI Pnicm Au woiuc GU KV 181 GROVE SEREET EAST PA 89952 PLASTERING STUCCO QUICKBRICKG STONE Preelzatlrnatu ecu Guaranteed PHONE LEFR WM COSqu ELECTRIC MOTOR mm PICKUP 0N mm on SERVICE Poe No notes Need Edwinaan and nepalra PE PAV 62206 Barrie nectan MottIn HAROLD HART DASHS 10 Run Burl INsu TIo blidyéu that rackwnngl cream our omaI luv pennanenyt soul with the nmrrsr reduction In ruei Ii GUILMZIHOD to glusifig thod AI SO 0W me most everyone snpeeeieies the IIFsT Free estimates and mnnleed Work lscon Mum 2uIII 1NG AIFITIGHTINSULATION RE 374IWII BAYCITY HOLSTERVING REPAIR SERVICE Almqu AND MODERN ee tiini 55mph rceo estimates anhun tune to moveryour ehesterheid unln etc More thano vun experience PHD PA 57433 iBABKIE Law ernead permit on to diva wt Matrdanl osoar nutter hes in noonorin BI 35 Hard EL km FOBERTS GAS AND APPLIANCES stoves Water neaters Dryer RAMBLER HILLMAN DEALER 17 doyvAN STREET PA 646488 OPEN mos PM AROLD mm MOTORS mum BIANDABB 11mm Repair nllku on And NA TQIDISefllcu 1m WILL war in rd us ifiPeneunz sd Roofinfl HoNE PA 311a narne NEISON iNSULATIQN ANDROOFlNG C0 vagoNmVflAIéIV iosniatioo AREIE PA 14575 adloa and TV Phone In Opp minim dunno row Pines Gluu Swim min Poolsrn11 or art than vermont re aired ntllIIfln Inn noxio ma on Electric MOIOTS I7KApts Hciuses for large hour SONS ELECTRIC 19 NORTH SIREEII PA 33581 smum XEmployment 7AHelp Wanted Mdie ORILLIA Adcomc CLERK EXPERIENCED CLERK required Immediuieb or Drill hnncil nl prozressivc liltinnal nr IIIIIJIHDIL Dlluu III consist of luck conlrni accounts receivable Iyr II accounts paylblei gauged plan P3 and noun LI lmunnce Please up with tatfl exper anCE educhuoh iige flarilzl his telephone numb Ind Hal malted to 60X 54 BARR KNEE IA 75 EXPERIENCED MECHANIC nont end iieoiianio experienoed In Imminent may men inuv experieneeo Apply Serviée Mdnnger BAY CITY MOTORS LIB PA 85575 1A LO career with AC oire yo pranlicnl troinioc program tuture nepenoind on no ability Rewnrdinz mlnllemcnt donor mines AopUeants should be 2248 cnioy meeting the mom to Alert an grossive white to travel APPIy or write to INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION II cow ST Pox 168 BARR PHONE PA 455945 TAoim 7BHelp Wanted Applleani must be competent with good educatioonl bacterium Ex cellent working conditions Pull einpioyee henohtsfirive day 3716 hour week Gooo niariindsalary with regulneincrenses and oppor trinity ior nonresident Apply Bax OLQBnidaBx ner 731515 Dismal Assismm re uired Please wriieto Box 51 ha aminer stating nee phone on her and encloto photo ti game 7L7 REHAB LADY to cum to Jun lor1wo thudren willie mother teaches Grove and crap heflan Ph0nu eveninln PA 8490 757 76 SERVICE in Ill make Electrlcll HAVE AN one on oltioo Single reierred with mnlticuinunfl celient opportunity adv to merit In unnozrnphio or lead 11 rir Fiverdny am 110 cc wlhi lull Employed beneflll Grad lllted IIIBXY Kc MI in 42 end on quliflcllo Apply sox

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