um immune may wanna T1 In Jerfnncnaa You are South both sides Vul homo to either flier 34 points Inerabie The bidding has been North South Wm 19 rm 11 INT rm Whatwmudyounowhldwlth 1nd at the following our hands 1416 warn no exam QQM it our vtcu ems mm no yams 9x712 gran Pass The Jump rabid of two notnunp by the opening bidder denotes balanced hand con lning l8 or 19 highcard points wrth strength or stoppers in the uahld suits lt urges but does not command the responder to go on in the light of this informa on Since combined point count of as points is generally required to produce nine tricks at no trump it is clear in this hand that the partnership fniisshart oi the mark Only ZAor 25 points can be accounted for it is there are more advisable to pass two natrump and hope to show proï¬t than it is to go on to three notrump which is likely to re sult in in loss Six notrump The point takes over Balanced hands that include 33 or more highcard points usually Justify slam contract it in known that the combined holding in this deal sum kneewmmriemm In true atmny llama are made with less thanzs highcard points but such hands are era itll chimwmml on rs for the missinganntr Three notrump There is no need to bid three diamonds to show support for partners suit Norths hand is known to be bal anced on cold or singleton and ours isalsn There is lhercloro everyreascn to believe that the ninetrick notrump game will be easier to achieve than an cl eventrick diamond game Three clubs The prospect making slam is very strong Although the partnership high cards are known to total only at or 32 points thri distributional elements present are aulficient to indicate tricks can be made in suit contract The singleton spade dd playing strength which is worth at least one trick The chlel prob lem is to locate thc best trump suit If partner bids three nor trump over three clubs the in tention is to bid four diamonds By this means North will be come obligated to choose one of the three suits that have been suggested as trump Ha will learn by irueicnca of our short age in spades Either he will bid the slum or we will hid it in the suit or his choice Tomorrow Avoiding finesse Argue ProsCons Of Capital Gains By TOM MiTCEELL Canadian hm Staff Writer QUEBEC CF The pros and cons of capital gains tax with Canadian against and an American for itwere argued FrL day before delegates at the Canalt dian Tax Foundation annual con ference Eaton Ottawa fiscal coa sultant said in Canada where capital gains are uniaxed the in would be more trouble to co ect that it would be worth and is not necessary to fair taxation Lawrence Seltzer professor of economics at Detroits Wayne State University said the United States tax although giving rise to problems comes closer to the ideal of fair taxation Text of both speakers were rc leased to the press before de livery Mr Eaton said it would be un fair to levy capital gains tax measured in dollars until the danger of inflation ends HOUSE EXAMPLE man who in 1939 bought house for 310000 would ï¬nd with the dollar value decreased by half he would need $20000 to re place it today if he moved to an other location ml his house had maintained its value he would sell it for 520000 and pay tax on $10000 gained through inflation He would be short the amnuntbf the tax when he tried to buy an equivalent home Although an American provi sion is that the man is exempt from tax if he buys another home within year Mr Eaton saidthis is where complexity takes over You cannot cure all unfair nessinthe inflation situation by creating exemptions The law would bog down in utter com plexity PROCEEDS ESTIMATED He estimated capital gains tax here similar to thatzin the United States would bring $100 000000 to federal coffers But it wouidentail more complex ar ï¬licial and unreasonable burdens of tax compliance thari any gov ernment in Canada would ever dare try to impose The Canadian government al ready levies sort of capital gains tax through its estate taxes Mr Eaton said Even if person spends the gains during his lifetime he will have paid federal and probably provincial sales taxes He noted there Is no federal levei sales tax in the United States Mr Seltzer said the economic climate in the United States be came favorable for the tax as it grew froman agricultural to an industrial nation Capital gains provided spectacular shortens to riches for such men as Astor Rockefeller Carnegie and Mor gan ABLE TO PAY The American view is that man who by shrewd or lucky trading increases his power to command goods and services also adds to his ability to help support the government Since people in similar circum stances should be treated simil arly the concept of income for tax purposes would be too nar row if it overlooked capital gains Mr Seltzer said the absence of the tax in Canada doubtless in creases the attractiveness to foreign investors brando EliWile Exchanging Barbs SANTA MONICA Calif AP Actor Marlon Brando says his ex wife threatened him with butcher knife and threw tricy cle at him She says he beat her threw her to the floor andterror ized her Both Say the hairpulling and spanking bouts were the others fault judge read details oi their violent battles here then clamped new rules on Brandos visils to their son Eighteenmonthsold Chris Devi is the centre at the turm Judge Mervyn Aggeiec or dared Anna Kashii to stay out of Brandos sight when 116 goes to see the baby Thcir dispute is over Brandos right to visit the child She was given custody under terms of the 000 nrws sailing nao Test Plum Aprunivorce along with 55w By ALICE BROOKS rrowrn BASKET Basketof floWers fresh touch or favorite chair Win praise for taste and handiwork Youll enjoy crocbcting this casytoiollow design Use on buf fetas scart enda too Pattern 7456 charts directions for filet crochet set Send Thirtylive cenia coins for the pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Household Arts Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Front sow Toronto Ontario Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER JUST OUTi Our New 1960 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Bock contains THREE FREE Pat terns Pius ideas galore for home furnishings fashions gifts toys bazaar scllcr exciting unusual designs to crochet knit sew embroider huck weave quilt Be first with the newest send 25 cents now SOVIET PRES DULL MR MOSCOW AP Soviet Premier Khrushchev admits he reads Western newspapers to find out whats going on and thinks Soviet organs are dull In sphech reported by Tass Tuesday on meeting of Soviet journalists last Fri day he said he reads more of the writings of their Western counterparts than theirs be cause wc must know well what is taking place in the capitalist world what they say and write about the Soviet Union There is still much dull stuff in our papers he chided Sometimes you take paper finger it through and putit aside Andaiterwards you cannot even recall what saidf non MEN T00 GUELPH OnL ca Follow ing series of classes for ex pectant mothers Medical Officer Dr of Sutherland held spe cial session for expectant fathers attended by more than dozen Crown Air Wattage fwd rhoan banned all heavily travell highways Hi wus tlon would not mum to roads It suggested that narrow roads be builtat the ï¬shers to accommodate LastlOi Moms 97 Children Is Placed PORT HOPE CPlPlamettt of the lashol 97 childrcnre moved fromJtlra Butha Mom Wbytes shelter for homeless children was decided here Wéd naday It was the seventh custody hearing since provintzlai health children from Whytebaven near Bowmanvillc after outbreaks of nued they had been neglected um der the Child Welfare Act About 75 children have been returned to their parents The rest have been made permanent or temporary ward at the Chilw dren Aid Society Whylanow is in British Columbia where she hopes to ca toblish new mission ncar Nei son The Whytefarm at Bow manvllio is up for sale Brains Leaving Too Few Firms MONTREALCPCanada is losing her best brainsto other countries because of her lack of secondary industries Hall Montreal president of the pantin ion Tar and Chemical Company Limited sold here At dinner meeting of the Montreal section of the Chemical Institute of Canada Mr Ball said if we persist in sacrificing our secondary industries to our export industries wa lose first our scientists and engineers then on most intelligent men in other academic ï¬elds and in the busi ness World We are not building up Canadian employment to pro vidcthe opportunities required to keep These people living in Can ado He said recent study of gradv notes of ltfcMastor University Hamilton showed that one out of every three who had taken doc torate of philosophy degree had become resident of the United States All Canadian universities offered similar examples There must he anoutcry among chemists and scientists to obtain recognition that secondary judo try mu at be more strobgly pushed Recalls Churchill Lazy At Harrow AUCKLAND NZ CF Sir Winston Churchill in one regard set baicful eiampie which dogs schooiteachers everywhere says Rev did MacFarlan head master of St Kentigern College here Sir Winston is remembered by some parerilsnot or his wish statesmanship and inspiring lead erhip but lazy and indif fergnt scholar at Harrow he sat TELEVISION rf cxva CHANNEL FRIDAY Nov 20 1145 Sacred Heart 1200 Popeye nnn Pals 123o News Weather Form norm ran Movie The Killing no en House run Womena show Popcye and am on Time dewater Tramp mighty Mouse gt Threc stoogzs Farm Market Report New Sn Lawrence elk Trackdnwn Country Hoedown Four lust Men TileFlying Doctor Mike Hammer drums rights Jim Coleman can TV News The Weatherman Todnyjn Sport Community an Movie tTraplEd SATURDAY Nov 345 Testfuttorn 355 News Briefs 400 Western llcvlc 500 RCMP Eznlbitionllida Sadaman Party to Muuonaurn Texmeme Emlb Ford Dennis The Menace rur Adams nmr rm Ann Southern Sn Hunt Nrrr Hockey King Whytc Show Johnny staccato cnc TV News Sparta Scores and Weather Juliette Toronto Wrestllnt sum Nov 22 3m Pattern Faith For Today Popeyennd ran Good Life Theatre Mission at MidCentury country corona Junior Magazine Citlzens Forum 235 Info en mar Lassie News Magaline Documentary 60 Casey June Bob Cummtnfl Father Knows non vonn Fairfax an Suiuvan can Presents George Gobcl Saber or London cac rv chu art Scores andWnalhur om Johnny Holiday mmqqammuanuunwnn aaageasa ssassees and wellare authorities took the EBLONDIE infectious diseases court later wurr JONES ITHINKIM FALLING iNLDVE WITH YOU ANBJHEREARE N0 RULESlO FOLLOW1119 OBEY WATAWHJLJNONDEWL URGETHAT STARTS zveavouucaosaeasou iNMETEtLSMElTS MAD THINGSJUSTDDNTHAPPBI LiKETHiS INAWORLD WHERE Auncouvam ON RULE Loomsrucn ETTAS PIE sxGN ON THE DOOR SOMEWHERE user THE WT Mo MAGAMAN omeaMANnFEELA THRILL HEHASNi FELT FoaAniousAwDYaAm resume as mauour wes DEAD MD nuance oRANoMt GRANDMA VEA NICE NEW PURSE iGHl NHANDflAA yes rrsw ï¬SEEYQiI ModiEEOIN mnown BIG sacxo HOMEPOPPED co HOW AN PRESIDENTALYEAR to zérueae chrome couluannwccaur asaacseNanFeEN POWERS AFFOEP 10 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