WEDHEDAY NOVrB 1559 EDITORIAL Civic Ratepayers shgo1a Heed Corning 9mindti0n5 The City of Bellevhle has been under Eucbnpetny points made thing The the spotlight of notoriety The story has made unsavory readingand ithas pointed up one fact No matter how good our system of municipal govern mentmaybe it is only asgood as the bpst man on council This applies not only to cities but to towns villages and townships But Believille is notalone for the mayors of two western cities Don Mec Key of Calgaryand William anrelakof Edmonton have lost their positions be cause ofthe gross breaches of conduct not becoming civic officials it may be said that these are isolated incidents in what is generally healthy system of government but they should serve to bring home to the taxpayer the importance of the individual in civic government The incidents inevitably give rise to the personal questionhave we ourselves done our share to keep our own civic government at high level Have we shown readiness to get out and vote While last ear the interest shown was better than usual for Barrie this was an exception Lastyear 435 per cent of the electorate cast their vote for mayor in 1957 the percentage in the mayornlty vote was 362 per cent It cannot be denied that these figures show deplorable lack of interest in civic affairs Havewe shown readiness to attend the nominationmeeting The city has voting population of 11022 yet the nomination meeting can be held in the Central Collegiate auditorium If the pattern of former years is an indication it is safe to assume that this year there will be ample room in the audit in for ailthose who attend rusr ounsachs Peterborough Examiner in an age when space travel draws neaizer would we not be wise to question what we are going to take into space What benefits have we to confer upon other worlds Only our poor confined partlyunderstood selves Would we not be wise to ponder on the statement made iby Priocelhllip ina recent speechthat the new frontiers aretbe frontiers of the mind Until we know more of ourselves what can we do inn space but make mischieii REVISED GAMBLING LAWS Vancouver Province Britain issuing to refonn her gamblinglaws She is going to toss overboard punitive laws against various sorts of gambling which have been cluttering up the statute books for 400 years It She isgoing to allow new forms of gambling In doing so she does not settle the question of whether gambling is morally right or wrong only the individual conscience can do that but she faces the facts And the facts are that Brlions from the cottage to the castle have al ways gambled enioy gambling andhave every intention of continuing to gamble NOVEMBER 18 1939 The Town Council at meeting on Nov is sold the old ï¬retruck to the Village of Tat tenhamat price of $225 gtAldermen Mar and Cubittdlicbolsxvoted nay and the former said that it shoizldibe kept as reserye truck and itwas well worth the sale price for that purpose Aid Lower said it Wasrobsoietié and Deputy Reeve Mills said that it was any thing but uptodate John Weaymoiitlihformer turnkey of the County jail who was recently dismissed by the Department following successfuljaii break applied by letter to Simone County Council for pension Afterfull consideration the Finance Committee brought in report recommending that superannuation allow ance of $50 per monthbe paid MrWeay mouth commencing Noy 1939 fprovided thatthe Provincial Government refund to the county the same percentage of it as was paid him while he was turnkey byiswto thdi OpiriionsoiOih airtime Years cussio for Growing Tobacco bought and are ing tobacco on shares in Delhi district masterlyk311i Speaking Veryfew persons have snug tortunes have snugincomes the 0311 voterdoesnotcare how his cityis run and if the voter does ngt carewbo coast Yet this is not Istrietly true The voter does care howthe city is run when its management affects him directly He is the first to compialnas anycity or town manager will testify when his taxes rise when thesarbsgeis not no lected when VhllllDBd becomes mud puiltile The averagevcter is too lazy to exercise his right and give his iudgv ment in civic government but he is al ways ready to complain On Thursday November 29 the City of Barriewill be holding theflrst nom inatlon day since attaining city status It will also be the nomination day to herald new form of government for the cityfor from then on there will berfour wards and an election only every two years More than ever it is important that the voters in this community realize their choose the best men or women they can find to representthem for twoyear term They must ensure that those they eiect are of the calibre to ensure the continuing prosperity of the com munity in the coming two years This cannot be done by sitting at home Nor can those when prepared to shoulder civic responsibility gather strength and confidence from meager audience at the nomination meeting are token vote The operation of the city is the voters business and the nomination meeting is his opportunity to learn something at first hand about how the retirirfg council has faced up to theprobleins and what plans there may be for the future Ones own business is worth person attention er Newspapers ran nunaur Law rtinsfamine Newschmieie The impression that the law is harsh and de mands its pound offlesbls fallscyNewspa per reporters who regularly cover the courts in the public interest know that quite fre quently the law fbends litilein the muse of humanity Day after day in court some where in the land an accused person is given another chance or the laser penalty is imposed in the hope that appreciation will be shown in better cond EOCK RIOT STATISTIC Detroit Free Press This time it is Kaunas City that has had rock roll show turn into riot However be fore anybody includes the incident in his notes for discourse on the teenage problem he ought to examine the police blotter More than half of the is rioters who got hustled offto the stationhouse were between 21 years old We harbcr suspicion that fairiysimilar statistic prevails in lot of thecommotions inbuled to thosenot yet oidenough to vote present responsibility They have to Yoiiru The iMéntally IN Tar mi 0n TourislTrede By ismsign Nlcflouobl the total of in years ago while ln Cannda bu In on the average citi zen spent $176 in Cansds while the average Canadian family mm man in the some Ten years ago the brightest star in our trading sky was the rich surplus on our tourist trade Vwiih lbs 05 our unspoiled nat ural playg attracted throng of highWinding US tourists The money they span in our taurlst resorts and in tbe hops010 border cities helped to offset our trade deficit WE LEAVE GOLDEN TRAIL But today we ourselves are the highspending sophisticated trav ellers taking over $400000000 to the Suitesall of which is poten tial business lost toour own tour ist business Aodas liird Murphy Samias MP pointed out so vividly in parliamentary are falling icle among US holidaymakers raided Child In our SOCiéty By DR JOHN STANLEY llrector Mental Assessment and Guidance Clinic flieMonireni Childrens Hospital Mental retardation takes toll of suffering and economicwusto which is hardly matched by any other type of disability at the in allhlt affects some 30 out of 1000chlldreu Thesecbildren are born to par eatsfrom every walk of life every need eVery ethnic back ground There no single cause for this condition Thebrain of the unborn or ng child isodeli cute in ni fit may he marred by as seemingly trivial an illness as German measles in apregnant mother or by brain lever complicating one ofdhe common infectionsof dhbod The still existing bel that mentalretardationaifiicts only children of unhealthy stock is an unhappy thh which has brought false shame to many homes false assurance to the general public and one ch has had Iota little to do th our dis sstr neglect nflï¬this problem In the absence of suitable care and training facilities the ex perience of the rotor ed child ven when he is fortunatefenough to escape actual abuse or ex ploitation is inevitably one of effect was passed by Council without dis Buy Sunnidale Farms ur Concessions Sim ce County is to portant tobacco growing industry if from Norfolk County who have ng farms are realiied real estate man from the een working on the hopes of Arthur have taken options on nearly all the farms in concessions to south of New Lowell from the Sunnidale Road right through to Noitawasaga thwnlino onthe west an areaaf over 5000acres Sonic greenhouses are alreadyup an services installed Prlcesseemlsatisfsctory Oiie 200 acre farm was reported sold forover $8000 Buyers are mostlyJBolgisn som of whom ve been reis The lsnd lightand sandy originally pine covered This is evidently the first large scale growing attempted soifar north in Ontario Life has ceasedto isostatic Therearetimes said 01d sorehead whenit seems to mefthat even life it rlgig ghly optimistic predictions adé all spam adel but We beV claim and considerable unhappiness and in dignity Excluded from the school and socinllife of his fellowa or strug tor retarded childreowlthln the regular school systems There committee earliér this year we to increase our clien Mr Murphy laid the blame on insufficient and unappenlling pro motional campaighs and advertis ing lathe States As successful businessman himself he seemed nnd iusdflahlymtlcal of the bureaucratic mind which is en tirely unluned to the selling job which should be performed by our government operated Cana dian Travel Bureau Canadas annual tourist opers atars convention will be held shortlyhto plan the 1960 cam poisn We are sure to hear then the ulnadingo our failure to rank lbe Swllgearlsnd of America in lieu not nndelecisble pubhligesilnd flaili tlea Ourmrertsurpnt too Succeed serving in lmitstinnsof lea im Wield the are old ghmonomle rule of using what nature provides locollyubd what the climate dictates chiefly BOW DUB FOOD 18 SP0 Csnadinn faunas produce some of the best foodstuffs in the world and our waters offer tasty fish all in immense volume But lhemiddls men deteriorslevoin produce and our restaurant cooks too often spoil our broth Canadian beef on the hoof for example is super But it is too often sown up by methods per hops acceptable in dividing Douglas fir tree ratherlhln be ing skilfully butchered and it is sold while still breathing instead of being hung for four weeks Thus it never attains the marsh maliow icodcrnms of Kansas steak The magnificentbard wheel of Saskatchewan the breadbasket of the world can yield the most delightful bread But most loaves we buy might have been grown on Sarnlas synthetic rubs ber plant rather than no the Prairies Those are tyoical of thocom plaints heard here and no doubt in all parts of Canada There are of course other tac tors contributing to the failure of our lounst trade to expand more vividly One is the short season in most of our tourist resorts An other is that disastrous name for our unit of currency if it was called anything except dollar visitors would get kick out of changing their dollarsfor foreign money at our border and would not notice the discount on their currency But asthlngs giing on the fringe towards goals have been tremendous advances annual plea for typically Cana them that are for him unrealistic try ing to use means that for him are completely inappropriate it Is scarcely surprising that he of ienibecomes demorallzed use less and antisocial ills heart does not break alone There can hardly bea greater tragedyfor avfamily then to see its child pushed from the normal paths of living unable to find place for itself in the scheme of things WORK OF TRAINXNG itlis moreihan 150 years ago that Jean Marc iii1rd physician to the institute for the Deal in Paris took an idiot boy found wandering in the woods of Avey ron and in four years of patient devoted work demonstrated the possibility of training defective children gt The work of ltard was con tinued by his pupil Seguln who came to this continent about tbe middle of the last century and wasone of the leadingrninds in the development of the state and provincial institutions that began to be built ubeutthat time Tdrvardstbe turn of tbecen wry Psychologists and educators began to take their rightful place in thefield of rehabilitating the retarded There began steady growth of special br auxiliary classes llElORT FROM ILK Tourist théakjéL Reéoids some hydro is adddd to the Canadian tot ol £13 million makes up the £86 million in dollar earnings fromtheltourist traffic rwo mums Gobi the llnitEdJiingdomon hb ays They spent over £16000haoin doing so and of that amount otter £6oooooo were spent transportation costs to British air and ocean transport compan ies This was in increaseof some 5000 visitors and approximately half million pounds over the figure fnrlast year according to re ortjissued bythe British Travel and Holiday Association Tourist traffic in Britain has this year thankstc the splendid summerLWe tltb roken vious records year it is expected that number of overseas visitors to this countryiwill ave eachedn total of 1400 in ease ofl per ce to weekend dayiight saving ttllneto The British Travel and no days Association said SirLArthA uriiasset two million astha next milestone to be reached in the development of greater tour trade We can soon be there be told the bonual meeting Butpiibllc ityphowever good cannot alone and unaided realize such exalt ing figures Publicity alone can not increase thegoffseason irate fi Provision of modern amenit emoval of travel barriers uctionof fares these are the things which will bring results The holiday season must be in specialized teaching methods for the retarded Later there were added train ing schools for the smaller num ber of children who could not follow an academic but who with speclal methods could be taught to master the more concrete and practical skills of sensors and simple oe mundane OTHER AREAS In recent years other areas of service are being explored Vo cational training units ticaod counselling cliniis hos iels social and recreational clubs day care centres and shel tered workshops have been in existence in scattered areas for some time and thelr worth es tablished 0ut of the experience and knowledge that has been accum ulating vinspecial work with re tarded children particularly in the last 20 years or so therehes emerged far more optimistic pictureaf the potentialities lat ent in is retarded child Some 75 per cent of retarded people have potential for re sponsible pr uctive integration into the general community most of the others are ream sblle to good management and sheltered conditions The wells trainedretarded child who has enloyed constnictive happy environment is as different from one who has been mis handledand mistreated as is crippled drild who has bad ade qunte rehabilitation service from one whovhes not Unfortuhaleiy services for re tarded children are few and far betweenqdherexis probably no commumty in wbidi theyare fully complete and in moshiln leluding our own they are gre to apoint justthis side of savagery meddle rmcnnion Our failure todevelop there sources needed to deal with this oxnmonest of human tragedies Is to very great measure re lated to the archaic way in which many people still perceiveï¬be retarded child It may be worth remembering that our present generally high sense of responsibility for the welfare of children reprments relativelynewly attained level of scclelethics The history of the way in which humanity has hosted its children is not witbout some Arelevance to our neglect of the retarded child today program QUEENS rank ay nouonnnnn TORONTO Premier Frost has been on his annual deer hunt His friends were glad to see him get away For the premier has earned bit of fresh air and time for reflection Andhe has plenty to reflect about GROWING LOOSENESS It is now pretty well gener allyknown fact that some tight eningup is due around these buildings For more than year now and partlculariy since the election there has beenamore and more obvious looseaess of administra Lion chained and enjoyed no recrea tion or schooling SOCIAL CONCERN Whatever doubt we may bay about modern values there is not any questioning the greatly increased social concern for the welfare of children that now ex ists In the general advance meat however the special prob lem of the retardedchild seems to havebeen almost disregarded Fbr the majority of retarded children condi as areno less adverse today than they have been through the centuries Scvaeitzer madevtbe obs Lion that convalescent patients at his African hos although in different to the suffering of strangers would devote them selves selflessiy to the care of their own tribesmen They were clearly capable of the deepest compassion but had not learned to experience it towards the stranger the alien It would seem theieis ome sort of model here in relation to thehandicapped child in our community He is not identified asbe gingtousberemains an The idea that retarded children are different that they are not born tohealthy parents is still entertained ltis notum common to have parentsrefusei to allow their healthychildren to associate with retarded child extended said SirArthur This mallow people in timesofbecause they expect perversity would an more even spread ibf holidaymakers and would ensure abettei use of peratiob Sir Arthur in de iw prac al suggestions newas that the August Bank Holiday be changn ed from the first to the last Anguish He also said thntthe utenslon of summer 18 st Mdnday lcondiilcnsi economic stress and foodsbort agerid themselves of children who werefexbamoulhsiofeed gher standard of holiday ed by killing or sbanddnliig them amp pment thro scribed fine of 200 souser the killing of a1girl before the age Uf12 600 older in Christian Europe as late as the 7th century being trafficked in for profit many for sale on the Alricancu tinent Closer to our times are the factory conditions under high child labor used be ex canad lilies Active expansion ofllacllj l7th century England chil drenrof six yearspi age were hourklund npal ng sanitary Tbgy were beater the retarded childs behavior moraine of the individual who slowwrttedï¬s still socially form othumul fin ya WW The Salic law of the Franks de community Whidl has long Since pessedlhepoint ofstruggung to produce enough food and needed ifthe childweramateiials fliere is still reluct pnce to spend resources on the care and rehabilit ion of re larded cliildren aledourselves longe dlhon which is iecting the lives of earn 160 fam hs and nppl msthods wt newworld to these children the forgotten children of eties are they ihink weave gypping Premier Earned HisDeer Hunt Even very strong parly men have been noticing it and coin plalning about it DONT CARE lumedlesl terms you might de scribe the condition as tiassibide with nccomp ing symptoms of indifference in street corner English it would boil down to dont give damn As of today it represents an apparently lethargic outlook on adnunistratlon interspersed with frantic efforts to plug holes when they occur which of course is quite often ans cuss prime instance is the ease of the fatboy teacher This incident has been alive for scme timenow and at the aim meat of writing still has not been cleaned up It has made the government lookva bit few years ago it Would not have turned out this way As soon as news of it broke MrFrost would bavebeen on the telephone And theclumslness that his marked it never would have oc curred The Belleville situation was fumbled about Ditto on supply of nurses And there are number of other Ban SYSTEM The root of tbismust be the premier himself gt He as in most governments driving power by ters For long time he was He had his fingers personally on every detail of any importanc Becenllylhis has changed lot of work andresponsibtl tyhas been delega to yolmg officials in histfice The premier secms to tbrnk they eredoing good job and that be has set up good sysn tom Erecticaily nobody elseagrees For one thing it has removed him from his former close touch And again inevitably be has to reiysom hat onopinions which are inexperienced bit by rest probably see sharpened ups and Mr Frost this himself savn calms Sev your Christinos cards and give them to the probes nge or church group for vchli rens scrapbooks BIBLE THOUGHT or kniw motion hav believed andtnmpersundedthat ho is able when that whiehi have committed unto hiningatn that layFIITlmolhy 12 The nnn who knows Gods reality throughpersonal exper ience has iullconfidvebc in His