Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1959, p. 12

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Ingmolrm mlllNEn wnuannAP Nov II mo Binhn Aililoolisiloo dnwcx non vinuu uificmign All Classifications gQCQNNEL GlOydoll PHONE FAB5568 ANYTIMELL gt 11 DUPM ll Wage ROOM LEX4 500 Owls Swen one yew mom Patton plflmfl PA in DUNLOP 51 um PAMm IN NORTH END OF nAlmlE Tutu micef now Now room bunllldlv may or muPlnq ION TlFFlN foul prlu sumo clnl om Lower floor nouln idel or Inall nhu ouuel no lddllon flood llvlnl onu len on IIle floor sexmo Iplfl men now occupied enu at ON NA ROAD room hriekh DA llorey wllh nanny exim no usunlly lueluded ln noun nl um price Open on llceulnnn nnllo well londmped me lol Mon uilnhle lor molly or or runner lolth van in lo inn partial which would pmdun connidenhlo ill eonie we lid lavenl len upmlve home II Mnbl em zszlNcn CALL GRAYMN Kain PA aw Am UoNus PA Mnr nonnuj ma PA mu JOAN LANGPA N1 HAMfll HENDERSON N0 80 HIGHWAY on down 200 lull pllce noi nnee 351 per rnoolh mml mnlu floor unhnllhed roonu Ilplllln GAP1e LIan loin FOR RENTPENETANG ST 355 per monlh bedrooms lull mood noor Lam kilchen dlnlt Inl roonl Jvllllmnm and ham downrlnln hvo llnlllueould luo thl home Apfs Hduses FnRentf rflnln enl lvllafi ham comm El ill4H 1o LAnlonlohve IACars for Sale Viau Molors NEW AND USED ECONOMlCAl CARS RAMBtER HI LLMAN DEALER I1 ODlvAN STREET PA 66488 OPEN ml PM IAlm FOR ALI YOUR NEEDS IN NEW on UsEp CAR on AM 1an OP NEWON UsED FARM EQUIPMENT CDnlIfl Brockwell Motors gt STAYNEE AlfiggGg DEWDDAND PHONE STAYNEE 102 lAWJVJ FOR $3950 HAVE YOUR link COMPLPIELY mumm Body Won Inn Toning xlrn EAlll CARACE Alilau od condi owen Sl lAsnl lBCars Wanted CASE run your cnr all We trade up or lnndnlo Molar PA 38821 By Ripley Hewmemnwuonfiié Napiul Built on Iladry Nor Dunn Sl II In UK OM In 140 mg llfiloeu $111 Borne I7A Properfv ForSale flownAl Vlcorll Noe lm Dorrie on andy Nov ll nu lo llr Ind uryllmey Howey ml Purl Bren Elem Denflis RoonngilDwll Hulk1 Nflrfiln one lower on ov ls 1m onlu amnudulnnnd at no inn nixhell Buuhu nnd den lnlher ol Thouin uelue lirr Allred Venolul uilh um Perry Nobel In mum ll all Henryuln NI ll Thoon nerll no ll Ino Jae Alllelon urvleo on um Nov 11 human Alllnon Un ion emeiery on ANNAAl Ra ll Vielom lins on no Nov 11 belovedwllo noDuN bedroom handout nrunenl moo AnnNe not PAGIllfi xmm=lllr¢lnml with balk Prlvnln enlr cc clue to bin AVIIIJMI now PA mil 11151 Illcl Holt ouhenled mull hon Burn hon PA 87 17mm rlmolr wiln Huhwly ll 51LEIITIASTREETeflhm IDALEAREA Bullllllll Lonpod Odell Dunlow on lovely earner loenuon Hln Hvlnlflzmrziglunlflonomlm are id Dlvadal basement JULIE Aymnl un Mm yenn ln Bmlhn can gain Wres NuA Approved Indrlun eel4e arm per lnonln inund nu gt NEISONSTRAEANE AREA gt NBA 5W5 RESALE slum Slx yeu old ahedroonl bunnlaw wllh llnhln llv DMde blumuLvlm phme And lundry mm corner loonon hillytrim full wllh on um luminorlnue termn Conn pflmlpll Inleru Ind tun BUILDING LOTS Polly urvleed In BIHIB 900 on all lown mo 3ltBEDROOM BRICK SPLITLEVEL sn eryl School dlxmct Jul yeah old will lllly modulo lulun or melon livlnl NEW HOhlES CENTRAL DOOATION DOWN PAYMENTS slim 1042000 °°llllesmmm no hm ffil ll LE 11213 lnlflmfilll III lm on mm EvanNOsCAiLl mu MOOREPA in rosfinlIPA noun nonmqu um wNNnLPA mu mam Em DlsmcI EPAL BUAll hand CPD CARSON SLESS REALTOR REALTOR 19 COLLlER STREET 16 modern belied man lplflmentou blu milk Llundfl lnclliues ImmeiflAlo yonwind Phnnl PA 51m 1116 HOUSE 01 HINT In Alludnle °nollonnml52m£ Vefinlk 1114 llflmv ROOMS Ind hlfll unmrnlshed lovely inth ALTOu You pooled ipglnfinlngfi Slang ma Phone PAWS$11 1116 HIGHLY decanted mm VI elllrlnc II 3111le 00 monthly Phonavflm an Lowell Illd1 loonIipnrunrlll henied up nlnhed Frlx Adults PA an dnyiinm 51396 evenln 17 451d room now meal urn Ind clean nil Ul Ia own enlnnre Cenlr new rlnren Ilen warble PA 171M7l Imntnfi completely telrllenlar and ccnlnlnnrue nmle lain llollml llunl nomhill Florence Mn Jim Nilhel ol sn Cllhlrlnu Om inn Hanna ul Nov Scolln Sn ll vl Lloyd Hum ol Gemny min Pelhlclr minerl Home Innnyneld SL nrlie Service In in coma Weonndu vlrnllnz la111m nl 1lo oeloen non nsllnl on lap lnmmwer rnnml llolne ll ueen all ioronlo lor we on moorl 11111 latch menl Rul HAch Hamelimam dens 69 MALCOLM no llospllal lllrrlcon esdl Nov l1 use Hownm lieory ucnl dul hrolher ol cordon Helen Id lllioriennd Be llerliull lho Sleellley nu Home mm SL Dorrie uniii Frid noun lhen lo sl Thomr Au em Church Slinnly my when ulllel wlll no open unul limo oi IONIC ll om lnlenneo sl Thomu cemelcry Shnnly lug Vielurln All ileol Eslolo Classifications PhnnnlrpA uoon lml ERICK Bunnlow bedrooms man your old hnmcnpld storm Hul at School plea Slendy loonu nqulled Referenced AD ly not 58 mmo mm 11 49777 Amull urn aroon mmenl round mar hllhlnom odern xilchen prl lo coirpeel lmmn dine ooeu led nlooully PA no or £105 11149 R001 lumlshed nxunenl modv em Iran hour on hauled clams firy denlrnl Inclion Pull 1555 Form Fllrlnne lion Mly he men Ln 13 or phnna PA M125 2w MAPLE AVE BARRIE WET AROUND CORNZR FROM ROXY THEATRE PA 66481 OPEN WAY AND munsnAg Hm all HOMES FORSALE EVENINGS CALL RUSSELL CARSONRes PA soul Slim CAMPBELLRu PA 11m my ovumEel PA um CHARLIE READRu PA um ROY LEGGORex PA mu GERALD llALLorIvllev PA n1m HEATED uniumllheo bedroom mm or EARluE AND DlsmCE REAL ESTATE DOAlln mm Strand parlnlenl ls31a fiflfifififih mh 17437 home Inllnedlle possenon Nu Sui tumor wnu lone llIllo N3tl 7l1°s1 Peekncwn=nerswlgh SUBDIVISION mam Room Annihue lSrNew Hgmes Now Under Conslljucliog Busmess Service gt PLASTERING STORMS SCREENS SUPPLIED LOTS SODDEDAND GRADED srucco Plilll°t meal QUICKBRICK Hm STONE Fm we MP PnoNn urnany solid COiLm CLOSE TO SHOPPING AND4BEDROOMS WITH ORWITHOUTGARAGES lBLOCKTOgtPUBLIC GIHJGH SCHOOLS LARGESThumus OF EXCLUSIVE TYPE HOMES film PXfihffii lfififigléfi lNSIMCOECOUNTYj CROSLE In Memoriam LOWflYIn lnvlnl memory fillliaglgl 40er Who died Nov nlovems lodnyememnrlzs lorever Remumbcmd by Russel Ellen 351 Flo Ind LVulyn 69 Coming Events FOE RENTEAST END SAVANAH LODGE Cedar Hawrbour BARRIB PA 85934 00 mm SIDEROAD OP lNNlSlIL lull price Just on Die ouukllu Ema And Clue la And new two bedroom red hllck milllow lute uwdrmognlt dlnlns nu with liniunl wood flnllh kitchen euphondl place blth full buemem wllh forced A1 all henlllu Complcla 111 every le 0n Euy Immune Clll ml Sandro PA L59 evmlnn PA 54855 flow full price Lulu lzrlell may hunt or could no usz du lexed vinz room segmle dlnlnp room meplnce molly hilchen pmln doublo siren Plroom mm floor with lhreo donned room on nenlen wllh lull huemenL $25m down will hondle To in spec cIl lllu Scndrell PA us evenlnn Pmmn SIX ROOM HOME AND DOUBLE GARAGE fllls older type noun lulled Jun lnnlde the any llinllr Lorne lot wilh undo trees Priced to Sell Renmmhle mg I7 uon all Pelcy Ford PA 96934 evenlnu PA 8579 mu mom Coll One at our SuennznDny or xvnllnzl 1n eonmned Adulis PA 54 l1Jev14 SELF CONTAINED unlunllshrd nommnnl Aka Pnrnlnhnd lnenl bedroom lygt61 my lap Si but Phnnn ADauo 1716540 ll own 11 Run Hold all 113an4 lcTruéks ForSOle BEDROOM Apnllmcnt healed ha and cold wfler $45 per month wlul Shnwet innllllles 0n filth Way27 tumor Gnflhlldl P110110 PA 5993 hefox 11111 4714915 Ennnoom Apamnenl lullbl mindle or November Kilohcn will slave 1nd trim in llvl1lg room Sheri ueeme uolon Stove lundry minder lnnllor ulnaQ75 annhly Phone PA woo 11421 PEEL PICKUP Ommmu 05 SERVICE for New um Need Enwlndlng Ind hepIn HAROLD HART su unglrnislleo ranmungzrtulenis Riga All liners 551 ms 5411 menn BOWENST PH PAuem PAS2610 1741111wlu CENTRAE New mos modem bedroom aparhnent lame flnql nxrn kllchen sepnrale Inm flvlnz Ind dlnlnz mom mg nnd stove laundry InclHues PA 85400 DNE IAROOMKD linemen upm meni And two horned unfum llhednell coninlned unarimnnln Newly decalneed centrallAy located No ohiecilon lo chlld bllzlneln Henled Reasongblo run Plldnn PA 81233 or PA 95306 IMsud CONSTRUCTION Emilia One bedroom Ind ELECTRIC AMOTOR mulled room Apartment And For Informcllion Contact LEECH It DAS Hs ElectricMOlor 16271 ll Ron st Banla PHONE PA 35301 31 BAYCITY l7J Ants House Fol Renl PENETANG STREET Lovcly lot lose to downlawn 50 115 Prion $2700 GALA NEW YEARS EVE 01 WMPQAWW RITA SCANDnEn PA was PERQY FORD PA 57930 SLESSOR REALTOR PARTY DANCE uunher ol Bung Inn nleml nnd 0mm PA 934 Ontno ilul Esuh Pond Slnorgubnlx Flvun Hool Show ph FA 81678 Member Elmo0nnflu Coodunnnd Nnlioorl Phone Ron ol Duncan CIODe $1110 4231 MA SERVICE STATION mm FORSTER PREFERRED DESIGN FOR 59 CHILDRENS ART CLASS REALTOR 515JUDGE mvm so BAYFIELD s1 Bedroom Home Wllh Tiled Bathroom FA Queen St Barrie Wu ll ld f°f 23 ONLY $167000 DOWN Nosélflléhypfifiilléfififih £5555 Pen $500 includes memneinhln lo STOLLAR CONSTRUGMON ddedlnwns New nd provneulve plnm unique City park across the street styling bedrooms wllh machd lane block 1mm shopping eoon nullmime IThlee blocks fronl public school iln Pop More OFour flocks from high school CHRISTMASIRA lzvnpmn CALL ST KARL MARSHALL PAIR9917 LPEG MORE PA 37173 EunMAlIIIN siilOUn lulu ESTAPl nllom 1n IlPPIN STREF EARNED CALL DAY on EVENING HOME IN ANGUS hedrnomhonsl larne living moo modem ldlehen liled floor plecn bathroom Redennrnled Ivmnvns cALL Dick HendersnnPA was FOR TABLE Mums Bill Em Hamil RESERVATIONS Is Nesulnlnr Hel Chllareor llSte THE gFE gov MAY UR IAII detached homes homes fully decorated mYWCA gm at the nme unhollevnhly nttncuve rice zme limo lo dlreuu eni ONE NEA NonmAGE For lulolmanon collide EAIlOLD PollsEn PA duos WEDNESD Nov lo hm Chlm Sowing SPONSORED BY CWL DANCING EVERY SATURDAY CAHAREI smn COUPI1S ONLYH PINECREST 32 unuplo Pol lnhle rehervallqm PHONE ELMVALE 75718 mawa BAlllllE CENTRAL msllilcr ClimESAND EwaNlEs EV BAKESALE ALEXANDER 6669 38 COLLlER ST 24 865 llm Ponly Shanty Fly Complele bnlhroohn God l2 lnll would consider trade lor noun in dfllerahnw hunnnlow end rplll level Bolh AGENCIES LuimED PHONEPA 85901 RENTALS gt flrnlshtd room muse in 52 per month room home per month SELL 0R TRADE nere oloy loom gtdn1ry imn home well equipped bAm Orllul film llolbert Sireec en lo Blfll or 11cc rCnll Bnrle nice PA 83901 EOE SALE OAKLEY PAllK SQUARE Financed by lending insuranéejcom mules ti Mortgage und Houslnz Comor on llENRY ELRICK and MlClllE CoNsmucrlon Co LTD EARPIE PA 82321 communal BUNGALOWS LOW DOWN PAYMENTS On Hen Sl 851 BARGAINS 165 nenr Queens rlr Nice small some do ol Ban1e $9000 will See chnrtered hnnlls nnd Cen gt REALTQRS 15 pm ST BARRB PHONE PA 35533 ed ILA$590 bier house and navn mo npnrlnlenupl $14 Bulldln yem old APPly Box 54 Hodges 01 Dunlo East Real PnlnteEroll PA 81115 er lion rice slilfiml Bildo Exam gt uwr Brink Home room urncc muse luge lot Pml Phonn PA 11Adu1l building lot 31500 call central pm $3000 dnvg Income from pu month Good Inu ems unint l7Aawl onu l1A65 ENJOY LxerG in hedrnonl uh PA 82379 Manner Battle Dnnflo Cmndian nnll anlonnl Neal Eslnln Bilrd I1A1il Norman sleeps ls Dunlop sneel Em PA 89961 or 68742 ONLY $500 DOW No and Lhree hndmln bungalbwn lhese homeslwlll he completed rend lorooeupnney hthn end ln monlh Modern through out cholce ol an or on hemng Makeup and nodded coll Joe Lonniln lor further deldlln nnii lo manze your uupeedon nppoinl men EUPNINCS CALL throughout no nod eold wnler $15 PER MONTH villi heal ill fludzd lol modern zroundnoor mmenl mUy loll coplalned as kllehen living room end bedrooms fine nrlvo chlldren welcom Plum PAHSSSB lingere rho Connell Realtors 113149 ONE Jloomm hnselneutIpnrt mn nud one mauled npnrc menl nlsa one irnonled ml con tained npartnlenl newly decoIa led cnntully loeolnd Onn Shed room house dputlllssl clenn nu convenlences Conlrnly located Ahshlnelsllent reasonable Phone 9va or PA ensue 111le CECIL COULSON 151 CLAPPERTON ST mulqu PHONE PA 34792 1756511 NEWAPARTMENTS FOR RENT EAST ENDOF BARRILE AvAmlnLE DEC on OCCUPmfigNIl l7KApte on Wanted WANTED TORENT Ellroom qu In home all healing lee nee ocmoancy No chuoren Pllone PA 32511 lKfiEflSfil RESPECTABLE mupla muztem yemld child wzm lree apart ment in exehanze£or wlfeSrSeb vlcu housework holly silll elc Deli0y 151112 courti 4670 One lbedioam Apnrinleul One 2bedroom Apollmenl Suppllnd wlul Wnsnnr nod Drycl or oeuunanl usS PlloNE PA 11535 BOOM partly lurnilhod house 76 REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN REM umpln Free emulates Now Is film to Inch you chmerdeld Chans ctr nor 11111530 vein experleneo PHONE PA 33433 BARBIE Low Overhead la to ml Seller 33 Incu Dulket Ru le nunkwonh Eu Broomd 5L lsmu stove ANDAPPLIANCEs whler lining Dryer TELEPHONE PA 14132 22 Penelllnn sheet Darrin TE FdBERTS GAS pUPHCLSTERINiG MUSIC FOR Automotive CAM JAMES GDDIN IACurs for Sale WELLINGTON mm PA D2495 loo Length Kl PA 1min Everell Shelswell olo2so Len Bordon PA 55594 Eownrd Norfll PA H463 Nornlnn ShPJJwell PA 414961 1114er APPly 50 Maple Ava one PA rum gindado noolilnnnezled parllnenl klli ohen Lmhhed ltldveslled Phone De hnve may extras Ind carry the 71nd $81 12 month luclulllnz lererl prlnl on and men 0NEBLOCK TO WATERFRONT PARK liehum loenllon lor hll bnflfk norey Ind hols home Eng gt IZjnihs oNolurnl fireplace wllhlireplnoé ween gt Pull nlze minor over dreplnee ODEFen luck DAILY Cnosswolln at AMS Lamb ifiAZMR SAIURDAY Nov 2i Plum To Elli gammy PARISH HALL Ellmmlxe Sale ll add Fellow llnll Coluer Streez mum of the Retarded chlidren Friday Nov Ida to lull Sponsored by Belvel lleheknh Lodge Forrpl up phofle PA 81731 or PA $32736 T5 21in DLAKE STREET One door eel Bmnl shell Service lalion PHONE PA moi 11ndanswer phone PA AT MIDTOWN USED CARS MosT RELIABLE IDEALEE nodlvunl floedl lead mill near Genilans iailed wele 3°33 forWal Muldels L5 an hllicern enlenced Tuesdilyto riso terms on murdervcharges lel to the shontingbfnlave ihe Second World rry lodn PAomv Merv Couldom am nycombeLPA ma courtconcernedlhe with oflzalRussinn an plish rll rISemplliye hr Ii thelnstday OHh Wolfgang Wetvling tonne elm sslx to LEE HAP PHONE PA 21 Officer in Hi at Senlehced PA 34111 111591l us hoflfl PA saso DOWN will buy bedroom If new £ll°ifl°lhlil rooms He 29 el5oloewléumtfi 13 st PAH371 lNfisfll mo WILL new mum rpm poem unmnlihc npmmellr lol mm 535 Xmsfioq al os WILLIAMKELLI Comer euphonrd nlgry 1114516 En eelveeonnprve nv mix69 35 hm P1333515 BRAND NEW lllpleil Quéen nod Am urn st Vincent SL1 area bzd roumA and him mail Doosr room hol wnler healing mm apnnmentwlln rivnlo enmnce rlove wonher dmr iullydecora 315 Phone PA 19 1115911 sea norxu Endmicreecnsnhanahno ropes pp on on run on no nm lurnizlh PA lsza4 11A41l1 reparale ellinns lIesonnhli Alfallnhle no Applylfi also lldg msml I7CMQ II cm EOOM Houlo wllhglanlb on El us er mon Belorq hum your new Mnhlh hvlun nll Homo on Travel Qnllu nonr lo eoxth mflflndlondhpllyrflrA 177 noomnn healed lumlshd RUSSELL CHURCH Iparlmenl lionsonahlerenc in hole couple tub or PA MOBILE HOME noolleDunlunli hédf he nomenl with ham Ellitwat unce Close 0411115 llopPhona PA mm glueAMI Billion AvnNn 11 Highwfly Phone PA $9866 l1Ol1nu COMMENCING nod roomtn menu or zen Glow to ehool nnd rhoooind PhonnPA um elm SELP comAann monernnpnrl menl roonu Ind hath Unlnrnlih ed henle lvauenmm Ik ind sasiog wonlilo immedlrple l7elfirofielly Wanted mall WANum vielnily olrllod De will 00 monul Pym P31

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