maxim At Royi vicini with Rumbai To New lanolin infant ulna3m mourningl as mflguurm ul Hill4e 159 ioIrfdndln duh lunar on Nmnl lituicr moo ul Blnlml Deaths imam suddenly II home 41 announce Barrie oo WWJNDV ii as June lou Etrachao reliver hulbuld oi 5v Sheridan and deer lather or Tnhrnu oi Toronto Wimun pi Emir Mn Damn leii oi iiianion luau or Sln ray burn at Toronto and In Don 6m Clmmua or Ernie in oil 3m year Rratin xi in lenoeti Purim 0m Dorrie moral to st ll church tor requicnlllmlï¬tlt mi cmcn uni Cards of Thanks HOOVERMere vani cannot be It 5th nlluvn dudl and neighbor or he buuuml flnnl tubule Ind knit upresilam or mnqu in the loll of and moith and Sfllid John Hoover Illa to Dr lor norm ri the Iinyhl Vidal1 will tho Jaime Ill on some nd Rev Gordon In for Ill ward of Hlldl che lieu Ruth Coming Event RUMMAGE SALE ODD FELLOWS iiALL COLLlERSTREET SATURDAY NOV zi am to 12 notin Undzr ihe urpicu or Motheir Auxiuuy to the Enccl Bun ior rummage pickup cou PA 899130 PA 8753 6571 CDLIJER 81 UNIT CEURCII WA AROUND THE WORLD BAZAAR WEDNESDAY Nov is THURSDAY NOV 19 230530 pm TEAAND BAKE SALE Admisdnll roe Tu 55c COLLIER UNITED CHURCH mowsmr HALL unï¬mua BUS TOUR sponmrcd by rioer horticuilum uocicry to ROYAL WINTER iIiill WEDNESDAY Nov is our luvei Wuunxnn Bole 800A shop until pm iheu toreir Home pm BUS FARE $250 To reserve PHONE PA new OR PA 34543 85 AMANDA DISTRICT clRL GUIDE AND Rnowum lierile hank Ail7lieol Clhgcificaï¬iihi WA LPIDDEIIV For Sale NOrman VShelsWeIl mihsrA1 nun Ddoiopsmet an PA 89961 or 678712 EXCELLENT FOUR BEDROOM HOME SILWFULL Tim is All ucmuvnl orem Ker lllflnl vpciour imd min on and floor Kitchen up mie dining min and living room wiih hroroloom endan fl nilon main floor mm crime or run brick hunt an hr min on huml and tubd Ann paved drive Ind hated me Located clone to down gown immunet School Par lo tpection eell Nomih dourell $2000 FULL PRICE with domain mu Jun one mi old on lot Joe boom runner drum EUGENIA ST CLOSE ST MARYS SCHOOL neeutiml brick buncr lint me an old future icheu lplclolu ilvln mom three lied zenu bedroom pliu on room Cull Sunni Nonll lor your inspection IppolntmenL xvzlimcs city In IAnKKln PA Ff Even Shehwcll Ora 2319 Le Garden PA ilon Nhrrll in we Namn snesteil PA 59961 AJIIF HENOERSON 93125 l3ENETANG STREET dveervulced nuislallï¬lgl lot 59 MELROSE AVENUE Modem Spul level holnl wlln lure living room Ind dining am kliebpn bedroom cl on 0n in iully sodch In fcncnd IOL kind 314190 vrlth ahnul 32m down Plymcnt ruro Ind Suï¬Ill iovrly name an iso CODRINGTON STREET Living room kitchen and dinette nne bedroom bathroom downturn hcdroohu palm Bumdni upenment close to when nun Priced $15900 gt EAST END room bungalow bedroom living room idleneo piece belle Pull blsemenL On lax2h coroer lot will carry 01 SW in ninth FOR BENTCENTRAL sum per month beoronm home bathroom in am condition was cALL DickHendeisunPA om Gene MOONPA 84360 Cliff l1 BrownPA 8354 umber or Burri Ind unmanned Ontario Ru Bull Bond Phl PA 8267 TEA BAZAAR ANDv BAKE SALE SATURDAY Nov 1i t9 pm AT 51 GEORGES PARISH HALL Alllndlln 8315 DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY CANAREi STYLE 410mm ONLY PINECREST 525a eoupie For toble mervationp PHONEELMVALE 75713 awn PANCAKE SUPPER sinollva COMMITY HALL WEDNESDAY his 1959 ST JAMES UNiTED cilUR AOTs lilliNS CLUB Adulti Lon children so 41535in chmimu noun ï¬lialnoun Ten hnd Dako Sole to be held in in True Dive Hall Hirh SLUlueidl NOV 11 1959 2Mfm Alliplea hlue Haven Lodge in SUBQZOTO Wealh flocks weci States DENVER AP Intense cold that plunged temperatures to nanrecord lows locked the lilacle Mountain states in wilh tr ipilodayon the heels of 25 ch snowlall that buredMon tans Thé temperalllre was 22 below zero todayhi CnLBankn nehr ch Montana beria horde It was 118 belOwntGreht Falls allil below at Edema Mori capial city the limit of illéblizzhrd quarter rare Concmlon 10 ship or Vuvn Junynnflh or High 114A mfithu burnished storey brick ve oer deli coniainedduplex ye bldMonthly income sun Co pinier rurhinhed remoahly pry ed low down pennant an in lraom lnnll hrlek can ted3 lece him My home th detached garage on has Town inrui wuy so 31 Mi MEllgfllcullvr TYPE HOME momfl 2i with ï¬replace mu uized dining raomlnge ldt uheu Three well dclliinrd vbed roome Gouge otlochen so wntcr oil ï¬red hertlog Mlny other no churns SELEOTIONOP Several wcu bonninlcted NHA heme vlryln In the Itdm 900 square feet Hunt and Indup Low down lament xhnce in ï¬ntï¬rly zymenir in an reni Inhllli REAL ESTATEVBRDIEEB 7alirmi mar Sunni CAlil pAy EVEqu PA 82379 Member iianie ontorio Culllhll Ind NnilanllRell Elke Hands 11 inch lioizc At least ii depths hhyé on unributpd to the mhssiye Simm Which runhedolit Canada and now has Vengullednillchv oi ihe United Stores nitii ioins iiithe midweri weather bureau issued av snow warming im ihe are JAYNEJONM PA vml ROBERT mm PA um lOAN LANcmum lVAi7141fl ilMDDOwlIL cull price 38500 ell1 wcli kept REALTOR isjdomzli STREET PA 85934 ANDZIMGE GARAGE Thi hom end curtail lotled income inn nrue huilOiul Phone PA ID TH HONEY Slum ennuioil ac bu out thi urlhl home unruly Billet One Who in or like 1an hgdm living room mom kitchen tuï¬bh uiiir unity don hueme with nmd eirou bu Annch taruh miuum riornu and linens lA rune lilinl trim roi lull dentin minute Scoodrrtt PA um wallian cell and bi alu mmcrbp Brintzilnxi PRAiiR NELLES PAoeoso RITA scANDRETl PERCY FORD PA moo SLPSSOR REALmi 0mm PA been ileum Ranlie Oourio codino he Pintoii RQII ml Balm 1455 Immt ROGERS mgToagONNELL ONE OUNLOPEAST BARBIE PHONE PA 85568 ANYTIMEI ACRESSHANTY BAY ROAD sumo in acre or the very hcli in lhnd Barrie on shanly Ely Rand hero 70 piiu innlo XDEAL MOTEL SITE it troutre on Bunny not mile laulh oi Dorrie end with over no ILJhlnun on Tawnl no rind pmvidlnx sharia link with human no end in leveincrel in All with yearaid inure bu low on Inulh end or thin hill Iranian For all this we hrn only $13000 Dont imitate ioo Inn On this one Clll In or lull our niln CHOICE REsiDENTlAL LOCATIONS CALL us FOR FULL PARTICULARS 0N Goon BOMB Now AVAIL Ahu iN THE FOLLOWING DisTlllcTs sUNNlDALt ROAD CODRINGTDN nitsr NORTll causalm qu END ALLANDALE iliLwRisT SCHOOL AREA 51 MARYS SCHOOL AREA NEW HOMES CENTRAL LOCATION DOWN PAYMENTS $1400 To $2000 13700 or sunLava Monthly Payment 91 Includinl luxcn 253100 iur Irhhlped ibedroom hrvi bungalow Ovlth inc ume in Incl There price include prinuu di lundmpion BUILDING LOTS Fully M0211 In Elmo 00 out of lawn EVENlNGS CALL MRS Mr MOOREPA 181 IL RecallsPA um WBERA BARBIE DlSTRicr REAL ESTATE BOARD TIA4M OAKLEY PARK HSUBDIVlSION 5New Homes Now UnderiCOnslruction STORMS SCREENS SUIgtPLIED LOTS SODDED AND GRADED CLOSE TO SHOPPING SIAND BEDROOMS owirH ORWITHQUT GARAGES BLOCKTO PUBLICEI HIGH SCHOOLS LARGEST BUILDERS rDF EXCLUSIVE TYPE ROMES 1N Smcol COUNTY CROSLEY SONSTRUCTbN For lnfOrnlation Contact TLEECH PA i17uMwrir house ln Aï¬gu mucus Bedroom Home ism piece luLh hot dowo bllmce rent Phone HE 95ml l7AM65 iPhOne in 95975 hRAND NEW Triplrxqucen and st Vinceot su Arch bed room not weler heoiioz Hz stove wuhei dnel luliy decum Elis Wonderfiil lhe May Cqusified Ads getgre sults Phone PA 824l4 zanz unlike lully WSW 51 23nigh Prim 3213011 cerolng 7Y0 cardruin Under garment Filmer FL 63m unclu 25 31 hnd lander M45 81Her Jul mil cut sronm home double Arm iiuvy hydro Ind prururn lynchi $5000 down min In lovely brick Ceramic111E hill In ulchln with Quill In Dlvldzd bhagmenc will ï¬reflian iv luauoh Ind meoitiei lbqvh Curries ior we monib inï¬ll od dcennllnl loud indoutdde lod FOSTELI PA min CDNNuLPA 670 BOelixnnlna and cold water 5500 down imniodlote pouendon ilAoess HENRYPELRICKAND on On Our man 81 Stan we numb1an BI mm was 3000 magic ONJUIYISJMZ nQHunn lhlmllhmll raisin Siour lininlllnl healthI ill WAS 89118 INDIANSJN so tISIREAYED BYHER CAPIORS mil SHEWAS on his BRINK or own ms Satalfla DESCENDAMS All Real Estate l7A Property For Sale Clani colionl CARSON REALTOR 40 MAPLE AVE DARIUE JUST AROUND CUM FROM ROXY THEATRE PA 66481 OPEN TUESDAY ANO THURSDAY TILL kn loo HOMES FOR SALE EVENINGS CALI Russm CARSONlira PAHlol sum CAMPBmvBu PAS138 JERRY QUINNRn PA um CHARLIE READRes PA nail 6mm liALDOhYRos PA olm is REAL ESTAT BOARD nmhmornARRlEANDD which Adm THE PREFERRED DESIGN FOR 59 Homes WilhTiledBOlhroom Queen St Barrie ONLY $167000 DOWN eAii Uetached homer CAI homes hilly decorated ISodded lawns my park across the slrcel IOlle block train shopping hree blocks mm public school Fonl blocks from high school ONE NBA MORTGAGE Fnr liliollnaiion anlac ER ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION CO LTD RARRiE PA 82327 SiBedroom ArMELT BRAND NEW WA RANCH STYLE BUNGALOWS szmoDOWN PAYMENT NAPIEBST BEIWEEN DOWNSVEW AND PUGET STREETS blockla shopping centre and public schools Bus stop on corner rooms bedrooms ceramic tile balhroum colored fixtures Faclory made buililn kiidlen cuphoards All roanlsiullv decor ated Landscaped Colors to leOse rugi CONSSIRUCTIQN 5284 HaEiN RYI ELKIQK Lovely two with iivldglmnm den sun pmh roooern bhtnroom new all turoaee double gong uddergo creed lot ml prlc mono First mortgage urriu rnr 75 per mouuiscond mortgage up be Imnzed Alter hounphionn PADDYMILESPA Rah nawmmgPAssm HARRY MlcnmPA H551 SMICHIE REALTOR Phbnn PA aaols UNFUflNISBED Room with prl4 Civilians prercrrcd Navys rOOrll house Rearouahle lid rorponnole person EllanhPA lBeSt All Rani inter summations zHA5RQLDFFOR PHONE PA 66453ANYTlME hums Palm um roam nlih moicc dlnlhl ï¬lm bath 1Inl well linden out it onnydeld streei within rig Pm 51 room Mull em and hat wltu or Oumuucflnn and mm lmcbjd lï¬lrlle dluluglhllrwl Pu lure xARr uARsuALLPA um Pm lionPA ems lumber Blnh end hiririet Reel ram loud room NEW 3300 i5 inmost an inn innll uAORE LOTOUNDLES 11th cm In Lind or WW Die bulk 1M all hull humdini um um Clll XIII Innbl THE WIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN Gin her the luxury at richly unihm custom hull booi ruvouiive pilm unique aty obelimhly nilecu unm EVENlNOsOAiL 17APrqpmv lid PM 101 In It 1006 now curPull llollll Seams unit In nimlhnnNsmoun 1m HAROLD leRPA IMHv Arm ANGUSluéolm PROPERTY Du lexea will our imam eel colill lied awn Mlhmm Good Slmrcr street wui uke low down once Lulu mariadc Om NRAi nEDROOids LM down IIEW hum bl uuw sec Inn Burk WM KELLY REAL SPAn BROKEB 15 CLAPIZRTON vPA em 0B H5957 11 I7BProperly For Sale or Rent BEDROOM Brick lion in or me or rape loilde cunven cu eel laxu hLPhunl PA ulna ROOM Bunzllhw Or nlo or rent nonroom Beach Winlerixrd wa ter Ind electricity Phonn Em IIIKO lot lillmlnlml Dialnu coliv iences Thimlinh Plionn ivy ism 17CNlolpilye Homes RUSSELL CHURCH glMGBILE HOME SALES LTD Burton Avc Nc ii Highwa Phllue PAGBOSG NJ For Rent RENT und rerrigerawr hascment dry loeliiticn location in colucr st iv Stepheor co slipheos Store for Men 4b DUNLOP STEAST PHONE PA 82556 HOUSES APARTMENTS in hurricane Aoziu lWM KELLY REAL ESTATE is CLAPPERTON ST FA um Roalli he in rpurinieot Phon PA 4977 l7J65l cited nplrtmcni Flinn info Bl Lu PA Rivals zlfllilmmiri mine hey all 3953302 17 cABKN milerir wry Phnne PA salsa good size room rel contained centrally hath thle 91 KOSSHSL lBBisz 1655 ALcoNA BEACHLE roamedwiol glut cottage All conveniences one Siroud 69 11165411 Tin riauent with 00M lined pl TEE65w on main strict wnl also rtniio Olllcci Phone PA has Calnel baih Children welcome can Derlonil st cupooord Bnkcry 1716 MS and Vllnbhen in hnd poiking PA Room It Onhlncll amped one PA 17164657 iii our go io oil $519 SPARmm luljniihedL dihedrnr lune dun on pflvalc hath wateroccoi lpanmznll um with motion on next to FOME SIIIOD owner union to ac eminent lul Billy Polklion illsONO PA noun Home suooldaie ma new Oil urntr ior min or rent wilh option or haying Rulonhhle menu PA 591m BOOM Emile on urn with Nu mch west or HIS635560 Mas neruru buying your new Manila Home or irnvclmuu on me in In the nu lino on nhplu At rtemu Apis House APARTMENT FQR Duliulo epertmem haicd lOllr rooms one btdrooni Electric i113 central mldenull USE OUR BENTAL SERVICES 17165 House miles noriu oi fl6356 Reasonhie PA 16355 om Jamie on No 11 High 11162€1 ROOM unfurnished apartment located 716561 our lflmi len 5h PA had Apis Houses Fbr Rent OM ptiiiln heeled 19in men Price liege blur iv unle St in uii cooilodbeaied apnrtmoiwith lion end irix Avrilhi Immcdlhltly Phone iA win IMfl ROOM unlurhmied lpiflmlul as per month Hut lith Ind min included iiiran Agply lss Promo at lMu AVAILAan mmrdirtcly ort oient room Ind brin Print oauulon central mopping am Alesm li MM RMALL Country Home rril lur nhhed sultibl ror rouple Phone Coontown ilirL iiimoi RRDRDOM Aportnientecmpiei ly uii eonlhlrlzd iris Ind rum apilonll Central GarIO Phone PA Oxide 1716065 iuiur comme rioieni mom rod min lieu cd pflllll oncnoce purunr excnllolll Inca iion Oli¢PA uni 1714141 no RDDM Ulimmlshed Apmment huled hydro Contni Prcierrblv lady or couple PA Iml her on illsou IllaRA MODERN Slclnm gid rpm nor mo Prlvhin II Onle Peel nudllolo SUL PA iiiowl 0N3 ZABBDEOOM urtrocnt two 1bedroom Aplnmrua newzidcc orrted Avlllllllh uow PAg PA 85991 cyn E00 lionc Turnirhcd Mill mg And move one child wclwmz in mlnlilu erln lawn PA 66001 maMs slAclous hcdruom upriment hraicil ccugrol Avalllbla Now in Adult only Phone PA 55554 illsad ROOM Aphflmhn unlumllhfl Rent outer Very com um IlJHï¬ï¬‚ BOOM ruroislied iparlrocnt nusx cue r11 had not water Onhus iincExtn room Alanine Phone PA new 1716561 ROOM ninilnhrd Apartment In nkhcd or bedroom Ind kitchen With Ill Shari bunnljmnaJA Hm 17165 Room Apartment healed ur shhcigtmm Adults PA mm uylim SPLevehinzl 1115570 modern conveniences on heating tune KO Churchill Phone Leftoy lim 1716591 COMMENCING is bed room upartlncnu quenI IJolh to school hnil lhpopmn Phone FA 52570 ilrilzliiwm DOOM Apartment healed Lot north nail Oro Tow ship smith at Cruighurst Phone 7m Eimvrle 1715567 ROOM turnished nmncut heat ed verycenrrnL Suinhlejor cult ple or Apply High st Actor pm PA Mast rib645 ROOM Iuppudnpl heated Avaiioble Dec 59a permonth Water and hydm included nu rgvlce Phone PA 84673 iusisq BEDROOM Apahment availahlc middle or Nnvcmbcr Kitchen with rim and frlglnrce living room laundry room wlih dryer and planner PA ems Or in Cnak st illoi 7a ROOM iijlalll xgfllwnulncd ground level suitableqor couple or buslnen person Avhli bio Dec lgPhooe Alum 1255 AND 3203001 ripmanta Truman to Slflflpnmm modern new1flgnlla shove Janitor SETH vice laundry facilities ligleotrouy lacted PA liSitw J5s65 MODERN relr Lnnuilled lnnm apartment with piece hour cast end One block to uhilc schnu AvluqbleDccl nmms gmunfl iluor upturn ished uriioonl completely sell Wm iï¬mrlvré Inc cy one 54 mnth rrtinout llrgc living room dine and madcm ldich clicheth ectric rnogc Coniral Business coup reterre len PA will 7567 FMSEED Apartmeol upper du plex an roomhlldhath salt contained healed Adulcr Puslnesr cnuple 15 cempbell Ave 11J6570 SELF cONTAlNED ullimlsllcd apznlneril heaten Lnrgellvlng Bedruhmibalnrtlnm und pglll lPhone 111145 immune having an en in Incl hedmum ply 82 BI Eur Phuilc Ally1110 NEAR cuuncmh Hausa with