There were nine girls present rife semiradar Pigments ihecdol blue wallsandhtiiini spun sickly as set up quickly gt Youd better he still ions minutessid the dark yhaired young woman gt lay back 6n the now calm table Biood coursed through my circulation system tingling almost every square inch or epidermis At ioo RPM myanind re capitulated the eventslending untothe inehriateliks state of mindand body When first heard that stauiierstudio for run slimming trimming and relaxing benefits was open ing in Barrie rebelled Its matter oi principle The young people of today need the vim that is the end product oihdalthy exercise But will they get it lying down To have remote control so that it isnt necessary to disturb slump before thenarcotlo hold or TV is bad enough but to be able to sleep through exer cises is going to far The poor showing at young adults at such places as the skating rink or the badminton court seems to in dicate many persons overthe age of 21 allow their social liie to veer clear oi active exercise in sports Interest turns to the vicarious thrill oi spectator sports Some maintainthat too much strenuous activity may injure the heart Isnt it true that heart trouble may be causedby overeating and strenuous spesmbdic exercise Armed with principles dont become victim oi the modern age fight the rahiorthat outdoor spirit ascendedthe stairs to the studio All for the Journalistic vibrations which massaged every musele used to an excess this machine could have weakened the most hardened Al Capones boys As the walls walked to stop listened to Staufler consultant Miss Marvelie Marquis explain the four basic positions oi the slimming trimmingand relax ing sue said thatlï¬ the luplpositioh the undulating part or the table exercised the muscles 126 tines min ute equivalent to 126 golf club swings minute And thats some swinging cunging to the last vestiges or my olddashioned idea or outdoor sports and at the same time wondering whsit Freud would have to say about this hehemothian cocktail sake shaker lett the studio reelingvless tense and much relaxed Id much rather go skating obiimnsnrl Orville Horace Eilisgilmieitsï¬alllï¬ay weeks hunting up north MraiHerbert Goddard spent last Week invloronto visitingi her Iblroliier George Brown and ism WMS Kneeling masheld Tues day eveningnt the out Mrs Harveydohnsionwi Wil liam Richardson pro Dev otion andprayerwas given by Mrs aufschuller Roll call was answeredihy verse on Peace by members and one visitor issiou Study about otihe Bible was explained 37 Mrs Harveyldnhnstou Mrs ill lung and MrsStewart on Thaiikynuvielters were reed by airs Robert Martin and brie us in discussion follow ed Glad Tidings subscriptions were looked alter by Mrs Ear vey Johnston closed with Themeeting was rayerr by Mrs James Murdoch lunch was servedlzw the host ess WI MEETS iLaaies oi the Hillsdaie Wo mens Institute attendedthe han quetIo the North Simone Wo ineu Insï¬luiesWednesday ev ening in the Uni Church Theretwcre around 89prescut which wasa good number for wet rainy evenin es and sing so all Mrs BeiierlylWalker oi as distri president thanked IA of the United church for the turkeydinnér Mrs James Murdoch enlei trained the CraighurstPresbyterg ian WA at her home Wednday evening gt hummus The first meeting of the 4H Homemaking Club was held Saturday afternoon at the hem of their leader Mrs Joe Le Mrs Lea openeuineeting With the 4HHoineinainng Pledge and election of officers followed They president Palsy Vicepresident Barb Hill secretary Lois Lock hart treasurer Wendy Dunn Mrs Gordon Bowel wh gave them brief outline of what was apected oi each girl and plained about correct measur rncni theroll ulllfor eel meeting and lh home nieut gt Mr and Mrs Edward Farsgh er gone to Midland where ey will be spending the winter months Gliiiord lPorter mechanized socievyand rah1 cause enjoyed 20 minutes or it vigor and vitality These tapered wool pants are cut to eliminate side seam coordinate is the omen Meeis For Nov Gmï¬ie Womans Fed eration of Guthrie United Church held its November meeting at the parsonageiLawkesinne with good attendance Mrs Gough president was in the chair Mrs Ewen Caldwell conducted the worship period on thetbeme aning Done All To Stand She was assisted by Mrs George Caldwall rumours in income bulky knit sweater ipvbold stripes of ancient moss en que gold and bone white llollcall wusanswered vyiih of woman of the the name Bible During the business period re ports weer given of the WA and recentw There were also reports by Mrs Besse supply secretaryMrs Bertram Christian stewardship secretary and Mrs Love treas WMS rallies held urer Mrs Niel Jamieson presented an interesting account of Atricnn arts and crafts After thcbeuediciicn had been pronounced tea wasserVed Kari kaerunen in Bible Dara WW and 1hElr Manhattanflushing DundimdapoehJeeuJen usuwnihltlednbonistrhflu bolus lunchnnd madamn Christmaseaniival The nudybookiorlaao Mr and Mrs Byron Baumd sweet visited with in andMrs muted smart ini ton attire weekend The iocal committeed the Canadian National lustinns 191 the Blind will lay their hand innit at the Toni and Awning store Nov 12 and it included in liedisplny an leathereraii baskqu and Marlins SAY By menu FOR romoaaow Tact and diplomacy will be needed in dealing with superiors elders and bush amucnco during the Penonal re lationships will improve in the late allernoou and this period will also be good for launching new enterprises During the AM stick to routine matters you run BIRTHDAY litomorrow yumbirthday your horoscope indicates that between early December and mid1960 you should make tins progress both financially and Jcbwise In your enthusiasm however do not splurge un wisely Rather conso dale gains Withjafl eye to the uture Be especially alert to budget mat iers in December March and April Personslrelationshipa will be under generous influences for most of the year ahead and social activities should be un usually stimuiaiing during De camber and January also be tween late May and early Sep tember Do not overhax yoursei during the latter mouth however since new opportunities for busi ness expuuslod should be avail nbl in 0tth and you will need to be at yourrbest both men lolly physically to take ad vantage of them be endowed with excellent busi ness shill ilflfODllld become an MANUFAchRERSKCEEARAucï¬ SWEATER SALE 17 AiLzriasjr oUALIrviodudou snoo ruunsdnvrnipnvsnrunnnv sen rues sescinivnluss Fntsuonnriu funLoni PULLOVERS SHORT SLEEVES ff ommsmzsss AW yoimt mm momma norm em AND FLAT toms gummy CARDIGANS blooms uni mos BIGGER rain or sown am AND Roma in nALLAnDwmaRTonas sMAii tsunami1 child born on this day will Dunqu winning the prize ihs hostess served Ioeiaihourwas Nut meeting at rectory PERSONAL Midth Rood int those early luminous shoppers Adams chiei engineer the Walnury Hotel Toronto was weekend sum 01 Mr and Mn Gable Gunn Street Arecenl visitorwllh Mn and Mn John Findlay and im llvr Boys Street was Smith Pearls Illinois Mr and Mrs is French Henry Street had as guest re coolly Mr Frenchs sister Mrs Rows Waterford Mr andiiirs John Fahey Park Sheet have as guests Mr and Mrs Stewart McQueenZam family Branuord Recent guests of Mr and Mrs Albert Fleeiham William Street were Mrs iieeihams skier $111 Egizï¬bethm Ferguson and en rs art oi Caledon East mm ogï¬mmion Womens Auxiliary of in Air Cadets will hold bazaar and bake sale at Oddiellows Hall Collier Street Nov 13 BUSINESS LURE WORCESTER England UP public house in this city is ad vertising for handsome her man to work in women only bar on opening night it was promised drinks will be served in womens slippers Just the thing 50 dad out lounging luxury so choose yours too RELAXER coma for all up or stretchl here is truly one of the most appreciated giftsdad can receive for mugs mi outmoded senior Why not midiliar right Now ket or ï¬lolc Talk it over Stole prieadlfroniSl Jackets priced from Persian Lamb for the Finest Fun Prices shop at your Barrie The Coat Store Furriers amenis so DUNLOI ST Mokethisyeore oil Fur For Over Eisth Years SIMMONS co usai in Chrimnns my new we To the Men of Barrio binder rGift problem lee For Helpful Coumom Advice on the Proper Choice why not drop in to Simmons and Co and 900 Flank Murkrof China Mink Kolinsky and Cnncdinn Mink $1 2900 Grey Kid Musk books Chino Mink Kolinsky Block and Grey or Lowcsi WSW Sign or The Beer PA 34023 crush xclirsrs Just fine for that extra lady on your list in your choan of beige reunions or twilight mailing 3D LAY AWAY Now Folt canisrmns Christ ny now at an extrusion price dontmisstiiissei $489 seseursrrmem Handsomer styled lldurable construction covered with long wearing viscose fabrics in an assortment of decorator eol ersf This will makelmuins chores so mucheasie large and roomy as rted colors complei wiihmaiduu chair gt Vilieres style and color almostanyone on your list in our large selecii choo now