Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1959, p. 12

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peas saw 1ieiarorhonsa oars damn Deaths HOOVERAl the no ital aarrlc on Nesday Nov I55 Sarah Lanel orloveti wire or the late John iloovrrsno our mother or iiildr our Fall Wico strocd apd aria um Sydncy auihi ot Bmle leved I19 icr at William lone onNcuoiamt in her 53rd ycar minor or id Jennett nlheral ilomc lintrte Punmi unlee Friday Nov at pm integngnt 5L gnmrs crin elery Sirou our Royal Victoria Engagement ur and um wuilam Slowar or Hard wish to announce in engrrcmrnt oi thelr adornco shlrlcy Aim to Dougha lirold Dunn son oi Mr and Mn David acorn nunn oi limit The wed dln lo to tail nldce on November nth 195 at Andmwl Pruby terllnClluroi ln harm TEA AND BAKE SALE FRI NOV Delicatessen Table Apron Sale ST ANDREWS PuEqulEiliAN CHURCH 0mm 51 230 pm pm Coming Events 614a DANCE ro will niiYrliniAlrlm Al mariaCOMMUNITY canme FRIDAY NOV all To AIM Adminionrso Lunch counter 5165 DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY CAllAllEl STYLE Courus DNLY PINECREST sun couplo For labia reacrvaiionr PHONE ELMVALE 75m dawn RUGBY Mrs Ray Shaw is in the So icrs Memorial Hospital Orill All wish her specdyrccovery Congratulations to Mr Mrs George Locke nee Mont gomery who were married on Saturday in Orillia FROM lowA William Lcask and daughter Mrs Margaret Dunkerton of Wil terloo Iowa spent several days with Mr and Mrs Keith McLeod and visited relatives in this dis trict Mrs Len Harrington and Lyle spent day in Toronto the first the week Congratulations to Mr and MrsChar1ie Rodgers now of Toronto on the birth of son Oct 29 TEACHERS PARTY teachers held Hallowecri ty On Friday alleraioon for the childrenand mothers when everyone had very enjoyable afternoon There were number offipreschuol children there for the day In the evening the Hornemaking Club had party when number turned out in costume FEDERATTONMEETS The Rugby Group Of the Fed eratlorl of Agriculture will meet On Friday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Don McLeod Jack White of Moonstone will he the guest speaker The V1 will ineet on Wednes day afternoon Nov ll at pm at the home of Mrs Edward Johnson Motto The hardest thing in the garden of liie is dig ging up roots of evil Roll call scripture verse pertaining to agriculture Prograrn Agriculture and CanadianIiidustries Lunch Mrs Keith McLeod MrsDOli McLeod is Ed Johnson Mrs Art Langman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Acrper wordper Inser io for jone aadtwofimes per word or three four or fly times an AOI peryvord or more userflolu additio nl charge if nutpaid within 10 days THE MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT 80 IF COST FOEANY CLASSIFIED PAID 10 DAYS OR 880 IF CHARGED PER SINc GLE iNSERTION Coming Events Der wold minimum charge Birth and DeathNouns and Cards PP in 25 words 5c per Memorial N0 tices $150 ll verse used acfiel word extra rho arrioaxnminor1 will no gwadveWMenu Leigh Would telephono nor or error in copy argue no ochltd tho om gale an gtfi7flh rorhnnrni tilJarfIhrn Emil $35m danammml All WANT Ancopyshoulfl no lnouriofflce ISLE pmslho day hclorh publication Oil flaturday by lico Lu rinoaAitnla Fawan womenme Nov me All iieol snot Classification I7A Property For Sole Grtiydon KOHL am LQTAIE ahom ilf DUNLOPIST EAST PA Hm WE Salli WATCH OUR SOLD SIGNS lo SALES MADE IN IOVDAYS WE NEED MOREV LISTINGS IVENINGS CALL GRAYDON Kalil PA Mull JAYNE JONES PA 9771 ROBERT KING PA Hm JOAN LANGPA 857 l7A1l7u Nili hailsslow DOWN acautilnl room bungalow cloro to downtown with nvlne curing iicdccn in plan and cvcry deull $7350 FULL PRICE side by side uuplcr aiuccoon block ocared in Angua next to Foreaer plant In parklike aur roundlngr Each ride in con tuned with own bathroom cntrnn crs etc For lull inlormallon can PA nasal ONiiY mo DOWN Allncllvc whlta clapboard room bunialaw in Angus ncar Highway WM KELLY REAL ESTA linollul l5 CLAPPitlllON ST PHONE PA dam on iii H734 17A5753 ROSE REAL ESTATE alloxall 73 TilTIN srnear nAnrlll Bedroom Bungalow Down Payment $1 983 60 cornplcicly dcnalalcd Inside and out storm windowr and runs landscaped lot largo our bcdroom book bungalow Ahnped living nod dlnllll room largo kllchon iour plccc tiled bath with vanity Trill rcprcscnts exceptionally good no ACRES WITHIN CITY LIMITS 19 COLLIER smear LIN 0nqulel All nooi so Classification R3 leiAPED RANCH Owner in PA 85934 BUNGAIAIW WITH ATTACHED GARAGE mum nehruhwll and palL Iuol on year old notcrrcd Largo Ilvllu mulralnlnl room bright modern molten nood bedroom tilrd huh wlth reruns lull divided bllemeuL lmma ulaio llama In lovely Br hole SLESSOR REALTOR Ilmlnum normo and artcl colors To inspect can fill scandreil PA nuculling PA FRANK NELLES acres or vacant land located within the city limits in the north end at Barrlc Bay terms CALL DAY 0R EVENING PA 82379 Member Barrie Ontario Canadian and National acaisatato Boards ivAm HENRY DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL US AS OUR LISTING PICTURE CHANGES MONTHLY WRITE PHONE 0R PAY Us VISiT 15 OWEN STREET Brim PHONE PA 85583 Alter honrr phone PADDY MiLrsPA limo aon FLEIVELLiNGPA asm HARRY nilcriiaPA 33551 HENRY ELRlCK AND MICHIEREALTOR lS OWEN STREET BARRIE ONTARIO IM51 New Model Homes ONLY MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN aARaiE oLARCE LANOSCAPED LOT so it 120 coir ORCAS HEATING oOLOSE To ALL SCHOOLS DONT WAIT 0NLY new LEFT PHONE PA 6866 0R APPLY I9I GROVE ST EAST DAY OR EVENING 17A lair Income Property large apart link All Eelmen falnedy Wlth momsfii with rooms Fireplace in 413911 Gan an Air andltloncd DE Very Centrally located All rentgs Salllnl privately ror lniormntl writs Box 12 arrrlo Examiner MOVING honLlama to more your INSURANCE call upon needaxlrjl caverns oi ny irlnd SEE STEVENSONS PA Doro is platoon or VILLAGE 01 This on and ooohail atorcy home hu room baib hulkIn cupboards Percy Ford YA Mast evenings lculy ol water no ANGUS tsoo down HIGHWAY N0 llFAINSWICK Charming bedroom hunulow lelnl room cltcbon bathroomiuu well pretourn lyltlm Itpllc unk alarm Ave extra lots or only M0 wlth l3 haremzht ailcoed hiale and omens Cnmpleta wllh down payment rvcnlnga PA ram For nuthu lulnrmluon all Frank Ncuu PA call one or our Sfllmenvyly or eveninr Shassoa omen PA PA 66696 RITA SCANDREIT PA 54065 PERCY FORD PA 87930 REALTOR heather hurls Ontario Canadian and National Fell Blake Baud CARSON REALTOR 40 MAPLE AVE EARRIE lusr AROUND coliNm raou ROXY THEATRE PA 66481 OPEN mam AngraullsnAY ma PM EVENINGS CALL llUssELL CARSONlice PA oelsl JERRY QUINNRu PA azaso snimi CAhlPllKuaLllel PA 87389 crlAnLir READRH PA 32311 Close to North Collcxlhle GERALD lIALLOrlYRcs PA Him MEIIIEEFI OF DAillllE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD fill871 THE PREFERRED DESIGN FOR59 3Bedroom Homes Queen St With Tiled Bathroom Barrie ONLY $167000 DOWN lAll detached homes All homes fully do Sodded lawns Curated OCity park across the street Corie block from Shopping IThteo blocks from publicschool IFour blockslrom high school ONE NBA MORTGAGE For Inlarmatioli IContact 1E ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION CO LTD aARRlE PA 82327 OAKLEY PARK SUBDIVISION 15 New Homes New Under Construction STORMS GSCREENS SUPPLIED LOTS SODDED ANDGRADED CLOSE TO SHOPPING AND BEDROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT GARAGES BLOCK TO PUBLIC GHlGH SCHOOLS LAaGESTanLDEhS OF EXCLUSIVE TYPE HOMES INSIMCOE COUNTY CONSTRUCT For Information Contact LEECH 4i CROle ADMSS amp Woo 422m aDtacolnced mAereed Isuperflum aanlonn 83mm Kodak Aulsflvan EOglea 14 Roman 17 Neal rma magistrate umyxor iaAoall hummer rochelp 195mm 163141135 mnple about 201mm IBPnngent vegetable 19 Formed Stonewall 203mned Sheet Arab 233mm EX Acammlaha Cdnkled sees an 12 Return dog homemade 32Removea Manuels assetlions We ailing coronary momma 436mm oraoap 423mm dime Movable terriers hillzilli nmmm allIda Ill phhdaulllhh flfiflflllllfififln Eflflllléfififlfi HIIII laM EEE EEE 1m 35 Habit 381me English river Allarea Canaan rfillll anglesI ggdaulllddd duanuluauin allundaa IVAIlla lMllwltr ION 182670 renamed fMOBILEHOAi hilchcn and uvinr Pom mus Box it math4 EMAVlflgifi WOMENS 17A Property For Sale HAROLD EORSTER $3 EAYFIELD STREET BARRIE PHONE PA 66453 ANYTIMEI INIIA RESALE Living room with lorgo bright kitchon hour oms piece baihroomNlocly landscaped slorrnn Ind screens Imin cuioro lnslda and our For qulck role only sluoo with small down payment iialanco on cno NiiA moflllur Call Karl Marshall EXCEPTIONAL BUY WELLINGTON STREET EAST liils lovoly brlck bungalow lr only one ycar old Hu largo llvllu room very modern kitchen bodmoms and piece tintn inr nnisncd rccrcatlonrnoln wlth builtin Storms and moons cry nrnall down payment required No ry requirements immacuirrs condi tion Dont delay lhla homo will not last Cali Karl MInhlll now EVENiNCs CALI icAiu olAltsllALiPA hWfl aun MARTIN51110 lord PEG MOREPA 37179 HAROLD FORSIERPA 65 Member Barrio and nirtrlctneal mate Boardl ROGERS RgWEON PHONE PA 85568 ANYTIMEIJ 4BEDROOM HOME $500 DOWN BALANCE LATan it you are tcmporarUy short down payment capital but can manage nonmonthly payments We have gooAAcoollortahle oil heated homo on Blyllcld street which you can buy On this Agreement or sale baair House Is in excellent condition throughout now vncunt undirnmcdialu possessionmny ho had Phono PA 1155 to inspect 12ltRO0M DUPLEX$11500 Only your oldz modern completely selfcontained apartments with separate entrances and drivcwnys lust south or honlo on Highway ii For lull panlculnfi phone PA assoc 57 LETITIA SIREETSMMO SUNNIDALE AREA Beautlml Lrhopod 3bedroom brick bungalow on lovely All Real Estate Classifications IVAlat NEIL corncr location ilns llvlngdlnlng combina ion with fireplace nivlriooharcmcnl with playroom and laundry roo lon 5557 mg icxos Only yearn old audio excellent condi NllAhpprovcd mortgage carries tor $12 per month includ NELS NSTRABANE AREA RESALE $10500 Six year old cdroam bungalow with slzabla living room Dlvlded basement with pi ycxoOmaiid laundry room vnry attractiv corner location Pullylcnced garden with lovely shrubs and trees You anvo on this iowmoerstgagc interest rotaonly 5W7 51 per month covers principal inter and taxes NEW HOMES CENTRAL LOCATION DOWN PAYMENTS $1400 To $2000 313700 tor SPLITLEVEL style in mm brlclk Ccramlc tllo bathroom large kltchen with exhaust fan Divided basement with recreation room Montiin Imyoiento $97 including toxcs slzsnox or Lshhped 3bedroom brick bungalow with the same high duality location and amenities no axes Toesopriccs include painilng and decorating Inslde and outside sod dina and landscaping as above Carries lor 394 month lnclud annDiNd LOTS $2800 Olaf OE 07m WW EVENINGS GAIL Inns in MOOREPAlxrsllW FOSTERPA com racersnit oasnz CONNmLPABD165 MEMBERS BAiiitiEsr niéralca ESTATE BOARD Hallot ITFarms for Sale in ACRESall workable on High way 21 one mile est Waver leyl=nir huudings plenty or wa ter Spluzeonflirown Elmvale lIEoosa nilLy rcrvicod in Barrio NOrrrian lSheIsWéII REAL ETATE Baum Dunlap Succt East PA 89961 or 68142 EVENINCI Ioa Longtin PA ill Everett Shelswell 0m 1919 LEx Cordon PA 565 Howard Norris PA 11545 Norman Shelswell PA to El 17AOirr l7CMoblle Homes aororo buying your new ilobiio Home or Travel Trailer he run to sea tho millino on display or RUSSELL CHURCH l7J Aprs Houses gt For Rent MODERN APARTMENTS OFFICESPACE Downtownls éloppprtoo Street Rensqhdhlarrenta PA 82253 on PM as HOUSES AND APARTMENTS USE Dim RENTAD SERViCES WM KELLY aAr ESTATE BRUNEI 15CLAIPEETQN ST vPHONE PA SALESILTD Burton Ave Ne 11 Highway Phone PA 89366 ivoizm FORSALE DRVRENT 18 It HII1 souippcdtraiior sleeps in good condition Ap ly lei Saskatchewan Blvd Camp 1705158 onion 17D Property Wanted ED To RENT Garage lit Ihevlclillty or Rodney st Em one PA 39710 and aakAol en Ph Mr White impish ll OM Bungalow all Convenl enrol oil furnace full basement Avnllable Nov 550 monthly Ills eludes ydro Holrnwn between Alllston and Clnlp Bar co thm HE Maia l1J5HIJ erton st hone PA l7J576a Tunisia and oil ll phone PA 1114s REVForms Sale aaanaii orrnn rorpuicbnrn og loo acre heinllnuth haul2t gt Can IOvhuhlp or chulnlcth sMALl Cattg near Tottenham will be received hcat ui wnua agchl Charleaihlclntosh ii PrincaAlhert Saskatc iiOOlvl Housefll Cla Agatashim immcdlatcly optionl Orninl Gouge Phone ammonia Scot lst ii Errata l7J Apts Houses For Rent BIDROOM Upper nuplu Reh nmable Anlhhll lmmcdlatcl Phone PA was Alflil i335 iii lug limo ll on we film BEDROOM artmeot in Allis ion Rot inter and Phone in om Alllilno msodl IIOOMID flour modern conven icnccs Elm and Nahum sis in Ann Phone PA Hm ridsun ahANn th7 room home ou helunl pl 91 iron so last or no In Ml iii4m Ioolll uir contLord hnum with bath mo upsuln apartment with print oath in Gavan sr PA Vim5H BEDROOM Apnrtuient complete dell contained Prll Ind Have 117 ll ROOM lumlshzl apntmcnt heat llghla and wattr auppllcd 57s month One child we ome Phon PA 706 1715751 erClan bede apartment healed central Avail Nov l5 Adulu only Phone 65654 15159 noonlsn unluinlahed apati mchl aou nonlnlncd cenlnlly lon utcd analo entrance Phone PA 441 455 ULTRA MODERN Spaclooa ii and room apartmanla private halconlcs Peel and hose sis PA 34363 l7J555 Avarcllaut lmmcdlately Apart ment roonu rnd bath Prlvato oneulno centralrnopplng iron nova intism anzo Rooms lchtcd hydro prlvaro bath close to bus and atom Adulth Phone PA aml 15560 ROOM Hono and largo slough room heavy wired coal hcatco Very cenlnl Apply Box 39 Bar rle Examiner 15159 itooliiltn Hulld Apartment ccn tth Adults orderrod ilent 55 monthly Plume PA 84744 iNsloi ROOM bedroom apartment picco separate both new homo children afctpknd Avniioblc imrno diatcly Phono PA 31256 l7J55 ROOM Apmmcnt rcll contained loprah onlroncc newly decorated Available immediately 555 inuotliiyl Phone PA 719 1114661 BEDROOM sclr contained hcatcd apartnient garage Locatco tn Al Inndale Rent $75 monthly Photo PA 87543 lJacsa LAnOa modern heated room apartmnnt on bus route Laundry no then immodirto possnrsion Phono igtA ammo ivyseal noonl heated and tumlslicd apartment Use or warning machs inc Oil atmt parking Apply 55 Owen st llssoi noonl Apartment and balcony unfurnished Reh rcasnnnhlo Hot water Very ccnlraL Phone PA in Ari6541 ilOOMs prounri floor uhlumlsll no apartmcnr oomplclciy sou non taincd heated Avoilablo lmmodb only Phono PA 89223 msosl aoOnlED unlumlshcd litaim apartment to root immediately Central location Phono PA H743 17J5655 bed room apartment roi rent mom to schools and mapping Phono PA acorn I7JIBJIIWFIF noon Arumlent oil hcotcd own onlronce aundry room central Close to stores andbils stop Rear sociable Phone PA M541 l7J5459 ROOMS rurnlahcd hcotcd hot and cold water and ma suitable tor couple no children Phone PA Houdnytlmcx PA D7396 evenings 1715253 MODERN rclr contained room opanmonr with piece bolll East end Ono block to puhllc school Aviillahle Dec PA azaes 1715557 AND IIBDROOM Apartments min $75 to slim Most modern new rig and stove janitor scr vico laundry includes Centrally located PA 55400 l7J5565 Oil HEATED 41 bedroom home in Sueena Park area Completely ro ocoratcd Available now would Phono PA rotor oneyear l7J56151 icnrc 2529 rtoolvl House lull basement got hge bath May sublet upsiolrs If desired Children welcome In Al landnie on bus route Apply 1M Cumberland st ll55sll ROOM Bungalow heated Close to Oakley Park and BDNC lchools Civluanr only Rent $35 monthly Phone PA Hess altcr pm 1715667 SELF CONTAINED unrurnlshod healed apartment rooms and both basement garagc Central Heavy wiringnsw pet month Phone PA 66187 l7J55gt madcrii Centrally located Full basement laundry tubs Elruge Avallabla Dec 15 Phone Water PA 84077 1715759 ROOM sell Cnntaincd duplex one year Old prlvale bath entrances yard immediate possessIOll Low rental for responsible party Call PA 5395 or 11 55705 1715153 GROUND Floor furnished apart ment living room kitchenette bedroom and bathroom newly delt curated Phoho PA ilzlcs or PA Mall l7151sz SELF CONTAINED Apnrtrncntcon stating or living room kitchen bedrooms and bnthroom stove and BEDROOM Eunralow trig supplied $30 monthly Phone PAVE2465 or Phlwiill 17157 UPPEnanPLFxrd rooms on hol cony spacious aria contained oil heated Control ni district Adults Nonsmounra netercncca please Phono PA 344553 int5759 WELL FURNISHED Apartment heated Suitable for armycouple Clean and cchlral Apply 140 Don lop st East Adults only Phone PA halos 17J4759 FREEOne months rent bellman modern apartment new stove and 1113 automatic Washer and dryer Reason lor Xenllnz lehvlnl Olly Phone PA 36100 after Dim 15551 SELF CONTAsz Aplrtmcnt rooms and built heoicd private entrance parking exooliont loca tlorn $10 monthly Phone PA Mail or apply Fishers Barber shop 67 Dunlap st West rididol ONE Inoooian basement is art menthhudvtwo 4ltroomed um lshed sci contained apartments aniy decorated centrally iocatcd Noiobieclion to coil Abstalncrs Heated hoorononin rn Phono PA wood or PA nsiuo muss nUtch HOUSE on the Corner of mill and Edward sts Crcemura with separate nniranocs rooms rich eletltrlc and running water 45 and us month Available Im mcdlnzoly one ioow Croninora hororc urialtel 33111 to Nov 23 wonHid room ananmon ii necessarily clun and well booted Phone PA 55653 cans ALLom Try axoinionr Want Ad Automotive lACors for Sale HAROLD JORY MOTORS minim narrow nouns Keplln to An llaim our and mu Towing Scivim 73 BAYFIILD 31 Mflm PA Miss MM Fail moo HAVE YOUR CAR COMPLEij IuPAmlED Body Work mu Tonlnl ml uAttr GARAGE lAltatl Vlad Motors New and Used Economical Cars itAnlaLEit and alumni DEALER 11 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 OPEN TILL PM WM FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN NEW on USED CAR OR ANY TYPE OF NEW OE USED tFARM EQU PMENT Contact Brockwell MOiors STAYNER DODGE Dostr0 AND Aiiis CllAuiaas DEALER PHONE STAYNER 102 luilvlw Midtown MOST HELIABLE DEALER Used Cars 1955 1953 1950 1951 lass my 1954 1252 1953 i952 Cndlllac oz Series Sedan lictcnr Niagara Club Coupe Plymouuid door Scdon Chev door Ford Customlino Club coup Plymouth Savoy Senn nodgo oiayrnir Sedan Chcv Belairo hardtop Pontiac Model 2069 Sedan Oldsmuhllu Sedan Autumn ym botter 1952 Chrysler Windsor No Down PAYMENT oPPoslrE VEW LCBLAWs is BAYFIELU STREET PAB1351 lair cusv Sedan Paint Al all around Private Fhono PA was harem acst oircr Phone PA agoIa evcnr mgr iAsua isle Cilav Sedan hilly equipped in rplcndld condition XIV Isa 516lgt Maple Ave 1555 FOR DoorL radio snow mllcaEP menuant buy tires at $675 ash PA 84676 lA57or 1951 DUICK Special Sudan automa tic transmission and radio Call Mr Williams PA 35901 after pm cau PA 53343 iA51sa 1954 BUICK Sedan also 1955Nash Rambler station Wagon Custom lino Both in oxccllont ndltloii Phone PA 59153 lAsoal 1951 CHEVROLET automatic tsvo toned chOIICnt condition Winter Ized $l685 Or best ortcr Would consider trade mane PA assoc IA5759 iBCars Wanted CASHFDByOul car Llan paid on We trado up down Ai lnndale Motors 2i Essa Road Bar rlo PA aaazl iiiTIMER Boats and Motors 13 PLYWODD Canoe excnlinnc condition PA ocean 257 on CYCLE 25 UP Electric Motor 720 volts phase with all con trols for me Phillie Klngsdnlo $7355 or rito Gerald Dubcau Perkinsaeld 0nt 25osa adlo new wk Business services gt FOBERTS GAS AND APPLIANCES Dlstrlbuwn or PYRDFAX GAS stoves Water aeavcri Divarl macros PA 04782 29 Psnrtang street aarrio oui STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVIA 83 Clapperton St EMWF 13 PLUMBING CITYOR COUNTRY zoii aLAxE STREET One door wcst amna Shell Servch Statlon Itno answer phone PA moan rsm hi BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING 157 REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN acouurui lamplel am emcpr Nowia tho Limo to recover your Chesterfield chairs on tiara than an youruoorlonco PHONE PA 87433 BARBIE Low overheadreelzlnlh In Ulcer Dulkcr tics in Duekvior Sm our to aradiord at aurta PHONE PAJASGL PHONE PA 66061 AFTER pn1

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