Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1959, p. 5

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TORONTO CPi Concerted eliorts will be ynade to bring back top Canadian scholars now scurrying posts in the United Statsxays Dr Claude Bissell llgivcrslty of Toronto annual report to the Board governors released Monday night Dr Bissell said appointment aod retention of aToronto an intellectual eommw good skills the mustimportant waylo maintain life utiivemitys of 1s minim will re main constant at 23000 because indefinite expansion would make mockery oh carefully prepared plans and turn the university into demographic converti ence tWe have in the University 11 oily that couldnever counten ance such development he standards in tbehcenl expand san ing enrolment The university is in the middle $52000000 liveyoar éxpnn sion program to develop new west campus for an expected en rolment 23000 students in 1965 CRISIS PDiNI Calling Metropolitan Toronto the real crisis point in Can adas expanding university en rolment he said the drea will contain 46000 of Ontarios esti Mll51 Elqu HARVARD PAY To bring good scholars hack frofirthe 05 salaries must re main on par with such univer Xsities as Yale Yarvard toh Chicago and California or III is with these uni crsltics that our competition lies Further measures approved by the board of governors to attract new staff include financial assisb nnccto cover moving costs and WORLD news IN BRIEF GRDDM PULLS OUT OFFENBACH Germany lteul ers civil marriage rerelt many in this South German town ended bruptly Monday when the registrar asked the 41 year old bridegroom whether he wished to take the ZIyeabold bride for his wife The groom answered No not today asked for his docult ments took the bouquet the dis appointed bride gave back to him and hurried from the room FLEES UNDER FIRE SALONIKA GMCB Reuters 20 year old Bulgarian chose freedom by crashing through the GreekBulgarian bor der on farm tractor under fire from Bulgarian frontier guards Mikhail Rades who worked on state farm near theGreek bor der said he was not Commu nist party member and could no longer live in Bulgaria 100000 ANIMAISKILLED PEKING Reuters Hunters and militiamen in Hupeh prov ince Central China have killed more than 200 tigers leopards wolves and hears since last spring in campaign to protect crops from maurauding bears More than 18000 persons organlt ized into about 2500 groups scoured mountains add caves us ing guns traps and sometimes poison and explosives and wiped out over 100000 animals the Peking Evening Newssnys Nil it STUNG TO DEATH KUALA LUMPUR Malaya Reuters $0 year old Chinese woman was slang on death and five children worn seriously hurt after they dis turbed hornets nest while gathering firewood near here HAVE COAL SURPLUS LONDON Reuters Albert Coppe vicepresident of the high authority of the European Coal and Steel Community said today Europe is swimming in coal total of 360w tons were lY lug undisturbed at mineheada plans to cut production and close down marginal mines had been agreed to rum ammo DEN NEW YORK APA favorite lunchhour hangout of Wall Street employees who like to play the horses was raided Monday by PD lice plahdothm slipped into linemostly Employees of htancinl houses carefully scruti nizing scratch sheets before plnclt ing their beLsduring the noon hours in the basement of cafe terin BEDOUINS TO RETURN JERUSALEM Reuters Is rael and Jordan Monday agreed on the return to lsrael of about 300 Bedouin trlbesmen who crossed from lsraeli territory in the Negev Desert to Jordan in September An lsraeli frontier ministry spokesmanaald the de clsl had been reached at mee of the Jordan lsrael mixed armistice commission SUB TO VISIT ARCTIC WASHINGTON AP The United States Navy will send the atomicpowered submarine Sarge into the Arctic Ocean flarly next year to continue underice polar explorations pioneered the nuclear submarines Nautilus and Skate The 2310ton Sargn willha accompanied through the hem and Chukehi Seas by an ice hieaker UPSET OVER TRANSFER BlLOXl Miss APlThe Wife of an air force sergeant de scribed as upset over her blue bands impending overseas as signment shot and killed two of her three children Monday night Police said they booked Mrs Harry Blue for investigation of murder ihe victims weron Norman and Gwendolyn Earl Prove Gas Surplus OllAWA CF Eleohlaityl nahrral gas must he proved surplus to Canadian require ments before it can be exported to the United States Thisis key requirement in export licence regulations listed Mondm7 by the government asrit brought the National Energy Board into force Regulations also arevlaid down for import of natural gas Proclamation of the not passed at Parliaments last ion givesformal status to the Na tional Energy Board headed by Ian MeKimiou 52 The regulations give the cab inet veto powerrequiring cab inet approval before any licence granted by the board becomes effective gt ONLY RULE PIPELINES Export of propane or butane gas by any means other than pipeline is exempt from the licensing requirements Before us sore Applicants for gas airport pen mils must provide among other things de if information about amounts to beexportgd sources physical arrangements including pipe lines design and capacity costs and provincial authorization Applicants for powar exports must produce similar data and also give evidence that their is just and reasonable in relation to the public interest having regard to number of factors These factors include quanfilt ties proposed for export in rela tiooto quantifies to hemarketed in Canada the proposed use and the pri theapplicant charges in Canada No validity period is laid down for licences except that none may bellonger than 25 years or if the applicant holdsa provincial licence to move gas or power out of province longerl than the term of the provincial licence throughout the community and wrohasu ol new heme new group insurance provisions gtapd an increau in travel lunds to at tend learned society meetings Drllissell raid the univelflly had already had romefsuccess in attracting new staff from no us and we intend to pursue tilt policy with Web nowann arrch Trafalgar Square Is Same To Green LONDONJCPY Howard East Green looked out over Trafalgar Square today and saldtheplaeo hasnt changed lnuch since he was young man Canadas external affairs min ister here on his first vls since 1919 stood at window in Cans ada House and watched the loan tnins play under the shadow oi Nelsons Column It lookspretty muchthe same to me Forty years ago as staff captain in the Canadian Army Green was inLondon awaiting demobilization SAW PARIS THIS TIME Green said he is greatly im pressed any outsider would be by London and by Paris which he saw for the first time last week He was stationed in north on France during the 191410 war but did not get to Paris than was received with the ut most frlendllness in both coun tries He had been impressed by his half hour talk in Paris with French president de Guulle lie heda very good talk Monday on world problems with Foreignvgecrctary Selwyn Lloyd est relations dominated the 65minute conversation TORONTO CHCanada has realized the dream at national unity under the leadership at Prime Mioislzr Dieleobag Aa gocisie Defence Minister vigny said Mondaypnlfmv He said there are 16 ditierent nationalitim reprsmted among Conservative MP8 united or the mainline in the best interests of Canada Mr Sevigny AddreSsed meet ing of the Young Progressive Conservative Associhtiyn oi 0n tarlo He also said it was only year ago thatJhe Liberals said we were leading the country to starvation and ruin Today we are enjoying pros peritynsnevcr before we see scoring nationaLec horny ratioot employment un paralleled in peace time and the fame of Canada reading throughout the worl The political trend across the country was to the Conserve tivcs mosr SPEAKS Premier Frost said the Young PCs must furnish the strength ideas and leadership of the party in the years to come Mr Frost told the delegates to become acquainted with the thinking of people on the grass roots level On the streets and coacessionllna are where you get the desires of thepeople He said party policy is evolved from these desires The young PCs approved resolution calling for relaxa tion of liquor lows in Optario Among other things the resolu tion snid hotels shouldbc able to sell liquor to guests lntheir rooms and advertising of alco holic beverages should be al lowed Faucets llsk Ban 0n LossLeaders TORONTO CPThe Ontario Federation of Agriculture de cldcd Monday to ask the provin cial government fo legislation barring the use by retailers of agricultural products as less leaders Loss leader products are sold by retailers at less than cost to attract customers to buy other goods Delegates also agreed that the federation approach all other or ganizations interested in uni form daylight time to organize joint appeal rto the provincial government to lead the way in maintaining uniform time inthat section of the province in the eastern time zone New Political Party Toilleceive Full Support10iCIC Iodoin OTTAWA CPlClaude Jodoln president of the Canadian Lahor Congress says the move ior new left of centre Canadian political party has the un reserved support of the CLO Mr Jodoinwas asked by The Canadian Press to comment on statement at Niagara Falls Sun day by CM secretary Donald MacDonald that CP story dis torted= and misrepresented statement by Mr Jodoin to CLCCCF new party seminar at Winnipeg last August The Winnipeg story said that Mr Jodoin splashed cold water on close CLO tie up with the new party by say ing that the CLO itself should not affiliate with political party Mr Jodoin said Monday that he was not misquoted in the Cl story buttbat misplaced em phasis conveyed an erroueous impression of his meaning It had long been known that the lVlondaysllueSdayWednesday lECOMEDYRfllNGE WITH TE interior YOUTHl MILEmm mm Mm Hllt turmo evening Performnneel no rem Matinee Wednesday Saturday 230 Aug 73 cwdid not plan to alliliate as body with the new party al though it su portedtha idea and hoped its iliatcd unions would join up This was not splashing cold water but simply affirming position reached by CLC convention and stated in ref encemanualiasued as do to study groups considering the new party across 10 superhum He referred to subsequent statement to the Winnipeg meet ing that his remarks had been in nstakc came out Monday decline lust little bitsorry for himself wGeorge disappeared celebrationbender with his old skld tutu pals when he learned of his lg win lastVednesdny And lnr paying for it now muttered the former logger holding his head andlookirul at the pilm of empty beer and fill bottles stacked in the kitchen of friend room in thelnrllding where he lives We had my fun and Ive got to sober up he said its too much$140000 Whats an old mnn ikc me going todo wth all that Id have been much hap pierwitb only about $12000 Then hegrinned You We already gone through couple of hun dred got an advance=on my ticket from frie George shakin lit crum No Change in Plan Re CS Pay Fleming OTTAWA CF Despitc Progressive Conservative Com mons members hint tothe con trary Finance Minister Fleming said Monday there has been no change in thegovermmen stand on refusing civil service pay increase lt lhcre has been no change in the governments position since Octplz Mr Flemingtold re porters on that date the finance mine isber had met with civil serv ants representatives and turned down their bid for acrossthe board pay raises saying the li dgetcoulddt stand them ormnn Spencer Conservative member for Essex West hinted Sunday at Windsor meeting that the government might re consider its position alglyouioIl terpreted in thepress as at least partial reversal of the CDC positionu The WinnipegI statement can hnue This interpretation is utterly false theCougress and as its president helievd that the need foranew party is greater today than it we even Year and half ago runner orncr starring TERRYTHOMAS FETER SELLERS LucIANA PAOLUZZI can ROWNES GLOSSRY 0F DlPtOMATiC TERMS rrnNmomL an wso sy RANKFlmgglsszmtsmh russoav from heatrobbing remo ed is bat to stroke hlsbaldhead The moneys not going to alto aayditfereuee to me lived alone and kept to myselllallmy life lm too old to change now What do want to move tram hen for he asked re farting to the room with the outdoor tulet haircuts for to month In ding rooming house or quite happy glhe tall stnapingchoiaman said hell probably put about $5000 the moncy in the bank imdfglrelhe rest away to friends whove helped me when things have tough Gcorge started his giveaway program Saturday by taking his old lriend gtVic Fulriield to get filled or new suit We wenttq the best taller in town boomed Vic iGaorge said to me fgetVenythingydu won The two elderly men were fitted with155 suits Then they went back to skid road to con tinue the celebration in Ont To consider Crop Insurance Geofge was Wind drinks for everyone saldJiic Wo tourcdall the old plaoeaand sat rlaht in the middle dthe roomsso his friends would see us when they came in He even gave oooguy $10 to buy packet at blunts Hee alpeady started paying alfhis triads and he hasnt even got the money yet no not paylogmtf debtsGeorge ocsnt owe penny to any onehes paying them oflior htclplng him when he needed George has already been swamped with mail from banks investment houses and people 85 01 monev One letter was from 81 year old Kelowna women who said she owns her own home and if hes inter ested shell send her phtw graph lm not interested in any women said George Ive never been married because Ive neve been ln love and Im too old to start now In Next Year Goodlellow Says TORONTO CPlThe Ontario government is considering the introduction of crop insurance within the next year provincial Agriculture MinisterVGoodfellow said Monday lle tbld the Ontario Federation of Agriculture convention the time has come when the govern meal will have to take lookat some form of crop lnsuranc We ill proceed with it it the comm ty gonna to becovcrcd fuvor the idea gt Mr Goodfellow said the out jcct is under studylhe govern ment would be pleased if the federation handled administraA tion of such program he said Thisyear has been bad one for Ontario furthers Nearly halt the wh crop was lost through bad weather and there was con slderabledamnge to tobacco and strawberry crops Mr Goodfeiiow also said the present method of swing hogs in Ontario is not in the longterm in eat of orderly marketing he present program robst un rgo some modifications in selling techniques but thermost important development will be the adoption policy that breeds confidence and trust These are essential to any mar keting plonl The hog producers organiza tion now sells hogs through its assembly yards throughout 0n tario setting an asking price then calling for bids from pack ing houses NEW FORMULA E550 FURNACE OIL lopquality cleanbuming fueliiree depositsmode to rigid standards of uniformity and purity WEATHER CONTRoeLED DELIVERY vuulomctic srrté level of owl And of course lm service goes with specially engin needs of your ho wtheres an E550 HEATING EQUIPMENT red to eve ensure all irmes courteous so Burnei or 550 Fumes the particular lc giv you the most efficient heutingEsso Burners and Furnace are fully guaranteed by imperial on NMARAFMOaLicPl leoernkurDaley rormdefapplmsefromelentm nmmunoasemnmatrm will lslabi the recomm report last year by select committee on labor legirla tion have given him considerable concern Some amendmeula Ontarios Labor mum are expected to be introduoed at the next session ml the legislm Mr Daley laid more satis factory stale can be achieved by minimum 01 interference by the legislature in lodustrlrllrela tions consenvmve man he mu lamoftheoplnientha mean overlethlata omelv yes lhe select committees report recommended appeals to the courts from Labor Board ded slons outlawing of strikes and pleketlng la jilrlsdlctlonal dim pales filingnf audited financial reportsby Imrons broad powers by the governmmf taintenens in major industrialdirputes and prohibition of union from table strike votes until theyvbave ax hausted all phasesef ooneiliatieo proceedings lot scald In Tub Dies Prom Bums sunnunv cmanemia old boy died here after being maided Saturday in bath at his home in Elllotlake 100 miles west of here Kim Robigaard son of Stanrock minor is believed to hemmed on the hot watai tap while playing in the bathtub He suffered thirddegree buror over monothiohow IPM Ern maturanmcaeifiuent or your automatic eqmp techie phone yourlocal mpgdal all Sales Office mentcdn be arranged of rdusnnuble cost by imperial for your earnonions Qyolitled radius asses

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