on provixic disabled shelllof log room tab desk With motion chain or events that speeds through to finalltywiththe printed word rolling off mumionrpressuiirom the birth of an idea for news story or newspaper advertisement to publication there are many hands and manymlnds working in unisoncndwith speed to have complew newspaper ready Yordis tributlon The newspaper is boran plant but it still has to live its life of usefulness It must get out iiithe building and into the hands of readers Distribution isen trusted to the circulation depamnent andxit is at this level thatanother im portant organisation goes to work We refer to the newspaper carrier boys and girls How many newspaper readers properly appreciate the service given by these little independent merchants For most boys this is their first contact with the business world Through the sale of their newspapers they learn how tormeet peo ple and transact buslriessRespcnslbility service and dutyare three characterists in his hand setsin they practise each day they out it their route to deliver newspaperstcthe homes of their pustoinarp This is train ingground where success depends invin dividual effort and initiative The impo ance oftheirwcrk in brought home to them by thecomplslnt of subscriber who has been inadvertently missed or is annoyed bylatc deuvery Justified crit icism is undifferent than he will encoun ter invhis career inlete years He learns through hia business people that people are world of grownups cast in adult relatives These are Just some of thercasons that leaders in all walks of life who aerv ed asnewspaper carrier boys recommend totheir sons that they also seek to ohmic newspaper route The newspaper car rler boy of today is in everysense jun ior edition of the independent business man who leans heavily on selfreliance to make success of his business thede of association with diViduals and not Puhlication of newspaperstands apart as vocation in which creative ef fort is used in volume In its distribution the daily newspaper stands alone in the opportunity itoflers to boysto get early training in business To the newspaper carrier boys who accept the challenge there is run credit for the fine job they do in carrying out their obligations Courde Needed To Say No Like resounding crash of thunder on clear day came in closesuccession two momentous utterances from Finance Minister Donald MFleming The Gait Reporter comments The first utterance was blunt NoLT at least forthe present and immediate futureto theperslstentagltation of the federal civil service for pay increases The second was an equally blunt No to the demands of the provincial prem iers for readjustment of the current fed eral tax sharing payments prior to the expiration ofthe existingagreements in 1962 The refusal of the civil service request was llased on the thatgrantlng it would Gain on el addition $242 000000 to iiederal budget which al ready invol substantial deficit spend ing The election of the request fromthe iskbased on the same fact that the governmentisalready in the red and use cue NewspapersQ Fort Erie LetterReview at people lose vllieir efficiency and arhilrarily retired upon reaching certain ixed age has been neatly 7exploded by recent decision pf Appellate Cnurlof1ndiana which has ruled that professional men and wo men are known to beat their best upon reaching the ageroi 10 The cpurt ghily notes that the Common Law has never hel thst person becoming 70 sud denly liBi statusinbeing man and became iomervself Webb oiserved their their home 200 family gathering They were ig ay Pointby Rev The livmg room was decorated th mums of yellow andrulst and ontbe basket of eep pink roses The Tow 000130 3d decided that Simone Hall formerlyused asa sanitarium should become an apartment house through an offer by Mrs AB tiliey accepted She was 10 make centre which necessary 118 ta nominal sum andvsiie awed to the turn backï¬tiieproperty with improvements atthe end of one ye to the town oragree purchase the property for the is assure on mnntnf llln an rimrun Widener lea awful hurry does not propose to go farther in that direction In factthe federal government hasno thing to divide with the provinces ex cept deficits Bo inn and outspoken stand by the federal finance ministe called for courJ age It isalso refreshing to Canadian taxpayers who have been wondering where and how the vogue of deficit spending of nonexistent tax money going to end If Canada was not togo from bad to worse financially and economically lt was time tocall halt to the lavish spending of nonexistent tav money naming realizeetinls and in shape mg his polices accordingly His action may be resented and crit Iicized by elements in Canada who nurse theldea that spring goes on forever 2W1 no day of reckoning The day of reckoningwas inevitable and now it has come BiGClTYTRAFFlCï¬ Saint John TelegraphJournal It costs the City of New York$750000 year to tell its own 5000000 inhabitants and millions of Visitors how fast they may travel when and where they may park stop stand and turn To do this 125 employees are required to plies and service the 270000 directionsigns on city streets Since thataverages out to is signs per mile stranger has to be fast reader in order to keep out of traffic court For traffic conditions intlie American metropolis do not pmnit time for and ly route directions from trafï¬c cops first two months no charg that she might decide if it be leasibie improceed wrtbtbe purchase and then would pay $25 mon thly for the balanceof the year uiltil the final purchaseme made calms shededded to turn iiielproperty back to the town The Royal Victoria Hospital made change their ï¬scal year which will use on Dec 31 instead afSeptember In lherncantimeibe officers headed by President Frank Hammond can on The pailenlx total as 1379 gain of 103 The biriiis increased to Mrs Coors suggestédthat for the It is pessibleforpeopie toliave af Jection 401 machines says psycholo gls Yes An example of this is shown in the following advertisementx placed bya farme Wantedto matrywoman who wns tractor SERIES or 311th Physicq By DAVE KEYED Dir PE Supervisor of Physical Education lo Barrle PS Board run of Series it may be worthwhile to look more chiefly at lhe DOSVWXK physical education system in the UK for being British it is to wards England we should look as dong as Old Country has something worthwhile to of feran in physical education sbo ce has Since the 103045 war the fac torlpwhicb have been main ly responsible for the changes physical education the 11K couldquiie well tated as these lhedevelopmeut nfclimbiiig and scrambling apparatus for infants and junior childrenpro udng tremendous changes in ur approach to gymnasticsdor youngpeople The use of this apparatus was ï¬rst developed in Bristol Somerset where com mando etc and apparatus from army assault courses were adap ed fdr use These ideas encour aged mpny similar experiments in varion parts of the country eg Stfuibarnpion Exeter Eslt sex lhe Ilse ofibis climbinghau one lack ofvwrist arrn an shoulder strength Work in meulary solionlpbysical educa on We have only to look at our 0WD Veakness All the hockey piayiug and skating in the world wont make Smog aims and broad shoul ieoakley Park Square Bairle Oct 20 1959 To The Editor The following pointsrwere rais ed during the discuss which led to ilie molion gt gram is presentlyin at the schf The lad of sidewalk on Street between Davidson and Newton streets is the childre walking great pity mm cant just shawlyour pockebful aforeth cardsto an autom bile ealer si slip and drive Maybe play somewhere in an and it could be out ice magazine Attic Ylhesum of atoni incent streets are transcribe roadway bacause of sidewalks children to see that effect Eduction This Is Your Heritage dare There is room fura lot this iypeobwcrkln our blic Schools and ii is the intent of the Writer in see that this de ficiency is provided for AREYOU SAFE ï¬r speaking about this appar alas am frequently told Oh yes we tried all this years ago till one boy broke his arm Never agaimf gt This is ridiculou People brcnk arms and legs just walk ing offribe curb into the street have seen three different chil lren all hit the swings in Barrie park in one afternoon And the physical benefit of swings is practically all ml Research has shown that children lend to work within their own capabilities They will not do things that their judg ment tells them is beyond their ability Growing children develop good physcial judgment belore they develop good mental judginan Liliere willalways be the odd boyrcir girl who willslip and fall but to condemn apparatus nthe slrenglh of one or two isolatedsaccidenta shows lack of understanding The apparaius can hurt no ne inanimate The ques tion 5511 the performer safe And or she und thesupér of the teacher at school undoubtedly iSsaIe came AND more The sedond factor in fluencing physical edumtion in the UK is the incl that women teachers of physical education dinlag the war period began to it is unusual for North Collegiate students vvho drive mo of vehicles toda 72b adult glNortlr Coll atesilldentsgt are inclined walk in little time to start were most the th side of Grove The early provision side walks on both sides of the zshfeets in the area Appointing policeman on each ay belwe oftlie so am 34m 30 an are takcnsoon mogldeutdsprcbahle lth fh approach moms soil movement Mary unmanned sonnet em anti ihil committee is evidently Various social totalled 01900 000 Thus moiiey magmas waited in old age pension Lhonlu veierans ems noun lcym ent benefits dkliinllnr 19 per cent of tho taxpayern crimsnnu nah is good Biblical tradition that everyone who den afford it should give 10 percent of his in come in charity But since the advent of theme state the government nicks our income and nicks our spending so that everyi one including the father who can lll afford it must about 10 per cent ofhis earnings to be paid out in state charity needy and sick that experience LCenirnl vEuropcan dancing or as it is now called modern dance or creative dance Modern dance was in reduced into England by Ell doif vnd Laban When sdmessfully taught dance in schools was invigorated by thisl new approach but did not demand initially the specific techniques of suds forms of dance as ballet and national dance In the course of time modern dance developed its own tech niques and they were allied to vocabulary capable of describing all movement not only in the field of dance and in drama The basic principle behind this methodof leaching is ibatin stead of teaching set skills to classes of children who have varied abilities we should en courage ibeindividual to select movements from within frame work established by the teacher child given craynnor pencil will scribble and express himself in patterns and squig gles be will experiment with shapes and with guidance will build up vocabulary of signs onlpaper or blackboard vocabulary is the alpha bet with which be later express eshimself in words So with movement One builds lipa vo cabulary of movements and through it the children express themselves but in llidilslly rise then massin poor and ere is con siderabls public resentment at the unabated doortodoor solic it comes as no in view of this huge government care for nations for varlousdinriiies to help the poor and needy and sick The Observe Pembroke Ontario urgd creation theta of unliéd charity appeal to replace the contlnual sirbigot canvassers for one good cause or another following one another from door to door Little idea the Observer know that in can nIIEENSPIiBK ovum totalled band ovar JIM exercised about possible guide coring in connection wliboolleo door on lull chlii Mr and credit at all Is given to Mr Mis Johnny Canucb wbo ï¬lib nllly contribute almost as much Wlienjt is reported NHL and Mrs Goldbau have contributed 000 to the Wampum Fund it cold barremembered that Mr Goldbsgs who earns say shim aycar mustpay 44 percent in income tax on his top earnings gut ite mummklbm on ram ï¬gure upon which he must pay tax The in effect he is giving only stdto dieWampum Fun while the national heasury nam ely llirand Mrs JohnnyCanuck are contributing the other mo fqr which of course they are givenno public credit Thelevelling prooessmf the welfare state has thus mada us all great contributors tncbarlty But few of us know this because our contribuflons are largely hi den in the price vacuum cleaner or even of the cigarette you are perhaps now smoking liven if our names are not listed in the opera we all coar tribute our are lo help our fair low citizens on scale amon the most generous in the world assaying NoiByad lie Seems By Don onnnim TORONTO Civil service pay scales are not as bad as con tended At least this is what Civil Serv ice Commission oflipials claim yin the current drive fcra gen cral salary increase sornescar ifying figures are circulating However the commission the average wage for prcv government employees is about solia week Further it says in most cases the Ontario scale meets that of Ottawa If correctat leastiliisit ablt ofasinprise it has always been the writers understanding tbatour salaries were considerably under the fed eral scale srncasor The Ontario average is brought down considerably by low pay in Thus asenseof thequ ty of movement is develcpe slow heavy and so on Much work has been done on in the sphere of selfexpression in response to stimulus itjs natural febdency to wanttomove the dy in re Mass to Vrhythmi stimulus In this sphere of physical edu wlion children are encouraged to actoui rdoodhl theme in response to stimulus may be it is drumbeat or melody or poem or Wordpi tare There is an opï¬mum age twhi this one selfcxpres on can best Wliiletbe theeleyn yrndasiics and athleti tive bapsthiswuuid be try to lealt up afew mlsciinceptions to what cation has developed in ape for most of the physical duca on in Canada endure USA direct twistin liger sieéprcsi and bait ofotber facets of physical edumticn Canada has produced many tine athletes and sportsmen but she has much to=do dis field of school physical ed Linn Something is be gdone ab it was an eyeopener to as ter to see over 400 your public scbcol feaclieis amend theOntario Department of Edli unions physical education sum mer school this summer at his Master ilniversityt Hamilton Fo five weeks tliaseteachers tary inï¬nite and meth ofiball schools nines an dons Tiis is sure sign that the physical welfare of our overled und exercisedyoung dreii is be studied ericudl byvtb physical of the department educallnfli deemin it is being done to has ifs roots in Europe handbag rb uhrpughtloven here dnnng past wodd yearsgby bum grants settlers by cultural change and by tb tudy 9mg perm literature ithasbceu the bjectnf es lied tbls ltiatbr th to organize the omen ed chools dad rm studitd tom of the scale oftodayl work log force Aside from these bowev and again if the Commission is correct Ontarios pay for gov rnment agrees apparently lies not too nice again thatin Things are happening downln the southeast corner of the main bcrt Macaulay And Mr Macaulay man wb has ldeasan this as well as man other things is supervisinghls own decorating The unveiling naturally is be ing awaited with interest It is said the new minister is so modernihat at the start if wasnt gong to have desk liovvever someone convince him good politician would never The public would have suspi ciobbevwnsout of its world mu mend Mr Macaulay has more drive and imagination than most and bably will make more mis than most at the start Practically all new minister make some Yes with few becomes absbiiJ And he is well on iberoad ready Oneof his first moves been tosurround himself with young men Again any old pro could have teeted him off this Any veter could have told him ibat pol iticians secretan aremoreiln poriant than his wife They can win or lose friends MrMacaulays have not been ive him some dine bowev and be andtbe boys wllLie some lessons They alway do Either that or routby request Drug Sioreliontirs oblaws Stamps CALGARY or Calgary educatlgn bianflI drug store salurday started mums gt remi Muchrof bur worshiplisw becameit lacks warmth since and wholenessted