DEMON glint in hows Doug Hodges lifts his knife to strike into the pumpkin héld by David langstpffe The nine yearold Grade pupils are Répert Cars olen No cars parked in front of homes on Bayfield Street were stolen last night just around midnight and neither has yet been found One car belonging to Joe Mc Gowan of 113 Hayfield Street and the other owned by William England of 75 Bayiicld were re ported missing at the samel time The licence of the McGowan cards E87255 the England car is numbered H9399li The Barrie OPP and the In nisfil Police have all been noti fied of the their Mr McGowan told reporters today an attempt had been made to steal his car ten days ago Tiren he had seen the attempt and with police chased the thieves and arrested them it they want to steal it again they will have to bring their hat tery he said Im taking it There was today no sign of the car which is not nsur gtIocal Pastor Reelected Rev Nuilmeyer of manuei Baptist Church Barr Was reelected to the executive council oi the Fellowship of Evangelisticnl prtistsof Can ada at the convention held in Toronto this week Mr Nullmeyers previous term was for one year only but this Year he has been elected for twoyear term He waschairman oi the pro gram and arrangements for the Canada wide convention this year which saw 2600 persons attending the convention rally Wednesday evening Dr Robert Lee of the 10000 member Baptist Church of Mem phis Tennessee was the guest preacher for the meeting whim3 TORONTO CPlOiiicial force casts issued by the weather oiiice moving eastward acro ern uterio this morning area othigh pressure iszdevelop rig west of the Great Lakes and ui gradually across on today and Sunday bring ing an end tothe precipitation egional forecasts valid un midnight Sunday Lake Erie Lake Huron Niag ara Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Haliburton London Hamilton Windso Cloudy with occasipnal light rain or drizzle to day Cloudy on ht with ocl fog atches toward ttie change in temper ight today and Sunday sunny with cloudy Milder Winds lighthe coming southwest 20 duringthe afternoon uday Earl Gilroy of preparing JadrOIantern for unliovieen night of witches black cats and dark prophecy Tonight demonic figures though will be collecting tuntt for UNICEF Charge Local Man With BreakIn The sound of breaking glass in Jacks Smoke Shim on Mary and Dunlap Streets shortly after mid night sent Barrie Police rushing to the store in time to arrest andobarge Barrie man with breaking and entering Bernard James McGee at Tolleodal Road was charged ter police rushed tothe site of the disturbance SCALPTNG is lirstjtage in the JackOLanteni Top is cut off carefully and lifted off Then the soft pumpkin pie making ingredients are extract ed until only the shell is left IN NEWSPAPER The top must be replaced later to leave hollow sphere Al though Halloween is full of witmcraft there seems to be no special pumpkin supcr stitlon GENTLY gently as you poke out Jacks eyes Dougl Tci angular eyes and nose seem to be the fashion this year Among other things theyre easiest to cut Newmctrketl Fights For Its Reputation Di the fair name of New maret Soren headline encased in bold black box on the front page of the Newmarket Era and Express this week as the paper and apparently the izens mourned the passing of their towns reputation via the news Lieut Kenneth Reeves of Montreal Que and Ear rie has been promoted to the rank of captain member oi the Regiment of Canadian Guards Capt Reeves is staffofiicer with Headquar ters 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade Group in Germany National DefencePhoto Men Teachers Hold Conclave 35 Are Present Approximately 35 teachers of riot of Ontario Men Tea ciigs Federation met in Car ters Restaurant crime for their annual meeting Thursday Speaker for the evening was Dr Walter Koerber BA Peed inspector of Special Class es Scarborough His topic was Educationof the Slow Child Mayor Truman of and Tnistee Temple of Orrllia Public School Board welcomed the tea chers on behalf of the town Miss Hood Regional President of the Fede tion of Women Tea chers Association spoke briefly WE Sparks oi Sirncoe spe al representative from Fade eratron Offic ad thediscns sion in thebusiness section of program Allston was president of the meeting Officers for 195960 are as idl lows president Gravenhurst first vic Clarence Cloke Stayner second vicepresident Harvey Klitmer Camp Borden secretarytreasur er Eldon Matches Gravenhuret columns of the two circulation mad headlinehungry scandal mongering Toronto newspapers on Friday October The in ignation oi the citizens was brought about when theTor onto papers appeared last Friday stating Newmarket was fighting teen vice The Telegram announced in the headline that Nemaiset fights Teen Age Vice Gangs while the Star did them one better with the claim that the town was vorse than Jarvis Claims were that teen aged girls were solic ting on the side walks houodders were suppos edly attempting to drag women into cars girl was almost strip ped in street tight teen agers werehecking in carshn the main street and foul language and in sults were greetingmoviégoers The papers went on to say that high school girls were afraid to walk down the street alone Mayor Alec Bilugen promised remedy at all costs CLEANUP Reeve John Luck promised cleanup of Newmarkets streets after hoodlums weresuppnsedly running wild The adverse publicity which lire town received was caused strangely enoughby an attempt by merchants and business men anxious to enhance the towns reputation by ridding it of dis agreeable elements The uproar started when down town merchants began drculat whi they hoped would presspolic to cleaning up on hooliganism When this pe the eye of Reeve Jack Luck he called an emergency meeting of the police conunitteeflct 21 towhieh heinvitedthe Press Mayor Alec Belugin said he had been reluctant to allow the press but hehad not anticipated such gross exaggerations to be the outcome The Toronto papers took it from there Now it seems the publicity has raised more concern than the problem itself EXAGGERATED Police Chief Byron Burbidge said incidents were exaggerated ll Bargain Yes But Not $895 There have always been her gains galore vat Allandale Mm iorsbut their ad in Fridays Examiner startled some Becauseofa typographical ror the ad suggested 1955 Vo viagen could be bought for $89m It should have read $9551 ers this morning but theyar rived eventually to find an at tractive assortment from farm garden and kitchen No vendors wereouteide torthe first time this season Egg pri were one to 29¢ ijumbos to ffpeewees Roast ing chickens were die small to 40c for extra larg Choice apples of many kinds were doc to soebasket Vege tables leader were plentiful and nah Holiw Shanty Bay Chi Student sunday School Anew United urch Sunday School will hdld its inaugural classes at sundaymnrning when the newly appointed 1393 tor of Shanty Biiy United Church starts his first classes in Ste Street Public School Th live or sin class school sponsoredby the Barrie and trict Unlted Church Extension Council be givenrinto the charge of Berry Bartmaowho will combine this with his duties as pastor of the ewly reopened Bertinan is strident froin Hamilton on came under He denied the town hasany pros titution But he did put part of the blame on the police committee for cutting his force from 10 to eight in the last six months Sgt William Hill called the protests tempest in teapdt The Newmarket Era and Ex press led the counterattack against the publicity by printing on its front page bold black box usually used for significant death announcements biting retort Without defence from elected representatives or prominent cit izens this priceless heritage the town was the victim of sour rilous attacks based upon un founded rumours and malicious gossip said the contents of the ox It went on to say post mori ens ae being held in private cor vans T0 name names In the past at Camp Borden the public has been permitted to move about ranges and danger areas when tiring is not in progress Because of the longer ranges of tank and artillery guns it is frequently not possible to locate blinds and these areas arenot safe it is therefore dangerous to perinit casual piekniclrers ï¬shermen hunters to move about in these areas unre skicted an Army announce ment said today Effective immediately the mix civilians who wr be permitted entry are organized groups who have prior auth ority and are entering under the control of Headquarters Camp Borden May Perm Uriion Ifor Civil Servants CALGARY CPlJ Best of Ottawa national president of the Civil Service Association of ada said Friday clvilservants may organize into trade union to get bargaining rights Here to address representatives of local civil service groups he said in statement that vil servaan are seeking bargaining rights that will suit their particu lar needst that entails all of the facets oicollective bargainin in private industry they may organ ize in trad union if necessary he dde scmNirsrs BAFFLED PETERB CP Atomic scientists atthe Canadian General Electric Company plant here have solved many problems inbuilding huge dump tank for the nuclear power reactor der construction near Cha River but are stumped by one How load 16 feet high and16 feet wide can be shipped on more where clearance is only 15 feet in some place Report Polio ase In London Hospital LONDON Ont CPL ctoria Hospital Friday reportedone sus pected case of poliomye and three confirmed cases twoye old girl from Go erich was admitted Thursday as suspected victim of the disehs One of three confirmed case Dr Percy Harris 37 preside of the lLondon Bible Institute isi still invserious condition The other contirined cases at uryearioldboy and public places Pallbearers will not be named until the civic elections Then in its editorial page it pointed an accusing finger at one of the prospective pallbearers REAP nanvnsr Those who sowedthe wild seeds are now reaping the har vestThe inunature thinking of the publicity seeking cleciedre presentative of the town who call ed in the reporters oi the Tor onto dailies must shoulder the responsi lity for the entire mess The editorial also claimed that what began as sincere con cern for public order and decency on our main street has develop ed into circulationchasing smut an issue to be kicked about by every Tom Dick and Harry from the Lakeshore to Kapuskming And what do the residents of Newmarket about the mess Oneutizen said that the art icles were certainly notvdesign ed to do any good and that they were exaggerated but that re creational facilities were needed other parents were morain dined to blame the teenagers for having too much money and spare time on their hands George Haskett writer claims the problem is deeper than just chasing the teenagers otf tho streets Everyfast growing commun ity has the same robiems he says and larger recreation pro gram is his proposed solutioth em Scout Mothers Pick Ofï¬cers President Mrs Pearson presided over the regular month ly meeting of St Giles Cub and Scout Mothers Auxili when planswere made to hold rom mage sale Friday afternoon Nov 20 at new flag the auinliary is pur chasing for theScout Troop The following slate of ofï¬cers was elected for the coining year president Mr Way vice president Mr Gates sec retary Mrs Dave Smith Iner Mrs Clever convener Mrs Pearso program convener Mrs honing committee Snelgrove Mrs Hartley Conlon ironnature time and pretty iiiilcrest teacher Blair die Corbett obllgcs with light not for Ja spipe but for Ihil candle in background Midimasks constructed by schools students breathe ghost incantation over the an clout ceremony Jack grown rpm earth and water lit by in represents the threedo meats of Greek mythology to which Halloween dates bath Meantime in 29thcentury Can ada its load oi fun or the lnds trouble for the police the limit Examiner ncnvygun goUNlY NEWS SATURDAY 901 1959 Unusual vehicle parked on the lakefront this morning was this Bell helicopter which just dropped in about pm yes terday Curious sightseers noted the plastic bubble hous ing seats for pilot and com panion pneumatic floats and airtooled sixcylinder engine not unlike that of recently introduced Canadian uilt small car There was no evidence of piano nits an insult vision tire crew today but standersby said the pilot had flown down from the north yesterday on behall oi the Department of Lands and Fares Exam inen Photo Brought Along Interpreter T6Bmdfo1 Police Court Diuie does Borges 20 of Man ning Avenue Toronto could not understand or speak English He brought along friend who translates Portugueses for him at Bradford Police Court Friday Borges had been found by Con stable Lee of the OPP he hind the wheel of car wrthout any drivers licence His friend pleaded guilty for him and said something about beginners licence Magistrate For ron as well as ï¬ning him $10 nnd costs instructed that the Department of Transport be no tiï¬ed to contact him and have someone whocould talk to him explain the requirements regard ing licence Gordon Pugh of Aurora had been put out of the Village Inn butreturned later and he claim he fell at the doorway and put hisantiiicial leg through the door glass It cost him $30 for the glass and he thought that settled but found he also had face court charg He paid Band Mothers Auxiliary Plans Rummage Sale DiscusSes lliins Plans were made for ruin mage sale at theOdd Fello all Nov 21 at Mondays mee Mothers Auralv istiict antral Collegiate Mrs Emberson reported results of committee meeting inAugust with Mr Fisherand gtDoug Morren Pllrp se fat the meeting was to discuss an ay doweaims and obje tlvs of the Band thers Aunili vantages members of the hand have and to Mr Fisher th line of $90 and costs or five days in jail Hector Lapierre Brad fordbacked his car out at lanéway and into bus that was paging The damages to the bus were over $200 and to his own or over $100 At court he was fined $20 and costs He had agreed to repay the costs of the bus damages car for over 30 years made wide sweeping turn from farm lane in theyillageand intogile of path ofawehicle coming iréctionxiie be not know where it came irom Mrs Tait came from Tor onto to testify that she had been the driver of the other vehicle andhad narrmvly missed headon collision by putting her car over of the driving portion of theroad Gordon Church service station operator opposite the scene testiï¬ed that he had seen the occurred have no sympathy for such drivers Magistrate Barron told accused as he found him guilty and fined him $20 and costs You are luckyyou were not charged with careless Sdrlving The charge had been failing to yield the halfoiflthe road the charge of careless driving hav ing been ithdrawnby the crown Constable Thompson of the Brad ford Police inyestlgnted spnanvo or btee speeding charges ing meter charges on the dock which had accumulated forso time back All of these we dealt withrn the absence of accuSed with $3 fine and cos HaroldSmart and Vern So too of Newmarket elec through their attorney Tom ans of Bradford to be tried by judge without The pr liminary heaping took place after rtarn documenk placed with the magistrate it agreedthat therewas sufflci cause to send them on for tr by judge at the rim si me assizcsdn the county The charge of theft involv five mixmasters valued at each Horaoe Mcsweea sales fortheï¬m owning the ers who faces charge in gard to the stolen mac which were arrayedlin so had his charge adjourned four weeksor until after trial of the other accused 500 Civil semi Uniiejlor Protest NORTH BAY CF The civil servants here are uni under joint action committe protest the federal governm recent refusalvto consider pay creases Spokesm said the grnup cooperatewith the national action co tee to arouse pu opinion intheir favor woman committee we pointed Friday night