PICTUBED oiled sealing deal are Dan Krondel district manager tor Famous Players RoxyTo GranadaIs=i Up Faisal Barrics Tooyv Suo hns no trouble rememban the portaot dates inhis lite was born Oct 20 51 years and he was mprried 0ct23 23 yeais ago Thls Wednesday on go announwl he is rélillquishing management ot the Roxy Thea tie undthnt the Famous Players group Iwill take over Monday balloons aovmon Awelllmown resident of Oril new how manager Ron Hcl man and tanner manager Tony aso Change becomes the leasing the uilding from tho saso inmtlyy The Sasodamlly hos also been associatedl with the Granada Theatre ucloss the street which is up or sale Saturday night the Granntin curtain ivill all or the last ime New oxy manager willbo lion Holman who arrivcd in Ho ago he 1940 Tony Saso was manager suntan Example ibast week dozen SoEd members sat around lnnlsrtl Coun held special meeting in the council unites Wednwday takinng day to catch upuwitbmattera iett yoyer gum the previous regular meet One at the matter given cork slderable discussion was the ex tension at the lite oi tuturo taun shlp councils in lnnlsiil to two year term Council wis divided on thcmanuer lnwhleh this should be made etioctive councillor Law moveda mot ion that the bylaw be passed to put the twoyear term in eilect with this next council following the coming nominations and et ectlon it iound accessory The other mutton placed bdore coun oil by Cormcillor Gibhins was thatthematter be placed on the ballot in the form of plebiscite asking the ratepayerstorexpress an opiuimaflhia motion second ed by Dopugrecve Coehrane was iinally withdrawn as it mcimt that it there was not an election then the vote of this matter would not be necessary as the present council would au tomaticko be giving its second years service The motion to extend thelile ot township councils to two year term was passed authorizi ing the clerk to prepare bylaw SPLIT POLLING AREA Another matter that has been under discussionnt various tlm ea throughout the your was the establishing at polling booth at the1nlrelonds Hull on the 8th and Alcona Beach There are over hundred per rnoneut residents in that area and hundreds more names on the list of owners at propertyin the Srén They have formerly had to be transported or get to the Crlugvhlc Hall to vote and Coun fltectivo Monday JtExaminer Erato lt florets Barrie this week and will be making his home beré Tooy Salsa remembers Vividly the openingol theRoxy in 0c tober 1931 probably the 28th The bill was one Heavenly Night starring John Bowie and Evelyn Loy Five yeurfs late on agree meat was reached betweenFain ous Players and Mr and Mrs John SDSD Sr rony Charles andloe Snso When the Granada was purl chased by Fambus Piayels in bi oleï¬n gymandflcharies and Joe won on the payroll iii the Granada Nov as omunrnclug tih psa beaverdun who nucleonstruct ed on theditch andittnt not this was removed it Would cause flooding in the spring He was toldthat the Gnmesnnd Fisher leihad th matter under thelr care andatterrthey had be successful in removing the bea ver to another location then the darn would be blown up the council later told them that Mr Taylor was onto the most progreslve owners along the ditch and he was putting the land lntocultivatlon shape and intended selling it all in liveacre plots but ttlbt the township by law prevented the selling ot blocks ot less than ten acres lie telt that mam oi the township planning rules were outmoded and hindrance to progress aoano HAD DEED it was stated to council in dismzsion at its special meeting $00000 bull ing for the new schoolot Stroudwithout ï¬rst ohlt taimng deedwbich was being held up while the plansof the property were under advisement by the Planning Board Checking on this we ï¬nd that the board has its deed to the lands ahd it lsregistered Also an acreago to be donated by the subdivider tor palkpurposcs has been set aside right next to the lands at the school board DATE or NOMINATIONS The nominutlon moetlng tor council and or two members of REPORT ON GARBAGE DUMP Reeve Sproule reported that following advice by the contrac tnr Ken Baxter that he had left the township dump in good con dition as wayIn part at this con tract snidt at he visited the AssessorSproule in talk to thuttho Schoo Board had built Elections it neomryutte held Saturday Dec With the motlon give councilmemhers twoyear term then Vibe 55 an meeting of their new term yill be ratcpayefl meeting in which metter5 township management will be aired to the ratepayers This will mean tllnlall melon beta olthe sdioolhoards willbo up or election each Recond year use to clerk heton T0 in SPEAKER Gay Moore deputy mini ister of Ontario Department of Travel and Publlcity will be the speaker at the annual hnnquet and meeting at the lluronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association Monday Nov The banquotthisï¬lcnr is being held at CartErs est Moore joined th department in 1946 as an inspector in the development branch lie was made deputy minister in 1957 He is also it director of the Canadian Tourists Associa tion it is expected that the new Trent Volley iilm spon sored by the department will be shown to the society SW ourunt Orillla 630 pm Mr til Heath Vioeprutdent tho was clutlnnan oi the contest Ofï¬cials of tho societal st To Ball Champions The regulardinner meeting 91 the Lions Club Barrie Tucs day evening at Community House was an outstanding event when their manning guests were the warn oilzllll le crest Monarchs allontarlo colt bull chompions again for $59 sixteeu nuinber the glrls alsoadded muchto the program by group pt com cut of Tina Canieronr ukeielo and Judy Bornel tom tom On behalf the club thelr captain Ulla Lanlsius moved sincere vote at thanks to the Lions Club tor their support She then called upon Sheila Livingston who made the pres entation of pair at table lamps to Phil Lamb their coachand Wile or Red Flies Back To LONDON Reutersters Nina Dmitrievo Russian diplomats wile who was granted permission to stay in Britoinlast lune aiter he went back to Russia returned to Moscow by air Wednesday with her small daughter British government spokes man said her decision to go homo was entirely personal ongsy to the ac $1 in bulbs gnaw fly in second Marv Dawn Gro blm $150 in bulbs third Palsy Powell $1 in bulbs connmoron Sr scltoonv Flrst Jack Chinook$280 ln bulbs second Duvlrl Knight $150lnhulhs thirdlalsy bachett at do bulbl monomer cannula First Walter Stampel 5250 in bulbs second Heather vChees innr 3150 in bulbs thirdan agar in bs PRINCE OF VALE BOOL First Kathleen Woods $250 to bulk second Georgcnaan $150 irtaulhs third Jopioï¬rlnn rim wtruvans First Jacklllulchlnock$5 in bulbs seconduMurilyn Weber t3 in hulhrthird LindaAgnew srmcr rmza District is at the notario Hor ticultural Association awarded hn Mulchlnock second prim which will he sentto hlmlnter All 33 posters will be on dis play at the Horticultural Society annual dinner at Trinity lorish Hall Wednesday Nov dump and found it had been cov ered over well by the use of hirildozer and was in splendid condition The only thing that marred the uppeorancewas some diunping that careless rutepayer had made by throwing load of coils around on the turning area The garbage is dumped over the edge and till from the buck pushed over as it heaps up The dump ing of trees and brush is prohilr itedhut is often done by unauth orized persons Brotherhood 8th In Weslr OllAW Brotherhood of Railway Trails port and General Workers CLC said today it has won eight new gt certifieation votes among employ ered letter admins that he ees of west coast shipping com would he required to removelill ponies that hadbeen Puhed DECK Into Brotherhood headquarters said the ditch He claimedythat he the rival Seafarers international had not damaged thedttch in Union 1nd had majority in any way but would remove any two companies but that one of 1111 inadvertently pushed back these votes will be appealed by when he was levelling the fill thehrotherhood along the sides Results from onecomponY fol Hev complained that he had lowing vote count at Vancouver lostconsiderable property by the Wednesday had not been re crooked course oi this ditch and ceived here Brotherhood 214 wanted to know why it had not Seafarers 91 been straight along the property Most of the companies operate linexlrle wished to know it he tugs barges and shows and the could straighten the course He SIU haslieenbargainirlg agent was advised by council that this in them It opposed the brother matter was the engineers rcsv hodds certification recently he ponsibihty tore the Canada Labor Relations Mr Taylor reported that Board here cottee and hamburgers to atone restaurant nt goinghome timu Joan wallwlnpa pretty 21year old stenor picked up the billand collected the cash ResultiMiss Wallwinv is now the clubs treas urer morde New nickname has been be stowed on Barrie SoEd club cm member torhls acetious sug BY THE ADAN PRESS Orlllin Ont Edwin gestion for retrcshrnlznls Gen Paddy Quinn 55 night teleA tleman now is known as Ron Hot Dogs and Champagne lla gruph editor at the Peterborough Examiner ley recaps new Toronto William Horne re Scoprssannyaker Sui tired inspector of Torontopuhlic ghalese visitor toBurrie has Schoolsrnnd authoroi number been getting around the city this at books on teacher and school last iewr days He was at the training Lions Club couple oi days ago introducing him Lion Jack Gurd megd Emggthgf the planed he was he to mid late actor Errol Flynn of heart attack lia Charles Boynton 49 died Wedntï¬sdBy At SoldiErs Meritor ial HospitaL Mr Boynton pvos assistant business administrator of the Oiillia District Collegiate and Vocational Institute and the Drillia Public School Board until stricken with illness last year ELECT LAND PBEXY President of tho Oriliia Boy Scout Association tor the com ing year is James Lamb elected at the associations arr nual meeting Tuesday He suc needs Smith FIRST IN JUDGING one Tillman Grade 13stu dentat Bradford District high School scored highest points in AndtheSasos are stilta thea trefamily hope get pass To clllor Mrs Law movedthat the areabe split on centre line be tween 1th 9th Concession with those on the south oi that line coming to the new poll at Lake lands and those north being still at Leonards poll Reeve Sproulo on the cootem tion that it was establishing preceent would spread towns ipwide almost talked the members supporting the sugges tion info withdrawing their mo tion however it remained the bylaw was passed covering the establishment at polling bo oths and their otficials as the twelith poll atlLakelaud Hull ocostlotvoperating ii is and torhe about $40 SOUTH INNISFIL DRAIN Mr Taylor an owner of prop erty along this draincnme to chuncil alter receiving or regist jiEléclrohomÃ©ï¬ Stereophonic high fidelity by Electrohome ls more than stereo more than hlfl it is both won ders lnone taken to the ultimate or pertectlon It is the heavily or instrumentpure sound AstonW gt lshlng musical realism teeling of presence so rep thatydu teelryour own room has been trans loomed into concert hall and youare théhon ductor And you can sit and enjoy Electrohoma stereophonlc high fidelity wherever you likeNew stereo focusing by Electrohome permits you to place your Electrohome stereo iiifl set where it looks best and still enjoy fullyfocused stereo soundin true high ï¬delity Whats more where over you place yourElectrohonie systemyou have so keypoinLa focal centre of furniture as fine as can be inade The handfinished beauty or hard wood cablnetsby Deilcraft Canadasioremost ex ponents of the cabinetmaking art This cabinet quality is typical of the extra care in concept de sign engineering arid uncompromising craftsman ship that tire name Electrobome means to millions But dont just admire these new ideas in stereo high ï¬delity Hear themand let your eats be the judge an Ontario dairy judging com petition tor All clubs The com petitlon was held at the Ontario Agricultural College Guelph last week COOP BUYS Hayhoe Bros SBlomberg have sold their mill to New smarkat Cooperative and the lat ter will operate it as branch of the Nemarket mill The switch becomes effective Nov NMED T0 COUNCIL SupumtmdentM the Ontario Hospital at PenetnugDr Wil born Cardwell has been nam ed to nineman council by We forms Minister George Ward rope It is to be knownas the Ministers Advisory Cduncil or the Treatment of the Offenders LL Qumran Clubs sometimes have dim unity in recruiting new ofï¬cers and use all lmethods of pen out howrour municipal govern meat works Well it you find out tell us chipped in Jack Oates WILLVISIT TORONTO BarrleSoEd Cluhwiil be the guests at Toronto Central SoEd Clubv Tuesday Nov 10 sur sonn FEES Fees for the coming season 91 SoEd have been in The ex ecutive last night agreed to $5 per session lNovemher toFelr marry or $4 or WWCA mem bers Guests will be 75¢ per ev ening except the ï¬rst evening Nov 10 when gout charge will be 50c ANNUAL MEETING Kempenlelt Credit Union lAd is holding ahuual meeting and supper rat Guthrie Commun ity lIallMonduy Nov The program starts with supper at 630 pm ARMCHAIE SAILORS The armchair sailors for the winter months at least made headway with nautical terms in the second lesson of the junior pilotscourse sponsored by Bar rie Power Squadron The class was held at the Armoury under the directln of Cpl Ted Gid dens OPP It is behaved that next week the class willhave ex plainedto it the meaning of the nautical term Up Spirit BIRTHDAYS ANNVERSARIESZ Give and enjoy the flnestJreéheslchOColabes youcaln buy Add arr eter measure ofjpleasure to theholiday celebration ARemcmber gt anrrrrrrrn rnusr CERTIFICATES issued in amounts irom $1M upwards gt 011145 yearn than interest yearly by cheque authorized investment tori Canadian InsuranceCompanies and Vtruaiiiunds not so wattsper channoiiaspeed Garrard stereoatylus and cartridg onoier and two tw tors in each speaker enclosure ve uipped torV