Canadian or later willhave to offer their purchas flrs 50m buiitin protection against in flation Thelvnnoouver Sun argues The gtrend is established in private insurance secnrlty Theigoirernnients own re venue department recognizes that But government annuities do not offer any protection against the valuedevour1ng efforts of inflation The Sun continues Dr Scott Gordon Professor of economics at Carleton imi XIE lty Ottaw has pointed out the we 955 In government annuities He urged the government to tie them in some thevcost pf living He also sug Sins the war annuities have suffered drastic ass in purchasing power The loss has beenexeggerated by the ridicul ously 117w Human lndlvldual can buy thrifty citizen who was buying annuities with 1046 dollars todays finds thepurchasing value of his $1200 That kind of erosion obviously discour agca thrift gt Two developments underline the swing to insurance against inflation The Can revenue departments new Blue gives pension plans the right to vlde retirement benefits in the form variable annuities And in Washing the Securities and on is hearing applications related to uance of the some type of annuities majorUS insurance companies The old conventional fixed dollar an ulty provides specific monthly pay ent Variable or equity annuitiesa ent development comparable to muti investment fundsprovide an invest nt lnco which will fluctuatewith stocks in which the issuing puny has invested the premiums opinions Other Newspapers DEEP at no IAN unenroannon ion Spectator What and how ucb man eats aud3llis mach cal amenities at surround him in his daily above become surdly the chief crit ntca We na€2cfea an idol call Mr Khrushchev so not surpr log that the themeof his visit una een what the Soviet Union has is oing in its efforts to match the ericanidol It was the burden of his speed in MM the Bussan refrigerator and at present menoatfewar than one in hundred possesses el the food still rather monotonous though plentif than it has been in the past 55 year the consumption of meat in the Soviet pounds per head compared with Newsbol Bonner Years iv with Lisaadmission b1938 an innease of there was considerable discus Angus Village and the possibility highwaysrunning through there on the dust side public meeting inthe 0r rougbt out resolution that the De pf Highways be requesied to follow asmuch as possible and to pass is dlaée on the west side instead of rignspital held its annual meeting sidence but due to thetact that cheromcnt hadrequesteda chango end December 31 instead of Sep intbe past it was decided to make Wsome time in January miners to carry on we President Hammond Vicepr dent aetary Thomson and Trees arsoas SUprintendent Elsie ed that there were 13879 admissions 15AM hospital days as compared Para yému das new on meme government annuities sooner Exchange Com slimprotected tstandsï¬rmonthe saints according to preset pain in ins graphically brought orth virtually for one herage Bhes Five states and the District of Columbia have either approved or are in the pro cess of passing laws to permit sale of this new type of insurance The Canadian lifeinsurance industry wontbc for be hind The advantage of variable annuities in times of rising prices is unquestioned The stock market historically rise with prices study made year ago by one of the companies now involved in the SEC hear ing provideda startling example of the equity benefit It pictured 44yearold investor in 1937 setting aside $100 per month for retirement in 1957 Under the variable annuity scheme his account would have had value in 1957 of $66038 In fixeddollar annuity the value would hava been less than half that Theres nothing wrong with governa ments recognizing the impermanency of moneys valueadmitting that the pur chasing value of dollar is forever chang ing and that the change now seems to be fixed in the direction of losing value Such recognition wouldnt be inconsist entwith efforts to contain inflation Pol iticians and others say that two or three per cent increase in price levels each year is goodnot bad But try to tell that to the citizen who today is cash ing in government annunlties or bonds which havebeen eroded by the compound fifect of such inflation Ottawa now recognizes flexiblli essential and standard practice in indus trial pension plans Theres still large section of the public depending on gov emment annuities for retirement income They shouldnt be denied the insurance hedge which the government now recog nizes as the right of their private pen neighbors byas sian tables as on those of the Americans that sugar consumption will increase so that there will be practically no difference between the two cotmiries and that Soviet citizens already eating more butter than American will be even more liberally supplied these ambitions are achieved the problem will still banraking the refrigerators to put tumbhn the food in MARXIAN BERESY Calgary Albertan Conditions have forced most of the Eurqlean Communist states to abandon the Marxist nation that allenterprise musthe run directly by the order for the economy of countryrtoJe efficient Even the doctrinaire Chinese Reds arehavlng some doubts about Marx According to the Pelping Daily Worker which complains bitterly thithquality and produ op costs have been ignored by staterun indus as it might be good idea for the country to inject dose of individuallyrun enterprise into the economy and there were 210blrths as compared to 176 First no Derby hahszénoants in four races and was run in th block between the then Post Office Square niw Memorial Square and the Five Pains Battles young dog owners congested tralflcsoonafter four oclock when they arrived with their entrants and spectators began to gather and the crowd also gathered and filled both sides of that block to tbeFlve Points With the start the owners screecbed jumped up and down and waved encouragement The dogs had most of the pavement to travel on at first but the crowds squeezed in until finally The dogs swerved with thechannel Near the finish Gordon Coutts Boston Bull who was lead falbered and Gordon Burditts Spllz Pall streaked over the finish line first second Ray Plants DonReid owned Dogs ranged reference to theoverwhelmlng victory or the Conservatives led by Prime Minister Macmillan it seems Englandfs Labour Party laboured and goose egg Roosevelt Observes V75thj Birth Headline shesunusllwy active still going 3min Mrs d9 strong and erywhere Every evil carries within it the seeds of its own destructive 1herlgg1ngof thevTVgulz programs shows that th smart Madison Avenueboys are well on the Way toi outsmartlng themselvel Considering thebig split thoplay or the losing team oft world ser Gcgot theyweie no doubt good losers midi no CHANGING or THE stairs or SIX Farmers moo mom on Share arrospeo or Memeave noon Snead Indus Eon Correspondent For The Burl number nounou wSurvw the ln comes and production cons of laxmus in the United Kingdom carried out by the National Fan more Union reveals that the previous year in GUARD PhYSicai Education This Is By DAVE memo Dir PE Supervisor of Physical Education To Barrie PS Bum Second or series We have seen how from Ger many we get strength work and some gymnastic apparatus lhe work of John and his successors developed dolp ll Spless 18104858 thought lthard on the children to have to go so far out from school to the iinnpiatz so he brought the nlniplatz to ï¬le schooland we find thefumnas ium of his day equipp with climbing ropespoles lodders horizontal and parall are and other apparatus for vaulting and Teachers from Scandlriavla went to Germany to study lmong them Franz Nachlegall ho took Johns ideas back to Denmark with him and we see Turned appearing in that coun The Swedish physical educat or lgter Henrick LING whose name was for so long synony pious with studied in Denmark and took Danish ideas back with him to He could not accept iuroen its sidemd too stilted and artific ial mg objected to the German idea inherent lbrnen that Here is the apparatus wemust adapt our bodies tolt Bacon sidered the body was the import iNTEliPRETING The News gt Surlyrllltitude of Red China Causes Mach By JOSEPH mower entiretyhe cun typ Your ant part and that apparatus should be designed or adapted to suit the needs of the body it was the objective versus the subjec tive an argument that still rag es in physical education discus BIL BEAUTY FORM my From Liognvork we getmore apparatus gymnastic window iram Wailbars Swedish beams muesli benches the ysulflng buck and beamsaddles Ling did much to develop the aesthetic sld of gymnastics wblclrhadbeeu such an import but part of the Greek physical culture more than two thousand years before It was not suffic ient to perform gymnastic rnovernent it must look good too Ling encouraged performers to take apride in performing polished movements Hialmar Ling systematlzed his fathers work and putexercis to lab les and lessons known as the DollyOrder Each physical education lea son must include rhythmic and posture work and so on The aim was allround harmonious development of the body This work appealed to lithe Swedish people whom the wr er considers to be the most naii urally relaxed of all the Enron ean races ur North Amencan have thelr origin Scandinavia andchow children MySiilication Menou who Is Indiandefence Captains eritcige love tolmova to the catchy mel odies BULLDOG Of course lumen had long reached England and physical education in the great public schools of Eton Rugby Barrow and Winchester contained some TurnEhtypa activities plus such lldog characterforming games as Rogger cricket and later soccer The Army too had imbibed quite lot of Gmnan work in gymnastics aodhad ad ded some rhythmic exercises familng oommlmlty is having its toll share thin Ethme prosperity of ri people The survey shows that splendid recovery has been made from the level income levels of the all fields of ag riculture Average income has risen by 21 per cent over the previous year and there has been slowing down of the rise in production costs The net ro suli has been all to the advent age of the farmers This trend which covers the year 1958 has been continued with so acceleration into 1955 On account of the splendid wen tber for growing and harvein of crops arable farmers are lik ely to do even better this year than they did last year when their incomes showed an lama se of 28 per cent over the prev ious in month period DAIRY FARMERS BETTER OFF in the dairy taming branch of the agricultural industry in comes rose by percent over the previous year This was mainly result of substantial LETTERS TO EDITOR IN PROPER DRESS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Brampton Ontario October 16 1959 SirRecently on sightseeing tour of Barrie happened to pick up acopy of The Examiner My husband and were most fa vorably impressed with your pa per and your town which will be our home in the near future 0n reading The Examiner felt there was one editorial om bar to which must take ex ception in partthe one concern ing the proper dress of children and adolescents agree com pletely with all your ideas except the wearing of uniforms by pupils in school from the Scandinavian system IN CORPORE SANG out of tho physical education system of the big public schools came the 19th century cult of athleticism The Battle of Wat erloo was fields ohEio wellknown phrase It carried lot of truth The game was the thing fairs play and all thatMany of the Old Countrys finest statesmen educationalth and writers were products of 1qu schoolswhcre Physical Education movements strength balance we was wonder bmdmg together of the classic academic education with full participation in physical activities Itwas the practical applica lion of John Lockesconcepi of education mens scan in car ore sane healtbymlnd in ealtby body The atmosphere in the oldigymnasiumin Wlochest erCoile efdr example is still thickwi the spirit of those by gone dayswhere the school her oes WEISlle Victor Ludorum theaSchoolpricket and Bugger The world in general owes mucbio the men who made this era in the history of physical ed ucation Men who built the trad ition of gentlemanly conduct the spirit of fair Flay good losing an friendly rivalry which is now inherent in amhteurgames and Canadian Free scan Writer minister did sayvthat India would ms Red China ward India ll surlyatllhide to their border dis deuce of foreign policy the is causing consider able myst ratio flght theConimunlst Chinese if necessary to defend its territory but his words were mild and careftu avoided challenging Menon also ceded there had been troubles in Tibet not only nowbutvin years past as well Changes had to take place and India would like to see them attempts at peaceful coexistence At theUnitedNations most Western diplomatsfreely admit the are puzzled at Pekinga few will go so far as say it appears inst plain stupldf Many andreason is obviouslytrying to keep things from becomingworae along theLMrnile In anChl nese bor er where clashes be tween pa of the two countries avebeen ry fontw montlislast month Moscow suggested that Peking and New Ddhl try to reach afriendiy agreemen viva happen peacefully and thless cruelty Nevertheless one can not arguenon interference by in terfering NleNDmflENl Manon saldthere oouldlbe no contention that India had shown given refugeio thebuddhist godking the Dalhi Lamaas was our rights but not win our obligation an of other Tibetans Notonly Ind Asian and ihmisands notable escape tion was Malaya which cospon sored the olutlon along with Ireland This move bytmy Malaya in tidying Bed ChlnHo markedly lncoolrast wllhtbo Indian po that professionalism which you may remember had ruined the originalolympic Games by AD and commercial sport the youth of today such bad exa rnple of sportsmanship The giant sports andathletic pom blues to whomgaf money and cheering thrillsatisï¬es more lmportant than the game do great disservrce to the British tradition any or Often when see the brawling roughhouses whichsome of our professional games seem to be am reminded of the famous Mohwblt mus fromVJ Lampada wear to scoooltomormw Theres breathless bush in the close tonight Ten to make and the match to with dumping Pitch and blinding lig bitch to make and the man And ltsnbt for gilded coa or the selfis hope of sea sonsfame Butvtbe captains hand on his ahouldÃ©ï¬ smote riay et hock for our mggontype foot osmatterwviCNe play th all these arts VDS indicates that good deal of ef fort is putinto insidious pressure advertising aimed at this most vulnerable impressionable and ioilow the crowd group Manu facturers and clothing stores cou ingot staatly goad us into having our childrende dressed and in style and the styles are forever an Ihave four daughters ranging in age from five to sixteenyears and believe me dressing them for school is major expense Many times We have felt the pinch trying to keep than not the best dressed girls in school by far just nicely dressed Cere tainly with the high cost of liv ing parents have enough places for their hardearned money to go without being constantly har assed and bagged into buying the latest faddy style that fashion dictates they MUST wear to school today Competition in clothes runs high and the poorly dressed child suffemkeenly For the past year uniforms havebeen compulsory at both the my and secondary schools my childrenatfend popular motionvoted on by the parents at ParentTeachers meeting given sanction by the ool oard and enthusiastically enforced by the teachers Sorne parents objected but to their have cooperated in school playground or marching in line0ne could nothelp but be impressed by their smart ap pearance Ail are equally well dressed mothers are spared making that all important de will Mary Jane which often ends in tears for the child and frayed tempera for the par enfs Uniforms can behanded none beingthe wiser and con trary to the ideas in your an ticle there is ttemen ing in dollars and The uniform our achoo chose was indeed very imple one and can bought in any clul drens etc or departmental store These storesuwere can sed price which was taken advans logo of by the majority Our students wear hand $31 iunio blouse white $150 navy wea tercoat $298 navy knee socks spring and full 69c long beige stretchystocklngs winter wea tber 93c noroidmaielv $15 cough for an increase in ihenumbcrof sheep pies Lhc arms lb from mllkproduciion Livesiock farmers also did better than in the previous year On farms de voted largely to livestock pro ducgon incomes rose by 17 per can Pig farmm however did not share in the general improve ment experienced by most farm era The net income of pig spec lallsfs fell by more than in per cent largely due to depremon in the bacon market in the early part of the year under review WELCOME FEATURE The mostweleome feature of the season says the survey ls the marked reduction in the rate at which production costs ln creased For the preceding three years the increase in the indust rys total costs for review oom moditlos alone had amounted to £108000000 an annual increase of £55 million In the period now under review the net increase was £11 million considerably less than in recent years Labour imported livéstock rent and rmscelloneous expendls turelall showed increases but these were partially oilset by re ductions in cost of seeds machinery and gasoline and particularly 1eeding stuffs in which the reductions were fairly substantialif from the beginning of Septem ber till the end of June As yet have replaced nothing their blouses are in good condition tuuics can be let down and their soda and stockings have no holes in item even saved substantial amount by making their own simple blouses Parents were given years notice as to the style of the uni form so the children could wear out their present wardrobes and if new lotlies were needed dun ing that year uniform was bought Ttnss the first year uniforms are optional the sec and year they were compulsory May stress the uniform am referring in Is not the expensive dress of private school but one chosen by parents who are in terï¬ted in keeping their chil in In closin would like to quote my oest daughters comA You know Mum what youre going to wear to morrow The children like it the parents like it the teachers like it and for the first time ever have been sbleto keep within my clothing allowance My hus Sincerely your uursonioirv Farmers lisk Plan Pay Medical Costs GUELPH CF Call on the federal and provincial gove meals to implement an insur ance plan for payment of all medical expenses was made Tuesday by delegates to the am nual convention of the Ontario Farmers Union here The resolution said persons who have medics insurance poli ales with private companies pay large premiums and still have trouble getting claims filled Delegates saidthese companies also often refuse to pay legal elalms and can refuse to insure anyone with an ailment that might be recurrent second resolution called for amendment to the Ontario Hospital Services Commisslon not so the cost of diagnostic and clinical services would be paid even if thepatlentwere not ad mitted to hospital smoothness Ior Data On Crash Vancouver CmCanadian yawn younger gm wml National Railways Tuesday 01 feredaissmo reward for infor motion leading to the arrest and sedge train lnthe ley Oct 20 Thenaid burned through tampered switchiand crashed into dynarniteladenboxc Three persons wereli ured there was no explosion No clues vs has agreed to give special been found gt supermodel iAnd thepeaoc all unde poultry and beefcnttloon weanog uniform all right You never have to worry about ponslble