Pairidé InAngiicanEveningf Bites Modiï¬ed Misconduct hostile swim is best to the at to re um to monitor his cosmos in Mrs oer look like oh what color is in answer Cam In color since it pends upon its Extent Any area to grow bi salsa heal is he examin Til13 Anglia amniwï¬ is naught mom can or cy an °° inflame so htht flame but 123 Kg euno rewards everyparencatoneaued ra vdvct ntreetdongth gm The time or sooner hudifliculttu clan Ether an brocsde bodice wu encrusted trying to nuke his yormgrtan pm meew1auk with pearls Her elbow length behave My mother did and Im hit at advice mm veil fell trons tiara oi pout youn did too another field at medicine pay trimmedlace Mil Ortt can min my on an chllixllt ried cololialal boutht sum me mm gummy whll intro mm olyoï¬ recon me ol is feminismHymn in Mn inn McGregor acted advice Ive oflered chinorut the Unlvenlty atom the itqu not be tolerated mm at he Shlwm at has what believe are none Too many pirients Dr Segen RUNNING ANA rnou huntergreen veivct dress EXPEBTB ADVICE very good views on the subleet reich says are concerned with HOMErotten this isnt with orgnu ovsroklrt and 111 mono comm suggestions cl raising children and motto the hehlvloritself and tail to the child lead the punk behoyo determine the underlying caus and misbehavior torest cation for This act demands ram ure outfer carried colonial bouquet of ye on how to rain children have donor2mm Photo by Instcill OfficersI At Lodge Meeting The 195960 cxecutlvaior the Beaver Rebekah Lodge 190 Barrie branch wern installed Clara last Wednesday evening The officers District Deputy President win nic Fraser Dundalk and staff are as follows Noble grand Margaret vicegrand lune Walt recording secre tary Gladys Mandley treason vice grand Mrs Edith Coins left support vice grand Mrs Robinson and junior past noble grand Mrs Violet installed by Adams Mrs Aicta tAllsopp was in musician Mrs May Kemp as color bearer Mrs itoss as conductor and odgson as warden odge members met in er Eva Lennox chaplain Mrs the Odd Fellows Hail Collier Giadys Peterman inside gunrd Street ian Mrs Bertha Jory out side guardian Wright grand Mrs Jean Longstafl Final plans were made ior Mrs Marjorie bazaar to he held Nov in right support noble the Odd Fellows Hall It Was also decided to hold left support noble grand Mrs party for residents of the Sally Bishop right support Odd Fellows HomeAllandale SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Portia Mackenzie Saint John NewBrunswick spent week as houseguest of Mr and Mrs Blair Collier Street Mr and Mrs Brooks Ferris bane have returned home from months trip through Western Canada They visited iriudsand relatives in Regina Edmonton Vancouver Victoria and Nanni mo Returning through the norl them United tSates Mr and Mrs Brooks visited their daugh ter Mary now Mrs Jarvis and her family in Farmington Michigan Mr and Mrs Crawford and family Willowdale were guests ofMr and Mrs TWll son Jehb Dmry Lane Mrs FredSmith Oakley Park Square returned yesterday from weeks holiday with her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs PerryMclntosh and family Brighton Miss Moore Bnyiield Street entertained executive memhers of the Barrie District of the Canadian Cancer Society last night in honor of Mrs Henry Krugg Kitchener Mrs Krugg vicepresident of the On tario Division of the Cancer So new was guest speaker at the annual dinnermeeting held at Trinity Parish liall Maurice gThank Oiiering Iii Bond Head The Bond Hind Womans Miss sionary Society held its thank offering meetingriu the United Church Hall recently Mrs Green and Mrs Wat son opened the meeting with the worship service Mrs Cox led the members in prayer Miss staintoo Toronto played piano solo Guest speaker Mrs McKenzie Toronto was un able to attend Mrsi Nelsh T9 ronto gaveun interesting talk Miss Stninton spoke on temp erancoi Mrs Green read poem and Mrs McKay gave nread the program Plans were made orathe ha vaar Lunch was crved by Andrew it Mr McKay SIDESADDLE PENALTY nauugrou ice Charged with brea of traffic rogulntions hecausoihls motor cycla passenger wasnotsitting astrlde th rear seat young man here aidjtho girl could not sit anyotharowny because her Grimes Toronto of the Ontario executive of the Canadian Can ccr Society accompanied Mrs Kluge Mr and Mrs Clifford Enishaw Painswick hole announced the engagement of their oldest daughter Eeity Bernice to Gorlt don Frank Hnyter son of Mr and Mrs Ralph Hayter Bor rle rlhn wedding date will be announced later Mr and Mrs Methan Ad amson Parry Sound have an nounced the engagement of their daughter Patricia Anne to George Edwin Easton son of Mr and Mrs George Easton Vancou ver The marriage will take place on November 21 at Collier Street United Church ltobertStewn1t comm is visiting his sooinlaw and daugh ter Mrsnd Mrs Russell Jory Dunlop Street West Teadheris Tea lleld InBarrie low munu Misses Virginia and Gail Ortt acted as hridesmnidl wearing rust and mono green velvet dams respectively Both attendants carrlcd colon iol bouquets of yellow mums The groomsmnn was LAC Thomas Smith and the usher was John llicGregor The bridal mother Mrs om received guests at her home In an orangeshutout wool houete cuitdreu with black acccmories The grooms mother Mrs0rr assisted in blue brocade dress with blue accessories Dubaitown guests came7from Boston Moncton Maple and Edgar For theweddlru trip the bride wore rod wool suit with black accessories Her corsagc was of whitecarnations The newlyweds will reside in Van couv BC Area Members MeétIn Barrie Approximately 25 members 01 the executive of Simooe County Area Womens Institute axecu tivo met Monday for morning and afternoon sessions attho Agricultural Department otiiccs Collier Street The members assessed the value of the area convention in Orillia and all agreed it was successI Planswere discussed for the 1960 convention in 1113 Calling wood area Among those attending Mon days meeting were president Mrs Kells Collingwood secretary Mrs McCiun Wyebridge first and secon vicepresidents Mrs CrNewton Barrie and Mrs Cam hell Strand Barrie and District Federn tion of Women Teachers held its annual tall tea Thursday at Johnson StreetSchool The auditorium was decorated in autumn decor with cornucopia and autumn leaves forming the basis of the theme Hostesses tor the afternoon were the lady teachers of Johnson Street School assisted by rrepreseptaI tives from Dro and Vespra Mrs Scott wife of the inspector for schools of thens soclntion and Mrs 11 Macs Loren wife of the chairman oi Barrie Public School Board ore sided at the tea table Mrs Dor othea Tompkins president of Simeon live welcomed guests and introduced lady members of the teaching staff It was announced that the fall conference of the Federation Womens Teachers Association of Ontario would be held at Al llston Oct lYEAItSl skirt was too tightflho rnoglsv traho sympathlzcd butttill posed to line ONTALLLAST WllilElirBlGliT fsuvsvjims criticisms bro mian CANADIANS EQRJIHESE Bio MONEY SAVERS Vat lure pink blue mint Warmly lined ten furlined split hood Gr Value 17$ 787 on rural Imam discs no warm mnneietts 1n slmcuve colours specially JRANI aim to as all turned cotton drill in camex umb liflpl SpoolHy LowPriced only lttom and MW ed only 177 It oms sumo menr sue to Shun cotton in electrl blltt lill thin and Spoolll spilthood Onu nmu UNI omits sixu In it Shun cotton Redford cord in Illr eolourI Bnurli Druid Zulu 2987 BDYI om con for II Mi ems iii it or Zipper and futonr cinnampspechil OF novst LINED sum Sixu tnr gel to 12 summed Itvntn child tcels rejected orjunwantod ovs 11 SHOP Ne HOU BAIL minors rooms so sms 312125 73 To is Exceptional Voluol Buysovoral undisovol unseenme cottonname sum tor Boys in the nod oi patterns and colourings Boys like Rugged handsome stle es for now through winter wear Speclally LowPriced tor Extra Fondly Saving rum219mstuns sxznsd no3 listy rigit Nylonankotton mix itliEElll nose Gkaun Assn mount Spun Nylon stretch My WoolandNylon blend Girls ingsPricod only no Pr Aldrens sizesï¬ 09 Youll wan to acts up at Zollors Special low prlooi Only P11 ylonuanddwood Strutcheas in popular 54 Say 5530 pm 15 1200 Noo pm