Loan Interest Thousands Huicaasrscuou WINS boil in Prague Roy aney Barrie City Police Contable in charge of the school safety patrol pro gnm presented Biilcrest School with the Col Lee plaque for doing the best safety patrol work during 195 Receiving the plaque is lzyenmld Elaine bishop who was one of the senior patrol members In the backroom are some of the other pupils who do their best to ensure the safe com lng and going of their fellow pupils Conal Lacey thanked them and congratulated them on their work and coopcrr tion There are now five patrol workHillard John son Street St Marys Cod rington Street and Princeof Wales which started bion day night Pupils man key truffle points on the roads and direct both cars and fellow pedestrians ensuring minimum chance of mis schoola taking part in safety hap Examiner Photo Site or Plowing Match Has Interesting History Byll Gas The John Robinson Farm on which the South Simcoe Plow Match was held last week has been in the Robinson name since it bcarne hothcad back in 1832 The lot was purchased troni the Law property who hadure ceivcd ndeed for large tract of land from the Crown The Laws private cemetery with brick wall around it is on the line and the lot east of the Ron inson farm This is the burial place of the original Law settlers The farm was taken over by Tom Robinson greatgrandfather oi the present occupant and be cleared the land and built log house In 1838 his wife was the first white woman on that line In 1354 his mother came out from Ireland to reside withtbcm Later the innn was taken over by son thn born in 1047 and his family was raised there in cluding Tom who is still on the ann andcccupying part of the house with his wile while son John born in 1909 operates the lnrm His 5611 John Keith plowman of renown who has been winning at local and Interna tional matches was born in 1941 He is farmer by inclination and will he the fifth generation of the Robinson family to occupy the homestead SOLID HOUSE The large solid brickhnuse on the farm was built in 13830ne of the present barns was built in 1894 and later larger barn was added in 1905 row of maplu down the lane to the WEATHER Synopsis Skies were overcast throughout the proVince over night as snowflurrles continued across the north country and showers in the south distur bance passing south of the lower lakes this morning is expected to move to the Atlantic seaboard to day with therein becoming fre4 quently mixed with melting snow as the cold airrleepens in the wake of this storm Wednesday will continue cloudy throughout all regions with few snowflurries occasionally mixed with rain near thepiower lakes as the cold air dished Lake Erie Niagara Lake 0n tario Lakelluron Windsor Lon don Toronto Hamilton Cloudy gt northeast 15 to 25 today becom ing light tonight and northwest 15 Wednesday Kirkland Lake Georgian Bay Haliburton Timmins Kapusk ing regions North Bay Sudhnry Cloudy ndd cool with few snowflurries today and Wednes day winds northerly 15 to zotd light tonight and west to northwest 15 Wednesday Western New YorktCloiidy and cool with rain orroccasional wet snow today and tonightï¬ high to day 4045 iow tonight nearfreez ing Wednesday cloudy and colder with few showers or anowfiurries Forecast Temperatures Low Windsor St Thomas London Wingham Killaloe Eariton Sudbury North Bay Kapuaka ng whiteRiver sasssSeSsss becomes estab ght nigh Wednesday 40 road were planted by Tom Rob inson alterho finished school Mr and Mrs Tom Robinson are both in good health and attend ed the Piowmcns Banquet 01 lowing the match held on their form They will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary next year The farm from which accord ing to Mr Robinson one can see across three townships is on the 11th line of Tecumsetb about mile west of Highway 27 It over looks the Nottawasaga Valley and on across to the Hills of Mul mur When Huricaoe Hazel flood ed thevaliey there was laké stretching across it which cov ered cattle and left animals hanging in the trees Their farm is on hilltop and the soil of the rich clay loam that made such good furrows for the plowmen at the match has supported generations oi Robin son farmers Tom Robinson served on school boards as clerkrtronsurer for the township and as an otficial on many public services Besides John who is fanning there are five other sons in various occu pations and professions across Canada farmfis aboilit mile northwesterly from the Hon Earl Rowe Farm and both these homesteada are of onefamiiy oc cupation since their clearance from the virgin torest ThreeSirncoeCounty boys last night received their wings for winning near Flying Scholarships Est July at course in roronto can here at Barrie Amoury accepting the wings lelt to right Barry Finnis Barri Sgt with showers or wet snowflurries alumna money Bun Who tday Cloudy and little colder with alew spowfiurries tonight and Wednesday Winds north to tion from Corporal to Ser Eeant and Wayne Gilbank Compiled atnoonby 37V 311 10 27 Ahltlhi Paper Aldon Steel Aluminium mo Consumers blurago Bell Tet Co llrazlliari BA Oil 11C Power ggn git or Sam in rows ea CPR 25 12 ms or 1a 74 Con Min Srn Paper Inna Negu Con Hal Maritimes roaomo amen In atrial up 60 Gold ddwn 71 TODAYS jsToCKa PRICES seal 55 rnm nrPiny Ford Can Gtleui can Mines lntorprnv Pipe Jockey Club KerrAddison Doblaw Pro Massey Fermi promo Investment Fund ass on Investor Growth THREE COUNTY BOYS nacai WINGS Coliingwnod Presenting the wings was it Partridge pr dent of the Air Force Assoc tion which sponsors 102 Bar rie AirCadet Squadron The boys who are all members of 102 BACS are now allquali fied pilots Aiso presentat the ceremony were Sdundron Lead er Dates and Flying Offi cer Doug Bruce liaison offi cer from RCAF Camp Borden Examiner Photo Flynn noun Eirflallle Nsw Myl munch Normctal 4m Newnnrnn iN Ont NJ Colflrtream nomcorp Opemiakn rem Pipe Qua Needs ll 00 Royal Bank St hw co an Gnrrlolnp Salads Shim SlmPsOlil Sheel of Br mg 15 nun nn Trader AP Taitca United on pnion Gnl Walker caw Gus North rAmerlcan anpervuee Growth BXCNANGS mart etnll up 94 on up 95 uswfronn amon nomads vanncea duatrilll up 124 winswin on at Utilities onwn rive lunar carve manna with develo urn committe pose of the committee to be to brinch the attentionof particular groin row lateral marathon ing adequate water nappliuln Barrie Said Hr Salter We borï¬ytopianhydroextensltu involving new actuation in undies But as the entire eun mission this year bu to seek reelectionltislikelynomalor If decisionwillbomndoimtiltbc Decembermting am hoping tion may ease and that More on need the money there willvbe some receislon in interv est rats he explained to an mamlnerreporter He said the commission had put all building the new instal tmlon as long as possible in the hope of relic trnm high interest rites But now we have got to have it Barrlea water system bad ex pended in much hlreoent years more reservoir space was essen tial Also the existlng pumping station was overtaxed and the naw booster would help deliver water to houses in high eleva tions where Mr Salter noted most bulidin was now going on The new installation coincides ent of the mmmis sions new well at Perry Street lb Salter reported preliminary tests were satisfactory The com mission still awaiu final test re port from Contractors Interno tional Referring to statements by oi ficiais oi Universal Coolers new arrival in Barrie that abun dance of water was one reason for moving here Mr Salter pointed out that water costs were also less in Barrie than in roost municipalities So were Hydro Would new industries seeking location be assured of continu Breviousiy one of theme oom mlssioners was elected each year for twoyear term City coun cils decision to stage municipal elections once everytwo yells means in future both commit slooch must go to the polls to gether It the third member of the conunission the mayor is defeated or does notvatand it is possible for the entire to be dlanged sons oars You JUST can we An annexed resident of Barrie was not satisï¬ed with his new munlcipallw The road before his house fell into disrepair His garbage was not collected So be ap pealed his assessment It was increased The story was told at Bar rie City Councils regular meeting last night in lat ter from Robert Maltarp of Murray Street formerly in Inuistii Towns hip The road had deteriorated complained Mr Meltorp since it had come into Bar rie His appeal to the Court of Revision bod resulted in an immense in assessment However Mr Mnitarp can appeal the decision to the Court of Revision Friday supports Lions Swim Pool The Barrie Lions Swimming Pool has moved step nearer to reality deputation to city council led by Lion Harry Nasbitt last night heard coun ciladopt recommendation of the ï¬nance Committee in the form ot recommendation to for pay ment of $1 mun pal grant for each $2 raisedby the club to maximum of $10000 atatementtissued by the mate it $6003 has been raised The site is already available and has been reserved by the Earks Board rlhnpoolls to be located on land bounded by Bayfield Grove and Toronto streets and Highway 400 Ah t4lr acres The campaign to alleviate winter unemployment around Barriewill he spearheaded by Do It Now advertising cam PiiBn which will start in the newspapers radio and televi sion in Novembm it was on aided at meeting of the Barrie Winter Employment Committee held Saturday in the National Employment Ser viceofï¬ce Cooper manager of the local office of the National Employment Service revealed to the wellattended meeting that presently 082 people regis tered at the local officeare unemployed Of these 297 are from Barrie and the immediate distriot the remainder are spread out anwng Flos Me donte Vespra Ore Tossoron tie Essa Innisfll Adjala and Tecumsetb Despite these figures the committee concluded that the unemploy ent situation was in good shape The committeefélt tbat last years campaign was respons ihle fortbe placing ooi 400 men in winter jobs Pickles chairman of stated the pm the phhlie an employers the there problem concerned with Minter unemployment and om to the gedersl economy bill with proper and advanced planning great deal can be done create employment Th role played by the com mittee in reducingrunemploy WI meat necessitates that mom be take an active part in the dia button IM ca pargn material addrem theirpwh in connection His 30th Int Says Youngster An eightyeproiddiarricboy was ioun Prince of Wales Public School thisniorninglnfterrhe had be mlaaingall night David Kendall Gro Street has been turned over to the prof bation yolfic Thiaeon Davidai around th 30th gt in the basement of are available and space will be provided for parking 200 cars The large pool will cater for 350 bathera at time it will be Lsbaped 82 feet long by 40 feet wide with toe 30 by 35 feet Capacity will 1be 130 000 gallons which will recirc ulate every eight hours The water stated Mr Nesbitt will be drinking water pure Large concrete sundecks are to be provided at the pool wiil greatly increase the available accommodation more people will likely be run bathing than Therewill also be wadind pool for young children plus change houses showers and facilities as required by the Ontario Department of Health Do It New Campaign Starts ils882listed iis Unemployed make radio addresses and spot an with that campaign noimcements make possible the showing of the campaign films to organizations new Furs9121 Ovei Consfertvaticn Pea Barrie council members lest omit lashed out It Rich ardsonchlel Conservation en dinner at the Ontario Departv night of Planning and Develop ment His conduct oi theirecent haligural meeting oi the Notta wuoga valleyConumtion thorny wuzstlgmatiud as fin cpl obnoxious liictntorinlf and showed blatant diam gnrd torour autonomyiv Council imnnlmouaiy passed by recorded vote resolotioo calling on the Minister of Plann ing and Development exclude from the Authority that part of Barrie whichdoes not drain into the Nottnwassga At meeting Thursday Barrie was voted into the Nottawnsaga Valley Conservation Authority against the oles of its own re presentati by majority of municipalities concomch innnanons ï¬res of the cityla within the ottawsgn watershed theaent ire city may lieassessed or con tritnitions on aper capita basil to the Authority This wllimean Barrie would have in Militant quarter of the municipalitia sham of the adrninistrétlvccoata of the scheme Covered in admims trotch costs are purchase of heavy machinery grants farmers tor farm pools recreational ar eas and purchase of land for re iorestatlon These costs are shar edequally between the Ontario government and the member municipalities Moving the resolution Alder man Charles Wilson one of Bar riep two representative at the inapgural meeting the other the nations aeconder Ald Claims lndédision or annual Holding Up His ILBnrrie CityYCounciia con duct tinged with lack of de oral principles on fair Lawyer Ross Cowan suggested to council last night this was so He was appearinggonbebalf of Gordon Spring who is develop ing subdivision at the east end ofWellingtonStreet Lack of council decision on to whetheror not to extend Wellington Street to link with Steel Street has held up Mr Spring for nearly year Mr Spring does not require Wellington Street to be projected todevelop the site stated Mr Como Ho xplained the subdiv ision plan proposed street on the site if council wished to ex tend Woilingtou Street it should buy the land at the prevailing price of $2200154 acre Two lots of the libï¬ve per cent wotlld be given for municipal pur poses as required by statute During his presentation Mr Cowan traced the history of the development giving data of sub mission ands registry of plans Answering AldermanCharles Wilson hesaid he did ot consid er the land was subject to the subdivision control bylaw passed byBarrie City Council on land annexed from Vespra township aa was the Spring land The subcommittee Set up to deal with publicity consists of Denis Sheard Green halgli Bristow Thaw Bani Man Hurt In Crash Barrie man iied his car into tree at layor Motel Dunlap Street last night after he had simultaneously tried to avoid woman cross ing the roa and been blinded by thehea coming can Alexander hicLelland 21 CollierSt who was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital with mild woncussion and possible back and leg injuries was stated by noapital otticialsto day to be in satiafactmy condition His small continental wasa wreck He told Barrie City Police he waa headedwest on Dun lop Street when he was blinded ghta of an en by the approaching car and did not see ohe flashing redlight ona construction barricade at the side of the road He tried to avoid the construction but at the sametime saw we man crossing the wetland had toavo her as welL He tried to pulllnto the driveway of Mayor Motel but hit curb lost control and oareened across the motel laim flipping car off tre FAST rHoro smut PilliillilllS rosaronrs SMlnTH TUDIO anlop in um 40ng Heath bdivision ll Later Alderman EF Hersey pointed outto council that the statutory five per cent required mm subdivider for munlci pal purposes was for parks Road allowancea bod tobe given in addition Alderman Wilson told council the Minister of Planning and De voiopment hadrequired llrlots known as Block to be regis tered as single lettered block previous to councils control by law this year Fonsorne time alderman hedg ed aronnd thequestion Alder man Earle Williams said Feb next year had been the day set for decision on where to put streets on Mr Springa property Meanwhile they would have sat down with Mr Spring to discuss the issue its not too late now your worship he added But Alderman Frenchman out his finger on the trouble You cant do anythinguntil you decide what you are going to do about that Street he said Council refererd back to Special Building Bylaw Zoning and lemnï¬ Committee reef ornmendntion that Mr Spring he advued be may apply to the Barrie Planning Boardior draft plan approval of Block of his plan including road allowances is laid down in the Planning Act Richardson had only thatpart of intotheNottaw ago would utiinnty this cop tion Told anemones ness leaniptroller Well he stated that ghmkw geste th city should legal action dennaii Wilson solo ment wantedtn for the Authority by four vthel Consgtvatim under which the ldeutenant emor canlby ordernicotide elude adjoining areasln servatlon auth ty say so Final blast at therdepartme Cooke road Wellington