rumorstances pawennuth nombertoeonfum3udneq Edltuhlnepklllltfm 195$ earNo 250 RUSSIA claims this is the hidden side of the moon as photographed by instruments inftheir Luriik ill According to Russian caption identifiable places are large 300 kil ometer in diameter scncra ter Moscow Sea As tronauts Bay of Moscow Sea Si Continuation of South Sea on Moons reverse side Crater of main lziolkovA sky hill lomonosov Curie crater mountain range Drea Sen Solid line across dia gram shows Moons equator dotted line is border line be tween seen and unseen part of moon from earth Solid lines around objects show absolutely established objects determined in preliminary processing BARRIE Dotted line around objects show objects needing form clarity iinc dots around ob jects indicate classiï¬cation is now taking place Remaining Roman numerals are those ob jects on visible side of Moon Humboldt Sen ll Sea of Crisis III Regional Sea IV Sea of Waves Smith Sea VI Sea of Fertility and VII South Sea Lunik III Photos Open Way To Solar Survey MOSCOW APlSOVIEL Russia said today that Lunik llls his torymaking transmission of pie tures of the hidden side of the moon heralds photographic sur veys oi the solar system Toss official Soviet news ency said the successful oper ation of the space vehicle and its picture taking apparatus opens up broad prospects for studying the planets beyond Russian scientist Vasily Lolt bastov said Luniks transmission ollts moon shot has inaugu réted the most perfect method of studying planetsthrough rocket hoto aph Ifheglworlh got its ï¬rst look to day at the far side of the moo Photographs released here in date the area is covered mostly itb mountains and unmarked lains with only few of the craters that pockmark the side the earth seés First reports indicated that the hidden side of the earths natural satellite is considerath more monotonous than theside turned toward the eartbl as one an nouncernent said SCIENTISTS PLEASE Scientists throughout the world hailed thcSnviet photographs as remarkable scientific achieve meat Many said the pictures fitted in with their preconceived notions of the landscape oi the moons far side The Russians lost no time nam ing visible features They called laomilewide depression north of the lunar equator the Sea of Moscow bay in the southern part of the depression was namedthe Bay of Astronauts Russian Economy Narrows mam oursr MOscow Reuters Deputy Premier Alexei Kosygin reported rapld mansion on all maior fronts today in survey of the soviet economy and forecast that the Soviet Union over take the United States in com paratively brief space of time Kosyg chairman of the state coniniittpe was ad dressingthe firstrdays sessron of new meeting of the Supreme Soviet theSoviet parliament He said that next year all Ruse He cited long lists of figures show general increa dustrialproduction building and agricultural output for 11959 and added that they represented gene eral increases over planned fig lures for the yearthesecond of sevenyear program The current seven year plan Would be considerably ex needed US Gap Taken over the years 195258 industrial output in the Soviet Union went up at an annual average rate of 115 percent he said ompared with an equiva lent figure for the United States of only 16 per cent Unprecedented achievements in science and engineering gave every groundio regard the cur rent year as the beginning of mew era in mans conquest of outer space Kosygin declared Premier Khrushchevs Amen can tour an outstanding event of our timedeinonstrated that Soviet policy for peace and dis armament were not prompted by economic weakness Output of the means of produc tion in 1959would grow by 12 per cent and the output of consumer goods by 105 per cent Despite unfavorable weather output of grain sugar beets and number of other crops this year was expected to surpass the average annual harvests for the mess ï¬nalIllness last five years and there would be abumper cropaf cotton Snow Hits Northern States CHICAGO now belt extended today from Minna sota across the upper Great Lakes region intoxnorthern New York state Rain mixed with snow covered areas from eastward throughrtlie lower Greathakes regi 30 Sales Iowta liit Record Pace dies of neWCamida savings ma hays hit arecord pace in the first nine days of the sales enm financedepantment announced today Probe Trafï¬c Prosecutions nmfroan ca An vestlgati traffic violators ilton policeman at oakland Township be madeb ins to the prosecution of WPth team of Soviet scientists also tagged six other land in ar Scientists from many countries participated in naming the so callcld seasd moutrliltains and errat ersm an enhancer 12 mausoleum gt DESCRIBE OPERATION Mo newspapers today carry detailed information on the design and operation at Lunik my which was launched Oct took its pictures during 40lt minute period Oct theore turned from its mean journey the earth Tass said the 614 pound traveller was between 37234 and 43498 miles from the moon when itsphotographic equipment was switched on The taking of the photos was timed so that the station on its orbit should be between the moon and the sun which lit about 70 per cent of the unseenside of the moon All equipment aboard Lunik was controlled from posts on the earth through radio link and autonomous program devices photographic assignment the it laboratory was equipped with system of orientation and photo television apparatus with special equip ment for automaticallyprocess ing tho film The tra smis sion of the moons photo images to the earth was done with the help of we cial radio technical system The Soviet reports said the operation was carried out over distances up to 290 000 mile HAVANA AP aide Castro cheering crowd of several bun dred thousand that once again he would hand over theenerniesgof his revolution rtomiliiary tribun his and iringsquads In avfiery speech of more than Castro asleed them the mention de yet the premier also Gave stronghint his gov Oet 18 to begin anrorbit around ONTARIO CANADA Metro TORONTO CPlIMctropolitan Torontos executive committee will consider motion today to dismiss all five members of the Toronto Transit Commission The motion is being backed by Alderman Philip Givhus and Ald crman Herbert Orlilfe Aid Giv ens proposed inn wire to the ex ecutive committee that the sys tem be placed under trustee ship MAYOR alumnae TUESDAY OCIQBER 27 Mayor Nathan Phillips said he could consider the motion but he added he would be reluctant to dismiss two of the commission ers Scythes and William Russell Their names hndntevcn been mentioned in thecurrent controversy involving the TIC he said Reeve Campbell of sub urban Scarborough said the move to fire all the commissioners was Heavy Flow Oi 01TAWAhCPA heavy flow of federal mortgage funds during September has offset sharp cut back in the amount of National Housing Act lending done by thé chartered banks and other ap proved lenders NHA loans approved in the months by banks insurance cornA panles and the like were bnly one quarter of the amount ap proved year earlier it was re ported today by Central Morh gage and Housing Corporation They covered only 1034 units compared with 4357 in Septem ber 1958 Loans approved by banks dropped to 530 units from 2803 and by other approved 12111399 momma However loans approved by CMHC the governments hous in September compared with 861 year earlier The rise was even more marked compared with August when CMHC ap proved direct loans for 2197 units TOTAL 19221 UNITS Jihe combined total of NBA loans approved in September was for 10221 units compared with NEWMARKET Ont CF Mayor Alexander Eelugin said Monday night he will dismiss Chief Constable Byron Burbidge if teenage rowdyiSm is allowed to continue on the townis main street The mayor said residents in this town have been intimidated by mall groupbf teenagers along emain street to such an extent that some of them have taken to doing their hopping by telephone 50 as to contact with eYoung punks Unless this abominable situa tion is brought toan endwithin two weeks am afraidI will have nativ but make sure Monday night premiseda wildly three hours devoted largely to hi inost violent anti American ernment may try to oust the United Statesfrom its naval base at Guantanamo in southeastern Cuba aid Cub anywhere iapparently meaning from the Communist blockif its overtur Virtually signed thevdeatli warrant of Hubert Motor former comma der ofthe armed willbuy airplanes to buy jets from Brk Carnaguey provlnq and th latest cm squadsi the crowd roared merit ing agencyjumped to 9187 units enthusiastic attenti Federal Loans Offsets NHAT Lending By Banks 8231 year earlier and sharply above the 3029 in August But the cumulative total for the first nine months of the year at 40870 was still well below the 04590 in the JanuarySeptember period of 1958 The decline in National Hous ing Act lending by banks and otherprivate lpnders has been attributed to two fa ctor sA shortage of loannble funds in the face of heavy commercial de mood and the attraction of higher interest rates for com mercial mortgages The interest ceding on NBA loans is six per cent but new commercial mortlt gages are being issued at inter est rates of seven to 71 per cent MeanWhile the rate of new housingsconstruqu is ï¬lling nearly 14 per cent behind last year when record 164000 hous ing units werestarted Housing starts in the first nine months of this yearin centres of over 5000 populationfell to 76557 from 88579 Government officials say they 000 hausingunits to bestarted thisi year Despite the decline from last year that still would be the second largestyear on record wiltrim Chief in Newmarket iiTeeneageRowdyismContinues that the present chief be re moved from his osi The mayor said the chief re fusedto cooperate at police committee meeting last week All Burbidgewould say was that othan could hedone by the police unless the troublemakers were caught redhanded and that the department was short of men After bit more discus ion in which the chief couldhot prove his case the said hath was on vaCntion and did not to stand there and walked on saidMayor Belugin Chief Burbidge out of town on police business was not upected tobe available for comment until late tod castm Plfedsés Revive Firing squads tacks from foreign bases the cabinet will meet tomorrow to dlscussthe decree forvthe tune necessaryfor reestablishment of petit of Opera the blic rally Castro drummednip last January when the speedy executions ofso Scalled ar criminals were being severely riti abroad But 2th ence In January at least 1000 000 personsflturned out Céstro calledfo th same turnout Mon daybut stun es ofthe crowd varied betwee 250000 andf400 000 And instead uEVgiving hi onto the and began todrif way expect between 135000 and 140 959 MGY DiSmiss All TH members not too radical He would be willing to consider the proposal UP TO CHAIRMAN But Fred Gardiner chair man of Metropolitan Toronto said the next movc in the hassle would be up to Charles Walton chairman of the commission You might as well say were going to fire the board of direc tors of the Bank of Commerce said Mr Gnrdiner Mr Walton Monday night of fered to resignif Metro council wants high powered business man to run thetranslt system MLScythes TIC Viceltehair man has privately informed offi cials he intends to resign next year commissioner Clive Sinclair has announced that he also will resign it four of the five board members will join him The yearlong feud over the op erations of Torontos transporta tion system broke out anew iol Monday that he would like to see lowing remark by Mr Gardiner qualiï¬ed business man head the TTC Invalid Man Dies In Electrichhair VETHERSFIELD Conn AP The violent life of Frank Voicu lewicz came to an end Monday 1153 qui an invalid in the electric chair For seven years he had lain in stateprison here awaiting exc cution for the slaying of two men in robberyrin which he himself was shot in the spine His appeals failed He was pushed into the death chamber in wheelchair Four guards quietly lifted his wasted body and strapped him toythe wooden death chair Thus ended the life of 41year old man who was juvenilede linquent at 10 andlater airobber thief bootlegger attempted rap istand killer The crime that brought his exe cution wastbe slayingof police Sgt Walter Grabeck and by stander William packinghouse robbery in 1951 Award Sounds In Midland Barrie rORQNTo or The Obtsrio Water Resources ion has announced the award of another contract in regard to Prestons new water works one in cone tion with Barries sewage works and third covering watermains onMidlaada William StreetAlso announced was the signing of contract iortestgtdnlllingat Cale don Easti the costnot to exceed $14500 Canada Guniie ofMontreal was awarded $103553 contract to construct 1500000 gallon reser voir Preston part of apr0lé6i that is mated to eventually cost $277 EmeryEngineering of Barrie ha been awarded the contract to construct sanitary sewer anda pump house atBarA tie nte cost of $188544 while Thomas Wilcox and ons Ltd Midla will build wntermains and appurtenances onMidl ads pennant Street In 7253 onebig differ nahesat Malyzedmnd PESKY STOBK WASTES FUEL ST LOUIS AP That pcslw stark which seldom seems to fly on schedule is responsible for the dumping 1027000 pounds oflet fuel Into the Missijsippl River Mrs Carl Tillman of San Diego Calif began hav ing labor pains on an Ameri can Airlines jet flying non4 stop from New York to Dos Angeies Saturday Toensnre safe emergency landing in St Louis the pilot dumped the fuel into the river en route An ambulance look Mrs Tillm an to St Marys Hospital And now two days later comes this report from the hospital Mrs Tlllman has not de ivered yet WASHINGTQN CF With the record American steel strike cracked slightly by Kaiser Steel Corporations settlement rul ing by afederal appeals court late today was awaited on whether the rest of the 5000 odd workers would go back to their jobs at least on tempor ing its decision on the union contestad unction under the TaftHartley labgr law The de cisionfwili come when all United States markets are closed so that they will not affect stock prices Meanwhile 7500 Kaiser em ployees returned to work at plants inflalifornia under new This COUNCIL Pr ec Planners Ba es spec st engineering consult an should have been ftbrown out pi thewindow to start with declared Alderman Earleiwilliams to city council last night Speaks on an amendment to comaiitte report the aldermanwho cbairman ot the traffic committee which he been concerned all year with planning arterial routes to ve traffic swiftly through Barrie declared delays impos ed on the public works pro gran through ting for deci sions on zoning rid routing master planhad los whole summers war to the DONT NEED 0UTSIDERS We could have doneas well ourialves hésaid He frecalledv the engagement by council of consultant to After tudy we firlt ed him andwe got ourselves bus serv thiit is paying 0f Pro Planners hesaid yzue nu cournn mornInnIInoI Firm Is 16th Largest rirrsauaon AP Ilnl Steelworkers Presith David Donald ioday announced con tract agreement with Detroi steel Company the 16th lei8 producer in the LS McDonald said the axreem was on the same basis as those tlement in Washington Mood with Kaiser Steel Corporation ninth largest producer cDctrolt Steel has anann steelingot capacity of 1500 tons McDonald made the announ ment at press conferenc The strikeending pact by Kaiser and the unlenrlelt certain whether steel prion creases by the company may lowlater liaise Employees Return To Plants agreement which be in fl until June 30 1961 Kaiser theninth biggestpr ducer pierced the industry solid front by signinga separa peace with the union alter near five hours of private negotiatio here Monday lint the other 11 big comp said the Kaiser defection wo notattect their dolerml resist what they to flatjonary settlementr The new contract added 10 cents in fringe hen for thefirst year and 1291 more the second year inclu sevencen hour pay Companyotlicinls declinedio what Kaiser workers made fore the began Julygls the industrywide average $311 an hour Shouch Traffic 1lannefgt om ruinka in the special building bylaw ing and planning comm be amended to agree with previous motion of echo adopting Sophia lWellingt and Gr ve streets as arter routes dreserving land the east of the city for ext Sion ofWellington Street Alderman Charles had moved an amendm which had theeflect ot rem ing We ington Street fr the arterial street plan OPPOSE PLAN ll asserteilthe repor Project Plnimers had pol been presentedlto the plan board andthat the consults recommended Grove Sop Penetang and Nap as dongterm arteria through they mittete reeommen ation against that of Pr ec Pl ners