xTORONmtCPlAn argument over v9 spent by his bride of tivomonths caused an enraged 63ydsroldrellred grocer tolslioot tuswiic and lnthcrinlsw Friday night then am the rifle on him 50 Dead are ism Panasiuk his wife Phyllis 45 and her father Albert William Smart 68 an en gineer who arrived here from oxford England 11 days ago Dcteetlvesstrid Ppnasiuk and his wife beganarguing over the money just beiore midnight to the wcst end rooming house owned by theformer grocery store owner Mrs Pannsluks caviar T0 OSHAWA toriLabor Minister Starr today school teachers should press on their pupils the necessity of acquiring all the cd ucation they can Teachers he told meeting of Oshawa Secondary school teach ers should do all they can to con vince young Canadians to slay in school as long as possible This was necessary ior the students ewu sake as well as for the saké ufthe country advancement Schooling pays Mr Starr said reterring to agovernment survey in 1951 showing that high school graduates earned more and found better jobs than those who drop ped outheiore graduation higher percentage of those who graduated received promo tion or ralses and more fre quently wages increased wrth schooling Schooling had an influ cnce on employment opportuni ties Graduates engaged in wider range of jobs while drop outs were more restricted in the variety of positions open to them Mr Starr describedas tragic hnglican YP Reflect Two orrnwn api The criteria Eileen Young Peoples Asst in JamesA Winters Vank II was rcelectcdchaplain th Floyd Peterborough nt conference at Cathedral continues run day afternoon officers includ Dianne Peterborough secretary Bently Pembroke treas and Jean Marshall Vars csident gt ev Reed Bishop of who delivered Fridayis address said people are better by what they do by what they look like or New Testament is not ily record of Jesus ingsrnany of which were on to other religious lead lhuti is nreeord of what Boblin leaves For Australia wrivmrnc or irrenuer l1qu noblia left where he will represent Manitoba andSsSltntchewan at Comn nwealth parliamentary conference lied On Now YerkThruway AP Montreél nup cat on the New York State ion Friday reiJected two top rs as its annual conference full swing with about 400 inns insurers Remand IwoPlealeuilty lirmed Robbery 12 Other Counts father apparentlygot out of bed to join the discussion Roomers on the same floor said thoyheard Panasluk shout that he was going to kill both of them Panasluk wentvto therear oi the house for his mcalibrc rifle while his wife ran out the front BANGS 0N DOOR hlrs Panasiuk was banging on neighbors door witnesses said when her husband caught up With her tie fired twtzhsbzts and she dro ed against oor hr Smart was standing mostly on the street in his pajamas as Panasiuk shot him in the fore TEACHERS COnViitCe Pupils School the fact that only 35 per cent of Canadian pupils go beyond Grade say this Is tragic he said because if it keeps on Canada will lose the race for technical and scientific equality in the world nLtomorrow lie said Ilhc critical yearsfor pupils Leaving school before grnd nation are Grades in and 11 Teachers should watch for dan ger signals in those years on them We cantpleayc the responsi bility to the young individual and let him suffer the consequences he said The remarks wcrc contained in the text oi speech issued in advance of delivery llwait gt Reply Russ Proposal UNITED NATIONSNY CF Russia awaited word from the Unitedde Soviet terms to on the latest anghingtWest disarmament proposal aimed at winning unanimous support from the 82 United Nations members Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Kuznetsov disclosed that the Bussianswere still insisting that the proposedEastMest resolution contain ro al of Premier Khrubchevs plan for total dis armament He expressed confi dence that agreement would be reached US Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge who has been carrying on the negotiations with Kuznetsov said the Russians latest counter proposal was under close study He made plain that the Us will not endorse any particular plan but wants to send all proposals on to the mower Eaisest disarmament committee which opensetallts in Geneva next FebA ruary AUS spokesman said the ne gotiations are going well and pre dicted chances were good for agreement on resolution that would win wholesale approval The aim is to get both big pow ers to sponsor common pro posal and with the blessings of all UN members start the Gen eva talks often harmonious note Aus killedtn ruway about urmilés south others They wereidenlfled as Mr and Mrs eiesphora Latonh parents of ï¬ve children ranging in age from up to II Mrs Laf rid was 30 and her husband 33 elite American Inroslav Prague cientists Nobel Prize Stockholm newspapers name two scicntistsas Ptllbable winners of obel physics prize The Americans mentionedare wen Chamberlain 49 both of the University Heycovsky head of the Polls ate chemistry prize canonrem or The DOtlmember Alberta own Se octationshowed its oppositio oliticn party when its 16 delegates walked outof Labor annual conve ion today to aproposedvnew at rial Alber bery titre of breaking cote illegal possess it oh and sawed if tiles Panasiuk returned to his own house locked himself in the kitthcn and put bullet intothe roof of his mouth just as police broke through the door iPannsiulr was dead when the policemen gotto him and the other two died shortly after reaching hospital Police said Panasluk whose first witcdled last year and Mrs Pannsiuk widow of about year had avcry stormy court ship before their marriage last August Since thcn police had been called to the home several times tnsettlc violent quarrels RETURNS WITH DAD Early this in th Mrs Pana sluk rent to Etglrand alter the death oi her moth with her ialher Mrs Jane Liscoumb and her 16carold daughter were walk ing along the sidewalk when the shooting started Mrsiiilseoumb said man wlth riile warned them You better cross the street and they took cover be hind parked car to watch him shoot down two persons Pollce said Panasiuk gave his wife $2000 before she went to England and had been complain ing since that money had not been wiser used and returned FrancePlans Explode Booth try to remove or at least reduce PKRlS AP Frnnces high commissioner for atomic energy says that France plans to explode an atomic bomb but not more powerful thermonuclear weapon The radioactive fallout in the world will thus be only slightly increased over thatproduced in nuclear tats by the United States Russia and Britain ac cording to Commissioner Francis Perrin Perrin added that the Sahara Desert where the French bomb is to be exploded is asafer test ing ground than Nedada where the 173 of tests The newspaper ParisJour says the French bomb will be tested the first week of next February Indian JLWHMW BACKV Y7 prolt vides pretty reminder to Barrie citizenslthat the city reverts to Standard Time at am Sunday Clocks should in ctch Wwlt be put back one hour for mer Penetaag girl Zita is model at ilarries Joan Gar rick Modelling School Examiner Photo PITTSBURGH AP Steel negotiators prepared to resurno bargaining today and President Eisenhower strongly urged them to keep at it until the steel strike settled Eisenhower made his new plea through an aide at his vacation headquarters in Augusta Ga James Hagcrty White House press secretary said of the pres ident Hesincerer hopes that when both sides renew theirnegotia tlons this afternoon in Pittsburgh they realize fully the obligation thatthey remain In consolation iacnld negotiation until they settle Ontario Indians Against The CAPE CROKER Ont GP Ontario Indians attending two day meeting here say their chief complaint is with government in dian agents on rescrvm The meeting which began Fri day is to study brielsto be pre Sealed to the federal government seeking more control by Indians of their own affairs The meeting is also expected to set up union of Ontario Indians to give their requests more solid backing Tlie iirst brief presented by the Cape Croker band proposes that the chief preside at all eoun cil meetings and meetings oi lbandsin council1tsasisthesu monument or Indian agent should be only spectator or liaison man withvthe Indian af fairs branch of thegovernmentz lhe Indian Act provides abut superintendent can preside at government ChinafMayEBreakf NEW DELHI CF AnIll dlannewspnper says Prime Mia istcr Nehrus government may be forced hypuhlic pate etc sever diplomaticrelaï¬ons with Rod China as result of the al Ieged ambush of Indian police men in disputed border area Wednesday The government Friday said Chinese troops striking 40 rriiles deep in North Kashmir killed I7 Indians and Wounded three The lndinn and Poking govern ments exchanged protest notes each charging the other with re sponsihility The Statesman aBritishqwned newspaper says that unless Red Chinas response to thc Indian note is satisfactory it would become difficult for the Indian government to resist public pres sure for severance of diplomatic relations HAiLEyarmy ice Two men pleadedguilty befomMagis irate Kenrick Friday to 12 separate nd joint charges lIl eludingcnuntssot armed bbery andkidnapping Alfich Grant Martin 23 01 lingersville and Leslie 25 no fixedfaddress mended to Oct 30 in They were jointly andsepar ately chargedw ton kidnapping unis ng and eftthrec of car to Charges arose from offences continua Lake Wullcll and mogami areas All chdrge been transferred th re the two men only we charges bad in this tri CWIEWES told Martin an An son first stole near lnNorfolk Nehru himself saidtodaythnt the border dispute has caused lot of anxiety but he did not think there vvould be war with China Meanwhile snow was reported tOhe falling today and indiian army sources said it was vir tually impossible to move in res inforcemenls rThE Kong Pa pass where the latest clash occurred is 17000 feet up in the barren mountains of the Chang Chemo Valley about 200 miles east of Srinagar The Indians claim the area is 40 to 50 miles insidethclndian frontier asmarkdd by oiiicial In dian maps But the Chinese who have recently built road there allegethat the clash took place within their frontier In Peking Chinese newspapers jay frontpaged Pekings seri= ous protestlto India alleging that on south nt imagorni The victims were robbedrof $50 and some per sonal belongings then tied up and robbed oftliejr Testimony continued that Mar carto the Wavell area 50 miles north of Kirkland Lake where they broke into the cabin oil Nazarcbuk 51 andvstole kitchen utensils and tirstaid kit from two cabins southwast tmngami court was told ely ushiroad tin and Anderson fled in McAI they had iiken Indian troops intruded three days ago into Chinese teriitory and at tacked Chinese frontier guards But they did not comment edi torially anddid not mcnti the Indian governments protestover the border clash in which the17 Indian pol ce wererattled killed RED SAYS SHOCKING The léaderv of the Communist group in the Indian wer house Dange sa Bombay to day that Wednesdays clash was sad and shocking In staternent he that such incidents would hinder res toratioa of friendly relations tween India and China The loss of precious Indian lives is bound to make the Indian people resentful and to ask what the Chinese government means by such actiocf he added India and Pakistan have set tled most of their border disputes and agreed onproeedures to set tle thoseremaining The two countri issued joint commun ue today at the end of ministerial level talks about their troubles over illde fined sections ot their common frontiers they owe to the United States and Howeverhe said that feeds For Settlement lticanwhilc the headof Eisen howers three urnan factfinding board in the walkout that began to days ago saidin Philadelphia that he has been in touch with Joseph Finnegan chief of the fed eral mediation service Dr George Taylor said he and Finnegan tallied over the matter of how they could best cooperate in the event the fact flnding board is reconvened Taylor rand Hagcrtyboth dc nied published report that Tay lor had requcsed Eisenhowers permission to resume mediation efforts The new negotiations were ar ranged under federal court ell rectivc Complaint Indian Agents bond meeting providing the ma jortly of council members are in agreement Several chiefs said Friday their superintendents had tried to dominate council meetings and that one had insisted it was his right to preside ChiefvE PGarlow or the six Nations reserve near Ernntford largest group represented at the lrncetin said he has had to go over tb superintendents head in previous years and communicate directly with the minister of citv izenship and immigration WEST llllllliNS Immigrant To OTTAWA of Canadian and nited States immigration laws to people fr the West In 95 has been cized Grantley Adams prime minister of theWest IndiesFederation He told press onfercnce here ljriday the people at his country are British and should be admitted as immi grants to Canada aad the on the same basis as other Brut ish preoiates Canadas action in raise ing the numben of domestic servo ants it accepts annually rain the Wash Indies Only 50 Wes Indies girls accepted as migrants by Caov adaiive years ago The number rose to 200 last year and was ex pected to be about 250 this year Although there was no CanaA dianquota on west Indian how Neither the United Steelworkers union nor the industry Comment on the possibility 11 new proposals rug made Thogovernment air obtained an ibjunction ill TaftHartley law to send the 500 Don strikers back tothe mills in anewday coolingoff period Be the United States court of gt however directe nke every eflor to settle the strike by collecti bargaining while the appeal is tog studiod court ruling joint negotiations collapsed in week in Washington In Washington Labor Secre tary James Mitchell said he gratificd to see the two parttc resume peace talks He urg around the clock pcgoti uons until the dispute is settle The union was firstto sugg reopening of negotiations Pres dent David McDonald 34 telegrams to 96 steel com ante inviting them to meet with uni committees in PittsburghMo day short timelater the 12 bl companies of the steel lndus proposed that the union meet day with the industrys fourma team that hasheon doing in of the negotiating for the lndu try since contract talks starte last May After some hesitation tbe ion agreed to an afternoon inee ing ButhicDonaldsaid the ion still plans to meet with so firms separately Monday they agree The 96 companies all are close by the strike and were named defendants along with the not in the goventmepï¬irction Tat Lley fluction Should Have Britishliights Canada States guinea test was wheth each applicant wnuld fit Canadian society inqsome spocts this was worse than directquota system of the II Sir Grantley said lIc saidhe hoped that ev tually West as will treated like immigrants in any other Commonwealth cou ited almost exactly mi Hc was asked at arp ess fercnce whether had notl anv difference in th prime minister He seems more seriousj th year ago saids his sense of humo th West in prime ter leaves todayf Vancouver