WORKING GROUP pond ers the problems not iorth by Dr Morganat Nancy Villa in Wasnga Beach Leit to right clockwise Bay on gott Mary Hill David Smithn Barrie Mrs Dora Hawke Not Qualified lions eppearlng Bull In the Wasagn Beth Elecflanhcartng at Barrio today said 121 people who cut votes in thagliugust municipal electianIn the raort community Drillia Miss min Rallies Shanty Bay Mrs Joan Kell Giltord Examiner Photo Debate Farmers Future At Community Life Meet The uncertainty at the farm ers Mars and the threat at chemistry and 50101108 replacing the arm at tomorrow was one oi the main themesï¬x ressed by Dr Morgan in is ad dress at the Simcoe County Com munity Lite Conlercnce which held its first session at Nancy Villa Lodge in Wasaga Beach Thursday Dr Morgan director oi Com munity Services Incorporated was one at the speakers who will address this group during its lecture periods and seminars throughout the thrceday meet ing which began yesterday Speaking to about 32 assembf led delegates from Womens 1n stitutes representatives tram the Departinth of immigration County Health Unit County Rec reation Unit Federation of Ag riculture and independent tarm ers Dr Morgan went on to say that he brought to the members not answers but pemlexity at no time in history hash boy horn in the latter half ot one century and grown up in the next one seen such change in human attairs STEADY REDUCTION IIlcre has been reduction ottarm people steadily through out the United States until now goIIloore Lands Players Shrew Mavor Moore writing in The Telegram last night lauded the Canadian Players production oi The Taming of the Shrew as live Shakespeare The players opened in Orillia Thursday and are presenting The Shrewat Barrie North Colleg iate tonight sponsored by the University Womens Club Moore said the Playershad contagious good time onstage and showed some at the sparkle and inventiveness so lacking last year Tooliva STOCK PRICES Compiled at noon by good condition only 10 per cent of Americans live on forms by arming Marginal people are getting out pretty fast and now halt the iarmels in the United States are living on very narrow mar EUL They are crystalllzlng about the citicsand the structure oi lite is being formed in that way But Dr Morgan did not incl things too rosy tor urban dwell ing No city can maintain itsell on its own birthratcf he said He impressed upon his hearch that though tlï¬ra are things that changu there are others that remain stable Wo will need continuing tun dameatals there wlllcome time when the community will have to tight tor its1iic And on ttlis note at the com munity having to tight or its life he let the listeners break up into discussion groups which Morlies Edge TiCubs 32 HAMILTON CF Eight livinger Jim Pnppin seard goal at 1948 at the third period to give Toronto Marlboros 32 exhibition Junior hockey vic tory over Hamilton TigcrACubs bciore 1680 tans Thursday night The losers scared both their markers in the last minute at the first period with Blair Constantin and Neil Forth getting the goals Teenager Dies Alter Crash TORONTO CF Lake 15 one at sev eelHigersI injured when car smashed into hay ride in suburban Etobitoke Saturday died Thursday Six others admitted to hospital with iractures are reported in Crawford and co Lto 24 Dunlop st Second Floor would carry Ilia problems and their solutionsturther DISCUSSIONS The groups will discuss and bring up questions in later ses sions at which Dr Morgan will preside The Conference is an annual aliair which travels around the county and is sponsored by this Simeon Courts Federation oi Agriculture The first such conlerence was held in 1944 David smith of Barrie torm erly with UNESCO in Thailand is theconference consultant and will assist in involving people orienting the discussionsgand the alter suslon evaluations Dr Morgan of Yellow Springs Ohio formerly president of AR tloch Collegeand author oiseit eralhbooks akas the stngaltcom mum spea to gran all three days Recreation is an intagrhl part of the conference with session each evening under the leader ship oi the Simeon County Rac reatton Service The topics of discussion will be Good Community 3ng Business and Urbanization and Conformity and Changing Val ues WEATHER TORONTO CPIOfficial fore cagts issued at am sis Stroll souther wian brought warm bflmid air ll all of Ontario Thursday night belt of light rain extended from Sautt Ste Marie to Tlmmins Slightly cooler air ln Western Canada is ding ovary rapidly eastward and is ex pected to cover most ol Ontario laySaturday morning Regionalhiorceasts valid until idnight Saturday Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Niagara Georgian Bay Hallhurton regions dso onto London Hamilton Cloudy and warm with few sunny in tervals today Widely scattered showers Saturday clearing and a7 little cooler Winds southerly 1520 today west 15lt20Saturday llmmins Kapllskasiag Kirk land Lake regions NorthB had not been dog the lastzeertlt led voten Ilat Bent defeach candidate for reeve k1eantesting xtlhro alectllon yin then were exular tins causing nonqualified people to vote Thls in tho second day oi the hearing at horrid Caunty Courthouse Christmas Ice Is Slayher llim It all plans work out the tflm mitteo set up by Stayaer organ Izattolls to bring in report on the purchase at an iccmaklng plant or the community rink hopes there will be artiï¬cial ica ready or use More Christmas According to Jack Carrol chairman of the service clubs committee which was sparked by the Lions Club their mem bershave agreed on the pur The tat people bald MrrRowe were those whose names were between and lie has notyct campictedn study at the lists lie Addedu however that he was only prepared contest at at the names Ila paid the ward not assesed as owndrr tennants orlspoosea on flicth assessment roll drawn up in 1958 Gordon Mclurk counsel for the deceased village clerk Char les Ervln said he would concede 34 ot the 61 were granted CW lcales when they did uncappear on the assessment roll He sold the remaining 27 names appears ed on tha assessment roll in some way They were probably entered as change alter the roll had been drawn up he said The hearing continued this at tcmoon Judge MncLaren is presidingu sun WORD 01 THE BlillYEllliTS chase oi one at three types and cil and the arena committee and recommendations made to them as to the purchase Funds on hand and to be rais rclrigeration system by the time it is installed About 55000 is still to be raised and this will be done in whirlwind canvass that is expected to make up the tinal amount quickly All the clubs of the area have joined together under the com mittee chaired by Mr Carrol and theyspcnt over five hours interviewing representatives oi firms who manulactilre the equi meat Notes were made on he poian oi interest and questions swere asked by all committee members who want to get the bestvalue for the large expenditure of over $22000 Acknowledgments have been published tor $117520t the total and more will followasthey are received former old boy at the village sent chequejar $10010 help in paying for the new ice machine SpeedChargeri Nearly Double Speeding charges in Barrie Ontario Provincial Police depart meath District inmasedISep temherto 598 from just over 300 in July Tlie reason iorthis large crease said OPP StaliiSergeant Ayres ursdayw the Labor Dayilrivo institute byAttoroey General Kelso Roberts who told i0 gettough withenant dri rs and the decrease in the de ty oi tratiic now summer Is flVEI vt The roads are not so full hence Ontario Departmentot port traltie report showed there were 153 otor accidents makes or machines Thetmattér will beplaced before town coun ed will be reallyto pay for the McCoilAFrontcnae peopletend to speed up he said The matter ot an inheri tance is involved in the eitort ot relative in ï¬ance to iind some trace in Canadaot Mr Leonard Bauyerat LeonardlBauyerat came to icanada from Francerbetween 1810 and 1380 but it is not known whererha located it any reader oi this item knows at such party or has ever heard at him please write direct to Madame The illard Ahun muse France 1W10jltlacKinn0n Loaves llecortl 0l Plilll hired Oliver clflnnon lvclloknown resident for Barrie and tonnerzxiwaniao died last nightfaltcr lengthy illness Ea as Mr ltlacKlnnI on wasborn on Wellington corn at Honours Countyin 1877 Following his early education atiiilldburgand devoted much time to training Because of his ability as mus Eorrneff Barrie mommies the iuhcrol serviccwas held tor Horace Wilson ARGO on May morning at the Tovell Funeral Home who died on Sat urday at Gnelph General liospl lnl lie waster many years or artist and choir director at Knox Presbyterian Church Guelph Son otSamuel Wilson music ian and Mrs Wilson he was born at Putsey England in 1880 From the agerot threehe played the piano and at 17 he became organist and choir mast ter in Battle Chapel Putse Be lorn going toNew Yorfha held other positions asorganist and choir lender in churches in Eng land and lrchnd From New York he went to leading churches in Ottawa Hal itax Barrie and Goderlch be tare coming to Guelph in 1941 While in Barrie Mr Wilson and his wiie organized the Little Theatre Group and tralned its members lie was organist ot Collier Street United Church member of Barrio Kiwanis Club and active in community attain Mrs Wilson was contralto solo tst in the choir directed by her husband popular teacher Mr Wilson the people in that theatre group ician he was able to instill suc cess in the students around him Mr Wilson is survived by his widow the former Mary Emily Stricklandy 1110 NorfolkSt He was member at the Mason ic Order and Scottish Rite The liberal service was held on Tuesday atternoon Oct 20 at Knox Presbyterian Church with Rev Crawford Smith otticiatlng The body will be cremated atTorontoCremator ilun ic Service Orangeville high and model schook he taught school for three years at Rockwood Tend came to Barrie as sales agent iorMcColl Bros EEO be was interest rnther at Rock importingand breeding from 1916 to isualized the ght oiBarrl who sur together with his son Jack MacKionoa president at McKecbnie Conveyor Go To ronto Wilfred MacKinnoarserved as alderman 192122chairman ot galno alide of Education iisaz 53 president ofBarrie Agri ul or MacKINNON Jennettvï¬meral Home Mondoy Oct 76 at pm with itner meat at Barrie Union Cemetery ants and friends were on hand to look over the school and tho quationnairc sitting beside their larder in the near ï¬xture The quertlonnilrc is partot program at selladvertising and getting to know the public which was advised by Tom my Di Tatum wellinowa Montreal restaurantowner who Thursday dreued Muskoka District Cans Bestnuaant Ax soclatioa at Elmllalea Red Roos ter Restaurant Mr Tomaso is president at the Association and has recent ly returned tram two toursone at the cast and one at the west Canada He also recommended restaur anteura shorten their menus and conuntrnta more on being good host He said better scr vica and atmosphere were es Modalespecially It menus were himse largo and pricing was high It prices were high he said theycustomer has cveryriglit to upcct better service and gun we are facing the challenge that Is feature of our time he went on packaging of meals and the popularity at TV Chain stores he pointed out are making it easier and Easier for people to dine at am 000D HOST He said to be shrewd bust nusman was important but the essential thing was to be good host rieadline in the res Homé Schoolets lnstall Officers The following slate of oiticers was installed by Mrs Frank Watson at bomeand school meeting at OxbowSchool Oak view Beach Tuesdays President Mrs Doug Watson irst viccpresident Mrs Tom Borthwlck second vicepresi dent Ken McCutcheon norm spending secretary Mrs lim McGlll recording secretary Mrs Leroy Donald social convéaer Mrs Jack Fleming program ronvener Mrs Hamid books The meeting was the occasion of an open house and many par work of the pupils and also to mutant was the has to describe it health Advertising should cater to the people ho come Into the restaurant said Mr Tom to whose restaurant has some to be known as Whern the Stars Diae The survoypbywly questionaaircwas valuable it ljaow it willpay all he continued lt ls valnohtc iai instinee to rhOW what the customer reads which announcer he lis tcns to most on the radio Then you can try to keep your dyer tlslngspot in the right place be Idded mvnnnan In an attemoon meeting Mr Tomaso stressed the importance at merchandising and public ro lotions its said man who was not spending $3 out oi every 5100 on advertising was not selling ll properly An advertiseman he laid should not look always like onc He told story at how his irst and best advertisment had been anoll painting oi his mo tllcr Inside the restaurant lilo mother had started the restaur ant when he was musician and he had taken it over its illustrated his lecture with slides and movie Vcldan Carter Orillia director at the National Board at the Canadian Restauth Associa tion chairedthe meeting lle told the guests including Bar ries Mayor llllardKinzte Mrv Tomassohad established him élt through many activitiu as one at Montreals leading citi zens Also present was Hugh Craig Alberta vicepresident of the association Restaurant owners from North Bay Gravenhurst Orillla Huntsville Braeebridge and Barrie attended the meeting For the FINEST BUILDING SUPPLIES at FAIR PRICE look for this sign of quality meet the teachers win IDA Dealersin your town Allaadalo anlhlc and Fuel Go Pairiswtclr Ontario Hector Smith Cookstown Dntnrlo unity Lumber Co Letroy Ontario saturday Moraine Sudhury Cloudy and warm tural Society He was also pres occasional rain today clearing eptcmber and only one ta ident at tho Kiwanis Club in wound Mlnel my 1A ttlbi Flper isv Consumers Gas 41 3054 48 54 47 so 72 15 Agoma Steel 319i Aluminum Ltd roan ninem on 11 Ashmaa mi Atlns Steel zs ilgom Uran mi Bk or Mont ilk at us 7m Vileil iel Co 40 Brazilian dr Am on Co 32y 44 59 as Daragnn N5 seas Dom F0 Darn an Dam Tar sunburn Famous any Ford can Gt Lks Gecn Miner Gat row Gun inn Harden Farina Home on 25 Hudson Bay Min 1mm Tab ImJa on in Narmctal New 1103 Nor nt no fit Co dstresm 111 Moore Corp as Ont Jockey Club 21a pun Pacuic Pet Fem Pl Que Nt Gal Ron Iloyal Bank st Law Corp Sher Gard SaL Shir Simp Ltd Steel or can TutDom Bk TransCan Pipn Traders FlumA Texaco Unit on Union Gar Walk saw as 23a Are 23 ms Inter Nickel ass Inlerprav rlno use KerrAddison isv uahlnw pro nose uzssoy relgm Mari Mug New My winroar slams Bid Asked 944 Nnrth American salt supervised Growth roaoNro srilclt arrcnaxna molar insomnia down 115 Goraï¬owu 05 MetalI up 44 Dill down new song spoon nircmua AVERAGES moundnun 272 pull up or mind down no FIVEJIIDST mm marinas rialltwell Rowan ConsC Colliers AVRM can investment runs InvemuGrawth Mariumzc Sprintint Intel 06 nymentseveniy over mo ymnoths Ava ter in when fuel consumption ishigh and othel expenses are generally has allots todayi The SAMEAND CO late to ll Saturday artly cloudy and tile coole Wlnda southerly 15 today shitting to westerly late tonight gt Forecast Temperaturei Low tonight High Saturday Kapuskasing White River with failing to remain at the ators llcense 10 for driving istratioli checking charges People injured ninnbored 71 and a7 careless dri rig charges were handed out Chargesoi criminal negligence numbered three drunkdrl ing 17 and tin paired drivmg eight Three persons werccharged scene of an accident and the some number were cbargedwith failingto report accidents Twentyeight people were charg ed wrth driving with nooper while suspended and two ion having no chaulteurs license There were 11 permit and reg Detective eqtn ment charges totalled 42 Weight checks on tnlckabrought 10 charges and Mansonce assassaesssassss oassssnnsssegass r0 cum Younl GROSS EARNINGS Museum lax case cartoon 568509 nine piano Allovernmcnt Controlled Edmonton TWO aLavarons there were 185 miscellaneous charges gt DOWNTOWN BARRIE IWO BEDROOM on so TWO anonoom $290 BEDROOM so Tons srovns 1y oursma PARKING LAUNDRY nooM DEVELOP mountiv Sarina can ammonia $258800ANNUAIJ i930 Belinda resign from the club iewyears back because at hishenlth Whenthehlate Mr MacKinnon retired from McCollFrontac OilCo in 1945 he had served with theroolnpaaytor to years and was the oldest employee the company at that time He joined his son as vicepresident of Metal Signs Ltd andsecre tarytreasurer of St Metal signs and subsidiary com panies in toys and paint ma iaoturing ï¬elds Presbyteriali prior to union he was member of CollierSt United Church He was also member oi Corinthian Masonic Lodger Scottish Rite ltitb de gree and Sons of Scotland Funeralservt will he held at so 950 400 ANNUALLY motionlvNoanu Tl um Thomas 15 mm Ir IIC tr spaciAlej 1mm mouour Am Vaultle nu ma sum Kitchen fSTEI STOOLS