Vines Dan new materfï¬lmlgulg ll victor lino rr1n Wm new llr rod yvnnNrsoAY NOV BunIr on ï¬lm lo MP nd lln Normnn lowyd wood nlul Ion sONM noyol vnaono norm on Wednadu lm Amrllkm Im or 51 19an street aer beloved husband Ferzuwn or nnrrle Ind urn 33d nomoouon lAnu line ol omwr deu hrnurer o1 yeroer Nmr Ind Prod o1 somvluvuj in nlr 75m your ammo or main Mtt Punenl Home Borne ne ml rervlee soundly October no pun inlermenl so Poul cemelery lnnlull Toe Aunnorln annee nd Black lndxu null hold urvloe many nvenlnl oelobclri hmmNONAl Royl Vleloru Hospiul nnrrle on round 09 22 loss wrllred ldrexlnnon or Bloke Slml Barrie beloved nnrnnnd or Gertrude xnlrne no dul mher oLJnlm no at Tomato nod lovlng orandlnlher ol lnry Susan ln ms 82nd your Mun Ln Jennele menl Home nos rle ollor 51urdl3 noon Punor unlee llondny n1 ln lnlormclll nnrrle unlon Cemzngl Cards of Thank would me lo Ike thll oppor Iulllly to thank Dr Shmnon Ind Dr zany on the nllnln run on 2nd Medlcnl Rev Brenn Ind nll my mood null relnuve who remembered me wlu mu flaw en nnd cud durllxl my unit weohr sm ln RoyI Vlctollnllos pllol rlnoerely client you ull Mrr uln Mowterm ARDENwe all 00 yearnnu and deep ogpreolnuon or the may ecuor ldndneu mm gun or nowmp elo 1mm Ind and nl good cheer In hornn lhl messnger lot rymonury rnd condolence nnd henuuln norl lrl bluu extended by relOver lrlendo nnd nelolloore durlne the recent lllnur and other auto at our be loved We and rmcMnllw Id We clprtluny Lhnll luv ll money nr Manhnll rod or OConnor Lu nurslnmuuu ol ste venron Nemerlul Hnmllll rno mth FuneralRome Melvlllu nlderndden Mr and urn mardoom e1 In Memollam comm1n lavlnzmunary derr hushuzdund tolher Mervln Cornell wlmpnsed my act loss Nourlnx on ever take nwny The love heart holds dear Pond memorlu unrer every raw Remnmhrnnce kee them our snd1y mlsred llll wlh nil lollYr lLIlETIln 11va memory Mfrovln EIIlColbeN lwho lured away October mo Dvld or In Spun Ind our mm 01 Gordon Chum jlvAPropeny feisty innm Eï¬onlnor jf 17Apmpem FolSolo ONEDXFNIAIPVEAHPEARRE EAGENCIB mum PHONEPA851568 ANYTIMET COLLlERST PHONEPA859OI emumm 59 moon marrow aï¬m ror eod ciOnomemoem ou heeled honu ln Euleron hauled mg with all bunwe mm 35 mom we lure moonu no4 In Allnndnle dour enemy rand one 4bedroom noon ANNUAL EANOUET TURKEY DINNER oAnnlnnonjllcuyium SOCIETY Immanuel nude Color or Poqmnpnlo coo Punue welcom Mallow PEONI PA mu OR PA Hon Igneo out 674i RESALE omen Helm MJEQ manual 1333 men only nme Ind mm more PA IMI lament In mornuoglw 6mm Hat II kl PAINSWICK N0 11 HIGHWAY room noun nllueymrlnmhlnnd zooAlto NEW HOMES IN BARRIE PRICED FROM $10700 up um PAL Number or one some Duallo end cenrnlrn nul ml Board In oilum PA Barry road PA um Ken cooldoro LB Noun lo oernu senool Prrluloe nrlve ln Indiuml olden wonnnd new deluxe 5mm Lon ed hunglo with bullvln gmeJncodnonon Rheum lamWen lard nddonfll lele modern dcuhlu heme nlnl or lwo ï¬lllyruHGouulnod Oriel ye old ropmenu top School ml our luvMelt In It 18 nmu ANn DlsllllCl AssoclAnoNPon gumAllure cannon GENERALMEETING MONDAY ocr moso pm 51 GEORGES SCHOOL Gum rpnker will be In Illn Bring reereruon dneemr or On couno Auoclnuon ior neludcd EVENINGS CALL 47 us IL lL noonPA um SEERPA uu A110GIF5PA our 11 GummyPA Moon moms BARR momsr null mu hem PANCAKE SUPPER 11A4ml smovo uolnnmm lulu WEDNESDAY NOV 18 1359 Jrom 530 lo pm REALTOR Ample ol PA 85934 81 JAMES UNITED CHURCH Aorrs llms own Adult 00 Chan 506 gt ONE FOOT IN THE colmmv 3lrhe2£r$azln mlflmlllrirwfléï¬Ã©ï¬‚lgclm Minn PA um hmuu under Um no oom leto ul nmlly homo In nm 15 mi El mod ï¬lmDuodenudst ANYTIME In fully mun valmod until or mdnulmllvlnll PHONE PA 85568 SONGme 5017 DSEEIEID anuwgmQS TIEFIRSTWONME ms lGANW mmmmuéa All Real Eslala 17A Prdpelfly ForSalé Clumificulionl NHA BUNGALOWS slamszm nOlvN PAYMENT NAPIER ST mm DOWNsvmw AND PUGET minus Fur Illlock to sho log centre and puhllq schools 205 stab on Oorner awn rooms aplgedrooms ceramic tile bathroom colored ï¬xtures an Factory made built in kitchen cupboard All room fully decor Vuuoo ermn Phone Percy Po fï¬nmmhmgowahiumft aged Landscgped Calm choose from 2112 M1 arroyo may 13 ONE MORTGAGE 14 Rum hy blon mixer All CONSTRUCTION uel cllerplllu Dl SHINE PIIM WT PAH 85284 BRAND NEW RANCH STYLE ID comma mom BARBIE IR HENDERSON REALIOR man 3mm moron STREET merebold rooms new nrln home on unmlnum arm and $3 of newt on errteéa wulcuryloruonermonlh VANOiOUmvhï¬ STREET ol at on r1 hrflrfluhul end all nvlnx room med bathroom 1111 home ln one elm eondluon Fllll once umo wuh oerme 15 boom nor room wnn ï¬n lace 1511 Ivlllldlnetlg Doubl nun Close In on Store FD me In rnrrnmon onll our ouloe BURTON AVENUE roomhunxalow on lot room dloln room chm II 113 $126 hath all hul Thu out ch rmaluunlndhulnboleenmbe unprecmed mung mm Melee An alien MELBUSE AVENUE Modern mm lml home who luzl llle room no dLrllnx rm 133me mommï¬ 23 on lol Arno 41m with nllom 4mm emu Call Chulu Emu It PA mm FARMS FOR SALE osunnldnlo Townrhl 190 um 175 nor conlnct will no ens nulx cooler 010 ocruTworklnr so hue bulb FLOWER ARRANGING CLINIC For Brannon Sponsored by liarno Hortleulmrnl soclety Cnmmenclnl WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11 my Wednesduy unw nee were er llrr Cox Foo um Plnee 45 shnnly any Rand um l5 no elm VE PHONE RUTH AAIL SON PA 1mm 0R MRS WAT aON PA om DANCING EVE SATU RDAY cAnAnnl snrnn counus ONLY PINECREST $2511 couple For rnhle mennon PHONE ELMVALEanz aw one Fury Pom PA mu evenlnu PA LSHAPED BRICK RANCH BUNGALOW WITH AHACHED GARAGE lsloo On nulel crescent near rnhoole and park Jun one oer old wner lnnxtemd large llvlng room dlnlnz room hmlymodem kitchen flood bedroom men but th vnnley aluminum norm Ind ureenr delded nuemenl lmmnculnee Filmed In colon To meet call rule Scrumetc PA um Malay PA enoone or our summonnu or mom FRANK Nouns PAseose RITASCANDRETIV PAW PERCY FORD PA 87900 CHARLESBYRON PA 85682 SLESSOR REALTOR OFFICE PA now Member Barr1e Dahlia cnnndlnn nnoNnllonrl non neeu Pend I7Alalu THE PREFERRED DESIGN FOR 59 3Bédroom Homes IWith TiléO Bathroom Queen St Barrie ONLY $167000 DOWN home an 150 Wm CALI Dlgk HendersonPA 35368 ln lam we saw yon olnldne We watched you me my Our heart wre nlmosl hrn enlt You rouohe no to my no when we flow youlnueeplnlr Celull 0m PI 9e ï¬lm not whh you luck To 512 Inï¬naxlltled hy nsler rem Lo higher lnw wll neon and lenlre 47 loolng memory or our door don Memo who omen away one your olo loony God glve uoo wonderlnl ron lr meropry wlll never new old flEarlwnloned nu emlle oue enun Groln ma ceded nEW Aehgauululllsm In some So only IRll Ddld world all zomw eu rnn 32$ mined Mother nnd Dfldr 47 COEBETT lam memory ll dBfll bunker Mervin Cuban who used own are 11 1955 4152 use rr ï¬ll any rm on Fgl the guy we do not hlnlr YD km to ï¬nd l€lalle Vilnlld mama11 XIVO Wed V9 as In To smulhe age otrhlervln denr Came smiling at the door Lov1ng1y remembered hy ruler Burn and family 17 Colning EvalllI RUMMAGESALE ODD FELLOWS HALL SATURDAY OCT 24 9AM 11 NOON Ausplcu the Catholic Womenl st loan Vlnnnoy Crmouo 53$ Everyone welcome m1 WEDNEsnAymov 212110 5PJL Aurolcer Evenlng Auxmuy at am Road Presbyl com 4753 Gprdan AND lzvyzllY HNESDAY EVENING FOR 50 All hurt or on all lnKuven ¢Ill Joe mogul 33A 9951 or BUNGALOW WITH Clnsd downxown rooms1 on mull 12ml noun wan ond laxlet All detached homes All homes fully decorated ISoddod lawns OCity park across the street gt OOne block tram shopping Olhree blocks from pllblic school IFour blocks from hlgh school ONE NBA MORTGAGE For Information Sontag 7A1W ALEXANDER CONsmuclloNOO no1 3mm Gene MoorePA 8360 Cllfl BrownPA 85 number unrel nnd nlmm nod Onurlo Bu nom could Ph PA 82678 17Hmmo HAROLD FORSTER PHONE PA 66453 ANYTIME EVENTNGS CALL KARL MARSHALLPA BWl7 BUD MARTINsnow lflrd PEG normPA Mm mow maximPA do Member Annm Iml Dislllel llenl Emu honed CARSON REALTOR 40 MAPLE AVE 13mm JUST AnouNl CORNER mold ROXY mm PA 6648I om TUESDAY AND mung no RUSSmAlISON7RPIPA N15 SMITH CAMPBmoBu PA mm mnv QumNnen PA owed nEAnnu PA mu Gm MALLOllYAIenPA Mm 34 AND nlsmcl Rm ESTATEEQARD Imam USGARDEN suD DIVISION LOTS FOR SALE 66 hy220 It Aaronme dchnol good moor screens ï¬nvelled wlur erunned scone PA 84791 COULSDN flupnlhmif All Real Estate 17A Préperhll For Sale Norman ShelSWOH REAL ESTATE anom Dunlap Street Eu PA 89961 Or 68742 $1000 DOWN 3900 FULL PfllCFrmd Lhe bal ance cnnles or only $75 per month room home plud glaned mmoln mongol ectlon now ï¬RQSE REAL logmmnnom nAana CALL DAY EVENING PA 82379 udmhee Emlynhorn Cullflu md Nlflolul Rerl mm MOVING nonl lorel to home your INSURANCE mnllyoll need unrecovera kind SEE ST EVENSQNfS dry and romeo PAXI 35201 Hm 11 re coldid tor mm on DUNLOP 511 andmm war Enhnceon record moflnnta all punchrel leNLOP STREET EAsl Older name In excelled millID $51 ï¬ngevï¬ntnwrï¬wllh vlwm our our no am when and mailLl rloer bzdronuu nnd nondo l1Am lTAEWFM HENRY Euch AND MICHIE REALTORS REAL ESTATE moms ALEDA STREET Large llvlnz room modern klhchul md dlnntte bedrooms ï¬ledhnlh Manned nunHon room am PA Hm evenlnse $5973 MONTH 512500 FULL PRICE5 room oun Know Ill roams latter thanle =neln nod reuoenelrl arousell Go on fal further death 30 ACRES H090 PULL PalmLoam on mnln rond elore to radon melon some reioreslnllon done Cnu No man snelrwnu lnl norum INCOME PROPERTY TRDLEXonly year old nnd block Iron school 0111193 shop plng centre and bus non at from door All uxcellult rental Inca dun $5000 down wlllglve van Ieuerlskz 5n your hvsst en or or emu call on lanolin Mann lIzm mum noun $13900 with down Goodmomma mo ovenlngr only l7Adm mu BOOM Brick ow immune Pam ammon lute llvln room nclnlu hed roomnvl don Phnn PA oml 111A4M1 leee bath ypmalï¬ï¬oflwflhruwfldowdTï¬ CNblliléIlomg lidonhuylnxyonrltneoildonlle DAILY CROSSWWD mnflmnmmgrm ms 22m RUSSELLCHURCH 1ngon oughmm minoer 6931 153133 MOBILE HOME °° sALEs LTD 011mi XPhonoA89366 Z5 libmt l7F Farmsfor Sade wonrmélloooolrszn molt 11 7f l7 AplSnL House FolRent JAVAILABEE Novll IDOWNTOWN BARle Orenerrace ixwgmswénmz MSW mumm 703 mm loomollrormonswn ocmsn TO ALL SCHOOLS lncome Properly ANG v4 lrrge pronoun all rel can tamed with menu wllh rooms Fireplace in each GI user Alr andluonen herung Vary centrally looled All tank Selling Pllvot For Momflon wrllo Box 12 norm or 17Aam BASEMENT APARTMENT mun floor apartment rental mom on econonurnl home to Corry Cull nowrd Norm tul your up polnlmenelo lnsoecl Awlrhle Nov new room annrr nlnrnue hented arklng clllum 575 month cull ex Gordon re PA 1199111 or PA mu eyenlnzr EVENINGS CALL JooLonglln PANMo Everett snelowell untold manage morean lumen Howrd norr1 My Skin Normnn shelnwel full harement tornco Terms PKHMIEL While Ind mama renown scum yonder nrhlï¬mnm °l own ovenlnm only mam ywognlng gnanua unnlnl laundry Jun eonunuour ho ruler szczd lnndrcped rounds blmboo drape as month noNl WAIT PHONEPA woo 4va AVFEWLEFTn gt rel4L4 pHONEfpAï¬ï¬ssl 3110th ortmene rndhnh ova norm oilroom on ï¬niallowly man 54 at West 21714541 FAROUBAnsoN yum nonmlj KING PA sour JOAN BANGPA Mm ylfl ilfllflflï¬illl fllllflflillll Woman new decorated room aplflmont wth huh hol Vuln lulhd Suplflla lnlnnu Lulu room on dryer Phone 11114649 aï¬lllznqlgï¬b mlem ILA1145 $1500 down out he on low In belted Phone PA MODERN APARTMENTS 0110 or we bedroomAnwnlavrn Avullhlo lmmedmely OFFICE SPACE Downlan ll clnpoerlon amen nruonrnlo rents PA $253 OR PA 53733 171414 DOWN TOWN HEATED APABZMENT Emu ROOMSv EEH CONTAIN Nsï¬wmurggconnnm fTOVE RENT $6000 APPLY DAYS PA noon Nlcnls PA 3511 11111 APARTMENT FOR RENT 5Aérlémeofrilrd mm nvlng mmmklllchal° Ind echllln nave 1111 mod ace humour prlvna enhance 2311 halled handr gu We Ippulnlmenl gm man 70 STEPHENS PA roses on EVENINGS PA 82519 171415 rm APARTM END mlnlllor to downtown shnroom um room bedroomplnloe mm errgo plvcd tlrlvowxu nnehmnd none entrancemango Am Ind ma hoe wuer henllnzi $85 monthly Adnlll SHONE PA N543 ma commNclNo mï¬gvmmd an or méidoldbigl Mm 32 150 hou sMAu Colt1e Ill llnnsonlbln rent PA 3637 um 1311 171114 ROOM moron hell on welcnln PA 58337 1714548 Pool with convenlmcel coln Mornrot um Elm Ste Ankh collvrmlencu 300M Ughan Apnnmenc Ltw lng room edroom lrlcohen 50 par monul Phone PA Mlal 14560 niw remlfeendehsdg lemon nun lnrmndlnlely Phone PX 1547 BOOM Unfurnished Analhm ant comlehe sell Avhllnhlalvlmmcdfzotelgfmlll Wm 17 UNFDBNIEHED Roomsu st heeled as moot Avnllnlglelg medln ely Apply Chpperlnn se 1714547 if unmrnlrhed Ivy wlrlng ly 33 leld so PAEoouo grill Boom Apmen maso nhlo all located neliuznnlnlneg wlur hurl room Goad Hon Phnna PPM 17 547 NEWS ROOM House living room dlnlng room ldlrnel Ind hnLhAlso gnrage0n it Vln cent so Clll PA 58011 mares mam healed housekeeplns roomy complete wllh lnk and hot Inlleoldywnker Cllhpl Phone PA 84232 gt 1714752 3312300111 Heated Apamant 1n nomnonrlmehe hulldlng an Vln oene so Phone PA 35104 17141143 am comdnmn omnent moms honed unnun ed PllVï¬B entrance Avallohle NOV Phone ll 1714549 IEOOMS and In PA nm soon mmenr rel eonmloed Ind hence not water sup llod so per month Phone PA mo otter pm 1114541 nungnlnwo and bedrooms oonvrnleneen 551 month nut Phnne mwWnragr noneh men Jun 17115411 man Apartmult4 rooms in mud or unmrmshed homo cen lrnlAdulu Phone PA um 1114543 modem Dllh wlfh linen ï¬nger on mm mm on enndl noolu nremenr you hath lrlz end rlove no pun Central location Plano OP from 430 I9 530 pml mnoowl nous wlc mm mu aremen on to hlu Phone PA nun Aliment on ground noo newly decorated hol and cold moan furnished mm non home hone PA $39115 luv4740 one mournedxA Lorie r1 nnd bathroom men and or ll Mary st 171474 noun unlurnlrhed nonrhnenl rel vcunhlneflp mute entrance New one Arenn Phone PA 87441 17114550 Nzw mom room home In Wong Bench vllloge Rental lblh Phone PA 94734 ram mm on on 171444 IllARGE Room Well bag hog we Plgaledirllmlydlrg ID on EL or PAVE5515 1313133 mAï¬ snu conano nnn apartment lvlllz room lrlLl enmlhbellmnm bhthruomu so lsnoomnn unlurnlrned on MAKE nonnmenl xeporqle entrance clue hln name no Penmum rooms centrally at only Abolrlnerr cor Nov lo An BA 12118 Adulll sol Pouesslon on 17 st Poem 11714140