amorous VLllDYiOF SOVIET EMBASSY By Marn mornr The magniï¬cent power hu man warmth and graciousness to break down international har riers and dLspe obstacles at communication was vividly dem onstrated in Barrie last night in her own quiet manner Mrs Amutuoian wile oi the Soviet ambassador to Canada utab lished rapport between herself and the many local person she greetad beiore and alter an ad dress given by her husband at lkinity Parish Hall Soviet am bassador Amasasp aroutuolan spoke to the Barrie Canadian Club on the Rindamentol Rigth of Soviet Citizem CIIEMIST AND IOSIESS Mrs Aroutunlon talked anim atedly about her lite as an in dustrial chemist in Armenia and her lite as wile and mother in Canadas diplomatic circle Switching from halting English to more familiar French and back to English she told how she had completed her studies nannra Gammon own PRESIDENT mas ma wnmomzs measamims wars in capital oi Georgia and worked inylfrlvaa gliding Armenia tr partin the Soviets ladustrialii ation working as an industrial Chemist Since aanuary at this year the genteel lady hm been hostm at the Soviet Embassy in ct tnwa Dr Amntunian brought his wits and threeycaroid son liovanes to Canada when he was appointed ambassador Now that almost year has passed Mn Arouiuninh has this to sny Canada is much like 1me nature it freezes it freezes Then its hot in the summer Ottawa is hot hot in the summers snows BABY rrcruar in simple gesture the lady shattered any remaining corn muoicatlon barriers by suddenly drawing picture from her purse it was picture taken in Armenia oi hersclt and baby oi the family Hovnnes Ne words needed to be spoken to connoto the parental pride The Aroutun Six Churches Atténchounci1 Innisfil Council at Christian Education held its convention in urchin United Church Out Six chinaha were represented and 28 persons ï¬tteddéd The president Earl Gilmpurwas in the chat Rev openedwith the worship bassoon thextheme ninth ven on Poaching for oVVer diot Three arr no the iindin Burkhold It was agraadtiha rang church therespnnsib for leadership ars ieilowshipmnd Social help we say must he revealed the lite we live The ession has lifter 40 Years Approximately gt relatives congratula tions to Mr ondJMrs Wilfred Johnston at an op house held recently daltthe ion of the couples tortier ding anniv ersary gt Mr an Mrs Johnston receiv ed their guestsat their itagby home bouquet ofhrnnze and yellow mums gift from netgh hers and bouquet of red ros es gilt from the brides broth er Leslie Clark and iamin Port Rowanwere received threetiered wedding cake was the centre piece for the tea table Tea was poured by Mrs Manford Horne Mrs Edgar JohnstonMrs Frank Clark and Mrs Earl Johnston and served by the couples nieces turkey dinner was joyed by members of th ianuhes on Sunday number of gifts were receiv ed from ends andwelatives fOtitoitown guests from Town to non Rowan VBarrie Washa go Searborough Guthrie 01o Station Mitchell Square Orllita and Uplergrova attended the an ersary reception FORCHRISTMAS iCnli1 195 Cowper Studio st Welt at Ma 35940 day School day School Way Sunday School teacher train ing class is planned to take place once month and stalled by representative sfrom OCCE without the Sun church will fade before Christmaswith meetings This is under tha leadership oi Lloyd Grooming The iollowlng oitioers were elected for the coming year past president Frank Cowan president Earl Gilmour wipe president Cynl Spence secre taryheasurer Mrs 13 Kelli orlr Miss Mary Sloan Gordon Rix YPU hoys wor Theatre Survey HeldInCanada OTTAWAJCP yuuhg friends and out oextmonth to find just how the line that all the worlds staga physically applies in Cans ada Ottawa horn Bruce Swerd fager in theatre and company manager of the Stratford Shake speareanFestival is to travel coast coast in Canada on survey of theatre facilities He is on leave otnbsance troni the Stratiord company to do the emanates to start around Nov the Atlaiitio Provinces and Wind up Valiant midMarch the surveyis being done for the Canadian frhentre Centre with headquarters in Montreal andï¬s financed by an$8000 grant from the Canada Colmtlii wicaa sum canon HAIR STYLING 45 Danton at Fabiano Permanenta Specialty gt renaissance Appointine Necessary Getth levies Banlo PA 53139 commotion 1411 theatre administratoractor sets Mrs Arouiuï¬ian tCOIIiefs inns have another child uyear old daugiiter Garlne ho Vi studying inArmuila As wiilenol diplomatinthe Ar menian it proved to every lnch diplomat herseli Her animated conversation was sparked with spontaneous smilu and teen shrubs to indicate misunderstanding or English that would melt the sum oiaay cold war SOVIET HOUSEWIFE Her only comment on the rela tive standards oi everyday working conditions or the Com ndlan honsewtlaantf that oi the Soviet was its diiiicult to put in tow words For me it is not too diiterenl watch in Canadaqbut watched it in Ar menia lust Aroutunlnn didnt make iurther comment it was an nounced inst last week that Si berian housewities had received swiit response to complaints about lack of consumer goods decree set the pattern or sets washing machines relriger atom and laborsaving devices This oonsumer produce drive will stanthlsyearandnpthapro motion 40 per cut by 4861 pleasant glow seemed to radiate tram this woman Com pared to the press ipresehtation oi MraKhrushebevduring Pre mier Khrushchcvs recent Am erican tour Mrs Arontunlnn dtused Just as simply but with more style He black suit was neatly cut with thehemtine at flattering position below the knee Her titted iaoket featured the flatteringvhaidc collar with la pil on which she wore cor sage of pink roses She wore highheelal one pumps and carried aolack purse tell but which she rem ved dur Atan gt mental illnesses War Now Detectives Playl Cupid In Japan gave tncutliyrrkargivate do vac now role in helping yams Japanese women president of make up their minds aboutthe W011er men they think they might ms W5 young waited 017 wm usually theirownioquiru For about 5000 yen me Mo Iv womaneaniindoutiihermaoPmudg 95 liar had manylove affairs in 2° 13 henvydrlnkenhuasoodinbm oomehhulthyrhaugnodrm 111 background and is tree from also she might like to know livestlgated recorded lag the address comp ted her costume Her chestnut brown hair was parted neatly in the middle and caught at the nape at her neck style which corn plimented largo brownayes and more production at televisiondearakln Twentysix members oi Barrio Canadian Club including the ecutlve attended reception held for Dr and Mrs Amasasp Aroutunian Soviet Ambassador to Canada at the home of Vice President lanes Hayfield Street Dr and Mrs Aroutun ian spentï¬lm night in Barrie niutnring to Hamilton early this morning Mrs Mildred McKee Worsley Street has returned from two week holiday with her sister Mrs vElsia Sweet Cooksville and Weeks holidaywitb triends etBurlinztonJ Clark at university can dens Dundaa spent Thankséiv ROUND ISIRLOIN STEAK lj aoNnnnss Roman Inn holiday with Mr and Mn Rowe and With his son and daughteriniaw Mr and Mrs Bun Clark and grandson RohlnAChrirtophor Barrio Mr and MrsThomas McKen zie Sunnidale Road had as guesu at the weekend Mr Mc ri Kenzioa sister Mrs Gli mora Van Nuys California and her daughter Mrs Muriel Craw ford Colmablnna Ohio ATTENDED CONVENTION inoalpeopla recently returned from the Canadian Good Roads convention at the Hotel Vans voomzer Vancouver included Mr and Mr Letitia git Mr and Mr lil anmz nonunion aaavroons somatic RIB RoAsr mm aoimto BEEF FRESH LAMB For rRoasr Stanley oondido California Help Reach Moon Women otvtheSoviét Unipnloutunian said One may he who have at least partial claim to they have mada aconaiderable the man in the moon accords contribution to the development ing to Soviet ambassador to Con ot oosmieztravei and launching adaAmasasp Aroutunian sputniks nnd lunllts In telling the Barrie Canadian Dr Aroutuoian addr ed the Club of the prominent role wo Canadian Cluhat the family glam play in theedingdet Union Cl Parish Hall in night act on resear an Hunt womscmmm Wk We He added that more than per cent at the scientiï¬c stat of the USSR Academy at Scion is composed otwomen Women constitute 46 per can of the workers andemploy ear in the country We tryto move them to lighter work bet tar suited for women cannot say that wa accomplished al ready that task but we do our best and we shall achieve the him MATERNITY LEAVE The maternal interest the working Soviet women is pro tegeiiqihereiir 112 day mater ni cave th full pay sup le mented by wide networkon maternity homes mutation and kindergarten so positron LACK sermons ot newnrinsenimatad 550 3m 55 WWW 000000children lamps no schoollt is only at the patella in was available or 2500000011 animal grungy Faun curtainlattice conduit man man ran eight rears than boys andsirls LAMBETH Ont tor Rev have to mend lbs mm WSnell otiiciated at thawed years for the rat Silvana 2dr ding of Elizabeth Lawrence and catlanandJr Benjamin Dannan recently tasks He stressed the aim to link had done at themarriages of the the school as closely possible brides grgldparents Mr and with litewith practice with the Mrs Ed Kc and her parents requirements of momenta and Mr Brock Lawrence and the cultural late MrLawrence country Ted Janes 130th St Mr Jones is Coliaty wot Simcoe on gineeri Warden oi Simcoe County and Mrs mees rattan Nottawasaga Reeve oi Oro Township and Mrs Kenneth Gillespie Hawkestone Reeve oi Tiny Township nndMrs Mont calm Maurice Lalontaino Reeve Russell Sergeivilla oi Stayner Mr and Mrs Clark pro carded to San Francisco and Los Angcles or alvacationrtrip following the Good vRoads con vention Enroute they visited with Mrs Clark hrotherinlaw and sister Dr and Mrs and family at as regain Clark HMfthata Heating Measurement the sum of all the iaotora thataiiaot thaheating needa your home Whatever theraize or layout of you home theres an Essa Oil Heating uni which nos that moment exactly and in combination with Essa Oil Lia your guarantee of sure safe oilheat comiorlz Esau Heating Eq pmenllia guaranteed by Imperial Oil andyour Easo Heating Equipment dealer willgladly arrange easy budgat termsup to ï¬veyeara tinpay Call him today and included in report handed batter alter awvlvnuk or two apaa our of arranging marriage through parents was mentallythough not abolished when women salncd greater tree YOU LIKE TO DRIVE BYTEEEOUR BYTHEDAY MONTHLY DR flammwmmfllnm Mteuoollolfliiflflml fln6tbsnmoneflmw EIWM swarm mint MW among LOW BATES Banana onlvia can monogram PA $6414 331500 rams Including Cot gynsahmmii régiusr $100n pewjg £150 including out shampoo set diflyllng other palmoaro endgaso thisalsoheludgr out styling Human aadaet No APPOINTMENi Necessary Mnatyhhluitmmpomnailvvtsitmshopc PA mu nonsense PAW4428 development at