Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Oct 1959, p. 12

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12 TEE BARRIS EXAMINER Bivtlii lunarAt in Cumberland SL Bamron Thursday Oct to In and hits Roy in mimberland street 61qu ISzndll Jean builtAt ROI Victoria Im ital Darcie ohy Friday on €959 In SlLnnd Ilrl Rnbtfl Bull niltn SL name dlvlhlel CBNnNAI 011 Victorla HM ital some on Frida 0d to tir and him etec con Itn SHBIYAEH SL Barrie dlmlfil luttitritnictt Al North my cum EmilI on October 1959 to lilr soil the walln tltirkpot riek in Worthington East North hey nausoter iyanei Eiluoethl co MOOREM rlnyai Victoria Noy ital Dorrie on Saturday Oct to loss to Mr Mn Thoma Ii ore rut Barrie too in Edward Henry WIGHTAt Royal VllIOlla I109 pltal hurtis on Friday Oct 195 In Mr and Charla Vllltl RR Barrie dnfllhltr iKaren lnulaa hilary ad Engagement Mr and run ltclt Webster stroud Ontario announce the ep nzcmenl oi lhtlr oldest doughtor Ann Shirley to Mr Vernon Ron Gilmore son oi llir and him We lay Gilmore llloalord The man rlaga will take item on October at at st PauI Ancilcan church St Pauls at pan to no lo In Memoriam TucKEYln loving memory ot Edith Turkey who passed away Oct 15 last Time takes IWny the edge dlflllel but memory turns back every leal Ever remembered by husband Richard and iamli 4n Commg Events ALL IDSSERVICE PERSONNEL and their dependents are invited to take advantage oi ireo Lexltin service Mr II Buck Service Bureau olilrcr irolit Toronto will be at chinn Drench Noll1 llsr tie on lllondky Oct I9 ms train to pm Dlflhe skilled advice on Veterans uencilts Anyon wiih questions on the Disability Pension war Veterans ItIlnwllncO Burnt Out Pension treatment or hospital care is lirdetl to call or write hihoalllivrni 115 Duniop East Phone PA Will or call Lev glon PA 84002 to arrange an up pointmont G7 40 11 OLD IIME ANDIIIODERN DANCING IVY ORANGE HALL FRIDAY OCT 15 090 Pill TILL AM Georgian Bay islanders Orchestra Lunch counter Adinlsiorv 75o ml ANNUAL BAZAAR AND HOI SUPPER WEDNESDAY OCT 21 BAZAAR AT Ell SUPPER RM TO RM Ampleea Thornton Trinity United Church Adults $100 4041 DANCE AVENING COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY OCT 15 hiuslo by Owen Sound lunlor lFIrmcrI orchestra Dancing it pm till min Admisslnn 75 Lunch counter RUMMAGE SALE ALLANDALE ORANGE HALL FRIDAY OCT 16 1PM9PM Aurpiccs Gold Star dego Allandale COME TO THE NEARLY NEW SALE TRINITY ANLICAN CHURCH GUILD 551 to to Rs HeldrIn Trinity Parish nauhpscmcnt OCTOBER 15 16 17 Open duringsiore hours Cdnyener Mrs tinrlel Walllmdtsvty PAH1ce 13111 Mil9954 2538313610 rRUMMAGE SALE AUSPlcEs or WOMENS mulelAliY To Alli CADET l00F HALL COLLIER STREET FRIDAY OCT 30 rs Toys PM rat PICKUP cALL PA um 1540 Rummngei2ilo at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Lecturer nail cumur oi Owen ondWorrley Sis rrldsy opt to at pm 19351940 rlnmmo Sale or st Andrews Presber anChlllcll Lecture Hhll eorner of Owen and Worsley 52s Fridaych Ifiat it part 29353049 WINS BYELECTIDN CHESTER NS CPIMaur ice Zine retainc the Nova Seth tilt conslhiency Lunenburg Ellsi fortthc Prllgmsive Can setvativesjn Ia provincial by eiccfion Wednesday defeating ibertll Kirk Hennigar Standing the1eg Ialure is unchanged Prdgressivc Conservative 24 TLiheraiS 18 CCF one Theseht Viva Ieit vacant by the resigna illl of Municipal Affairs Minis eILCIIIIOld Levfto take acqunty court judgeship redontvsurveyj Mlnnesaln Show that 71 pe cellulitfits high school slit ants eltvec 15 yoars of7élge rend parlor more daily newspapers regularly Carson PA good family home or could canny rliunsnAt OCIQBEE 15 ma =All Raul Errata Classification iTA PFODENVFDI Sale STOUTT AGENCIIS LIMITED JOLLIER ST PHONE PA 85901 SANFORD ST use oi Barries bedroom home Crmnt location close to schools churches and downtown him be area to be appreciated New gar NIHIKE slums screens and KID age bargain at and N0 1i HIGHWAY This stately well kept soIIu brick home totaled an corner acre lpt with lehty ol large tree and well lsn sped units has in largo rooms and athrooau cor tarre new turn ce lull basement hardwood finish low taxes Nu trelmcndoua possibilities Priced to be NliA RESALE bedroom brick bungalow In oak lry Peril close to schools with very large llvixll roomand dining rd in bright large kitchen lull basement undo and oil tumcc Low down payment carrles tor $84 Per month OPEN rim RBI hicmoenoi to harm Ontarioapu Canadian Real auto hoards lan Welsrnao PA Corby PA was Harry aodd PA Him Marv GouldOra us lTAaHl Normari REAL ESTATE hliolell ii Dunlap Street East PA 89961 or 68742 $1 000 DOWN $75 Month liloclt lrom echool block lrom shopping centre hudmums living room kitchen closed in verandah storms and succits iorcrd air on tictine Well trend lot beauti iully landscaped cau loo Longtln tor appointment 530 ACRES Partly Treed $2000 Full Price This property is located cinsclo the radar station on main road some reforutln has been done gall Norman saclswcli tor inspec on ST VINCENT ST room bungalow all large rooms plus finished recreation room $12500 lull rise Citli Liar Gordan to arrange nspactron PEEL ST Ideal Income IlomHmm bum galow with basemcni apartment call Howard Notris toi lurther da talis and inspection EVENINGS CALL Joe Longilo PA 82740 moreltshelsweli Orn 290 Lex Gordon PA 66654 Howard Norris PA 35491 Norman Shelrweii PA Mast 17A41TE feRQSE REAL ESTATE EROKEB 1a TIFHNF STREET EARRIE EAST END $1510 down balancé on one open mortgage Carries llor about s1n moatth interest and rioelpsl lhre bcdroom brick bungalow full lasscmeht Iorced air oll heat Int steel beant construction dimor and inside and out iuli price only $12720 BEDROOM BUNGALOW DOWN PAYMENT $133360 Completely decorated inside and out stdroiwlmiows and screens landscaped lot lsrge iour bedroom brick hungaImv Lshapcd living and dining room large kitohen our place tiled bath with vanity iuii price only $14499 IIIII rep resents exceptionally nod value only one Jen gt ACRES WITHIN IITY LIMITS acres oi vacant land located within the city limils in the north end oi Barrie immediate posses sign easy terms BURTON AVE 0000 Two loroy HIKE bedroom brick home located on Burton Ave Titreepieca oath tuil basement new greed air on iurnacc only tnsiaucd last month This is be duplaxcd ALLANDALE slonon toll price tor this year old two bedroom bungalow living room modern kitchen piece bath roll oasemcot on heating galago attached to house via hreezeway laundry tubs This boom is at leasly clean and well dccora ad large lot as 165 largo down payment required ALLANDALE $12000ttu1lprlcefor this eight year old oneand half storc brick home Three roams and ba upstslrrpctwo bedrooms IivlnE mbm kitchen and bath down garagc one finuhed sida entrance flu turaacc room ls prop he sold to close estate CALL DAY OR EVENING PAS2379 Member Barrie Ontario Canadian and National Rczi Estatonoaiiia 11 ltl FOR SALE Double business bt Stnyner Al port on ngthy 25 Texaco pumps for highway shell pumps tor planes aackliarjltvlng rnOtllh bedrooms conveniences hie azpelj ntread Siinday t1 stsils tuil basement wtliibuiitln do All lieol can Classifications DLCARRDN REALTOR lfIAiPrcperév Pot Sole you About eunuch non lioxr 111nm PA 6648i OFKN TUth THURSDAY TILL Pl mm DOWN PAYMENT ll rle Cemlorisblo mm bu basement It has extn bedrooms in Poreed air all heating About ngatotnlotlbedmm Mud ear old Tor iuu details call Carson PA Mall evenings PA lal t5 work out cl loara 32 In author it tram paved nod Acting Smith Campbell PA mat evenlxlll PA in STucco HOME 000 downle years old on the edge at name Lari Iivinf bedroom and bath on turnea ml or timber intormation eau smith Campbell PA all house with press re an systems onl all large kitrnen good bit only $5200 evelling PA 87189 Influx end min brick Ink bani Mel roof reu rlu limo only We price APARTMENTS ANDIIOOIIS II ando MIV IIIIV PM ollnlifltln unity ércrifatco often meats and rooms HA bathrooms Only 35500 down Call Charlie lied PA evasion PA £17 liiNUTEs WALK ID DOWNTOWN 0N dum RESIDENTIAL STREET 312900 lull mortgne at tlllllt gnu Down payment 56409 and haunt an on onm Vast repayablo $50 per month Inelu bedrooms largo min and dining room will an extra Inluut and flu arg might kitchen This home must be seen to be appreciated Possession No PA oolol For Driller pllucullra call Iluuell Cllwu PA ml orlllu EXECUTIVES HOME storey brick home on lovely ileed benutliul bill budmolm sun porch an modern spacious kitchen dining room uviitg room with place lovely den or music room New looted hill price $11500 Terms iiry basement PA evenings PA Him CONSIDERING BUYING HOME to Douhll rarare Ioltr hath nunIn downllain In tric or air oil iuraa is in married colt Garald sis IDIJ No matter what lite ol down payment you have let his help you to find home oi ynur mm No BEST BUY Ilullon whatsoever Alk 101 Guild Mallory PA 66451 evenings PA 1N BARRIE bedroom brick bungalow large kitchen lovely Ii in room torced air all lurnace lsund highschools Quie lubr Loter bedroom brick bungalow room and laupdry room complete Close to schools Ind Shun In low Interest RIM duiaa PA wot evenlnu Home ended In paved street Thll pro arty is only tvonderlul buy at stint with reasonbe down speclion call Gerald Mallory PA owl evenings PA RESIDENTIAL back yard iota to public and ears old hymen For III 7071 Firephce plecd bllIt recruilnu with aluminum storms and screens CIII Jam EVENlNGs CALL RUSSELL CARSONher PA Mill lEilllY QUINN11 PA walla SMITH CAMPllmJLEe PA uses CHARLIE HEADRelPA Dru GERALD MALLDRYLnea PA L101 MEMBER or Elilulu AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD IMelm 5th00 six year old lbedrooln bun roalxl and HAROLD FCDRSTER REALTOR 98 EAilFlELD STREET BARIUE PHONE PA6i6453 ANYTIMEI BRAND NEW NiiA HOMES and hddroonis close to debunk pier ceramic hath lully decorated inside and nut driveways Down payments as low dcriul selection Barrie nflcnvthls lai Cali Peg More EXPANSIVENOT EXPENSIVE Sparkling now solid brick bungalow on and ready to move In wIIItIn two weaht and dining roomcombination boards and cxccflcnthcdloums Some with attached gs Re Soddecl lawns nut tilled kitchen with custom gravel 5799 kl me show you the truth presuge property completed Fenluru lufi Ilv room cup pius diehung plooe tile bath Storms PA 56568 anytime and screens included in the low down payment ol 893160 cnmlil eroble saving is siiorded on this prope time to enloy Christmas new home in rty Why not get lettied In our Pbonn Doris Nultycomba EVENINGS CALL KARL MARSHALLPA 39917 PEG MOREPA 87179 nun MARTIN51110111 10M Dolus NUTIYCOILBELPA Hill HAROLD PORSTEllPA Miss Membarizsrrio and District lleai Estate hoards New Model Homes ONLY MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN EARRIE OLARGE LANDSCAPED LOT 50 120 011 DR GAS HEATING oCLOSE To ALL sctlooLs DONTWAIT gt0NLY FEW LEFT PHQNE PA 68661 0R APPLY lt 191 GROVE ST EAST DAY OR EVENING TIAISM mouse $4200 rooms insulated large lot narrir outsltlrtinelr Hwy and bus Phone PA 55620 PIN1645 DAILY chassmllll some 0cm ifiivm bottom Am trim Elena int1eth amend river 10Ecnccrs fOil Bristle LL Pair of JzEsEnLhII Imdphones 14Maloyun Likely bong 1331sghmst 151mm 15Disrelish IaNorsegod 113w 17 Tumble 2D Colander 18 Samarium 21 Arab ubbr garment hnpleyienta 21 Gadoliwbr 28 Rumor slang 26 Garden implement Zinnia 28 Overhead 29 Piece out Allahabad as mtdor caviar our IQ octrlehliiro It Barns tit Conpulpit 32 VIIIEEIEIIE 7illl Illll filial71 IlAIdtt Income Propérly large apaflméull All It EDIT talned with rooms with rooms Fireplace in each car ages Air conditioned slitill Very centrally ioetted All rented Seiung privately For information writs Bolt 11 Barrie Examiner ILA37 MOVING Doilti one In maxflnlr INSURANCE and it you need salsa covnrase oi Hall SEE STEVENSONS PA 85201 cl DUNLOP as BARR 17IIII BARGAIN Ow or leaving Bar rie Well built IIqu house on heating large garden Only $10500 with $3500 down aymont For appointment to see one PA 87236 Hodges Real EllIn Broker Duniop St East ILAGM attache boot mSefls annually EHIENEE allflflflfl move on this law munllle Imam covcra principal interest and tar thTNOhN alaw cuttrai to all schools All Rial Estelle Classifications ROGERS REALTORS ONE DUNLOP EAST BARRIE PHONE PA 85568 °InslacIntercom 1Bi Ripley 11A Property For Sale CONNNL ANYTIME lzROOII DUPLEX$11500 Only years old2 modern completely selieonlaincd apartments with separate entrances and dflvcwlys lust south oi Barrio on Highway ll Fortuii particulars phone PA wot 57 LETlTiA ST$14000 SUNNIDALE AREA Beauiilui Lshapcd 3bedroom brick bungalow on lovely eorsar location flu livingdlnlng combination with KelliEel Dlvldcd basement with playroom and laundry room Only Ion 55 NBA lypmvcd mill11 alter yearmid and In oxcnlient concu carriea or per mooLb including NELSONSTRABANE AREA NIIA 5W7o RESALE Dlvidcd basement with alow with sizable living room aundry room V1517 ILllcllvl corner location Pullyicnced garden with iochv shrubs and trees You IiEDROOM st nieonlll win is per month HOME$11500 HILLCREST SCHOOL AREA NOW VACANTIMMEDIATE POSSESSION An execuonl iamily home and also ideal tor apartments aeiour rnoms with hardwood floors and bathroom on second tloor odern kitchen and living room exceptionally large Forced air oil heatln Laundry tons and toilet in basement which has entrances Low down payment and good telnu arr zed ESSA RoAMALLANDALE MODERN BRICK side Ind ouui FOUR BEDROOMS sumoVery attractive rug brick semibungalow ldraliy located close lo both Public snd Separate Schools Tho with its bedrooms on main Iloor room has large fireplace separate gerieet lamentlolly plan plus two cdrooms upstairs Livlnl dining roomnnd modern kitchen Good dry basement divided Into plsytoom laundry room and narrates room plus an extra required with $75 MILESOUTH 0F BARRIE $700 DOWN PAYMENT $5900 mlplica Int this concrete twoplrca washroom 0on sum down paymcat per month lochrry To Inango inspection paooo black bungalow with Slut one easy payment open mortgage Has living room modern kitchen bedrooms and bathroom Icsx fixtures Has luII basement turnaee excellent wall and pressure system House is newly painted Inside and very clean Now vacant immediate possesslolti PHONE PA 85568 EVENINGS CALL MESt MOOREPA VII5137 ROGERSPA H532 multh BARE DISTRICT REAL ESTATE VBOARD SLESS REALTOR jRl lo COLLEEN STREET To see it phonuIA M558 ANYTIME FOSmPANZM ACONNerA M755 QR iiAlthin PA 85934 LSHAPE ERICK RANCR EUNGAL0W5 515100 0n quiet kitchen three good bedrooms tiled and screens tuii divided basement WiTlt AIIACHED GARAGE crescent near schools and park Just one year old Owner crustalred Large living room dining room bright madam bath with vanity aluminum storms Immaculate Painted In saflel colon To inspect call Iutasnnlilelt PA 934 avAnLnu 11 STOREY HOME Very modern and amiost new quick possession and track included Kas healins draoes Carrying for $69 mbrlIItly including taxes Phone Percy Ford PA H934 evenings PA E7930 Call one or our salesmennay omilvenlog FRANK NELLES PA sosso GRAIIAM DIXON PA 68793 CHARLES BYRON E3$LESSORREALTOR OFFICEPA osazt llcmher Barrie Ontaflncaadlan and neat Ethtcvauald HENDERSON REALIOB 32 316 5mm BUILDING LOT On Penetnni 52 50 125 well treod close to down town 32100 GROVE STREET mu Resale bedroom largo llvlnl Ilium be all dining robin and kltliben iniehed luretint room and HAT112 hill IIIIce $13509 will Dirty 101 $77 1121 month pflll cilia Interqt and taxes gLAKE 815 BEDROOMS Largo living room kitchen and dinette bedrooms place both Arst floor you floora bedroom and lace hath Has double gar rthcr lntormation call our ANCOUVER STREET year old flck bungalow wlth Intgo Michell and dinotte room hcdra ml tiled TMI homo Idilt tlon uomher ol oarrio and Dhtnlrt and dourionlieainrtat loam RITA SCANDRETT PA soles PERCY FORD PASW National 17A lam OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker Ph IWZ9RII Thorntbn GENERAL STORES Snafi bar Living quarters pluSS apartments on largo lot in village near Bsrrie Will accept smau house part payment it suitable GENERALSTOREWIHl dweiud woll situated lnviilage serving large flaunt community Plotwhi unheated by oil Annusl turnover about 355 Madonna dawn pay mentand easy terms PHONE lW29Rll IVA40 ANGUS GARDENISUBI DIVISION 1915 FOR SALE mitten Across rroln Sc not good wal streets cited with crushed stone PA 34791 COULSON ALIABTII ClussifiedAds get re ltsonrldérfuI ii Way Ph PA 82578 ONE lBthooM Alllleol Ettotef Classifications 17A Propenthor Sale Graydon sEAL rsiAra imam lll DvNLor in PAH251 mums EALL Glutwa lions PA uoot JAYNBJDNE PA amt FARQUEMSDN ea my lioan lurid PA tom JOAN LANGPA N1 ITAllfll ITCfMobiiekPiomtEs Bl 1mm III Kabu HUIAI or lvel III BI III touetaaiouuaoondlaplayat RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOME SALES LTD llartonAvo Ne 11 Highway Phillis PA om Hm FULLY milked Mobllo Nome good condition wtu mnva still $21M Flinn Toronto unav am LIME 17035 l7J Aptsl¥ Houses For Rent APARTMENT$45 ONE 2eEDR00M APARTMENT£55 lieated and lust renovated Apply chx STEELE AND SON 30R COLLIER Us BAYFIELD liAlutIE Days PA Ami Evanlnu PA mu 1714041 BEDROOM Home or renL Phone PA 43951 lTlaNl Rooms tor reol PIluuo PA 149 alter 510 innit ludul DounLtt Oargo at Saniordst PA 68155 l1 LIE Room Brlcik Builldllwwfiol ta ta newy eeone ea IchonéPA PM Ill4041 Phis air 03 as Barrie Illlid Boon able in alter no on IuNGALow mm PA um MODERN uuunlow um to schools on PA in mi unto itli rAsu Phone PA 253 Apts Houses For Rent gunman vs reason Ar Mac use 111404 Snnbdxom re IO l1ltt NEW zoom Erich annual cu Delilah Knack PA le MODERN is but tad Phunl PA riawa decorated Nur mas i114 mats4 bedroom alter ban ATTRACTIVE modern 1113341 aplflmlufi led 1114 BRAND min hum oll hlluul IV era Si or phone 7t 5661 Iii3 Umms Rooms and bath build he Ll lifln In all St 1114 BEDROOM Apartment Two bedroom apartment of Blah st PA owl mle M36 roamed lplflmlfl IIer ed unlurnlshed Downtown loch tion PA no maul ragag no Ir men no mid tnM ROOM funihhed uit contained mutant tor rent immediate one PA H14 111 cmu V1 ROOM apartment unfulnllhed heated healbus slo Do Cumberland sl BandP llyHIIa 3minute room apartment with Illh not water halted hull mfg Ind dryer PA ml or SPACIOUS Ad contained Italll nlce location All Illulna Ramjet tunable immediate ponolxlont Phonc PA 6860a Himcl noon artmellt aeli con stand and heats ml water sup tied at par month Phone PA to alter pm 11139 inn RNIEIIBD room artmeot with bath laundry room blocks irom downtown Available Nov PA cam IN5941 noon bedroom apartment piece up rate bath new home children accepted tallhie Nov Hal€944 Ilth not 1111140 ROOM unfumllhod Intent In gum pleasant lurroun In Wired or how duty only PA Minivan ll 174144 PURNI uED Housekeeping Raoul temple WILD rink cold water Cent Hill nurluALow Ivbedmom runrn dian room room garago Phone PA MOM House inside cunvenieir cu gas heated Available Nov Axylg 41 mmbclibnd St Phone 1714042 Room unfurnbhed house better aupplic Mirete Point All conven iences Reasonable rent Phone PA 56531 til4M UPPER DUPLEX room and bath private entrance heated RAJ7m Inqu ROOM sell contained apartment Ceptrai location Available Nov Phnnn PA 441 111404 ROOM Aplflmnnt will bulb Hualnd Hydro PA 872 1114941 habit voiuiuiahtd heated selt contained apartment Phona PA 015 I7aIG94I llousE ior rant central bed rbnms Reasonma Apply 25 Dan lop st 1710941 ROOM rcmidctached brick house all heating Possession Nov Con tral Phone PA ulna 1731541 noon arhnean heat his and water mobility can ild welcome PA claim Ill8541 SMALL roomhouae Central Reasonable real people de sired Phone PA at l1las4l noon sell wilfullady heated apartment with stove and iris Avauabla Nov PA coals unimu UNIUBNISHED Rum VpflVICB haithmlaealtfid tours fillings step ll one illtoil nillNISlIED room apartanenl including trig stove central Ayallrblo immediately Phone PA 134442 111404 BEDROOM unmrnlahed lplfla merit IIva room and liitehe gr uh bathroom Hayfield 17lIv wnlmlzun Cott at Mine Polish lam conzle ngelgllsats and wa er an Illw flute Immedlalo decalmy 55 monthly Phone PA 66 96 dn 54 human st 171 MODERN Storey Erlek Route bedrooms Inrl bzlhroomx Oh to schools Phoos PAdsom 1714042 INFURNISEEDr ballad IDIXLITIEnh sail contained private entrance Avulllblu immediately Phone PA 32770 mam 300M Hyper Duplex unlurnislt zd cenlst heating Pufleulon Nuv LAlllllll prelerred Phone rA hm l1lasai ltonllls and bath unturnlsbed heated apartment heavy wiring Anply Raydeld St or phone PA M716 illMl sitiALL mum houso withaii conveniences lo Psinswlck Close to uhuui rhona lira ivy l1JosIi ROOM upstairs tint heated Bull ionAneurcrlg availalbtle lamfiflet app on oos PA alga 171 ROOM heated Euroished apt metal ohvenleneos Range use at trig acony separate entrance lmn Mini GOING To Florida November fol5 months wul rent turnlsbed home Concession Innhllllllun ro iLR No Barrie iyJauz 300m bed sitting lclteliao bathroom lumuhed frlz stove Avanble now=Ap ly ca Pen ctaog st or phone PA 9767 alter Inn 17415 noolus In owners ntsw home trig nave private entmnc Aflulls abstainerl Dlu Itura space Available nowrPA H559 sso AMoNTlItol 5mom humu lo All modern conveniences 0n paved road at Shaoty hay Prelcr auuple gr cwlthnanchd Ang ocra arm ea arr 85 as HM AFABIMENTE or rent Immedi ato pndsblslullt 01 croom and one Iroorlt gt uniuraiahed want momnewly decorated hot water heated by oil completely InllluL Also Ifiaom Ivmmnlfl available NOV Centrally IMIIM tsivPhonePA 824i4 No ohlccton to child Aorta era neasoaabi rent PA use orrA 5509 mtiw IwoMApartmuut and bath allovs rI1J3Idl II VPbA cull illaw IMMEDIATE P688253 2grammkhud due two bed aolrcon Ilvillg roomr Trial ram It ms at la tir adulb mini 13 TEEDROOII House on eonvenlan era warm innd reasonable rent Phonev Wang beach BWl 171015 noon lloure bntwhler bath Formerly across iram Lucys Ru tturani Cockatowrl owner win he thero Saturday and Sunday mHi coITAGE with double are at Painswlck on No II III IISVHFNMI store Newly decorate and new flooring throu bout it Phone PA 66153 iii42 mammal Huuse room plus bathroom flmlly with child steeptod Apglyjd victorla St Thursday or ridsy evening tram to no pm 17140 UNPUIINIsnED Room Aportincotl also one unfurnished tau latent Heat and or iailied Apiy 255 unlnp Em PA 33054 114041 Room allitbbfll up at du central Glrnle ucludgd 1ng mo avlulngscau PA 1714041 hm FURNISHED broom la artment lo Austinlo Sink holp and cold water mg and rangelte chrome set in newly decorat Adults Abslalucn Phone 51339 1713541 not ROOM unimlshed art meata Heated sell cunthrned Private entrance Vacant Nov phone PA om Apply c1 Ecclm st 153 moon house and garage acr or ground miles south of Ernie too mflhwlvn Nice condition 55 monthly Write or phone livdsnn it 4011 or 160 liglintoo st West To tonto intdun IIOOMS bedslttin room and hit ebehctte imbued with use at nutamSEtlciwnxharé suitableI for all en PA dim Umfliflo Two muons stementi part menia newly decorated and one 4raom basement Dartment Prlvale entrance Avaumc now Phone PA $1911 or 355I7auex pun Hm RDOIII unlurnlshcd artment nil heated hot water bclvy dnt stove and Talmeniorl pll close to school Located guflon Ave Apnly19 ntre 5L Ernie illaims UNFIIILNISHED healed madam apartment living room dinette largekitehea nrgnbedronm hath Central Parking space Lovcly sinaim hctwun Hill grounds PA dsaliz MODERN =iiome wlut immediate possession bedrooms garage olee Iuidentlll Irealtclude to schools Children welcomed ltent $125 monthly PA Miss 11171945 room housa onlxllimdgrn lebaeiT ea this Oct 11 still mo any lop Phone Burl Arcnher be MODERN mutt ahowcr and 12h ioeilities gm laun lo residential area only month Stephens 3A5 xfilldifio llNiDRNTEBED selt coti apartment downstairs hot vlvanér heated heavy wlrln heated nut Matthieu tfiifmafilt Oct 1Phon tet hm IIfifildo mcn¢¢a inmate piece bgatha drum ugugyd stulipse so rontn tarnished Itan Servic ll is rhoao newsgtuflig dam uNrunNtssz dem bungalow bedroom harassI basement OI malice near ITEM 39 monfhplww dd room furnished Roth avail ola mlflnd apartment rooms id cisiro an eatu Firkluts ihundrymom Reina 520 in LOchl Buying room tinglow

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