LT 00M TED GIDDENS chrrron noon oven sonnnno house lowed to enlist Added to tan Power Squqdron Plan Next CourSe Barrio Powcr Squadrons An nual Fall and Winter piloting course starts Wednesday Oct 21 at rie Armoury Registration begig Wednesday Oct 14 Eliery Wednesday night for 15 weeks in the lecture room of the armth there will be instruc tion under the direction of Lieut CommandorTed Glddens educa toinal officer and his staff com posed of group of competent instructors with years of prac tical as well as academic exper ience The course finisth with exam ination to qualify for Official Power Squadron certificates Successful candidates are eligible for membership in Barrie Power Squadron and as members are permitted to fly CPS flag The purpose of Canadian Pow er Squadrons is to train operat ors of boatsin the safe and cl ficient handling of watercraft the preservation of life and the courtcsies that mark proficient skipper and good sportsman Anyone wishing to take the course who cannot be at the re gistration session next Wednes day may register with past com mander Harold Todd 55 Dunlop St East Commander Charla Road has called general meeting of the Squadron to follow the registra lion when plans will be made for an advanced course for members also the social program for the winter season City solicitOI Advises Council It Can Override BVH Board The City solicitoris oi the op inion that the recent bylaw which the Royal Victoria Hospital Board seLup to expropriate land for extension can be putVaside and that City Council can within cer tain limits reappropriate the land The land under question is needed by council for the exten sion of Wellington Street to Sun nidale Road and by the hospital board for the extension of the present hospital and recreation purposes or the nurses letter before council from Goodman and Goodman Toronto WEATHER TORONTO CPOllicial fore oasts issued at 430 Synopsis The secon intense snowstorm of the week still ragedpver the Prairie Provinces this morning and was likely to continuefor at least another 24 hours Fine sunny weather and in creasing temperatures are fore cast for Southern Ontario for to day andSnnday In the north countrl cloudy skiesaad scat tered lightrainshowers persisted thls morning in the wake of Fri days storm which now is mov ing across Quebec on its way to the Labrador coast These clouds willgradually clear from central andreastern rcg us but will be replaced by variable cloudiness andscatiered showers Regional forecasts valid until midnight Sunday Lake Erie Lake Ontario Lake Huron regions Niagara Windsor London Hamilton or ainly clear today Sunday sunny and warmer Winds west 15today southwest 15 Sunday Georgian Bay Kirkland Lake regions Haliburton North Bay Sudbury Cloudy witha few light sprinkles becoming mostly sunny Sunday mainly sunny an warmer Winds was 15 today southwest 15 to 255m Timm nsKapuskasin cloudy tha few sprinkles to Snday cloudy with him and turning cooler by southwest to west zitSunday grumble Temperath Cannda sident lawyers representing Barrie Shopping Plaza Ltd and Village Development Ltd said that it would appear that the exapprop riation was done by the hospital to stop the citys plans for ex tension it went on to point out that if the agreed extension it was agreed between the parties interested in the plaza and the city that such an extension should be put through did not go through the damage to thbir clients would amount to $100 000 The finance committee met with the Royal Victoria Hospital Board on Thursday and while Hie report of this committee before council did not disclose anything it is understood that bomparties agreed the matter could be solved withoutgoing to litigation Exncnr Man New In Business Ottawaborn Bill Calheck took over Texaco Service Station on Na Street Barrie at the beginning of September after 20 years of mechanical work in Rear He started in ECAF in Ottawa and during the war was in Van couver Halifax and England working wi be transport sec tion so he says workingjn gas station is not going to be too much of change After the war he served at Carrip Borden andat Edgar and basnow been 10 years in Bar ria district Mr Calbeck is interested in youth activl worked two years with Junior Chamber of Com merce roadco originated the ï¬rst Cub PflCk to take youth organizations He isalso main of tha Canadian Legion the Air Force Association andgthél Masons Married with two children gill lives onAWcllington Street as BE SHOE COMPANY Cranstonfnrmer publ lighter and editor of the Midland Free Press Herald recently was named president ï¬lIewetson Shoegt Companyulsrampton Mr Midland whereihe headof ice of lilESllnp Corporations fwhichrhells lc located nfrrmr nxrnn nisanvrca gt nnnmn moronsrynnurrnn uranium at plus costs ranston will continue to reside comm PIGS in err nrpnmvr The City of Barrie guinea pigs have been spared little longer The bylaw which was to have outlawed tbcmfroni the city bound aries has gone back to the City solicitors to see if loopholea very small loopv hole could not be made for guinea pigs kept as pets As the bylaw was introduc ed at last nights meeting or City Council Mayor Willard Kinzie remarked We ran into trouble on this at the last meeting The bylaw before council forbade the keeping of guinea pigs within the city 1imits except in zoological park The bylaw was to be come effective in April 1960 Anycontravention of the bit law carriedI fineroi $50 Alderman Vern Hambly pleaded for reasonable number of guinea pigs to be allowed to be kept by fam ily for pets Alderman Les ter Cooke pointed out that onuhad to be specificin bylaw How many Quipped Alderman Edsnn Wice Any more than one and you are losing control For Accrdenis Barrie totalled 22 accidents for August reported Ontario Depart ment of Transport this weekt Four mivns of similar popula tion rated more three less Nia gara Falls had 53 accidents dun ing the same perid Out of Barries accidents four resulted in personal injury he one was killed Only one person has been killed in Barrie so far this year in motor vehicle acci dent Niagara Falls suffered twoideaths during August Simcoe County accidents total led zoo 61 persons being injured five killed Only two counties had mdie York 1099 and Woolworth 497 York had 10 deaths however Wentworth only one August OPP reports as cyclists were killed in the province between January and August on of them between the age of and 144 People injured through traffic accidents totalled 19220 between January and Aug 31 tired and 95 were killed Church Holland Marsh new churchbuilding current under construction on the HollandiMarsh will dafurth er new look to utch Set Reformed Church is located on thethlrd concession in Ansnor veld The building willbeflofeet long and willinclude parish hall kitchen boiler roomand church auditorium seating 360=on the mainrfloor with added room for Win the gallery rnsr more ISERvIcE rumours PliSSlllllt Simone stood sixth in total deaths during Six bnn The mum Marsh Christian angina Voters Drive threeoaflurlenndfllde Jones the llrlttwo having up the willba doubled City Clerk BéaStraughan thanked the Joyce ntthsmeet ing for their assistance in put elections and nomination meet ings and also in getting the peopleoutta vote gt no nurnonm Cannoil Is Fnistraied In Attempt To Help Widow Despite the eloquent plead ing of Mayor Willard Xinale sympathetic city council last night was frustrated in line fort to help widow Mrs Emily Cola for three years iiusuffered darn age to her home on Shanty Bay Road not because her borne wanbclow street level but rather because of the con ditiom former council llltl won the hot that council had removed one ditch on Puget Street and channelled all the water down the other side on which Mu Cole had her house Oneacb occasion water fill ad hen basement to tha first floor and did extensive damage to the furnace After consideration the fin ance committee recommended to council that no action be taken because no legislation provided grant for such case Mayor Kinzie who was not occupying the chair at the time put forward an amend ment to the effect that council reimburse Mrs Coles for the damage to the furnace Alderman VA SMorrow chairman of ï¬nance said he The Barrie and District Mip isterial Association has lodged tenpoint protest against city bylaw governing parking prowd ed by churches The association was represented by Rev John Riddel and Rev Robert Trirnble The new bylaw which has been passed by council and is now before the Municipal Board re quires each new church to pro vide space for one car for every sixseats in the Shnctuary The protest gave ten reasons for the associations npposition to the bylaw We believe that the existing ByLaw with respect to Church parking facili es is sufficient to meet the need our city streets on Sunday mornings dohot carry nearly the flow of traffic that they do on other days aespcciaily between the hours of 930 and 1230 pm when street parking outside pf churches is necessary Many hundreds of people Do NOT drive to church even in poor weather Theatres and stores to the best of our knowledge are not required to provide similar park ing facil as and we believe this ropo ed bylaw would definitely and seriously amper future Church developmeotand wouldcost the people of this city who are church members and ad herents literally thousands of dol lars which could and would be used in moreeffectlve Christ planning our people realize the need toprovido as much parking space as possible and we have confidence in architects and ad visors to assist in this manner Even in Torontowhera park ing is perhaps more acute problem than it is in Barrie it has been said that personcould fire cannon down Yongé Street on Sundaymorning and nothit anyone and yetthere are many church buildings onYonge Streetde near Yonge on side streets and very few have any parking facilities Holy Trinity Yonge shunned Blessed Sacra ï¬llersare Soul of many pared in thh IllInner on Thursday and Friday Tally wercnmlno the role at the mllltln under the new Can ndlan dlvll defcnce setup BLMIILAN KORCOK Edmlncr Staff Reported The change of authority in civil defence has takcn moat funda agreed heartily with every thing hfayor Kinda had said about the ease dont know how we can dothls am afraid if we ive grant in this case we shnl be overwhelmed with claims Alderman Fred Churchill said If there is any negli genco on ourpart shouldnt council hava to pay throughln surancelf May Kinzie saldyitwas not strict caseof negligence It was case of councils in the past not being strictlyup totheir ipb Alderman Edson Wice asked if the Mayor would consider changing his amendment tone fer thequcstlon back to the finance committee It could be referred back said Mayor Kinzle But think there has been too much of that think this matter could be dealt with tonight Comptroller Walter Gigg pointed out to coun There is noauthority to El this sug gested grant It might be very poor precedence It was agreed that the mat ter should be referredback to velopment in th unrealistic WAY further sta the finance committee to find mental dude from the civil de moo organisations and given them to the Army to bailundled by it Nltlodal Survival training The Barrie Squadron of the Grey and Sbneoa Forester Regi mentst this new training Tuesday night at BarrieArm oury and It lncluslnn in tha army schedule has caused var ied ideas on the subject Actually this training ll not new to the Army but the heavy concentration on it ls At ienst the next oo onehour periods iihree nlght will be Chalice are that this training willioontinuo forn full year The roloofthe army is com plexonc calllngfor great deal of cooperation with civil db fence authorities The Army will issue the civil deluca warnings and locate the fallout pattern It will aka be responsible for the operation of emergency com munications and for emergency support to the provinces and municipalities In contaminated areas the Army will also be responsible for the assessment of damage and casualties the controlling of reentry decontamination res cue and first aid directing pol icefira octionsthe public and repairs to lthe public utillties New types of eduipnrent are already on their wAy to Barrie Armoury But how much control is the Army to have and why is it be ing assigned these duties EXTENT In relotionto the extent of control Mr Pearkes Minister ofNatlonal Defmce said it is fundamental princlpladbat af ter the troops are Iued maid of the civil power they must be re leased at the ear possible moment by the civic authorities Brigadier Arthur Wrinchhthe newly appointed director general of survival operations answered the question Why the Army some solution Ministers Protest Church arking Rule So it Sis here the main flow of traffic on Sunday mornings is heading toward Ghurch or away from Church after Service We do not believe that people stay away from Churchif par is not provided forevery car in lot adjacent to the church building Even if every street in Barr rie was lined with cars of people attending our churches on Sun days we believe thntthe vast ma jority of our citizens would relt juice rather than seek legislation to remove them from the streets We trongly oppose the prinlt cipl involved of restricting and binding and limiting church do and as the ministers and pastors rtthe Churches of the City of Barrier we liereby record our opposition In presenting the protest Mr Trimble emphasized the fact that it was felt the bylaw was criminatory and that it woiild it church development Mr model supporting the presentation asked council to consider cardully the whole ques tion It was notvthe intention of the assoï¬ationto tell council what to do but council must be aware that when it was dealing with churches it wasdealing with all taxpayer Council pointed out to the depu tation that the blyaw did not affect estab bed churches but only those being built at new all es Later when the protest under review by council it that should PRESTIGE COME erAGON when he said Because of the re dyurchbo destroyed and new church building be erected on the same site then that building would be subject to the bylaw Alderman Heisey placed before council motion to the effect that the association should he informed the bylaw did not affect existing churches and that council would dealt in its power to help the churches The motion was defeated on the grounds that it Was rever sal of council thinking invicw of the fact the bylaw had been passed Alderman Fred Smith said We passed that bylaw the other night One or two of us spoke against the bylaw Now you say we want to help them We are hindering them It is possible that the Mun pal Board will call public hearing before approving the bylaw lltia The manure not overly tcrcsted in civil chicane lt achially an uninteresting lect ery few people are lcrestcd sald Captain How He 5an it was unitin which couldntvbe helped many people feel lt will be needed He cited the case of St Po and Minneapolis wlp gave in their civil defencebeuuse thougbt it would come no we wouldnt be able to do thlng anyway spent on national survival and CAPT ll HOWARD cent changes in military ra senrch the advancesmade in weapons and thus the needfor quick direct warning systemsa well trained organize body of men such as the Amy would be necessary MILIHA GETS JOB Since the regular army is not large on gh to carry out the role wi ut detracting from its fighting power the militia is left with the lob it was proc ted that many of the old soldiers those who have seen good dml of active sen vice would minimize orIevcn scorn this new role Captain Howard of tbe Grey and Simoca Foresters said perhaps lids was problem They might be afraid of los ing their old glory he added but they would probably end up with more glory ifythe emer gency arise gt it this worlu we may be able tq save hundreds of thousands of lives Brigadier Wrinch also asserts lb If war comes they the will have the heaviest battle tney have been called up on to dischargea real battle the battle of survival But lack of enthusiasmis all ready problem in the militia PARMEBS MARKET Shoppers forTbanksg viog Day needswcre greeted with one of the best displays from farnrand garden in along time Business was good with prices reasonable New laid eggs were from one for tiny lads to 55 for extra large Small frying chicksor roosters were 35 lb and large yearlings drawn 30c tinSome plump geese were 55c lb in good so ply from pepper All kinds of squash were still squash to large green Hubbard and cauliflowers 15c up Home baking had an appetizing variety with regular customers on bread especially white brown cheese and ra petite teasers Leeks were on sale and other old time favorites le roots were three for Ice and narcissus doz lac There were two vend ors outside everythinng vegetables and other apr Captain Howard said that ndsht came last but he also serted it was better to be pared Aside from some of the lt soldiers who ï¬ndthe new tier tedious the young rectal sailed into the new job with Wally mlï¬tnry attitude whether youllkov it or not its job that has to be done they were bent on doing th best There are many points in In new program which leave don How can the Army direct police the fire services and public utilities when thcsa have spent their lives their jobs The answer is that the rnlht has no intention oftelling the ssrvrces how to operate rath they will tell them when th can do it safely and where pri ity is to be given In the coming months wh the problems of dream gram are being ironed out agreements and irritation bound to be exposed But if world stays out of trouble haps we wont ever have to how well the Army and CivilDefcnce workrln reality Bally Meeting Campaign The iinancial campaign to build better Barrio kinks Tnesday night at the at oralspeakers cantassers and penis will go out to help youth oftth district Special speakers for the off rally will be Stan Symingt the executive secretary adml tration and finance of the innnl Council of the YMCA Mrs Vuchnich ï¬rst vicep ent of mutational Unlined the YWCA The speakers will show we aredoing Howlwe ill it Why we are dolng The public is specially vi to attend the Barrie YM YWCA to hear the speakers the reason why the financial paign is being waged will meet 730 pm and generalin ustrial and lioncuts 75 Saturdays $100 abnoran cums Banana SHOP Amos from Alladdala 29 8mm Down Tovvu BARRIE oNE acnlnoom 56856 TWO BEDROOM 97550 runs BEDROOM $2505 Iiovemmenticonlrolled occupancy 15mg ltllill T0 VALET EARNINGS Musr NOT nx cpnn imam ion sonoom $256 BEDROOM $290400 ANN H35 ANNUAbL unu BEDROOM $3 240 00 ANNUALI