Dani Knows Rising InExcitinchtmpaignf ALAN mover Canadian Press Stall Wriltr llu Bnushelection looks more exciting every day its no longer walkover for the Conservatives With poilingl set lor Thursday the contest coud go either way llmaws is mg the electl approaches instead at tailing an is usually the case This seems toreliect what the tima calls the pokerlate elee torata Commentators who have tol iiywed the perspiring politicians The issue seems to rest with throughoutthetbreeweek can those who still havent made up paign generally agree thattho their ininda the tilth in an electorate oi 35399 29 Strangely the latest op on committed laudiences in the main are alien tlve thoughtful and not giving much away They are making up their minds quietly and carefully and canvassers seem less sure withdraw th umber oi dont Indian Band Gains Important Rights IiiAWA CPlAn importantwalpoie Island in Lake St Clair extension of selfgovernment has been granted to the 1133 mem bers oi the Walpole island lndian reserve near Wailaccburg The hand one ol the most progres alva in Canada has become the second indian band in Canada to have the right to spend its own revenue on hosts similar to that of municipalities it will open bank account appoint hoasurer and name signing oilicA are for its council The hand made its dlnaga reserve near Deseronto BUDGET PREPARED The right was granted to the band by the superintendentg eral of Indian affairs Citizenship Minister Fwdough alter thantr and Mrs GordonJarvis at band had drawn up nnoperatin budget The budget calls iorex penditures of $48000 in the 1959 60 fiscal years and sets revenues at $43600 leaving the hand nrplua of about $600 immigration department Tu tht th announced Ydrivers bozit repair men and bid or more sell government under yectlnn of the indian Act giving lndiana on reserves the rights to assume greater share oi re sponsibility or their own niiairs The only other band with this right is the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte who live on the Tyen nt the mouth of the St Clair River is Burton Kowayosh Many members of the hand work at the Chris Craft boat inc tory otAlgonoc Mich at tho Algonnc foundry and as pile domcsties Others are guides and carpenterson the reserve and some find seasonal work in the tobacco tomato and sugar beet tields of Southern Ontario The bands revenues include sumtram governth interest on the bands trust lands $4000 trom repayment oi housing loans and repayment of agricultural assistance and $32000 from root als and leases of an Man Woman Die In Highway Wreck WHITBY CPYA man and woman were killed Tuesday when car ran under car transport Highwny gt401 near here Police identiï¬ed the victi as Marmara Mr Jarvis was 59min wife 57 The ear hit the side at the transport passed through lhreetoohhigh space underneath it and came out the other aide Chief at the hand located onia mangled wreck long weekend in Fanmlksgz arrival ofcach guest odds to the Qsï¬nk flmigslithatmakleThanksgivingsatirnc am tattle past what their ï¬nal decision will he To Diary incl rt ers gt Fleet Street overseas correspond eats whose oininnamdnhve been published in new give thcledge tn the Conserve tires but say that the Wde Labor Party wont be iar away at the ï¬nish The realhattle ought in about 60 margins constituencies The rest at the seats at stake in thlstllthpostwar election will probably remain unchanged it has been quiet earnest campaign with the politicians showing perhaps more spirit than those who listen tothern There may be disenchant ment among some votersa web log that tie important issua are being avol lack of rehl en chlfl part1 This category includes those who distrust the Conservative ap preach in international attairs are wary of what they feel to he Labors eavalier disregard at or thodox economics and dont want to waste vote on Liberal Party that hasnt chance oi iorming government LABOR COMEBACK The Conservatives started the campaign uheavy invorlteabut things soon looked up for Labor Factors in their favor include the unexpectedlmpact made by Opposition Leader Hugh Gait kell new Labor concern for the postal vole which the Conserva tives dominated in 1065 and the partys improved electoral organ nation Surveyaot constituencies have been studded with reierences to Labor recapturing the spitit oi 195the year when the party gained clear majority in Far liament for the first time in its history symposium published by the rightwing Spectator hlcb is ap posing the Conserva 25 on the ground ottheir recurriin ioreign attainshows that number at intellectuals willvote Labor or Liberal in the beliefthat it is the least unattractive of three non tooattractive ehoices to renicrnhet se sou Russians Tgettoget timeiforfriendly visits gettogetiiersrTho of companionship and everyone is read torelax and enjoy the good of life And whatgood things they are Friend flip refres fillYear Battle ie TEE mom ReuteruRus eras topmiiltnry strategists be lleveany tuture waroven with nuclear weaponscould iastlll years with the accent still on manpower Tho Netberlandsdo fence ministry said Tuesday This Russian ahategy dimrs from that otaome Western de lence ebleis who thinkintcrms of briei exchange or atomic potential the mlnishy laid in report we commissionth intalign possih rev ducingqonreription to £31m Russia thinks manpower will still be important because the production and use of war ma terial will requiremillions oi people the report said The Rose since have completely reorgan lzedthelr land ores and trans formed them into rapid and mobile armed and mechanized forces The report added that Russia has more than 140 combatready inlantry divisions or war strength plus 130 divisions ol combatready troops which can he brought up to war strength when mobilized UKtiIéet iiOn Verdict BreadLaItdButterg LONDON mean Britons selecting new tovernment in Thursdays Britnbdbdhu will make their lives more cantan ubiquitdprosperotu Portion polleysla providing im portant election talking points at rtval qualiï¬catiuu Conservative rim Minister Harold Macmill an and Socialist Leader Hugh Gaitskeil or sum mit leadership may he NAME BAPTIST Rev Rs FreflBuilen of Brandord 0n was named generalsecrelary treasurer ot the Baptist Eederationot Canada in September He was to take uphis new duties Jan 1560 succeeding Rev Too mas McDormnnd Kud uate oi McMaster University in Hamilton divinity and social sclenccs MrBulien worked in the ministry at sev eral Ontario communities and lectured at Mcmnster for 12 Years him Is To TrekIrom Seaio Sea Man58 Has Bible But No Cash PETEEBORDUGH or hert John Strange 58 bearded Maritimer from GrandeAnse NS Ieit his Cape Breton home last March 30 with battered Bible letter of introduction from his local member of the Nova Scotiavlegiaiature and without cent in his pocket His mission to trek across the Dominion irorn sea to sea Mr Strange aseif styled phrenologist grapholngist and student of nature says he has been sent to speak goodwill by an angel he saw in vision Laat Friday alter six months of continuous travelling he as rived in this city called on Mayor Loucks and visited Mr and Mrs Mallard triends ot scion penile he said he met in North Bay Now on his way back home alter hlsiahOOmile crosscountry 211p Mr Strange saidin an in terview Otallthegood thingaThankagiving brings to mind the insanity get together dinner is the Heat of silt fami united in festivity its the triniybappy time when the and close friends arere was amazed at the goodness at people never had to hitch tilt They just stopped and the most walked in any one day was 25 miles have tried to stimulate good will wherever have gone When he returns to Granite Anse he hopes to make his 15th solidatlng factor in victory for oneparty or the other But experienced dopamine agree theiverdict itself will hinge on the bread and butter issue which normaliydccides British general election namely under which party is lite likely to be betterand taller tor the average maul The election manlicstns oi the Conservative and Labor parties display equal conï¬dence ECONOMY SAID SOUND in preface to the Conscsz tive manifesto Macmillan ob serv do not remember any period in my liletime when the economy has been so sound and the prosperityni ourpeople at home so widely spread Labors mantlesto chail edges the suggestion that Conservative prosperity is shared by all in fact the contrast between the extremes at wealth and pov erty is sharper today than eight years ago it says adding The businessman with tax treo expense account the specu lator with taxtree capital gains and the retiring company dir tor with tax tree redundancy special televialnn appearance and then settle down to write book about all the people he has met PRESENT CNIB Ragnar TORONTO GP Blind par sonsémployed by the Canadi National Institute for the Blind in Ontario earned $882984 last year for their worlc as staff per sonnel in workshops and eonteclt tionary stands Trrmsurer Beintzman alsoytold the Ontario CNlBs annual meeting Tuesday that blind persons placed in in dustry earned further $521095 Revenuetctalied $1244063 while expenditures $1362328 leaving deficit of shuts hnient ghiety and happylapghter Get your kit from Beav ervtoday just ask ample room has aheetrock on wilihrtn payment due takeova hid these people have indeed never had it no good itlsnotcogoodtarthewid owed mother with children the chronic sid the 4000 unem played and the millions of old Ila pensioner who have made quote superannuation Britain send prominently in ding and counterbi total support OWAGE ISSUE Onsecuriy and retirement th Conservative maniiesto claim The rates at retirement pen rgure bid tor elec tions which wehave increase three times have now real ing power over 10 shillings higher than in 1951 We pledge ourselves to insure that pensioners continue to share in the good things which steadily expanding economy Labor rat The living standards at more than half our dacflflm another to the week Both creasing mes promised ment aponsihle and industrial And both HUNTING on Que cit When Rev wile conducted vim at the lip reading the sermon band badprepared mm Biron money 10m ran humans or aoushwrvns hswiNn on manna or none ares tANNoM Anozwmmoshitlm ioovrcroam or Recreation Iltooin PLANNING till FROM BEAVER LUMBER idea booklet Plus many good iriiomnative literatur ice help you plan your reception room colourlulSTADR cement Norma Down Ismaniom ammo pawn $198u5nraorrm