liar racnrooz More than usual iiiterest is being shown by the western Weridin the forthcoming British election This is probably because what seemed certain overwhelming victory for the Toriesva few weeks ago is now moreproblematlc Great Britain goes to the polls on Opt and while the bookles odds still favor the Conservatives there are few observers who would endorse resounding victory for the ruling party at this stage The odds are in former the Conserva tive party because Britain is in prosper ity wave at the present time Her pres tige too has risen in the world lier man ufacturers are finding new and fruitful world markets There is work forevery one The British voter in the past has new or turned to Labor in times of prosperity nor has it thrown out party under whose government the people have felt the touch of prosperity Since their triumph under Sir Anthony Eden on May 26 1953 the British Con servative Party has not had always favorable press We have heard often of party troubles and the rise in popularity of the Labor Party Pressed to battle the British Labor Panty has been caught with its issues down On the home front the economic out put is high the British pound is in good shape and unemployment stands are low of two per cent 1n world pollticsflgwas only the other day that Mr Macmillan called attention to the part he hadfplayed injbrlnging littlefnearer pesslbluty summit talks In his persistence he has shown the Brit ish voters that the conservative party is flexible arid has cut the ground from the Labgr contention that this was not so It is true that Hugh Galtslteil leader of the Labor Party is at least receiving BEAI CATASTRDPHE 1N SCOTLAND iFrom TheNew York Herald lribune As fans of Tight Little island williremember for the movie had no other ninthScotch people are very fond of Scotch whisky and if thesupply is threatened as was inthis case by churlv isnreveaue agen they willcgo to amazing lengths to hide it Who for instance would think of looking for bottles of Scotchbeneath asleep log baby in ababy carriage Perhaps another Scotsman would but ordinarily inf above suspicion in suchmatters in the movie still vivid lifter allthese cars we wonder whet strange goingsan are so on in Scotlandnow gray or has struck ain though nature ratherth bureaucracy the villainilfelligliland hurnslarc drying up for lack of rain and as burn wateris to Scotch what branch watei is to Bourbon the distillate are closing shop and waiting for good down pour Such are the hazards of dry andbeauiiful Summer something that almost never afflicted Scotland before It has spoiled the fishing and thats unpardooablo enough it has given tour ists the uneasy feeling that they have come to the wrong country for no line mist obscures the viewand ihats bad too But when the Scotcil starts running Iow things have gone as agiey as possible which may be what Bobbie Burnsmeant about being left with nought but griefand painfor promisd jey FUNHER PROBE OF CIVIL SERVICE Frornflhe Ottawa Citizen It is being reported that the federal govern meat has definitely decided to set up royal commission to study the civil service Until an announcement is made no inquiry will be but there may be clue in the fact lhathime Minister Dlefenbaker as far back as the fall of 1957 fold Parliament that his government was thinking of studyasexhaustive as that conducted by ihe Hoovercemmission in the Fred Whitehouse United States It is little wonder that president of the Civil Service Federation of Canada is dismayed the prospect of that kind of inquiryw Inevitany it would be long drawnout And many will be disposed to share his doubts that such armammoth probe isreally calledfnr in vlewof thefar from superficia1 Heeney report which is already available to the government gt Thatdocurn covered great deal of groan in lisexanunation ofthe structure and scope of The worm has mory says of Mich professor some doubt this as they dont believe aworn1 can leam anything to reme her WEDNESDAY OCTOBER copinions oi0tlierllewspapers the civil service What further is royal com mission expected to accomplish the settiepne notists trie Paragiaphifcélly mums by flew to common street earl1s cacao Problematic favorable press Within his Party he has had to fight the lingering antagon ism of those Who would have liked to see Aneurln Bevan as the tiny head of Election Ifs Extreniely the party He is not dynamic speaker nor forthatmatter was EaflAttlee but he have personality The Labor Party has theadvantage of still being arrattractionjfor those who are not convinced that Sir Winston Churchill is one of the greatest men of our age By the same token the British Conservative PartyAtstili basics inthe warmth of the personality or this great man personality which hasdwarfed that of subsequent party leaders There are some who believethat the Britlsh labor Party played its most ef fective role and achieved its only pur pose when it carried out bloodless soc cial revolution in Great Britainafter World War Two For these voters the Labor Party has servcd its purpose and it is probable they will turn to either the rejuvenated Liberal Party or vote conservative But to assess these many factors and arrive at some conclusion is task the strongest prophet would undertake only under extreme duress The final unknown factor is the British elector himself There is hard core of old faithfuls behind each party and come rain or shine they willattend every campaign meeting andvote for their particular party There is also the fringe voterI and he or she is as unpredictable as the Brit ish Weather On this iringegdepends the election Whichparty will win their al legianca this tlmev The best thatcan be said is that it is probable the Conservatives will return to power in Great Britain but it ismore than likely they will have reduced ma Jority in the British House The government has intimated that it plans to introduce legislation atthenext session of Parliament touching on someof tbe Heeney report recommendations it mightbe betterln ing any more investigations any case to go ahead and doihlisbefofelalinch All that can be hoped iii themeantlme lsi that the government does not propose to defer nt of important issues between itself and the civlluservants wbile yetianothervstudy is being made in particular the qiibstinn of pay increases needs to hesettled pretty soon HYPNOTISMNOT FDR AMATEUM From ThoSudlIury Star Hypnotized girls af the Rotary Exhibition were accorded at least as mdch bu eyed atten tion as their more mobile and equ attractive sisterperformers on the stage The demonstration also created local wave of in limbo ism since capitalized on by stule mattress dealer and evidenced in the fact that the library ran out of books on the subject Though welcomed as an aweinspiring pheno menon by the masses hypnoiism is not for the massesFor all butthe fullytrained pro fessional hypnotist and his subject it should be spectator sport flwo amateur Australian hynoijsts last week spent two anxioushours trying to woken 17 yearoid girl who had volunteered as their vic tim when the selftaught mesmerists undertook to vldemonstrate their powers at church social The girl thought it would bennice lobe cured of ahahit of biting her 11 She didnt bite them during the demonstration or for two hours after During Lb latter period the two young hyp the tricks of their trade that they happened to know in an effort to revive their subject They worked undertlie eye doctor in Sydney hospital where the girl had been taken when she failed to respond fo the llIilfBElc word calculated to bring her back to When the boys admitted defeat the doctor took over He applied shock neatrnent and the girl woke up In spite of the happy endlng the oldest should serve as warning that hypnotisnids not something to be played with The heroine of the story was reported to be none the worse for her experience Her only complaint was that she still had consununz desire tobite her nails Judging iron the clue things ad verlllsed with snob appeal slant most snobs must be from well or to filthy rich best so lch of the yearto date Jack Leonardthe comedian silenced hackle inone audience withrYoure disgrace to yourhsex whatever that may bel beauty or similar competition for latencyem fromwhloh one con iestant leaves witho crown nd all the others leavewlth broken cert how bit Plï¬i cod Beains the danger generation who so that to cope with main eniiehoodlulms in sub thro public Touch lNDIlllhllilm suppuaeigg To Home Nicholson orrswsmm David was our new ministud publicworks his shown welcome dedsivenm and eemmnnoeoulnmvvlax swiftly Io halt will threatened tobeooeofthemostmndalous infringelnentsoflblmbolihc malorltYinallibelocgend cor did historyof the plunderlugof our cairnl resource by specuv oonvertedln lative denr4th Canada can bout onevhall of all thrived we in the worlds yurfsce is within our hon den Unfortunately our feckleu governments havepermiited this priceless natural resource to be may cases into lush breed Nund for polio dysentery and other harbinger of deathand disease Examples can be seen wherever water is to be found PBXNCE ALBERT CROSSV The North Saskatchewan River that water supply and playground and lrrigant for thousands of Canadians was fouled up be use just one association dedi cated not to preservinghuman rights but to the turning of quick buck found that it would make quicker buck by tlpnlnl offluvgstery cliï¬géj To Britainfs Macmillan LONDON cmA touch of rays tery stillclings to Maurice Harold MacmillaoBriteins 42nd prlrne minister Supporters regard him asrthe greatest British statesman slnce Sir Winston Churchill Dpponenlsnuestion his sincer ity Malcolm Muggeridge fencer editor of Punch calls him atfl tundinlzing Leftwinger Mich eel Foot says he is political leerace Labor Party leader Hugh Gait skeli detects an element of then tre in Macmillans approach Before he succeeded su An thony Eden as prime minister Jan 10 1957 Macmillan was often called the enigma of Brit sh politicsr His first year of office was un happy One paper tagged him the leastliked prime minister since Neville Chamberlain IMAGE CHANGED Gradually the image changed Macmillan refused to become rat fled Hestepped deftly round the ruins of Edens Suez policy which he had supportedand con centrated on strengthening the pound sterling lie pinned notices in his own handwriting at 10 Downing Street quoting line fromGllbert and Sullivan Quiet calm here tion untangles every kno Thus he became the unflap pable prime minister cultured aristocrat who took refuge in Trollope Dickens or Aeschilius when things gotrtough ampwhat am he said fi have held all the great ofï¬ces of state and being prime minister is not going to change me He realized thatSuez had been developmentof enormous im portance Whalevar the pros and lumenzinc Nevis cons of the controversial action if tore away thescresn erected by diplomatic endpolltical develop ments which had concealed Brli elns postwar decline in power near armour Sue was deep airont to the self esteem of many English one ofvldacmillans aides They were shaken to their roots By lug Suez Mac millanqaliowedutlia wound tohaal New Macrnlllans future hangs on votes in Thursdays election and his record in foreign affairs is altrump cardlie says his tour last winter of diplomatic capitals including Moscow broke the for President Eisenb er kita Khrushchev Macmillan rli her if Winston is laia looming prime minister gt Born 66 years ago into wealthy Scots publishing family hefallnwed conventional upper class routeEton BelliniCollege Oxford and the Grenadier Guards Wounded in thestt World War he went to Canada in 1919 as aidedecamp tothe governor generails Ottawa he met and married the governor generala Idaughter Lady Dorothy Covenr Like Churchill was often at oddswlthlory rulingclrcles In the issue he was rebel on do mestic issue and on Munich wnarie an use What is liereally like this elusive man with he large moustacheï¬hooded eyes and hair brushedback in silver side wlngs Drop in tothe pillaredv state drawingreom at Downing Street where he receives visitors and Tliee Ready ToGo To Top VBulJ De Gaulle Lagszehind Three of theBig3Eour now ap pear readyfor the climb to the rareï¬eld and possibly purified heights of summit conference Tbereare some signs however that President de ul ie of Ft is limpingif not actually lagging along tbewaylie has given no indication that he thinks aaiimmit conference wouldbe of any use at the moment Premier Khrushchev hasmade no bones about wanting another meeting of the worlds most up elusive club saying that only summit conference can cut UNITY NEEDED Britains Prime Midistcr eitbs Harold Macmillan or Hugh Gait Party the Oct general electionalso ready to go to the summit Thestrongest opposition to summit conference during the last year had come from dentElsenhowen Who had in Lhatthere mustbe good pros cts of success and that withdr its deadline for accomplished me with only the summit conference er havete be complete unity in its approach if in meeting is to ac complishranyt gt De Gaulle basshown dose dffinity for Chancellor Konrad Adanauer ofWest Garrdany in in ternational affairs and both lead ers have abongly objee din in past to heidasununltcoufer ence gt Both have displayed strong doubts about what summit tole could accomplish tothe benefit of the world Eothhavevbalked at theidea of any agreement that mighttsbengthen Communismsv holde Eastern Europe eras clally East Germany andfheWest will almost cer to Russia ifKhruehchev in retur is to given to the West on some momma There is nothi at the morbén to indicate that Gaulle would refuse to go th th sununlt should Britaiuand the US continue to already in the ballot you would meet tall friendly man with surprising simp city of mannerwho discusses ternatienal issues frankly and openly but somehow remains re mete Catch himamong crowd nd he may appear to have astiii ness of manner brusquenesa of reply habit of looking away when he speaks certain ungt surenese when an elderly woman tries to pin carnationin hls lapel thougbjn the end he takes the plunge and kisses her onthe cheek if mystery clings to Harold Macmillan after 35 years in pol cs basic shyness may be the reason LoblawsMarlrets Plead Not Guilty WINNllPEG CF Loblaws Groceteriasï¬ompany Manitoba Limited pleaded not gull yTuesA day to chargethat it is lag of tradingsiamp to sectlonof the Crlrn of Code of Canada Edward Pitblado counsel for the company also entered plea of not guilty to similar charge brought under the Manl Anti Food Producislimiied Lcss The Criminal Code charge was remanded until Oct 14 The pro vinclal charge was remanded in deflnitely Thech gas are in connection with the companys couponpro gram Company rpokesmen have said the program doesnot it the def inition of trading stamps disposal contained inrthe Criminal Code coon oero on MONTREAL or Canadian experts this year may reach 0000000110 an alltime high Vic ent Cbapinofvthe federal de partment of trade add commerce said Tuesday He told service club exports increased by ioper duri the first seven by MelNTllYE 00o London Englandcorrespondent For TheBarrleE aminer nEDINEURG SCOTLAND Socjallst hopes tor victory in the Britishi general election rest on getting out thelargest possible voteThay figure that in heavy vote they have bet ter chance of wnningaddiiioanl seats than the Conservatives This is has in the lasageneral election the socialist voI did nottumcut nearlyraswcll scytheConserve vote Siatisti that el ection show that la every three Socialist voteswere polled before six 13cm while twolihirds ofuthe Conservative votes were axes lie forevthat hour The Socialists ow aka mus comfort fro he ro ltef poll published 11 its polluted waste into its neigh bors drinking water instead of spending the money necessary to have it disposed of harnnleuiy This capital is situated on the broad Ottawa River For 100 miles downstream where once anglers could angle and boaters could beat with pleasure no hu man ncr piscine swimmer can now survive as this playground has been converted by sewage and atomic waste and industrial effluent into breeding ground of lethal germs flowing like pol son gt Cornwall like so many resorts cntlie banks of the St Lawrence Seaway once alloyed delightful athing beaches in recent hot weeks the children ofmeall have noLbeen able to swim ber cause tbs oncepure water has beenfeul bytheeffiuentofhulb Fighters and buger communi es Cheese aperlng governments Queens panx by iron onaanN sonomo The day the bright young men started some time ago in the rest of iheworld it is just now beginning to like itsdf felt herei Bright young men of course are chaps with more thanaver age abllity They get their label because their hat sizes are usually even bigger than the ability shamans cannra grdup of them now have squattere rights in thejvprirne ministers effice Some time ago when the work load get heavy Premier Frosi started putting ondcpartmental officers and assistants There now is little group of them the in is cadets some having been the oremlers om town more cut his recruited from voteconscious tlchne cu Mu Iodine mmflmhmh can vs run scared an Wmhmrofpeuuuom Sobduhkflne bouncy proud possessor of ball the wry frabwlterlntbewerld can boast that lteonialnsnearly all the 151qu fresh water in the nor RICH NATURAL RESOURCE Many conununlties in south western Ontario where Inan water shortage is developing lock towards Lake heron for future supplicrulhetbeing tbs furthest dowmtreamsood water In the Greeneke system Recently company named Mixiqu Explor alien Mina Corp Ltd was Klsnted permit to drillforoll and gas in the pure waterbi that inks lust one mile from the intake of tbe Semis waterworks As if all and gas are not already coming out of our ears Similar operationslu nearby Lake Erie have fouled the water mined the beaches and deprived hundreds of thousands of ye catloners cottagers swimmers beaten and commercial fisher men 11 the pleuurs and amenity of natural resourcewhlch is public property Thethreal to the pure waterl of Lair Huron has reused in bitg fer protest no less than 15000009 Canadians and Americans living near the lake Since the Ontario government refused to take off its velvet gloves when faceMace with possible dollar profit nucltlzens committee The Canadian Commiftee on Water Pollutl was formed undeniablyagitated Inducted Back of this uprising spurredyby righteous ire is great batiler Sarnias veteran gt and cmuageaur MP MurV urplifcame tosec Works Minister Walker hero In short order work was stopped and drilling platform dismantled Al ready an international crusade the outcome is easy to foresee ct after that sewage Bssislcnt System Can Mushroom And as lsxweli knownthis did MLDlEW nogoed with the Public He was commonly accused of operating behind an iron cur taln Mr Frost of course is too chd politician to make the Drew mistake Hewill stlll so the public But he doesnt have time to see lot ofather people that he should ASSISTANT seeisrsms The trouble with the assistant system is that it mushroom into waste Assistants in the service at least invariably breed assist ants to the assistants This means the assistants mul talkthing over with the assist ant assistants Then there come confer euces And as no important de eislon can be made without the PM okay there have to be meetings which he attends And these days around are lousy with meat more snonaui popularity and success that in his Earlier daysbe seemed able to getelong without this type pf crutch George Drew had gone in for it He was surrounded by staff articularly his secretary th afo Jim Cos dy who threw up barrier leTISll ELECTION socialisls Hopes Depend 0n=Largesl Possible VOte day as per cent of theCouserva lives 72 perlcent of masochi fats and 85 per als will vote lb probably voting 10 per cent Conservatives er centSo¢ lalists and sevenper cent Llhe their that as probabllltiespre pgr cent oirthehGonservatlves and cent the Socialists Afurtltef whether the individual would vote if there were idlevision or radio program they particular wanted to hear atthe time they arefree to vote Thcr figures can show that under stancesM per cent of thepn servatives and 57 per cent of ii VScotsman of Edinburgh by af Soolalists would vote Inthe pr bably voting column were 11 per gt his struggle Willi is rangement withrthe News bron ndon This po us if ilmié was cent of Conservatives and Ill per centrofihe Socialists These figures from national poll show clearly that who big problem of the Socialists Is get their peoplebut wink ent numb of listed he only estio asked was Important victims of this sys tem are cabinet ministers Lindsay garbage collector has an easierltime seeing the purifier than some ofbls cabv met and this naturally means cbnsiderahle frustration When genial JohnFoote was cabinet ministerhe had serl nus polity mPiteron his hands bad to be decided at the throne Treasurer JamesAllan knew of the problemand cussed it with aliright Yes that would pro ably be all right Mr Foote said But then still worried hevadded Give me answer to areal problem How in the dim doyou ever get CLASH Wllli RIJNERS seams AP Red railwali ork celebratln agnvh clversary of th EastGerman om Iwere inlure sevarawand number of re to aftcrpolice pulled vi Ens gs from In my tations mourn BIBLE Each fun todo Belt great or sma the assurance that if plan nudpurphssfor we cannot fail