Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1959, p. 7

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most of you dont rarried intothe muscleswhere the scene of ihc wedding eer enrony which united in roan rlage Miss Carol Jane Beaver daughter lot hit andMrs Wil liam Llewellyn Beaver Barrial and Lloyd Walker stracbaa Cayugapson oiMr and Mrs George Edward Slracban of Orillla Rev Cecil lBrenn officiated at the Sept 19 cen iBridc Ballinfad Do ri Mrs Harold Hall tlswa iacccmpanied soloist Leslie Gil oro Township Mn Hall the former Audrey Clifton played the wedding music for the brides plreotr twentyeight years ago The bride was given in mnrv crusher sa it ther swore leagtnewnatuhita peau cranenu fitted bod ice long sleeve and run gored ilerpie Toronto formerly of skirt The bodice Ina trim rm EXAMINER tried with lace banding at tho necldlne waist and wrists Her fingertip veil fell trons aiptll box cap of peaude sole Her flowers were an arm bouquet fof white roses atephanotia and em The maid of honoor Miss Marlon Cloughley Barrie was gowned in soft dusty rose and Miss Gloria Arnold Toronto in deep rose Their floor length gowns were of faiile taffeta with fitted bodice and full skirts They wore band eaux of matching shades made of satin leaves feathers and headed bows Their shoes and gloves were white They can tied baskets of white sharia mums and ivy The groomsman was Fulton Toronto The ushers were Kenneth BeaverBarrie brother of the bride and Ivan Strachan Oro eousinof the groom At the reception in the church parlor Mrs Beaver re ceived the guests wearing sheath of imported brpcade in autumn brown tones with nint ehlng hat and accessories and corsage of yellow roses Mrs Strachan assisted in soft green Bill crops with burnt orange hat smacaANBaavm Mr and Mrs Thomas Suth ers Seaforth street have taken up residence in Haney BC Mr Suthers has recently retired from the Canadian National Railways after 45 years of service Annual Meeting To Be Held Oct 27 The Barrie and district unit of the Canadian Cancer Society will hold its animal meeting Oct 27 Last nights meeting of the executive was postponed be cause of sickness but the execu tive will meet sornetima before the annual meeting The unit does wish to thank those members who mannedits booth at the Barrie Fair They were Miss Mary Agnes Moore Mrs RosserMrs Walls Mrs Kinzie Mrs Emms Mrs Walker Mrs Donovan Mrs Badgiey Mrs Pearl Graham Mrs Leo McCann and Mrs Canon YOUR HEALTH SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr and Mrs NelsonBlanch nrd Barrie have announced the engagement of their daughter Carol Anne to Frederick Coones Toronto The wedding ceremony will take place Oct 17 at St Georges Anglican Church Ai landale Before retriinlng to Fort iamlrom Toronto where she resided for the past year Mrs Thomas John Bell the former Matilda Leola Tillie Perry was entertained by Miss Mar aretBurt at miscellaneous shower and by the girls of the Retail Accounting Office of Do mimon Stores Limited where theWarehbusa Accounting De partment of Dominion Stores Limitedalso presented her with an electric coffee percolator Her sisters Mesdames Mabel Mark Effie Erickson and Shir ley Franentertaine at mis cellaneous shower Fort iam trousseau tea was gi enthe bride by her mother Mr and Mrs Ray Perry entertained alga rehearsal dinner Uncooked vPork Causes TrichinosiS By HERMAN nonnasan MJ ALTHOUGH millions of Am ericans have been infected with trichinosis at one time or anoth er the disease seldom gets much publicity have written few columns about it in the past but Ill bet even icnow what it is PAINFUL DISEASE Trichinosisis painful and sometimes fatal disease caused by eatingraw or uncooked meat usually pork it isnt the meat itself which causes the trouble but small round worm known medicallyas Trichinelln spir These worms enter the di es tive tract in tiny capsules Match are dissolved in the stomach The larvae are released into the intestines and in about two days become mature GET INTO BDODD STREAM The female Trichinelln spiralis produce several hundred young larvae thatfind their way into the blood stream They are then they grow rapidly eventually calcifyand di The symptomsnsually begin with gastrointestinal disturbanlt ces followed by severe pain in muscles The acute phase lasts anywhere from one to two wee Fortunately most victims recover mrrcrs nous roo Hogs contract the disease by eating infected raw pork scraps if animals are fed entirely on of coursepthey do not dev op trichioosls iety nfthe illness Just how much will affects person depends upon howmuch ofthet fected portionis eaténand tb persons own resistanceto the me OUTBREAKS INGERMANY A5 said we dont hear too much about trichinosis here in America but in other Diff3 of the wdrld particularly in Ger many therehave been several outbreaks This probably is us to the German custom of eating raw or partially coo especially in sausage The simplest way ovoid tricbinosis is to cook and po thoroughly This menus the each portionbf the meat must grees Fahrenheit COOKING TENDERATURE Pork ts for example should be kept at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for atleast 35 to 40 minutes per pound of meat Steaks and pork chops should be cooked by br mg for 45 minut esetoranrhou gt As for frozen park we general iy consider it safe if it has been keptat 5degreesFohrenbeit for 21 days or 22 de ees below zero for 24 hours QtlEsfiloN monivswnu Mrs What is angina pectorrs Answer Angina pectoris is disease marked by pain in the heart region usually accompiin led by symptoms ofsutloca and faintuess Proper treatment usually re lieves the pain and your physi cian is in the bestposition persons whoeat infect at evelop th riousvar prescribe it foryou she was employed The staff of its detail including recovery reach temperature of 150 do Edit ation is sure that they wouldgive birth and accessories and corsage of bronze roses For travelling the bride chose mass green velveteen dress and hat with beige acces sories and gardenia corsage After wedding trip to Nor thern Ontario the couple will be making their home inCay uga0ntarlo Out of town guests were from Cayuga Hamilton Orll lia GuelphErin Petrolia Kit chener ltbica NY Ottawa Kingston and Approximately zoo friends and relatives visited Minesing home last Sunday to honor Minosing couple on their golden wedding anniversary MLA and Mrs George John ston celebrated 50 years of mar ried life by receiving guests from to pm Sunday The couple life long residents fMinesing were marriedintho it Last night Codrington Home and School Association held its annual Fathers Night Thepres ident Dr Mulchinock méntio ed that more thankshundred pu pils have volunteered to collect for on liaiioween illfedismie was explained by Dr Delaney He toldfiparents that the exhibits in Queen Eliza beth Building in Toronto would take whole day to see and that mission Exh its nciudo co parisons of the before and after became general an the in has been setup room everythingbeing explni ed in laymans idoguage ice low of Kindergarten spoke for few minutes what should be expected of tirieyearoldchild Mr MacLeiinaanuodncgd speaker David Keybo new Dir ector of Physical Education for the Barrie Public Schools Mr Keyho wasrborn in Guern sey and attended school in Eng land He later joined the RA as Remedial Gymnas in 1965 he went back to Guernsey won all possiblediving champ ionshi there In 19531 Went to Winchester to King Alfred Teachers Collsge spe alizin in Physical Education and French He went on toCarnegie Coileg or Physlcal Education gradri ting top of his class Mr Keyho taught Physical Educat ion in Worthing High School In Failof 1958 and Spring 959 he touredWestJern Europe counting on trampolinrng 115 came Canada thisspring tedouttthnt Physical oldas man for upon his physical fitness depend edhis 3b to live in early days About 1000 there were two different cults of Pity sicair Training in Greece Sparta was bleakandmountatnous and the peoplels main object was to defend Athemselvm From th age of seven youngsters attend edWarrior Training Where team or paid floggers punished those who sla Girls receiv edweapon training mainly to in to healthy children The unfit were simply ignored or destroy ed ti wever on thecoastt in Athe gentle schooiprev ed era was culture and trad ing with other countriesFrom early youth body and miud were simultaneously deVeloped Ball running swimming were subst uted lorvhattlo train little village in l909nt the home of thabridesgtparents the late Mr and Mrs John Young Mrs Johnston is theformer Alice Young Mr Johnstonhasjheen MLA for the last 16 years To help them celebrate on this occasion their family of three sons who are allmarried were at home They are andiMrw Hugh Johnsuin Montreal Dr eaksOn Physical Education CodringronHomélifidSctfiff using music in their classes Then the Romanscarne Olym plo Games wen dropped and man versus animal contests were the order of the day Soon out of theDark Ages emerged the philosophy that only tho Soul was important and the body was of the devil But after 1000 AD the Age of Chivalry hrought back physical competit ions of skill Later Rousseau Locke andPestalezzi cncor ed physic a1 education tn schools Germany fore as sponsor body muscles gth and rumor om Inna use Mrs Johnstons aunt Mrs Han Delaney anda Barbershop riliiyllim GymnasiumWere start As far as England concern TOMORROW wannasoivocfdsen prairies Hosannasinus placensenwce Soire sinus iNTRODUCTORY orren ts practicum for in price or wet Vd the girls did gymnasrics gt on grace and poise oft ameu or moron formed an attractivesetting for the BELLPERRY MINESING COUPLE MARRIED 50 YEARS 200 Guests Honor And Wife and Mrs Erie Johnston London Ontario and Mr and Mrs Aian Johnston Minesingx Among tnaSunday guests were ry TcasdaleAurora her sisters Mrs Sallitt Peterborough and Miss Bernice Yoirng Mine sing Missyoung was brides maid at thoJohnston wedding 50 years ago The bridegrooms brother and wife Mr and Mrs Irving JobnstonMinesing were also present benefits golden anniversary weddipg cake was servcd with Sunday too To tea was poured ed the large private colleges first introduced the German sy stem of concentration on stren gth In the early twentieth cents ury state schools began Phys ical Education programme The instructorsZWere military is so that type of tr ningprevaii ed togbegsottcned later by the rhythgt mi from the Mr Keyho was thank by Dr Quartette composed of Gco McKay Stan KingRay Blaira Harry Smethurst entertain Ron Lambert thanked the singers for this plea saht ipteriude and refreshments were served marriage ceremonyof Matilda fled W995 Leoia Tillie Perry daughter nlrhlra Ethel Perry and the late Kenneth Parry Port Wil liamyto Thomas John Bell son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Prank BellBanlc The cel emony took place in the Fort William Salvation Army Cit del Aug 23 with Captain bid will Brown officiating Plan ist airs Vera Wild accompan ied soloist Rev Gron Morgan who sang Judes Consecratlon and Perfect Love The bride given in marriage by her eldest brother Eric Jethro Perry wore floor length gown of peat de soil and reembroidercd chantllly lace The bouffant peau de sole skirt featured an empire waistlinr with pleated summer bund and large back how from which flowed chapel train The lace bodlce was styled with short smlloped sleeves sabrlna neckline snd Vback and was appliqued to the skirt with row of lace roses Her veil of tulle illu sion fell froma headpiece of pleated not and lace dotted withtlny seed pearls She wore matching lace gauntlet and carried cascade bouquet of pink roses centred by an orchid Ma honorMiss Merger of hurt and bridesmaids Miss Joanne Bell and Miss Joan Perry wore gowns of twilight blue brocadcd taffeta They were styledaiike and featured boat neckline with VJbacks Their gathered skirts were topped by cummerbunds of chiffon whlcbrcrossw in front and tied into flowing panels over the skirt back They car ricdcascade bouquets of abastn daisies The flower girls Misses Sandra Jana Mark and Wendy by Mrs Irving Johnston Miss Bernice Young Mrs Soiiitt Mrs Lorne Johnston Barrie and Mrs Jack Maw Barrie Tea wasserved by Mrs Johnston Mrs Clitf Bell Miss Helen Johnston and Mrs Donald Sollrtt neiees of the couple VIE Thaw Mrs Perce Muir Mrs Scott Muir and Mini Thomas McKee Outoftown guests came from For Penetang Eimvale Bradford Aurora and Peterbor oughMrand Mrs Johnston ro cerved many bouquets and tele grams of congratulation Prem ier Frost sent congratulatory Joy Perry wore ma gowns of orchidt2 round necklinecVbaeks and large fillers trimmed wi white nylon lace and teaming but sleeves and bouflant skim with am back bowl They wore matching bandeaux and mittens white shoes and carried baskets of raharta daisies and pink roses Groomsmen was AlbertFran and tubers were Ray Perry and Donald Bell Master Brian Fron was ringbearer For the reception in the lower church hall thabrldea mother wore twopiece French brocade dress of pink and unions She wore Corsage of pink carnations The mother of the groom wore teal blue dress oflace over taffeth with matching jacket She wore eorsage of pink camatlons John Erickson said grace wedding cake and run andritrarton Harmonica 15 ed the tout to the bride which the groom responded Mrs Jethro Reid cut Peny book For honeymoon trip Detroit Lakes the bride ch light bluevsuit of fine styled on the Empire ii She were white hat and glo navy shoes and bag and orchid corsaze The newlyweds wiil real in motion Ontario Outcftown guests at wedding were Mr and Gordon Bell Joanneand aid Barrie lliss Marga Burt Toront Mrs Jet Reid St Thomas and Emma hlchlann Midland During the eveningneigh telegram ol coogratulatio were received from relatl and friends circulated the Save The Children Night To Be Held In The October meeting of the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Save the mildron Brad was held recently at the home of Mrs Alma bee OwenSt The chairman Mrs Wendy flicks presided The Barrie Brancbs aln pro lect for the year is adian Save the Children Night to be held between Oct 17 and Nov 14 The proceeds will be sent to the Canadian representative in Korea to aid the rounds of homeless hungry and sick child ren in that country It was reported at the meet ing that shipment of articles knitted and sewn by 175 ladies in Slmcoe Couow has been sent to Greece The chairman stress ed there is desperate need for good used clothing of any kind for adults and children in those tarot countries clothing may be of Mrs Lee The Barrio Branch are selling official 680 Christmas cards If anyone is interested in help Oct Nov ing thefund by purchasing cords please contact Mrs Cox all phone PA 84351 where cards may be ordered At the close of the meetln members listened to an inten erting taped interview between Wendy Hicks and Lady Mount batten prcsideot of the British Save the Children Fund Lady Mountbatten sent greetings to all the workers of tho CSCF in the Barrie distri Try An Examiner Wantfidv Phone PA $2414 Mans scamr canon HAIR STYLING is Dunlop at as aw vonv was moans on notan SEWiN caveats 0N BASEBALIJ AT HOME LitNNOM AN mo vieroars sr telegram to the couple APPLY ELLINGEIr LIMITED rum as m1

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