HONORARY membership to the Barrie Business and Pro iessionnl Womens Club is be ing presented to Judge Mor Barrie c1115 jorie Hamilton by pmidcnt Miss Evelyn Klghiley ion The honor was bestowed as part of Business Warrens which begins today Looking on is conveoer for this special week Min Dorothy Falconer Observes Business mensIWeek This week the Barrie brunch and 7000 members of the Can adian Federation oi Bruincss iand Professionalv Womens clubs are celebrating their an nual Business Womens Week with the objective of drnwilm attention to the achievements of business and proicssionnl wcmcn The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional We mens Clubs was established in 1930 by federal charter for the purpose of promoting the interests of busineï¬ ind pro fesional women throughout Canada The clubs in Canadian Fed eratlon over the yeals have in terested themselves in such projects as the appointment of women irom ovary province to theSenate of Canada the rupointment of qualiï¬ed we men to policymakiog admin istrative and judicialvcommis sions andboards of govern ment municipal provincial snd iederal women on inner Receptions Held For Péggy Hu11 Prior to her marriage to Los lie Edgar they of Melbourne Australia in Collier StreetrUnit ed Church on Oct Miss Peg gy Hull was entertained at sev eral showers Misses Margaret Sturgeon and Judylteown held kitchen show er for the bride at the home oi Mrs Edgar Sturgeon Churchill On Sept la Misses Bev Sprouie and Donna Webb had miscel laneous shower at the home ot Mrs prcrt Sproule Strand Fri ds and neighbors gather ed at the home of the brides grandmother Mrs San ford Innisffl St Barn to sur prlss the bride with cup an saucer shower on Sept 22 On sept 26 Mrs San ford lnnislii St Barrie held trousseau tea in honor of her granddaughterv Peggy Poirring toe were Mrs Durwood Elliott Hamilton and Mrs Fisher Duckworth St Assisting with the trousseau tea were Mrs Bruce Sanford Edgar Mrs Sanfordl Jr Shanty Bay and Misses Glenna Stewart Kaye Sioanv and Margaret Sturgeonail of Churchill The brides attend ants Missm Donna Webb Mar lene Baldwin and Beverley Sprouie assisted in showing the troussea ory Taylor Exchdnge Vovvs In Central United Church on the evening of Sept 1959 the marriage of Katherine Alice only daughter of Mr and Mrs Jory and Leroy Charles eldest son of Mr aadMrs Char les Taylor Antigonish Nova Sco tia was quietly solemnized Rev Brena officiated Mrand Mrs Forbes Taylor of Minetfs Point were attendantsi On Sept 12 reception was held at the brides home About 15 relatives and hriends red to wish the newly ed couple much happi WHAT THE EDI TOMORROW Enterprise and originality will my oil now so makethe best use of skills and talents Es cially favore all mechanical and scientiï¬c pursuits Lookfor sum 11 dvnews in the EM nonran Bmrnnav If tompriowis your birthday your horoscopejndicates that andor business goals wh you may have thought unattainable recently could well be realized before the outlet this year That is of course if yo havevrnade use of all opportum es available mce Januaryu and have put rth best efforts Even if you did not however theres no reason to feel discouraged ce you are unently iota ï¬ne planetary cy canstilraccompiisha dud deal before years end hoe of latento node the repeal of policies and iowsthat discriminate against women the supportof the United Nations and its clforts to improve the status of we men In July of this year in Paris France the international Fed eration of Business and Pro fessionsi Women met in Con gress Canadian Federation was represented by 130 mem bers from Canada The theme oithe Congress was Building Bridges Be tween Peoples and resolutions were passed covering such sub jccts as the support of World Refugee Yesrthe implement ation of Article of the UN Charter which stresses that men and women share équslly in the work of United Nations asking that UN and specialized agencies include women ex portsi wherever possible as regular part of their Technical Assistance Program women to accept greater re sponsi es in policymaking bodies whicbraflect conditions and remuneration in employ ment the extension of facil iï¬es for women to enter the fields of architecture engineer ing and law greater equality in the age of retirement and Pensions The Canadian Federeticn oi Business and Profesi0na1 We mens Clubs believes that by following along than paths it will assure Right Turn to Conï¬dent Future for all and will contribute to hudd lng Bridges Between Peoples Those ling Weroi Pour ing tea Mn Thompson Mrs lit Jory and Mrs Mad den Serving were Miss Bar bara Bonser and Miss Dianne Pratt Miss Donna Luck was in charge of the guest book linen shower for the bride was held at Mrs Bruce Nes bitts Alfred Street when about 30 guests gathered to shower the bride with may lovely gifts LThose as sting were Miss Patty Nesbitt Mrs Harper and Lovering STARS SAY By samurai be sens ve intuitive and en dowed Vth great sense of justice FloWer Show Held At Edgar Aza Jesuits from Flower Show at Edgar School sponsored by the mens institute were as follows BachelorButtoos lst Woyne Simpson2nd Barb ara Piikey Asters let Brian Simpson and Wanda Malone urging ed George Johnston MrnndMrs ston heldopen house Sum day to celebrate their goldeni wedding anniversary 50an AND PERSONAL Mid Lallants aodson Stephen lelt by air Sept 23 or Visit with her sister and bros therinlaw LAC and Mrs Leo Ward and new baby at Gander Newloundinnd Codrington Homeland School Association will hold its annual Hawkestone WI Meets For Sept The ankestone Womens ln stitute monthiymeetiug was he in the ball Sept 23 Motto think that mu see poem as lovely as atrec Roll call What did for home improvunent Thirtyfive ladies were present The president Hrs Hartcpen the meeting by thesingutg ot Ode followed by Stewart Collect Mrs Shellswell read pap er Plans of catering tothecon vention in Drillio Oct were made The meeting was turned over to the Agriculture and Canadian Industries convenes Mrs Leigh who conductedn quiz bet ween panel composed of Mrs Crampton Mrs Sheiisweli Miss Baysbaw and Mrs Bak er Mrs OBrien was th en called onto make prescnta tion to valued and loved mem ber oi the WI and WA Mrs Jen Smith of weekend case 6W9 contagion smut Anormsnus Itt rur or counter Your festive season slagts moment you step on harm your cuNlao my in no superb twice and comfort at ThriftSedson votes Father Ch stmosiml be achlldrensPd es and Yuletide insults to tempt your sensharpened hppoï¬te fim gdlora forcilil Rememberwhen you on 1st Brian Simpson 2nd David Sheiswell talent could openup new of ndeavor to you the new yea and you cool achieve unusual recognition if you really Thepérlod betweennow and Lo mrmsusousms sentinelnth I79 lound irisan iathers night tonight The speaker will be David Kehoe newlyappointed supervisor oi physical education for Hard public schools Mrs acobs will read paper on He th at Barrie Womens In stitute meeting Thursday The Wl wiiimest at the home of Mrs Alma lee Owen sneet Each member should bring picceof old neediecrait work The finance committee of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club has approved the following projects rummage sale to be held Oct 16 catering to the mammoth bullet being sponsor leglmlezsy the $275 N13 19 The are go to sell special Christmas cake Johnson Home and School As secretion will have speaker tonight Fred Shaw BA Mi Shaw art supervisor ior North York schools will presentapro grant that will illustrate visually the place art takes in the present school curriculum Mr Shaw who aupervis laychock was associated with Tom Martin in the CBC television seriesHobby Workshop and has assisted Dr DGaitskeii provincial direc tor of art in conducting art workshops throughout several Ontario centres REMIMSCING over so years of wedded life are Mr and Mn Harvey Cole Perry St The Coies celebrated their goi den wedding anniversary Sum Female Sex Has Future LONDON APSaverai lead ing British women havedecided the female sex has futureif it remains feminine The women spoke Tuesday at asymposium sponsored by the Queen Mother They had been asked to reflect out loud on the qu ls Eve out of date The at Mountbatten said In many situations yrs can give better human understanding of problems than men We are built that way Mn Rosemary Mudt who crossed the Atlaan in thebab loan Small World with her buss band and two rneo said weigh 56 pounds less than men so in balloon where ery ounce counts vantage omens wonnr Miss lilonwcn Fjigh willowy model said havent worried much as to whether Eve is up todata or mootdate my con my sex as angdn day by receiving guests at their home Seath with them centre is Mrs Frankfldylcr bridesmaid at the Wedding in 1909 cero is to keaputntoruting dates Mrs Alison Munro Inter national Air Transport official said An Imiwa light is woman wh like man Miss Margaret Rutheriord not ress sai Evo is eternal Lady Mountbatten deplored the fact hritaln has no woman intha cabinet no woman ambassador and no governor of dependency Yet we have the same rights no mo paper she said Tho discussion was sponsored by 14 organizations vote under the peEronnge of the Queen Mother to assisting the blind The discussion on the future of fan was arranged to stimulate mterat audit did About 700 women each paid £2 10 12 57 gringolunchand benefit to the WEDDING PORTRAITS Les Cowper Studio Dunlap st wean um we no Yovineuoto soy iuslf3ddcy may send backache sway Miioï¬mibolhmmlbnmlfmdioboilbd hidnsysiltenmvveucaumlulndssds kidneys HflVeYour saoiten the cause of backachehum the system Dodrlq Kidnvy Fili stands to the this traction and so may lame Idiot irons Inch than lry just h4g3 the blue box with the chutney ouun redband co to look and act siblo ï¬rmmt skalo out no to arm News rmcx son upon The moo ma orou rue EARTH Wore starting to come to the time of year when most of us enjoy an evening scheme with fire in the fireplace and perhaps good friend to share the warmth with us guess itis because many of us feel that way in the fall this is the season whcn most rugs and carpets are sold You know rug particularly the one in your living room can become quite an invxtmentu and even when we cant alford to buy the one wed really like to have we want rug that will look its best or as long as pos so choosing newlug is very important and perhaps iew tips on that subject would be worth while wool rug is probath your best bet and pick the heaviest weight that you can possibly aliord Thot way youll got the best value or your money Light colours too are risky They are most at trooiive in the store but lose their fresh smart appenrance Ver quickly in the heavy tramo areas Nylon too is good for rugs but crushes more easily tiara wool Cotton looks brighter cleaner than wool when new but tends to show soil iastar Rayon is more soil resistant than cotton but is less resilient and is inclined toiook shabby quickly And when you buy your rug remanber its iabric Like all fabric it Inquires regular care Dally vacuum cleaning and twice year to us for our ex pert thorough cleaning will keep your rug looking its best give you the best value for the money you spend