caMPAIGNING Taxis Janie Holmes wife oi the Conservative candidate or membe oi parliament tram neowl ONTARIO Tops LIST At Least 43 Me In In Weekend Fatality Count By Tim CANADIAN PRESS persons were drowned two killed Accidents across Canada took at least 43 lives during the week end 36 in traiiic mishaps 0n iario led the provinces with 19 deaths Canadian Press survey from local times Friday to midnightSunday slgowed three in New Brunswick hunting ac cident one death in fire and one in shooting accident Nova Scoti Quebec and On iario cach had one drowning Eight were killed in Quebec traf tie and 17 on Ontario roads There were tour triatiic deaths in Manitoba one each in Saskatch WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF BOMB SCARE FORT SMITH Ark APlAn anonymous telephone worn ing that bomb had been placed aboard plane carrying Negro integration leader forced the craft down here Sunday for search No bomb was found Mrs Bates president of the Arkansas chapter of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People and central ï¬gure in the Little Rock school integra tioncontroversy was aboard ONEMAN HELICOPTER PINEHURSI NC AIDThe Little Zipster billed as the worldssmallest oneman hell copter designed for private use by its developer Igor Benson was demonstrated here Sunday The impound crait using con ventionai automotive gasoline is free from dependence on air iields It can take otf and land vertically with no ground ratifit will sell for about $2000 in kit PREMIER RETURNS HOME NEW OYBK AP Italian Prime Minister Antonio Segni ilew home today alter fiveday visit to the United States The premier and his party which in eluded Italian Foreign Minister Giuseppe Fella arrived in the United States last Wednesday on mission to increase American industrial investment in Italy MISS LINKLETTEII WEDS LOS ANGELES AP The daughter of Canadianborn tele vision star Art Linkietter and her no PANIC coilegeswectheart were married Sunday Dawn Linkletter la and air force Lieut John queyer 23 were wed at Westwood Comlt munity Methodist Church They will live in Big Springs Tex where he will be stationed UNION MAN vA FATHER SAN FRANCISCO APA girl was born Sunday to Mrs Nikki Bridges 35wiie oi the Intema tionai Longshoremens Union leader Harry Bridges Mrs Bridges an American of Japan ese ancestry is the union atti cials third wife Bridges 58 has three lather children SUB RUNS AGROUND PORTSMOUTH England AP The Lawton United States sublt marine Tench ran up mudbank in Portsmouth Sunday but pulled away undamaged within minutes The vessel later tied up at the Royal Navy submarine base here otter its trip irorn New London Conn rwo WORLD MARKS WARSAW APRudoli Pluk elder broke two world weight lighting records in the middle heavyweight division Sunday as he gave Russia its third title in the 1959 world championships Plukfeider 30 lifted total of one its pounds in the three lift techniques This broke the pre vious record of 992 pounds set by Lomakin of Russia in 1957 He raised his snatch record to 310 45 pounds from last years 305 Lil Ship Defeats Flames Storm ST GEORGEl Bermuda AP The stout little freighter Mormac teal steamed into harbor Sunday proud conqueror of the two great perils of thesentire and hurriv cane Theskipper Capt John Holtman toid how the crew fought and conquered raging fires that broke out in two holds Saturday andof being chased and caught by hurricane Hannah The freighter was pounded by mountainous Waves and lashed by 90mileanhour winds There was no panic among the 12 passengers despite the grave danger to the mittton American freighter bound from New York to Latin America The skipper veteranof 45 years at sea saidhe was below decks Saturday when an explosion My Godthe wbole ship was in flamesand in hurricane there was we That said ihoskipper was his first reaction The No 8batcb was blown up he said We ranggeneral quarters and everyone took his station We had boat drill the day before so passengers and crew knew exactly what to do We had each of the pas sengers put on liieiackets and gave them little spirits to keep out the cold while the crew fought all HIE ewon and Aibeitaand live in British Columbia One person died by fire when ship exploded on British Colum bias Compde River and is yearold Ontario boy was acci dentally shot with his own rifle The toll includes traiiic hoaté ing and swimming accidents and other mishaps connected with weekend activities oWomp 1151 The Ontario dead Larry McNorgan London struck by car while riding his 25301 on sidewalk Friday Mrs Sam Zelenok 54 West Lorne ot iniuries suliered when her tractor was in collision with car near Wallacetown Friday night F0 Willhm Esler Martin 23 WinniPEE and Sub LL Iain George Angus Fletcher 23 of Seaside 0re when their sports car crashed into the Ausablo River bridge 17 miles north at London Friday night Linton Timbers 31 Port Perry Saturday when car in which be was riding crashed into steel bridge David Parrish 56 oakviow Beach near Colllngwood when his car rolled into ditch onv Highway 25 just east of Collins woed Saturday MOUNT FOREST COLLISION Mrs Wynn Gibson 51 Monti cello when cardriven by ber daughter 19 collided with another car near Mount Forest Saturday Miss Gibson autierod lacerations and broken pelvis The driver of the second car Le alto Allen 17 of Kit chener wasnot injured Jean Ireland 18 and Wayne Ragga 17 both of Kitchener Sat urday night when their car smashed into another car and hit tree Daniel Brought 65 Grimsby Saturday when struck by train at Grirnsby level crossing Russell Huntingdon 42 Satur day night when struck by our in Hamilton Edward Luttman 42 Believille drowned Saturday night in the Bay of Quinte when he dived from boat in response to mysterious cry for help Gregory Kelly 13 Saturday night when his tractor was struck by car near Stratbroy William Charles Anstay 9o Goderich Saturday night when hit by car on Highway at about 56 milesrnorthwest otrLondon Oliver Badgergow 60 early liliillilillli Theatre 5i momrues WED THE5MAN iNSiDE Vmlwrorrsanu Hitw increasing life span affects lifelnsuranee Thanks to advances inmédiial knowledge inhyn and in living conditions Canadians today can look for women or £0 to forward to longer life The avenge some today 74 totmen the me ï¬gures come signiï¬cantguide mks mostmenivingpastageSSandmanybeingw vecrliteinsuranwtlmiggiveswiyshortm ved tee is not odequateytor most of todays young uni Lifelong security needed in most cases comes from permanent insurance There anotherbig vantagcof permanent insurance ts guarantwd cosh valuu make it possible for men over 651 wiva armch life into therexuu income that will MANUFAC cc think of rmanent ufacturerr Life man IKE TU RER liFE ltlSURANCr provincial rights opposed fed useless trying to her the miner Luisi Zappa en uuhed hu head nodrhouidersihroimhl the ire door dthaueon grog on kneeling pray Itn paolc ripped to 3001 shippers including group from neighboring old viadlu bomotbeanhnai trainer lair bed spike into Marys hind foot and made her back out mo Mary tookretugo in the corner the churchyardjnd refused budg all alternoon Sunday when his car hit it polo on Highway 17 near Blind River WERNER cm Raymond Christopher1 killed nought by police to have sped Sunday night when hitby truck away alters collision near Prel near his borne inï¬ayude Town Saturday night gum ship 10 miles northwest otpSudlt me hours law only an an Guy 51 areva away from the accident scene Sunday night in Toronto hos Two occupants were dead and pltai alter coroccldent in one critically injured Orangeville gt Joseph Bang 15 when Deadin the wrecked carhidden calibre rifle he was carryiog not hem roads ï¬ddle were cidcntaily discharged on farm magma 82255 17 and Jean Ire near Meoiord 19 both of KitchenerMarg aret Paszko 16 at Kitchener was Quebec it Policies linumed In Blast Searching torthe car police were unaware that manthey had picked up in dazgd di lit Brewery Dies LONDON 0ntCPl Cecil Cbampuess49 one at two brew ery workers bumed when fer mentation vat exploded Sept 22 diedsunday Mr Chmpnesa and William Constable 47 of Modem were cleaning the inside ot the vat at the John Lahatt brewery when the explosion occurred Mr Con stable war still in serious condi tion norm Que CP Prelt ruler Sauvesald Sunday night his government plans to follow the hardeline policies of the late pra mler Duplessis in dealing with Ottawaon issues involving pro vincial autonomy He said Quebecs Union the tionale government will continue firmly to maintain the rights granted the province under Can adas constitution The seyearold premier was on twoday politicalirip his first since becoming premier alter the death of Mr Dunlessis Sept Mr Sauve saldltbat while pro vincial autonomy must be re tained there is certainly room for lrankhnd honest collaboration with the federal governmrmt Collaboration does not mean submission he said He addedl have conï¬dence solutions can beuiound to major problems Mr Duplessis in his policy on eralpro oi taxsharing agree ments making Quebec the only province to levy its own direct income tax He also considered federal grants to universities an em croachmeot on provincial auton omy and told university leaders that he would withdraw provin cial grants if they accepted fed eral money Quebec also does not partial pate in the TransCanada High way program and has not com mitted itself to the national hos pital insurance plan told police You must wait til aha calmsdown At prn Mary suddenly dc cided she was bored leit her corner and mshed hack into the church throuyi the main door which had beentempor arily patched up She walked down the centre aislerpaused for momeht be lore theater then wandered into therauiaty and Wt into the Cloister of an adjoining epu vent Circus hands finally cor nered her in aide street she left the convent garden alter nightfall First Thought Hitamino Car ound Nearby Later TWO Killed lion walking along Highway shortly alter the accident was the driver He was James Hammond ct Gait who later was charged with criminal negligence The driver of the other car Judson Mackball 32 at Eden said he thought the Hammond car had sped may alter side smplng collision He had re ported the accident to Waterloo Township police as hitandrun Police said they found Ham mood walking along the highway talking incoherently and took him to hospital About amSundey MrsG Looeshury heard moans in front of her home near the accident scene and called the poliw after ï¬nding the wrecked car oNh WAIT Frasusono nun 14 Mulcaster St Barrio nigh the he had lain on ed maitrcss andvioro oarmuin to pilminate noise gracious nudwithu tar better and better as time Waggon The experiment was iheflnt oi series at the University of Manitoba for the Defence reardirBoard Dr Zubock is 13e lieved to have established rec ord for isolation of this kind HUDY MONUI0NY Thepurposc was to find the eh eels of monotonyyand darkness on human intellectual capability The ï¬ndings could be useful on interplanctmy flights The dents which Dr lunch en tered Wednesday Sept EL was seven Bet high and nine feet in diameter The ballucinatlonr oi sight and sound began on the second day They were amorphous no picture or structure hazy clouds Dr Znhek said They seemed to move bra counter clockwise fashion Theyd disapa pear 2nd then come back Flickering lights plagued ma They increased inbrlghtnessdur iug anyklod of activity It be came to my advantage loot to make any moves 0n the sixth day suddenly heard phone ringing even got upto answer Then heard typewriter typ It was so real even heard the carriage being pushed back Cfliiiln RIA luimsrgouos THOUSANDSWIII 11 Qt Torontoitian diney are investigatv in the death at Patrick Haydon 45 whodled Sunday shortly after being admitted Toronlo Gen Poliec in Sudhury said He don Toronto resident was adnilttcd to hospital them last week with acut over his eye He told oili clals it wosrcceived in fall Later poll here any Heydoo returnedhome and told sister heeo beaten up and robbed ï¬nd his raliw nine or nvnmms BELLEVmE CP Jamel Blair 24 of nearby Corhyvlil died Saturday night from elm injuries he sutiered in highway accident near his home Oct when his car collided with rehooihus HIESII HONEY son soon Also COMB HONEY CALI JOE CARNEY 50 Nonm 51 PA imam To an flCiRill anuu emu anon mama THE ST LOUIS BANK RQBB anvi Bliitiljliylil1TlxlfiiIntimid HSLP THE Kins mom unpluan ratr Hal